(* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) val socket = ".urweb_daemon" exception Code of OS.Process.status datatype flag_arity = ZERO of (unit -> unit) | ONE of string * (string -> unit) | TWO of string * string * (string * string -> unit) fun parse_flags flag_info args = let fun search_pred flag0 = (* Remove preceding "-". *) let val flag0 = String.extract (flag0, 1, NONE) in fn (flag1, _, _) => flag0 = flag1 end fun normalizeArg arg = case arg of "-h" => "-help" | "--h" => "-help" | "--help" => "-help" | _ => arg fun loop [] : string list = [] | loop (arg :: args) = let val arg = normalizeArg arg in if String.isPrefix "-" arg then case List.find (search_pred arg) flag_info of NONE => raise Fail ("Unknown flag "^arg^", see -help") | SOME x => exec x args else arg :: loop args end and exec (_, ZERO f, _) args = (f (); loop args) | exec (_, ONE (_, f), _) (x :: args) = (f x; loop args) | exec (_, TWO (_, _, f), _) (x :: y :: args) = (f (x, y); loop args) | exec (flag, ONE _, _) [] = raise Fail ("Flag "^flag^" is missing an argument, see -help") | exec (flag, TWO _, _) [] = raise Fail ("Flag "^flag^" is missing two arguments, see -help") | exec (flag, TWO _, _) [_] = raise Fail ("Flag "^flag^" is missing an argument, see -help") in loop args end fun usage flag_info = let val name = CommandLine.name () fun print_desc NONE = print "\n" | print_desc (SOME s) = (print " : "; print s; print "\n") fun print_args (ZERO _) = () | print_args (ONE (x, _)) = print (" " ^ x) | print_args (TWO (x, y, _)) = print (" " ^ x ^ " " ^ y) fun print_flag (flag, args, desc) = (print (" -" ^ flag); print_args args; print_desc desc) in print "usage: \n"; print (" " ^ name ^ " daemon [stop|start]\n"); print (" " ^ name ^ " [flag ...] project-name\n"); print "Supported flags are:\n"; app print_flag flag_info; raise Code OS.Process.success end (* Encapsulate main invocation handler in a function, possibly to be called multiple times within a daemon. *) fun oneRun args = let val timing = ref false val tc = ref false val demo = ref (NONE : (string * bool) option) val tutorial = ref false val css = ref false val () = (Compiler.debug := false; Elaborate.verbose := false; Elaborate.dumpTypes := false; Elaborate.dumpTypesOnError := false; Elaborate.unifyMore := false; Compiler.dumpSource := false; Compiler.doIflow := false; Demo.noEmacs := false; Settings.setDebug false) val () = Compiler.beforeC := MLton.GC.pack fun print_and_exit msg () = (print msg; print "\n"; raise Code OS.Process.success) val printVersion = print_and_exit Config.versionString val printNumericVersion = print_and_exit Config.versionNumber fun printCCompiler () = print_and_exit (Settings.getCCompiler ()) () val printCInclude = print_and_exit Config.includ fun printModuleOf fname = print_and_exit (Compiler.moduleOf fname) () fun typeOf loc = (Print.print (Compiler.typeOf loc); raise Code OS.Process.success) fun add_class (class, num) = case Int.fromString num of NONE => raise Fail ("Invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'") | SOME n => if n < 0 then raise Fail ("Invalid limit number '" ^ num ^ "'") else Settings.addLimit (class, n) fun set_true flag = ZERO (fn () => flag := true) fun call_true f = ZERO (fn () => f true) (* This is a function, and not simply a value, because it * is recursive in the help-flag. *) fun flag_info () = [ ("help", ZERO (fn () => usage (flag_info ())), SOME "print this overview"), ("version", ZERO printVersion, SOME "print version number and exit"), ("numeric-version", ZERO printNumericVersion, SOME "print numeric version number and exit"), ("css", set_true css, SOME "print categories of CSS properties"), ("print-ccompiler", ZERO printCCompiler, SOME "print C compiler and exit"), ("print-cinclude", ZERO printCInclude, SOME "print directory of C headers and exit"), ("ccompiler", ONE ("", Settings.setCCompiler), SOME "set the C compiler to "), ("demo", ONE ("", fn prefix => demo := SOME (prefix, false)), NONE), ("guided-demo", ONE ("", fn prefix => demo := SOME (prefix, true)), NONE), ("tutorial", set_true tutorial, SOME "render HTML tutorials from .ur source files"), ("protocol", ONE ("[http|cgi|fastcgi|static]", Settings.setProtocol), SOME "set server protocol"), ("prefix", ONE ("", Settings.setUrlPrefix), SOME "set prefix used before all URI's"), ("db", ONE ("", Settings.setDbstring o SOME), SOME "database connection information"), ("dbms", ONE ("[sqlite|mysql|postgres]", Settings.setDbms), SOME "select database engine"), ("debug", call_true Settings.setDebug, SOME "save some intermediate C files"), ("verbose", ZERO (fn () => (Compiler.debug := true; Elaborate.verbose := true)), NONE), ("timing", set_true timing, SOME "time compilation phases"), ("tc", set_true tc, SOME "stop after type checking"), ("dumpTypes", set_true Elaborate.dumpTypes, SOME "print kinds and types"), ("dumpTypesOnError", set_true Elaborate.dumpTypesOnError, SOME "print kinds and types if there is an error"), ("unifyMore", set_true Elaborate.unifyMore, SOME "continue unification before reporting type error"), ("dumpSource", set_true Compiler.dumpSource, SOME ("print source code of last intermediate program "^ "if there is an error")), ("dumpVerboseSource", ZERO (fn () => (Compiler.dumpSource := true; ElabPrint.debug := true; ExplPrint.debug := true; CorePrint.debug := true; MonoPrint.debug := true)), NONE), ("output", ONE ("", Settings.setExe o SOME), SOME "output executable as "), ("js", ONE ("", Settings.setOutputJsFile o SOME), SOME "serve JavaScript as "), ("sql", ONE ("", Settings.setSql o SOME), SOME "output sql script as "), ("endpoints", ONE ("", Settings.setEndpoints o SOME), SOME "output exposed URL endpoints in JSON as "), ("static", call_true Settings.setStaticLinking, SOME "enable static linking"), ("stop", ONE ("", Compiler.setStop), SOME "stop compilation after "), ("path", TWO ("", "", Compiler.addPath), SOME ("set path variable to for use in "^ ".urp files")), ("root", TWO ("", "", (fn (name, path) => Compiler.addModuleRoot (path, name))), SOME "prefix names of modules found in with "), ("boot", ZERO (fn () => (Compiler.enableBoot (); Settings.setBootLinking true)), SOME ("run from build tree and generate statically linked "^ "executables ")), ("sigfile", ONE ("", Settings.setSigFile o SOME), SOME "search for cryptographic signing keys in "), ("iflow", set_true Compiler.doIflow, NONE), ("sqlcache", call_true Settings.setSqlcache, NONE), ("heuristic", ONE ("", Sqlcache.setHeuristic), NONE), ("moduleOf", ONE ("", printModuleOf), SOME "print module name of and exit"), ("typeOf", ONE ("", typeOf), SOME "print type of expression at and exit"), ("noEmacs", set_true Demo.noEmacs, NONE), ("limit", TWO ("", "", add_class), SOME "set resource usage limit for to "), ("explainEmbed", set_true JsComp.explainEmbed, SOME ("explain errors about embedding of server-side "^ "values in client code")) ] val () = case args of ["daemon", "stop"] => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success | _ => () val sources = parse_flags (flag_info ()) args val job = case sources of [file] => file | [] => raise Fail "No project specified, see -help" | files => raise Fail ("Multiple projects specified;"^ " only one is allowed.