diff options
11 files changed, 1410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/CMakeLists.txt b/demos/CMakeLists.txt
index b1e206096..64298baf4 100644
--- a/demos/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/demos/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/demos/opengl/CMakeLists.txt b/demos/opengl/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fd02551a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SET(quaternion_demo_SRCS gpuhelper.cpp camera.cpp trackball.cpp quaternion_demo.cpp)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(quaternion_demo ${quaternion_demo_SRCS})
diff --git a/demos/opengl/README b/demos/opengl/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fb16496c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ left button: rotate around the target
+ middle button: zoom
+ left button + ctrl quake rotate (rotate around camera position)
+ middle button + ctrl walk (progress along camera's z direction)
+ left button: pan (translate in the XY camera's plane)
+R : move the camera to initial position
+A : start/stop animation
+C : clear the animation
+G : add a key frame
diff --git a/demos/opengl/camera.cpp b/demos/opengl/camera.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26118e6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/camera.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "camera.h"
+#include "gpuhelper.h"
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+#include "Eigen/LU"
+using namespace Eigen;
+ : mViewIsUptodate(false), mProjIsUptodate(false)
+ mViewMatrix.setIdentity();
+ mFovY = M_PI/3.;
+ mNearDist = 1.;
+ mFarDist = 50000.;
+ mVpX = 0;
+ mVpY = 0;
+ setPosition(Vector3f::Constant(50.));
+ setTarget(Vector3f::Zero());
+Camera& Camera::operator=(const Camera& other)
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+ mProjIsUptodate = false;
+ mVpX = other.mVpX;
+ mVpY = other.mVpY;
+ mVpWidth = other.mVpWidth;
+ mVpHeight = other.mVpHeight;
+ mTarget = other.mTarget;
+ mFovY = other.mFovY;
+ mNearDist = other.mNearDist;
+ mFarDist = other.mFarDist;
+ mViewMatrix = other.mViewMatrix;
+ mProjectionMatrix = other.mProjectionMatrix;
+ return *this;
+Camera::Camera(const Camera& other)
+ *this = other;
+void Camera::setViewport(uint offsetx, uint offsety, uint width, uint height)
+ mVpX = offsetx;
+ mVpY = offsety;
+ mVpWidth = width;
+ mVpHeight = height;
+ mProjIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::setViewport(uint width, uint height)
+ mVpWidth = width;
+ mVpHeight = height;
+ mProjIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::setFovY(float value)
+ mFovY = value;
+ mProjIsUptodate = false;
+Vector3f Camera::direction(void) const
+ return - (orientation() * Vector3f::UnitZ());
+Vector3f Camera::up(void) const
+ return orientation() * Vector3f::UnitY();
+Vector3f Camera::right(void) const
+ return orientation() * Vector3f::UnitX();
+void Camera::setDirection(const Vector3f& newDirection)
+ // TODO implement it computing the rotation between newDirection and current dir ?
+ Vector3f up = this->up();
+ Matrix3f camAxes;
+ camAxes.col(2) = (-newDirection).normalized();
+ camAxes.col(0) = up.cross( camAxes.col(2) ).normalized();
+ camAxes.col(1) = camAxes.col(2).cross( camAxes.col(0) ).normalized();
+ setOrientation(Quaternionf(camAxes));
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::setTarget(const Vector3f& target)
+ mTarget = target;
+ if (!mTarget.isApprox(position()))
+ {
+ Vector3f newDirection = mTarget - position();
+ setDirection(newDirection.normalized());
+ }
+void Camera::setPosition(const Vector3f& p)
+ mFrame.position = p;
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::setOrientation(const Quaternionf& q)
+ mFrame.orientation = q;
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::setFrame(const Frame& f)
+ mFrame = f;
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::rotateAroundTarget(const Quaternionf& q)
