(* Copyright (c) 2009, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure MySQL :> MYSQL = struct open Settings open Print.PD open Print fun p_sql_type t = case t of Int => "bigint" | Float => "double" | String => "longtext" | Bool => "bool" | Time => "timestamp" | Blob => "longblob" | Channel => "bigint" | Client => "int" | Nullable t => p_sql_type t fun p_buffer_type t = case t of Int => "MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG" | Float => "MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE" | String => "MYSQL_TYPE_STRING" | Bool => "MYSQL_TYPE_LONG" | Time => "MYSQL_TYPE_TIME" | Blob => "MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB" | Channel => "MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG" | Client => "MYSQL_TYPE_LONG" | Nullable t => p_buffer_type t fun p_sql_type_base t = case t of Int => "bigint" | Float => "double" | String => "longtext" | Bool => "tinyint" | Time => "timestamp" | Blob => "longblob" | Channel => "bigint" | Client => "int" | Nullable t => p_sql_type_base t val ident = String.translate (fn #"'" => "PRIME" | ch => str ch) fun checkRel (table, checkNullable) (s, xts) = let val sl = CharVector.map Char.toLower s val q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema." ^ table ^ " WHERE table_name = '" ^ sl ^ "'" val q' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '", sl, "' AND (", String.concatWith " OR " (map (fn (x, t) => String.concat ["(column_name = 'uw_", CharVector.map Char.toLower (ident x), "' AND data_type = '", p_sql_type_base t, "'", if checkNullable then (" AND is_nullable = '" ^ (if isNotNull t then "NO" else "YES") ^ "'") else "", ")"]) xts), ")"] val q'' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '", sl, "' AND column_name LIKE 'uw_%'"] in box [string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, \"", string q, string "\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q, string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((res = mysql_store_result(conn->conn)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Result store failed:\\n", string q, string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_num_fields(res) != 1) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Bad column count:\\n", string q, string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Row fetch failed:\\n", string q, string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(row[0], \"1\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' does not exist.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, \"", string q', string "\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((res = mysql_store_result(conn->conn)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Result store failed:\\n", string q', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_num_fields(res) != 1) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Bad column count:\\n", string q', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Row fetch failed:\\n", string q', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(row[0], \"", string (Int.toString (length xts)), string "\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' has the wrong column types.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, \"", string q'', string "\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q'', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((res = mysql_store_result(conn->conn)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Result store failed:\\n", string q'', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_num_fields(res) != 1) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Bad column count:\\n", string q'', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Row fetch failed:\\n", string q'', string "\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(row[0], \"", string (Int.toString (length xts)), string "\")) {", newline, box [string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' has extra columns.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "mysql_free_result(res);", newline] end fun init {dbstring, prepared = ss, tables, views, sequences} = let val host = ref NONE val user = ref NONE val passwd = ref NONE val db = ref NONE val port = ref NONE val unix_socket = ref NONE fun stringOf r = case !r of NONE => string "NULL" | SOME s => box [string "\"", string (String.toString s), string "\""] in app (fn s => case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"=") s of [name, value] => (case name of "host" => if size value > 0 andalso String.sub (value, 0) = #"/" then unix_socket := SOME value else host := SOME value | "hostaddr" => host := SOME value | "port" => port := Int.fromString value | "dbname" => db := SOME value | "user" => user := SOME value | "password" => passwd := SOME value | _ => ()) | _ => ()) (String.tokens Char.isSpace dbstring); box [string "typedef struct {", newline, box [string "MYSQL *conn;", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn _ => box [string "MYSQL_STMT *p", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline]) ss], string "} uw_conn;", newline, newline, string "void uw_client_init(void) {", newline, box [string "uw_sqlfmtInt = \"%lld%n\";", newline, string "uw_sqlfmtFloat = \"%g%n\";", newline, string "uw_Estrings = 0;", newline, string "uw_sqlsuffixString = \"\";", newline, string "uw_sqlsuffixBlob = \"\";", newline, string "uw_sqlfmtUint4 = \"%u%n\";", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) {", newline, box [string "fprintf(stderr, \"Could not initialize MySQL library\\n\");", newline, string "exit(1);", newline], string "}", newline], string "}", newline, newline, if #persistent (currentProtocol ()) then box [string "static void uw_db_validate(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_RES *res;", newline, string "MYSQL_ROW row;", newline, newline, p_list_sep newline (checkRel ("tables", true)) tables, p_list_sep newline (fn name => checkRel ("tables", true) (name, [("id", Settings.Client)])) sequences, p_list_sep newline (checkRel ("views", false)) views, string "}", newline, newline, string "static void uw_db_prepare(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_STMT *stmt;", newline, newline, p_list_sepi newline (fn i => fn (s, n) => let fun uhoh this s args = box [p_list_sepi (box []) (fn j => fn () => box [string "mysql_stmt_close(conn->p", string (Int.toString j), string ");", newline]) (List.tabulate (i, fn _ => ())), box (if this then [string "mysql_stmt_close(conn->p", string (Int.toString i), string ");", newline] else []), string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string s, string "\"", p_list_sep (box []) (fn s => box [string ", ", string s]) args, string ");", newline] in box [string "stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) {", newline, uhoh false "Out of memory allocating prepared statement" [], string "}", newline, string "conn->p", string (Int.toString i), string " = stmt;", newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, \"", string (String.toString s), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size s)), string ")) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, mysql_stmt_error(stmt), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, uhoh true "Error preparing statement: %s" ["msg"]], string "}", newline] end) ss, string "}"] else box [string "static void uw_db_prepare(uw_context ctx) { }", newline, string "static void uw_db_validate(uw_context ctx) { }"], newline, newline, string "void uw_db_init(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "MYSQL *mysql = mysql_init(NULL);", newline, string "uw_conn *conn;", newline, string "if (mysql == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, ", string "\"libmysqlclient can't allocate a connection.\");", newline, string "if (mysql_real_connect(mysql, ", stringOf host, string ", ", stringOf user, string ", ", stringOf passwd, string ", ", stringOf db, string ", ", case !port of NONE => string "0" | SOME n => string (Int.toString n), string ", ", stringOf unix_socket, string ", 0) == NULL) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, mysql_error(mysql), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "mysql_close(mysql);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, ", string "\"Connection to MySQL server failed: %s\", msg);"], newline, string "}", newline, string "conn = calloc(1, sizeof(uw_conn));", newline, string "conn->conn = mysql;", newline, string "uw_set_db(ctx, conn);", newline, string "uw_db_validate(ctx);", newline, string "uw_db_prepare(ctx);", newline, string "}", newline, newline, string "void uw_db_close(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn _ => box [string "if (conn->p", string (Int.toString i), string ") mysql_stmt_close(conn->p", string (Int.toString i), string ");", newline]) ss, string "mysql_close(conn->conn);", newline, string "}", newline, newline, string "int uw_db_begin(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, newline, string "return mysql_query(conn->conn, \"SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE\")", newline, string " || mysql_query(conn->conn, \"BEGIN\");", newline, string "}", newline, newline, string "int uw_db_commit(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "return mysql_commit(conn->conn);", newline, string "}", newline, newline, string "int uw_db_rollback(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "return mysql_rollback(conn->conn);", newline, string "}", newline, newline] end fun p_getcol {loc, wontLeakStrings = _, col = i, typ = t} = let fun getter t = case t of String => box [string "({", newline, string "uw_Basis_string s = uw_malloc(ctx, length", string (Int.toString i), string " + 1);", newline, string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = s;", newline, string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = length", string (Int.toString i), string " + 1;", newline, string "mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &out[", string (Int.toString i), string "], ", string (Int.toString i), string ", 0);", newline, string "s[length", string (Int.toString i), string "] = 0;", newline, string "s;", newline, string "})"] | Blob => box [string "({", newline, string "uw_Basis_blob b = {length", string (Int.toString i), string ", uw_malloc(ctx, length", string (Int.toString i), string ")};", newline, string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = b.data;", newline, string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, string "mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &out[", string (Int.toString i), string "], ", string (Int.toString i), string ", 0);", newline, string "b;", newline, string "})"] | Time => box [string "({", string "MYSQL_TIME *mt = &buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, newline, string "struct tm t = {mt->second, mt->minute, mt->hour, mt->day, mt->month-1, mt->year, 0, 0, -1};", newline, string "mktime(&t);", newline, string "})"] | Channel => box [string "({", string "uw_Basis_channel ch = {buffer", string (Int.toString i), string " >> 32, buffer", string (Int.toString i), string " & 0xFFFFFFFF};", newline, string "ch;", newline, string "})"] | _ => box [string "buffer", string (Int.toString i)] in case t of Nullable t => box [string "(is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " ? NULL : ", case t of String => getter t | _ => box [string "({", newline, string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "*tmp = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(", string (p_sql_ctype t), string "));", newline, string "*tmp = ", getter t, string ";", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"], string ")"] | _ => box [string "(is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " ? ", box [string "({", string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "tmp;", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Unexpectedly NULL field #", string (Int.toString i), string "\");", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"], string " : ", getter t, string ")"] end fun queryCommon {loc, query, cols, doCols} = box [string "int n, r;", newline, string "MYSQL_BIND out[", string (Int.toString (length cols)), string "];", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "unsigned long length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "unsigned long length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Time => box [string "MYSQL_TIME buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Channel => box [string "unsigned long long buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] in box [string "my_bool is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, case t of Nullable t => buffers t | _ => buffers t, newline] end) cols, newline, string "memset(out, 0, sizeof out);", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] in box [string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_type = ", string (p_buffer_type t), string ";", newline, string "out[", string (Int.toString i), string "].is_null = &is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, case t of Nullable t => buffers t | _ => buffers t, newline] end) cols, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_reset(stmt)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error reseting statement: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error executing query: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, out)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error