(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure Prepare :> PREPARE = struct open Cjr open Settings structure SM = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = string val compare = String.compare end) structure St :> sig type t val empty : t val nameOf : t * string -> t * int val list : t -> (string * int) list val count : t -> int end = struct type t = {map : int SM.map, list : (string * int) list, count : int} val empty = {map = SM.empty, list = [], count = 0} fun nameOf (t as {map, list, count}, s) = case SM.find (map, s) of NONE => ({map = SM.insert (map, s, count), list = (s, count) :: list, count = count + 1}, count) | SOME n => (t, n) fun list (t : t) = rev (#list t) fun count (t : t) = #count t end fun prepString (e, st) = let fun prepString' (e, ss, n) = let fun doOne t = SOME (#p_blank (Settings.currentDbms ()) (n + 1, t) :: ss, n + 1) in case #1 e of EPrim (Prim.String s) => SOME (s :: ss, n) | EFfiApp ("Basis", "strcat", [e1, e2]) => (case prepString' (e1, ss, n) of NONE => NONE | SOME (ss, n) => prepString' (e2, ss, n)) | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyInt", [e]) => doOne Int | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyFloat", [e]) => doOne Float | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyString", [e]) => doOne String | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyBool", [e]) => doOne Bool | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyTime", [e]) => doOne Time | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyBlob", [e]) => doOne Blob | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyChannel", [e]) => doOne Channel | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyClient", [e]) => doOne Client | ECase (e, [((PNone _, _), (EPrim (Prim.String "NULL"), _)), ((PSome (_, (PVar _, _)), _), (EFfiApp (m, x, [(ERel 0, _)]), _))], _) => prepString' ((EFfiApp (m, x, [e]), #2 e), ss, n) | ECase (e, [((PCon (_, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "True", ...}, _), _), (EPrim (Prim.String "TRUE"), _)), ((PCon (_, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "False", ...}, _), _), (EPrim (Prim.String "FALSE"), _))], _) => doOne Bool | _ => NONE end in case prepString' (e, [], 0) of NONE => NONE | SOME (ss, n) => let val s = String.concat (rev ss) val (st, id) = St.nameOf (st, s) in SOME (id, s, st) end end fun prepExp (e as (_, loc), st) = case #1 e of EPrim _ => (e, st) | ERel _ => (e, st) | ENamed _ => (e, st) | ECon (_, _, NONE) => (e, st) | ECon (dk, pc, SOME e) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((ECon (dk, pc, SOME e), loc), st) end | ENone t => (e, st) | ESome (t, e) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((ESome (t, e), loc), st) end | EFfi _ => (e, st) | EFfiApp (m, x, es) => let val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap prepExp st es in ((EFfiApp (m, x, es), loc), st) end | EApp (e1, es) => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap prepExp st es in ((EApp (e1, es), loc), st) end | EUnop (s, e1) => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) in ((EUnop (s, e1), loc), st) end | EBinop (s, e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) val (e2, st) = prepExp (e2, st) in ((EBinop (s, e1, e2), loc), st) end | ERecord (rn, xes) => let val (xes, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, e), st) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((x, e), st) end) st xes in ((ERecord (rn, xes), loc), st) end | EField (e, s) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((EField (e, s), loc), st) end | ECase (e, pes, ts) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) val (pes, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((p, e), st) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((p, e), st) end) st pes in ((ECase (e, pes, ts), loc), st) end | EError (e, t) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((EError (e, t), loc), st) end | EReturnBlob {blob, mimeType, t} => let val (blob, st) = prepExp (blob, st) val (mimeType, st) = prepExp (mimeType, st) in ((EReturnBlob {blob = blob, mimeType = mimeType, t = t}, loc), st) end | ERedirect (e, t) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((ERedirect (e, t), loc), st) end | EWrite e => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((EWrite e, loc), st) end | ESeq (e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) val (e2, st) = prepExp (e2, st) in ((ESeq (e1, e2), loc), st) end | ELet (x, t, e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) val (e2, st) = prepExp (e2, st) in ((ELet (x, t, e1, e2), loc), st) end | EQuery {exps, tables, rnum, state, query, body, initial, ...} => let val (body, st) = prepExp (body, st) in case prepString (query, st) of NONE => ((EQuery {exps = exps, tables = tables, rnum = rnum, state = state, query = query, body = body, initial = initial, prepared = NONE}, loc), st) | SOME (id, s, st) => ((EQuery {exps = exps, tables = tables, rnum = rnum, state = state, query = query, body = body, initial = initial, prepared = SOME {id = id, query = s, nested = true}}, loc), st) end | EDml {dml, mode, ...} => (case prepString (dml, st) of NONE => (e, st) | SOME (id, s, st) => ((EDml {dml = dml, prepared = SOME {id = id, dml = s}, mode = mode}, loc), st)) | ENextval {seq, ...} => if #supportsNextval (Settings.currentDbms ()) then let val s = case seq of (EPrim (Prim.String s), loc) => (EPrim (Prim.String ("SELECT NEXTVAL('" ^ s ^ "')")), loc) | _ => let val s' = (EFfiApp ("Basis", "strcat", [seq, (EPrim (Prim.String "')"), loc)]), loc) in (EFfiApp ("Basis", "strcat", [(EPrim (Prim.String "SELECT NEXTVAL('"), loc), s']), loc) end in case prepString (s, st) of NONE => (e, st) | SOME (id, s, st) => ((ENextval {seq = seq, prepared = SOME {id = id, query = s}}, loc), st) end else (e, st) | ESetval {seq = e1, count = e2} => let val (e1, st) = prepExp (e1, st) val (e2, st) = prepExp (e2, st) in ((ESetval {seq = e1, count = e2}, loc), st) end | EUnurlify (e, t, b) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((EUnurlify (e, t, b), loc), st) end fun prepDecl (d as (_, loc), st) = case #1 d of DStruct _ => (d, st) | DDatatype _ => (d, st) | DDatatypeForward _ => (d, st) | DVal (x, n, t, e) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((DVal (x, n, t, e), loc), st) end | DFun (x, n, xts, t, e) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((DFun (x, n, xts, t, e), loc), st) end | DFunRec fs => let val (fs, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, n, xts, t, e), st) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((x, n, xts, t, e), st) end) st fs in ((DFunRec fs, loc), st) end | DTable _ => (d, st) | DSequence _ => (d, st) | DView _ => (d, st) | DDatabase _ => (d, st) | DPreparedStatements _ => (d, st) | DJavaScript _ => (d, st) | DCookie _ => (d, st) | DStyle _ => (d, st) | DTask (tk, e) => let val (e, st) = prepExp (e, st) in ((DTask (tk, e), loc), st) end fun prepare (ds, ps) = let val (ds, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap prepDecl St.empty ds in ((DPreparedStatements (St.list st), ErrorMsg.dummySpan) :: ds, ps) end end