+ Matrix4f mrot, mt, mtm;
+ // update the transform matrix
+ updateViewMatrix();
+ Vector3f t = mViewMatrix * mTarget;
+ mViewMatrix = Translation3f(t)
+ * q
+ * Translation3f(-t)
+ * mViewMatrix;
+ Quaternionf qa(mViewMatrix.linear());
+ qa = qa.conjugate();
+ setOrientation(qa);
+ setPosition(- (qa * mViewMatrix.translation()) );
+ mViewIsUptodate = true;
+void Camera::zoom(float d)
+ float dist = (position() - mTarget).norm();
+ if(dist > d)
+ {
+ setPosition(position() + direction() * d);
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+ }
+void Camera::localTranslate(const Vector3f& t)
+ Vector3f trans = orientation() * t;
+ setPosition( position() + trans );
+ setTarget( mTarget + trans );
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::localRotate(float dTheta, float dPhi)
+ float dist = (position() - mTarget).norm();
+ setOrientation( AngleAxisf(dTheta, up())
+ * AngleAxisf(dPhi, right())
+ * orientation());
+ mTarget = position() + dist * direction();
+ mViewIsUptodate = false;
+void Camera::updateViewMatrix(void) const
+ if(!mViewIsUptodate)
+ {
+ Quaternionf q = orientation().conjugate();
+ mViewMatrix.linear() = q.toRotationMatrix();
+ mViewMatrix.translation() = - (mViewMatrix.linear() * position());
+ mViewIsUptodate = true;
+ }
+const Transform3f& Camera::viewMatrix(void) const
+ updateViewMatrix();
+ return mViewMatrix;
+void Camera::updateProjectionMatrix(void) const
+ if(!mProjIsUptodate)
+ {
+ mProjectionMatrix.setIdentity();
+ float aspect = float(mVpWidth)/float(mVpHeight);
+ float theta = mFovY*0.5;
+ float range = mFarDist - mNearDist;
+ float invtan = 1./tan(theta);
+ mProjectionMatrix(0,0) = invtan / aspect;
+ mProjectionMatrix(1,1) = invtan;
+ mProjectionMatrix(2,2) = -(mNearDist + mFarDist) / range;
+ mProjectionMatrix(3,2) = -1;
+ mProjectionMatrix(2,3) = -2 * mNearDist * mFarDist / range;
+ mProjectionMatrix(3,3) = 0;
+ mProjIsUptodate = true;
+ }
+const Matrix4f& Camera::projectionMatrix(void) const
+ updateProjectionMatrix();
+ return mProjectionMatrix;
+void Camera::activateGL(void)
+ glViewport(vpX(), vpY(), vpWidth(), vpHeight());
+ gpu.loadMatrix(projectionMatrix(),GL_PROJECTION);
+ gpu.loadMatrix(viewMatrix().matrix(),GL_MODELVIEW);
+Vector3f Camera::unProject(const Vector2f& uv, float depth) const
+ Matrix4f inv = mViewMatrix.inverse();
+ return unProject(uv, depth, inv);
+Vector3f Camera::unProject(const Vector2f& uv, float depth, const Matrix4f& invModelview) const
+ updateViewMatrix();
+ updateProjectionMatrix();
+ Vector3f a(2.*uv.x()/float(mVpWidth)-1., 2.*uv.y()/float(mVpHeight)-1., 1.);
+ a.x() *= depth/mProjectionMatrix(0,0);
+ a.y() *= depth/mProjectionMatrix(1,1);
+ a.z() = -depth;
+ // FIXME /\/|
+ Vector4f b = invModelview * Vector4f(a.x(), a.y(), a.z(), 1.);
+ return Vector3f(b.x(), b.y(), b.z());
diff --git a/demos/opengl/camera.h b/demos/opengl/camera.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46c709a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/camera.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <QObject>
+// #include <frame.h>
+class Frame
+ public:
+ inline Frame(const Eigen::Vector3f& pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(),
+ const Eigen::Quaternionf& o = Eigen::Quaternionf())
+ : orientation(o), position(pos)
+ {}
+ Frame lerp(float alpha, const Frame& other) const
+ {
+ return Frame((1.f-alpha)*position + alpha * other.position,
+ orientation.slerp(alpha,other.orientation));
+ }
+ Eigen::Quaternionf orientation;
+ Eigen::Vector3f position;
+class Camera
+ public:
+ Camera(void);
+ Camera(const Camera& other);
+ virtual ~Camera();
+ Camera& operator=(const Camera& other);
+ void setViewport(uint offsetx, uint offsety, uint width, uint height);
+ void setViewport(uint width, uint height);
+ inline uint vpX(void) const { return mVpX; }
+ inline uint vpY(void) const { return mVpY; }
+ inline uint vpWidth(void) const { return mVpWidth; }
