(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Remove nested function definitions *) structure Unnest :> UNNEST = struct open Elab structure E = ElabEnv structure U = ElabUtil structure IS = IntBinarySet val fvsCon = U.Con.foldB {kind = fn (_, st) => st, con = fn (cb, c, cvs) => case c of CRel n => if n >= cb then IS.add (cvs, n - cb) else cvs | _ => cvs, bind = fn (cb, b) => case b of U.Con.Rel _ => cb + 1 | _ => cb} 0 IS.empty fun fvsExp nr = U.Exp.foldB {kind = fn (_, st) => st, con = fn ((cb, eb), c, st as (cvs, evs)) => case c of CRel n => if n >= cb then (IS.add (cvs, n - cb), evs) else st | _ => st, exp = fn ((cb, eb), e, st as (cvs, evs)) => case e of ERel n => if n >= eb then (cvs, IS.add (evs, n - eb)) else st | _ => st, bind = fn (ctx as (cb, eb), b) => case b of U.Exp.RelC _ => (cb + 1, eb) | U.Exp.RelE _ => (cb, eb + 1) | _ => ctx} (0, nr) (IS.empty, IS.empty) fun positionOf (x : int) ls = let fun po n ls = case ls of [] => raise Fail "Unnest.positionOf" | x' :: ls' => if x' = x then n else po (n + 1) ls' in po 0 ls handle Fail _ => raise Fail ("Unnset.positionOf(" ^ Int.toString x ^ ", " ^ String.concatWith ";" (map Int.toString ls) ^ ")") end fun squishCon cfv = U.Con.mapB {kind = fn k => k, con = fn cb => fn c => case c of CRel n => if n >= cb then CRel (positionOf (n - cb) cfv + cb) else c | _ => c, bind = fn (cb, b) => case b of U.Con.Rel _ => cb + 1 | _ => cb} 0 fun squishExp (nr, cfv, efv) = U.Exp.mapB {kind = fn k => k, con = fn (cb, eb) => fn c => case c of CRel n => if n >= cb then CRel (positionOf (n - cb) cfv + cb) else c | _ => c, exp = fn (cb, eb) => fn e => case e of ERel n => if n >= eb then ERel (positionOf (n - eb) efv + eb) else e | _ => e, bind = fn (ctx as (cb, eb), b) => case b of U.Exp.RelC _ => (cb + 1, eb) | U.Exp.RelE _ => (cb, eb + 1) | _ => ctx} (0, nr) type state = { maxName : int, decls : (string * int * con * exp) list } fun kind (k, st) = (k, st) fun exp ((ks, ts), e as old, st : state) = case e of ELet (eds, e) => let (*val () = Print.prefaces "let" [("e", ElabPrint.p_exp E.empty (old, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))]*) val doSubst = foldl (fn (p, e) => E.subExpInExp p e) val (eds, (ts, maxName, ds, subs)) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat (fn (ed, (ts, maxName, ds, subs)) => case #1 ed of EDVal (x, t, _) => ([ed], ((x, t) :: ts, maxName, ds, map (fn (n, e) => (n + 1, E.liftExpInExp 0 e)) subs)) | EDValRec vis => let val loc = #2 ed val nr = length vis val (cfv, efv) = foldl (fn ((_, t, e), (cfv, efv)) => let val (cfv', efv') = fvsExp nr e (*val () = Print.prefaces "fvsExp" [("e", ElabPrint.p_exp E.empty e), ("cfv", Print.PD.string (Int.toString (IS.numItems cfv'))), ("efv", Print.PD.string (Int.toString (IS.numItems efv')))]*) val cfv'' = fvsCon t in (IS.union (cfv, IS.union (cfv', cfv'')), IS.union (efv, efv')) end) (IS.empty, IS.empty) vis (*val () = print ("A: " ^ Int.toString (length ts) ^ ", " ^ Int.toString (length ks) ^ "\n") val () = app (fn (x, t) => Print.prefaces "Var" [("x", Print.PD.string x), ("t", ElabPrint.p_con E.empty t)]) ts*) val cfv = IS.foldl (fn (x, cfv) => let (*val () = print (Int.toString x ^ "\n")*) val (_, t) = List.nth (ts, x) in IS.union (cfv, fvsCon t) end) cfv efv (*val () = print "B\n"*) val (vis, maxName) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, t, e), maxName) => ((x, maxName, t, e), maxName + 1)) maxName vis fun apply e = let val e = IS.foldr (fn (x, e) => (ECApp (e, (CRel x, loc)), loc)) e cfv in IS.foldr (fn (x, e) => (EApp (e, (ERel x, loc)), loc)) e efv end val subs = map (fn (n, e) => (n + nr, E.liftExpInExp nr e)) subs val subs' = ListUtil.mapi (fn (i, (_, n, _, _)) => let val dummy = (EError, ErrorMsg.dummySpan) fun repeatLift k = if k = 0 then apply (ENamed n, loc) else E.liftExpInExp 0 (repeatLift (k - 1)) in (0, repeatLift i) end) vis val subs' = rev subs' val cfv = IS.listItems cfv val efv = IS.listItems efv val efn = length efv val subs = subs @ subs' val vis = map (fn (x, n, t, e) => let (*val () = Print.prefaces "preSubst" [("e", ElabPrint.p_exp E.empty e)]*) val e = doSubst e subs (*val () = Print.prefaces "squishCon" [("t", ElabPrint.p_con E.empty t)]*) val t = squishCon cfv t (*val () = Print.prefaces "squishExp" [("e", ElabPrint.p_exp E.empty e)]*) val e = squishExp (0(*nr*), cfv, efv) e val (e, t) = foldl (fn (ex, (e, t)) => let val (name, t') = List.nth (ts, ex) in ((EAbs (name, t', t, e), loc), (TFun (t', t), loc)) end) (e, t) efv val (e, t) = foldl (fn (cx, (e, t)) => let val (name, k) = List.nth (ks, cx) in ((ECAbs (Explicit, name, k, e), loc), (TCFun (Explicit, name, k, t), loc)) end) (e, t) cfv in (x, n, t, e) end) vis val ts = map (fn (x, _, t, _) => (x, t)) vis @ ts in ([], (ts, maxName, vis @ ds, subs)) end) (ts, #maxName st, #decls st, []) eds in (ELet (eds, doSubst e subs), {maxName = maxName, decls = ds}) end | _ => (e, st) fun default (ctx, d, st) = (d, st) fun bind ((ks, ts), b) = case b of U.Decl.RelC p => (p :: ks, map (fn (name, t) => (name, E.liftConInCon 0 t)) ts) | U.Decl.RelE p => (ks, p :: ts) | _ => (ks, ts) val unnestDecl = U.Decl.foldMapB {kind = kind, con = default, exp = exp, sgn_item = default, sgn = default, str = default, decl = default, bind = bind} ([], []) fun unnest file = let fun doDecl (all as (d, loc), st : state) = let fun default () = ([all], st) fun explore () = let val (d, st) = unnestDecl st all val ds = case #1 d of DValRec vis => [(DValRec (vis @ #decls st), #2 d)] | _ => [(DValRec (#decls st), #2 d), d] in (ds, {maxName = #maxName st, decls = []}) end in case d of DCon _ => default () | DDatatype _ => default () | DDatatypeImp _ => default () | DVal _ => explore () | DValRec _ => explore () | DSgn _ => default () | DStr (x, n, sgn, str) => let val (str, st) = doStr (str, st) in ([(DStr (x, n, sgn, str), loc)], st) end | DFfiStr _ => default () | DConstraint _ => default () | DExport _ => default () | DTable _ => default () | DSequence _ => default () | DClass _ => default () | DDatabase _ => default () end and doStr (all as (str, loc), st) = let fun default () = (all, st) in case str of StrConst ds => let val (ds, st) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat doDecl st ds in ((StrConst ds, loc), st) end | StrVar _ => default () | StrProj _ => default () | StrFun (x, n, dom, ran, str) => let val (str, st) = doStr (str, st) in ((StrFun (x, n, dom, ran, str), loc), st) end | StrApp _ => default () | StrError => raise Fail "Unnest: StrError" end val (ds, _) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat doDecl {maxName = U.File.maxName file + 1, decls = []} file in ds end end