binding query result: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error storing query result: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, string "uw_end_region(ctx);", newline, string "while (1) {", newline, string "r = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);", newline, string "if (r != 0 && r != MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED) break;", newline, doCols p_getcol, string "}", newline, newline, string "if (r == 1) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": query result fetching failed: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_reset(stmt)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error reseting statement: %s\\n%s\", ", query, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline] fun query {loc, cols, doCols} = box [string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_STMT *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": can't allocate temporary prepared statement\");", newline, string "uw_push_cleanup(ctx, (void (*)(void *))mysql_stmt_close, stmt);", newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, strlen(query))) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error preparing statement: %s\\n%s\", query, mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, queryCommon {loc = loc, cols = cols, doCols = doCols, query = string "query"}, string "uw_pop_cleanup(ctx);", newline] fun queryPrepared {loc, id, query, inputs, cols, doCols, nested} = box [string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_BIND in[", string (Int.toString (length inputs)), string "];", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "unsigned long in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "unsigned long in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Time => box [string "MYSQL_TIME in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [] in box [case t of Nullable t => box [string "my_bool in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, buffers t] | _ => buffers t, newline] end) inputs, if nested then box [string "MYSQL_STMT *stmt;", newline] else box [string "MYSQL_STMT *stmt = conn->p", string (Int.toString id), string ";", newline, newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) {", newline], box [string "stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating prepared statement\");", newline, if nested then box [string "uw_push_cleanup(ctx, (void (*)(void *))mysql_stmt_close, stmt);", newline] else box [], string "if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, \"", string (String.toString query), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size query)), string ")) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, mysql_stmt_error(stmt), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, if nested then box [] else box [string "mysql_stmt_close(stmt);", newline], string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error preparing statement: %s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, if nested then box [] else box [string "conn->p", string (Int.toString id), string " = stmt;", newline]], if nested then box [] else box [string "}", newline], newline, string "memset(in, 0, sizeof in);", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline, string "in_length", string (Int.toString i), string "= in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = strlen(arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ");", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".data;", newline, string "in_length", string (Int.toString i), string "= in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".size;", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Time => let fun oneField dst src = box [string "in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ".", string dst, string " = tms.tm_", string src, string ";", newline] in box [string "({", newline, string "struct tm tms;", newline, string "if (localtime_r(&arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ", &tms) == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error converting to MySQL time\");", newline, oneField "year" "year", box [string "in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ".month = tms.tm_mon + 1;", newline], oneField "day" "mday", oneField "hour" "hour", oneField "minute" "min", oneField "second" "sec", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, string "});", newline] end | Channel => box [string "in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string " = ((unsigned long long)arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".cli << 32) | arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".chn;", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline] in box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_type = ", string (p_buffer_type t), string ";", newline, case t of Nullable t => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].is_null = &in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, string "if (arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string " == NULL) {", newline, box [string "in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " = 1;", newline], string "} else {", box [case t of String => box [] | _ => box [string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "tmp = *arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline, string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string " = tmp;", newline], string "in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " = 0;", newline, buffers t, newline], string "}", newline] | _ => buffers t, newline] end) inputs, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, in)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error binding parameters\");", newline, queryCommon {loc = loc, cols = cols, doCols = doCols, query = box [string "\"", string (String.toString query), string "\""]}, if nested then box [string "uw_pop_cleanup(ctx);", newline] else box []] fun dmlCommon {loc, dml} = box [string "if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Error executing DML: %s\\n%s\", ", dml, string ", mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline] fun dml loc = box [string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_stmt *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": can't allocate temporary prepared statement\");", newline, string "uw_push_cleanup(ctx, (void (*)(void *))mysql_stmt_close, stmt);", newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, dml, strlen(dml))) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error preparing statement: %s\\n%s\", dml, mysql_error(conn->conn));", newline, newline, dmlCommon {loc = loc, dml = string "dml"}, string "uw_pop_cleanup(ctx);", newline] fun dmlPrepared {loc, id, dml, inputs} = box [string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "MYSQL_BIND in[", string (Int.toString (length inputs)), string "];", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "unsigned long in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "unsigned long in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Time => box [string "MYSQL_TIME in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Channel => box [string "unsigned long long in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [] in box [case t of Nullable t => box [string "my_bool in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, buffers t] | _ => buffers t, newline] end) inputs, string "MYSQL_STMT *stmt = conn->p", string (Int.toString id), string ";", newline, newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) {", newline, box [string "stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (stmt == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating prepared statement\");", newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, \"", string (String.toString dml), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size dml)), string ")) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, mysql_stmt_error(stmt), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error preparing statement: %s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, string "conn->p", string (Int.toString id), string " = stmt;", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "memset(in, 0, sizeof in);", newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn t => let fun buffers t = case t of String => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline, string "in_length", string (Int.toString i), string "= in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = strlen(arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ");", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Blob => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".data;", newline, string "in_length", string (Int.toString i), string "= in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_length = arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".size;", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].length = &in_length", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | Time => let fun oneField dst src = box [string "in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ".", string dst, string " = tms.tm_", string src, string ";", newline] in box [string "({", newline, string "struct tm tms;", newline, string "if (localtime_r(&arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ", &tms) == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error converting to MySQL time\");", newline, oneField "year" "year", oneField "month" "mon", oneField "day" "mday", oneField "hour" "hour", oneField "minute" "min", oneField "second" "sec", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, string "});", newline] end | Channel => box [string "in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string " = ((unsigned long long)arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".cli << 32) | arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ".chn;", newline, string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &in_buffer", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline] | _ => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer = &arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline] in box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].buffer_type = ", string (p_buffer_type t), string ";", newline, case t of Channel => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].is_unsigned = 1;", newline] | _ => box [], case t of Nullable t => box [string "in[", string (Int.toString i), string "].is_null = &in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string ";", newline, string "if (arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string " == NULL) {", newline, box [string "in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " = 1;", newline], string "} else {", box [case t of String => box [] | _ => box [string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "tmp = *arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string ";", newline, string (p_sql_ctype t), space, string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), string " = tmp;", newline], string "in_is_null", string (Int.toString i), string " = 0;", newline, buffers t, newline], string "}", newline] | _ => buffers t, newline] end) inputs, newline, string "if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, in)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": error binding parameters\");", newline, dmlCommon {loc = loc, dml = box [string "\"", string (String.toString dml), string "\""]}] fun nextval {loc, seqE, seqName} = box [string "uw_conn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "char *insert = ", case seqName of SOME s => string ("\"INSERT INTO " ^ s ^ " VALUES ()\"") | NONE => box [string "uw_Basis_strcat(ctx, \"INSERT INTO \", uw_Basis_strcat(ctx, ", seqE, string ", \" VALUES ()\"))"], string ";", newline, string "char *delete = ", case seqName of SOME s => string ("\"DELETE FROM " ^ s ^ "\"") | NONE => box [string "uw_Basis_strcat(ctx, \"DELETE FROM \", ", seqE, string ")"], string ";", newline, newline, string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, insert)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"'nextval' INSERT failed\");", newline, string "n = mysql_insert_id(conn->conn);", newline, string "if (mysql_query(conn->conn, delete)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"'nextval' DELETE failed\");", newline] fun nextvalPrepared _ = raise Fail "MySQL.nextvalPrepared called" fun sqlifyString s = "'" ^ String.translate (fn #"'" => "\\'" | #"\\" => "\\\\" | ch => if Char.isPrint ch then str ch else (ErrorMsg.error "Non-printing character found in SQL string literal"; "")) (String.toString s) ^ "'" fun p_cast (s, _) = s fun p_blank _ = "?" val () = addDbms {name = "mysql", header = "mysql/mysql.h", link = "-lmysqlclient", init = init, p_sql_type = p_sql_type, query = query, queryPrepared = queryPrepared, dml = dml, dmlPrepared = dmlPrepared, nextval = nextval, nextvalPrepared = nextvalPrepared, sqlifyString = sqlifyString, p_cast = p_cast, p_blank = p_blank, supportsDeleteAs = false, supportsUpdateAs = false, createSequence = fn s => "CREATE TABLE " ^ s ^ " (uw_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT)", textKeysNeedLengths = true, supportsNextval = false, supportsNestedPrepared = false, sqlPrefix = "SET storage_engine=InnoDB;\n\n", supportsOctetLength = true} end