+ inline uint vpHeight(void) const { return mVpHeight; }
+ inline float fovY(void) const { return mFovY; }
+ void setFovY(float value);
+ void setPosition(const Eigen::Vector3f& pos);
+ inline const Eigen::Vector3f& position(void) const { return mFrame.position; }
+ void setOrientation(const Eigen::Quaternionf& q);
+ inline const Eigen::Quaternionf& orientation(void) const { return mFrame.orientation; }
+ void setFrame(const Frame& f);
+ const Frame& frame(void) const { return mFrame; }
+ void setDirection(const Eigen::Vector3f& newDirection);
+ Eigen::Vector3f direction(void) const;
+ void setUp(const Eigen::Vector3f& vectorUp);
+ Eigen::Vector3f up(void) const;
+ Eigen::Vector3f right(void) const;
+ void setTarget(const Eigen::Vector3f& target);
+ inline const Eigen::Vector3f& target(void) { return mTarget; }
+ const Eigen::Transform3f& viewMatrix(void) const;
+ const Eigen::Matrix4f& projectionMatrix(void) const;
+ void rotateAroundTarget(const Eigen::Quaternionf& q);
+ void zoom(float d);
+ void localTranslate(const Eigen::Vector3f& t);
+ void localRotate(float dTheta, float dPhi);
+ /** Setup OpenGL matrices and viewport */
+ void activateGL(void);
+ Eigen::Vector3f unProject(const Eigen::Vector2f& uv, float depth, const Eigen::Matrix4f& invModelview) const;
+ Eigen::Vector3f unProject(const Eigen::Vector2f& uv, float depth) const;
+ protected:
+ void updateViewMatrix(void) const;
+ void updateProjectionMatrix(void) const;
+ protected:
+ uint mVpX, mVpY;
+ uint mVpWidth, mVpHeight;
+ Frame mFrame;
+ mutable Eigen::Transform3f mViewMatrix;
+ mutable Eigen::Matrix4f mProjectionMatrix;
+ mutable bool mViewIsUptodate;
+ mutable bool mProjIsUptodate;
+ // used by rotateAroundTarget
+ Eigen::Vector3f mTarget;
+ float mFovY;
+ float mNearDist;
+ float mFarDist;
+#endif // EIGEN_CAMERA_H
diff --git a/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.cpp b/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71348737c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "gpuhelper.h"
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+// PLEASE don't look at this old code... ;)
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+GpuHelper gpu;
+// icosahedron
+#define X .525731112119133606
+#define Z .850650808352039932
+static GLfloat vdata[12][3] = {
+ {-X, 0.0, Z}, {X, 0.0, Z}, {-X, 0.0, -Z}, {X, 0.0, -Z},
+ {0.0, Z, X}, {0.0, Z, -X}, {0.0, -Z, X}, {0.0, -Z, -X},
+ {Z, X, 0.0}, {-Z, X, 0.0}, {Z, -X, 0.0}, {-Z, -X, 0.0}
+static GLint tindices[20][3] = {
+ {0,4,1}, {0,9,4}, {9,5,4}, {4,5,8}, {4,8,1},
+ {8,10,1}, {8,3,10}, {5,3,8}, {5,2,3}, {2,7,3},
+ {7,10,3}, {7,6,10}, {7,11,6}, {11,0,6}, {0,1,6},
+ {6,1,10}, {9,0,11}, {9,11,2}, {9,2,5}, {7,2,11} };
+ mVpWidth = mVpHeight = 0;
+ mCurrentMatrixTarget = 0;
+ mInitialized = false;
+void GpuHelper::pushProjectionMode2D(ProjectionMode2D pm)
+ // switch to 2D projection
+ pushMatrix(Matrix4f::Identity(),GL_PROJECTION);
+ if(pm==PM_Normalized)
+ {
+ //glOrtho(-1., 1., -1., 1., 0., 1.);
+ }
+ else if(pm==PM_Viewport)
+ {
+ GLint vp[4];
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vp);
+ glOrtho(0., vp[2], 0., vp[3], -1., 1.);
+ }
+ pushMatrix(Matrix4f::Identity(),GL_MODELVIEW);
+void GpuHelper::popProjectionMode2D(void)
+ popMatrix(GL_PROJECTION);
+ popMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+void GpuHelper::drawVector(const Vector3f& position, const Vector3f& vec, const Color& color, float aspect /* = 50.*/)
+ static GLUquadricObj *cylindre = gluNewQuadric();
+ glColor4fv(color.data());
+ float length = vec.norm();
+ pushMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glTranslatef(position.x(), position.y(), position.z());
+ Vector3f ax = Matrix3f::Identity().col(2).cross(vec);
+ ax.normalize();
+ Vector3f tmp = vec;
+ tmp.normalize();
+ float angle = 180.f/M_PI * acos(tmp.z());
+ if (angle>1e-3)
+ glRotatef(angle, ax.x(), ax.y(), ax.z());
+ gluCylinder(cylindre, length/aspect, length/aspect, 0.8*length, 10, 10);
+ glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,0.8*length);
+ gluCylinder(cylindre, 2.0*length/aspect, 0.0, 0.2*length, 10, 10);
+ popMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+void GpuHelper::drawVectorBox(const Vector3f& position, const Vector3f& vec, const Color& color, float aspect)
+ static GLUquadricObj *cylindre = gluNewQuadric();
+ glColor4fv(color.data());
+ float length = vec.norm();
+ pushMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glTranslatef(position.x(), position.y(), position.z());
+ Vector3f ax = Matrix3f::Identity().col(2).cross(vec);
+ ax.normalize();
+ Vector3f tmp = vec;
+ tmp.normalize();
+ float angle = 180.f/M_PI * acos(tmp.z());
+ if (angle>1e-3)
+ glRotatef(angle, ax.x(), ax.y(), ax.z());
+ gluCylinder(cylindre, length/aspect, length/aspect, 0.8*length, 10, 10);
+ glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,0.8*length);
+ glScalef(4.0*length/aspect,4.0*length/aspect,4.0*length/aspect);
+ drawUnitCube();
+ popMatrix(GL_MODELVIEW);
+void GpuHelper::drawUnitCube(void)
+ static float vertices[][3] = {
+ {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5},
+ { 0.5,-0.5,-0.5},
+ {-0.5, 0.5,-0.5},
+ { 0.5, 0.5,-0.5},
+ {-0.5,-0.5, 0.5},
+ { 0.5,-0.5, 0.5},
+ {-0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
+ { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}};
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glNormal3f(0,0,-1); glVertex3fv(vertices[0]); glVertex3fv(vertices[2]); glVertex3fv(vertices[3]); glVertex3fv(vertices[1]);
+ glNormal3f(0,0, 1); glVertex3fv(vertices[4]); glVertex3fv(vertices[5]); glVertex3fv(vertices[7]); glVertex3fv(vertices[6]);
+ glNormal3f(0,-1,0); glVertex3fv(vertices[0]); glVertex3fv(vertices[1]); glVertex3fv(vertices[5]); glVertex3fv(vertices[4]);
+ glNormal3f(0, 1,0); glVertex3fv(vertices[2]); glVertex3fv(vertices[6]); glVertex3fv(vertices[7]); glVertex3fv(vertices[3]);
+ glNormal3f(-1,0,0); glVertex3fv(vertices[0]); glVertex3fv(vertices[4]); glVertex3fv(vertices[6]); glVertex3fv(vertices[2]);
+ glNormal3f( 1,0,0); glVertex3fv(vertices[1]); glVertex3fv(vertices[3]); glVertex3fv(vertices[7]); glVertex3fv(vertices[5]);
+ glEnd();
+void _normalize(float* v)
+ float s = 1.f/ei_sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);
+ for (uint k=0; k<3; ++k)
+ v[k] *= s;
+void _subdivide(float *v1, float *v2, float *v3, long depth)
+ GLfloat v12[3], v23[3], v31[3];
+ GLint i;
+ if (depth == 0) {
+ //drawtriangle(v1, v2, v3);
+ glNormal3fv(v1);
+ glVertex3fv(v1);
+ glNormal3fv(v3);
+ glVertex3fv(v3);
+ glNormal3fv(v2);
+ glVertex3fv(v2);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ v12[i] = v1[i]+v2[i];
+ v23[i] = v2[i]+v3[i];
+ v31[i] = v3[i]+v1[i];
+ }
+ _normalize(v12);
+ _normalize(v23);
+ _normalize(v31);
+ _subdivide(v1, v12, v31, depth-1);
+ _subdivide(v2, v23, v12, depth-1);
+ _subdivide(v3, v31, v23, depth-1);
+ _subdivide(v12, v23, v31, depth-1);
+void GpuHelper::drawUnitLightSphere(int level)
+ static int dlId = 0;
+ if (!dlId)
+ {
+ dlId = glGenLists(1);
+ glNewList(dlId, GL_COMPILE);
+ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+ {
+ _subdivide(&vdata[tindices[i][0]][0], &vdata[tindices[i][1]][0], &vdata[tindices[i][2]][0], 1);
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ glEndList();
+ }
+ glCallList(dlId);
diff --git a/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.h b/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3770aafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/gpuhelper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace Eigen;
+typedef Vector4f Color;
+class GpuHelper
+ public:
+ GpuHelper();
+ ~GpuHelper();
+ enum ProjectionMode2D { PM_Normalized = 1, PM_Viewport = 2 };
+ void pushProjectionMode2D(ProjectionMode2D pm);
+ void popProjectionMode2D();
+ /** Multiply the OpenGL matrix \a matrixTarget by the matrix \a mat.
+ Essentially, this helper function automatically calls glMatrixMode(matrixTarget) if required
+ and does a proper call to the right glMultMatrix*() function according to the scalar type
+ and storage order.
+ \warning glMatrixMode() must never be called directly. If your're unsure, use forceMatrixMode().
+ \sa Matrix, loadMatrix(), forceMatrixMode()
+ */
+ template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+ void multMatrix(const Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget);
+ /** Load the matrix \a mat to the OpenGL matrix \a matrixTarget.
+ Essentially, this helper function automatically calls glMatrixMode(matrixTarget) if required
+ and does a proper call to the right glLoadMatrix*() or glLoadIdentity() function according to the scalar type
+ and storage order.
+ \warning glMatrixMode() must never be called directly. If your're unsure, use forceMatrixMode().
+ \sa Matrix, multMatrix(), forceMatrixMode()
+ */
+ template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+ void loadMatrix(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget);
+ template<typename Scalar, typename Derived>
+ void loadMatrix(
+ const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::ei_scalar_identity_op<Scalar>,Derived>&,
+ GLenum matrixTarget);
+ /** Make the matrix \a matrixTarget the current OpenGL matrix target.
+ Call this function before loadMatrix() or multMatrix() if you cannot guarrantee that glMatrixMode()
+ has never been called after the last loadMatrix() or multMatrix() calls.
+ \todo provides a debug mode checking the sanity of the cached matrix mode.
+ */
+ inline void forceMatrixTarget(GLenum matrixTarget) {glMatrixMode(mCurrentMatrixTarget=matrixTarget);}
+ inline void setMatrixTarget(GLenum matrixTarget);
+ /** Push the OpenGL matrix \a matrixTarget and load \a mat.
+ */
+ template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+ inline void pushMatrix(const Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget);
+ template<typename Scalar, typename Derived>
+ void pushMatrix(
+ const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::ei_scalar_identity_op<Scalar>,Derived>&,
+ GLenum matrixTarget);
+ /** Push and clone the OpenGL matrix \a matrixTarget
+ */
+ inline void pushMatrix(GLenum matrixTarget);
+ /** Pop the OpenGL matrix \a matrixTarget
+ */
+ inline void popMatrix(GLenum matrixTarget);
+ void drawVector(const Vector3f& position, const Vector3f& vec, const Color& color, float aspect = 50.);
+ void drawVectorBox(const Vector3f& position, const Vector3f& vec, const Color& color, float aspect = 50.);
+ void drawUnitCube(void);
+ void drawUnitLightSphere(int level=0);
+ /// draw the \a nofElement first elements
+ inline void draw(GLenum mode, uint nofElement);
+ /// draw a range of elements
+ inline void draw(GLenum mode, uint start, uint end);
+ /// draw an indexed subset
+ inline void draw(GLenum mode, const std::vector<uint>* pIndexes);
+ void update(void);
+ GLuint mColorBufferId;
+ int mVpWidth, mVpHeight;
+ GLenum mCurrentMatrixTarget;
+ bool mInitialized;
+/** Singleton shortcut
+extern GpuHelper gpu;
+/** \internal
+template<bool RowMajor, int _Flags> struct GlMatrixHelper;
+template<int _Flags> struct GlMatrixHelper<false,_Flags>
+ static void loadMatrix(const Matrix<float, 4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glLoadMatrixf(mat.data()); }
+ static void loadMatrix(const Matrix<double,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glLoadMatrixd(mat.data()); }
+ static void multMatrix(const Matrix<float, 4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glMultMatrixf(mat.data()); }
+ static void multMatrix(const Matrix<double,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glMultMatrixd(mat.data()); }
+template<int _Flags> struct GlMatrixHelper<true,_Flags>
+ static void loadMatrix(const Matrix<float, 4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glLoadMatrixf(mat.transpose().eval().data()); }
+ static void loadMatrix(const Matrix<double,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glLoadMatrixd(mat.transpose().eval().data()); }
+ static void multMatrix(const Matrix<float, 4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glMultMatrixf(mat.transpose().eval().data()); }
+ static void multMatrix(const Matrix<double,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat) { glMultMatrixd(mat.transpose().eval().data()); }
+inline void GpuHelper::setMatrixTarget(GLenum matrixTarget)
+ if (matrixTarget != mCurrentMatrixTarget)
+ glMatrixMode(mCurrentMatrixTarget=matrixTarget);
+template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+void GpuHelper::multMatrix(const Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget)
+ setMatrixTarget(matrixTarget);
+ GlMatrixHelper<_Flags&Eigen::RowMajorBit, _Flags>::multMatrix(mat);
+template<typename Scalar, typename Derived>
+void GpuHelper::loadMatrix(
+ const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::ei_scalar_identity_op<Scalar>,Derived>&,
+ GLenum matrixTarget)
+ setMatrixTarget(matrixTarget);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+void GpuHelper::loadMatrix(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget)
+ setMatrixTarget(matrixTarget);
+ GlMatrixHelper<(_Flags&Eigen::RowMajorBit)!=0, _Flags>::loadMatrix(mat);
+inline void GpuHelper::pushMatrix(GLenum matrixTarget)
+ setMatrixTarget(matrixTarget);
+ glPushMatrix();
+template<typename Scalar, int _Flags>
+inline void GpuHelper::pushMatrix(const Matrix<Scalar,4,4, _Flags, 4,4>& mat, GLenum matrixTarget)
+ pushMatrix(matrixTarget);
+ GlMatrixHelper<_Flags&Eigen::RowMajorBit,_Flags>::loadMatrix(mat);
+template<typename Scalar, typename Derived>
+void GpuHelper::pushMatrix(
+ const Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<Eigen::ei_scalar_identity_op<Scalar>,Derived>&,
+ GLenum matrixTarget)
+ pushMatrix(matrixTarget);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+inline void GpuHelper::popMatrix(GLenum matrixTarget)
+ setMatrixTarget(matrixTarget);
+ glPopMatrix();
+inline void GpuHelper::draw(GLenum mode, uint nofElement)
+ glDrawArrays(mode, 0, nofElement);
+inline void GpuHelper::draw(GLenum mode, const std::vector<uint>* pIndexes)
+ glDrawElements(mode, pIndexes->size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &(pIndexes->front()));
+inline void GpuHelper::draw(GLenum mode, uint start, uint end)
+ glDrawArrays(mode, start, end-start);
diff --git a/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aef6083e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "quaternion_demo.h"
+#include <Eigen/Array>
+#include <Eigen/QR>
+#include <Eigen/LU>
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+using namespace Eigen;
+template<typename T> T lerp(float t, const T& a, const T& b)
+ return a*(1-t) + b*t;
+template<> Quaternionf lerp(float t, const Quaternionf& a, const Quaternionf& b)
+{ return a.slerp(t,b); }
+template<> AngleAxisf lerp(float t, const AngleAxisf& a, const AngleAxisf& b)
+ return AngleAxisf(lerp(t,a.angle(),b.angle()),
+ lerp(t,a.axis(),b.axis()).normalized());
+template<typename OrientationType>
+inline static Frame lerpFrame(float alpha, const Frame& a, const Frame& b)
+ return Frame(::lerp(alpha,a.position,b.position),
+ Quaternionf(::lerp(alpha,OrientationType(a.orientation),OrientationType(b.orientation))));
+ mAnimate = false;
+ mTrackMode = TM_NO_TRACK;
+ mTrackball.setCamera(&mCamera);
+void QuaternionDemo::grabFrame(void)
+ // ask user for a time
+ bool ok = false;
+ double t = 0;
+ if (!m_timeline.empty())
+ t = (--m_timeline.end())->first + 1.;
+ t = QInputDialog::getDouble(this, "Eigen's QuaternionDemo", "time value: ",
+ t, 0, 1e3, 1, &ok);
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ Frame aux;
+ aux.orientation = mCamera.viewMatrix().linear();
+ aux.position = mCamera.viewMatrix().translation();
+ m_timeline[t] = aux;
+ }
+void QuaternionDemo::drawScene()
+ float length = 50;
+ gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitX(), Color(1,0,0,1));
+ gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitY(), Color(0,1,0,1));
+ gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitZ(), Color(0,0,1,1));
+void QuaternionDemo::drawPath()
+void QuaternionDemo::animate()
+ m_alpha += double(m_timer.interval()) * 1e-3;
+ TimeLine::const_iterator hi = m_timeline.upper_bound(m_alpha);
+ TimeLine::const_iterator lo = hi;
+ --lo;
+ Frame currentFrame;
+ if(hi==m_timeline.end())
+ {
+ // end
+ currentFrame = lo->second;
+ stopAnimation();
+ }
+ else if(hi==m_timeline.begin())
+ {
+ // start
+ currentFrame = hi->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float s = (m_alpha - lo->first)/(hi->first - lo->first);
+ currentFrame = ::lerpFrame<Eigen::Quaternionf>(s, lo->second, hi->second);
+ currentFrame.orientation.coeffs().normalize();
+ }
+ currentFrame.orientation = currentFrame.orientation.inverse();
+ currentFrame.position = - (currentFrame.orientation * currentFrame.position);
+ mCamera.setFrame(currentFrame);
+ updateGL();
+void QuaternionDemo::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
+ switch(e->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Up:
+ mCamera.zoom(2);
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Down:
+ mCamera.zoom(-2);
+ break;
+ // add a frame
+ case Qt::Key_G:
+ grabFrame();
+ break;
+ // clear the time line
+ case Qt::Key_C:
+ m_timeline.clear();
+ break;
+ // move the camera to initial pos
+ case Qt::Key_R:
+ {
+ if (mAnimate)
+ stopAnimation();
+ m_timeline.clear();
+ float duration = 3/*AngleAxisf(mCamera.orientation().inverse()
+ * mInitFrame.orientation).angle()*/;
+ Frame aux = mCamera.frame();
+ aux.orientation = aux.orientation.inverse();
+ aux.position = mCamera.viewMatrix().translation();
+ m_timeline[0] = aux;
+ m_timeline[duration] = mInitFrame;
+ }
+ // start/stop the animation
+ case Qt::Key_A:
+ if (mAnimate)
+ {
+ stopAnimation();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_alpha = 0;
+ connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate()));
+ m_timer.start(1000/30);
+ mAnimate = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ updateGL();
+void QuaternionDemo::stopAnimation()
+ disconnect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate()));
+ m_timer.stop();
+ mAnimate = false;
+ m_alpha = 0;
+void QuaternionDemo::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ mMouseCoords = Vector2i(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y());
+ switch(e->button())
+ {
+ case Qt::LeftButton:
+ if(e->modifiers()&Qt::ControlModifier)
+ {
+ mTrackMode = TM_QUAKE_ROTATE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mTrackMode = TM_ROTATE_AROUND;
+ mTrackball.reset();
+ mTrackball.track(mMouseCoords);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::MidButton:
+ if(e->modifiers()&Qt::ControlModifier)
+ mTrackMode = TM_QUAKE_WALK;
+ else
+ mTrackMode = TM_ZOOM;
+ break;
+ case Qt::RightButton:
+ mTrackMode = TM_QUAKE_PAN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void QuaternionDemo::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
+ mTrackMode = TM_NO_TRACK;
+ updateGL();
+void QuaternionDemo::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
+ // tracking
+ if(mTrackMode != TM_NO_TRACK)
+ {
+ float dx = float(e->x() - mMouseCoords.x()) / float(mCamera.vpWidth());
+ float dy = - float(e->y() - mMouseCoords.y()) / float(mCamera.vpHeight());
+ if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
+ {
+ dx *= 10.;
+ dy *= 10.;
+ }
+ switch(mTrackMode)
+ {
+ mTrackball.track(Vector2i(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y()));
+ break;
+ case TM_ZOOM :
+ mCamera.zoom(dy*50);
+ break;
+ case TM_QUAKE_WALK :
+ mCamera.localTranslate(Vector3f(0, 0, dy*100));
+ break;
+ case TM_QUAKE_PAN :
+ mCamera.localTranslate(Vector3f(dx*100, dy*100, 0));
+ break;
+ mCamera.localRotate(-dx*M_PI, dy*M_PI);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ updateGL();
+ }
+ mMouseCoords = Vector2i(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y());
+void QuaternionDemo::paintGL()
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_3D);
+ // Clear buffers
+ mCamera.activateGL();
+ drawScene();
+void QuaternionDemo::initializeGL()
+ glClearColor(1., 1., 1., 0.);
+ glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
+ mInitFrame.orientation = mCamera.viewMatrix().linear();
+ mInitFrame.position = mCamera.viewMatrix().translation();
+void QuaternionDemo::resizeGL(int width, int height)
+ mCamera.setViewport(width,height);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QuaternionDemo demo;
+ demo.show();
+ return app.exec();
+#include "quaternion_demo.moc"
diff --git a/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.h b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11b003097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/quaternion_demo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "gpuhelper.h"
+#include "camera.h"
+#include "trackball.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtOpenGL/QGLWidget>
+class QuaternionDemo : public QGLWidget
+ typedef std::map<float,Frame> TimeLine;
+ TimeLine m_timeline;
+ Frame lerpFrame(float t);
+ Frame mInitFrame;
+ bool mAnimate;
+ float m_alpha;
+ enum TrackMode {
+ };
+ Camera mCamera;
+ TrackMode mTrackMode;
+ Vector2i mMouseCoords;
+ Trackball mTrackball;
+ QTimer m_timer;
+ void setupCamera();
+ protected slots:
+ virtual void animate(void);
+ virtual void drawScene(void);
+ virtual void drawPath(void);
+ virtual void grabFrame(void);
+ virtual void stopAnimation();
+ protected:
+ virtual void initializeGL();
+ virtual void resizeGL(int width, int height);
+ virtual void paintGL();
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
+ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
+ virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public:
+ QuaternionDemo();
+ ~QuaternionDemo() { }
diff --git a/demos/opengl/trackball.cpp b/demos/opengl/trackball.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f66243d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/trackball.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "trackball.h"
+#include "camera.h"
+using namespace Eigen;
+void Trackball::track(const Vector2i& newPoint2D)
+ if (mpCamera==0)
+ return;
+ Vector3f newPoint3D;
+ bool newPointOk = mapToSphere(newPoint2D, newPoint3D);
+ if (mLastPointOk && newPointOk)
+ {
+ Vector3f axis = mLastPoint3D.cross(newPoint3D).normalized();
+ float cos_angle = mLastPoint3D.dot(newPoint3D);
+ if ( ei_abs(cos_angle) < 1.0 )
+ {
+ float angle = 2.0 * acos(cos_angle);
+ mpCamera->rotateAroundTarget(Quaternionf(AngleAxisf(angle, axis)));
+ }
+ }
+ mLastPoint2D = newPoint2D;
+ mLastPoint3D = newPoint3D;
+ mLastPointOk = newPointOk;
+bool Trackball::mapToSphere(const Vector2i& p2, Vector3f& v3)
+ if ((p2.x() >= 0) && (p2.x() <= int(mpCamera->vpWidth())) &&
+ (p2.y() >= 0) && (p2.y() <= int(mpCamera->vpHeight())) )
+ {
+ double x = (double)(p2.x() - 0.5*mpCamera->vpWidth()) / (double)mpCamera->vpWidth();
+ double y = (double)(0.5*mpCamera->vpHeight() - p2.y()) / (double)mpCamera->vpHeight();
+ double sinx = sin(M_PI * x * 0.5);
+ double siny = sin(M_PI * y * 0.5);
+ double sinx2siny2 = sinx * sinx + siny * siny;
+ v3.x() = sinx;
+ v3.y() = siny;
+ v3.z() = sinx2siny2 < 1.0 ? sqrt(1.0 - sinx2siny2) : 0.0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
diff --git a/demos/opengl/trackball.h b/demos/opengl/trackball.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29413becd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/opengl/trackball.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <g.gael@free.fr>
+// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+class Camera;
+class Trackball
+ public:
+ Trackball() : mpCamera(0) {}
+ void reset() { mLastPointOk = false; }
+ void setCamera(Camera* pCam) { mpCamera = pCam; }
+ void track(const Eigen::Vector2i& newPoint2D);
+ protected:
+ bool mapToSphere( const Eigen::Vector2i& p2, Eigen::Vector3f& v3);
+ Camera* mpCamera;
+ Eigen::Vector2i mLastPoint2D;
+ Eigen::Vector3f mLastPoint3D;
+ bool mLastPointOk;