\nSpecified projects: "^ String.concatWith ", " files) in case (!css, !demo, !tutorial) of (true, _, _) => (case Compiler.run Compiler.toCss job of NONE => OS.Process.failure | SOME {Overall = ov, Classes = cl} => (app (print o Css.inheritableToString) ov; print "\n"; app (fn (x, (ins, ots)) => (print x; print " "; app (print o Css.inheritableToString) ins; app (print o Css.othersToString) ots; print "\n")) cl; OS.Process.success)) | (_, SOME (prefix, guided), _) => if Demo.make' {prefix = prefix, dirname = job, guided = guided} then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure | (_, _, true) => (Tutorial.make job; OS.Process.success) | _ => if !tc then (Compiler.check Compiler.toElaborate job; if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then OS.Process.failure else OS.Process.success) else if !timing then (Compiler.time Compiler.toCjrize job; OS.Process.success) else (if Compiler.compile job then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure) end handle Code n => n fun send (sock, s) = let val n = Socket.sendVec (sock, Word8VectorSlice.full (MLton.Word8Vector.fromPoly (Vector.map (Word8.fromInt o ord) (MLton.CharVector.toPoly s)))) in if n >= size s then () else send (sock, String.extract (s, n, NONE)) end val () = (Globals.setResetTime (); case CommandLine.arguments () of ["daemon", "start"] => (case Posix.Process.fork () of SOME _ => () | NONE => let val () = Elaborate.incremental := true val listen = UnixSock.Strm.socket () fun loop () = let val (sock, _) = Socket.accept listen fun loop' (buf, args) = let val s = if CharVector.exists (fn ch => ch = #"\n") buf then "" else MLton.CharVector.fromPoly (Vector.map (chr o Word8.toInt) (MLton.Word8Vector.toPoly (Socket.recvVec (sock, 1024)))) val s = buf ^ s val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl (fn ch => ch <> #"\n") (Substring.full s) in if Substring.isEmpty after then loop' (s, args) else let val cmd = Substring.string befor val rest = Substring.string (Substring.slice (after, 1, NONE)) in case cmd of "" => (case args of ["stop", "daemon"] => (((Socket.close listen; OS.FileSys.remove socket) handle OS.SysErr _ => ()); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success) | _ => let val success = (oneRun (rev args)) handle ex => (print "unhandled exception:\n"; print (General.exnMessage ex ^ "\n"); OS.Process.failure) in TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut; TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr; send (sock, if OS.Process.isSuccess success then "\001" else "\002") end) | _ => loop' (rest, cmd :: args) end end handle OS.SysErr _ => () fun redirect old = Posix.IO.dup2 {old = valOf (Posix.FileSys.iodToFD (Socket.ioDesc sock)), new = old} val oldStdout = Posix.IO.dup Posix.FileSys.stdout val oldStderr = Posix.IO.dup Posix.FileSys.stderr in (* Redirect the daemon's output to the socket. *) redirect Posix.FileSys.stdout; redirect Posix.FileSys.stderr; loop' ("", []); Socket.close sock; Posix.IO.dup2 {old = oldStdout, new = Posix.FileSys.stdout}; Posix.IO.dup2 {old = oldStderr, new = Posix.FileSys.stderr}; Posix.IO.close oldStdout; Posix.IO.close oldStderr; Settings.reset (); MLton.GC.pack (); loop () end in OS.Process.atExit (fn () => OS.FileSys.remove socket); Socket.bind (listen, UnixSock.toAddr socket); Socket.listen (listen, 1); loop () end) | args => let val sock = UnixSock.Strm.socket () fun wait () = let val v = Socket.recvVec (sock, 1024) in if Word8Vector.length v = 0 then OS.Process.failure else let val s = MLton.CharVector.fromPoly (Vector.map (chr o Word8.toInt) (MLton.Word8Vector.toPoly v)) val last = Word8Vector.sub (v, Word8Vector.length v - 1) val (rc, s) = if last = Word8.fromInt 1 then (SOME OS.Process.success, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1)) else if last = Word8.fromInt 2 then (SOME OS.Process.failure, String.substring (s, 0, size s - 1)) else (NONE, s) in print s; case rc of NONE => wait () | SOME rc => rc end end handle OS.SysErr _ => OS.Process.failure in if Socket.connectNB (sock, UnixSock.toAddr socket) orelse not (List.null (#wrs (Socket.select {rds = [], wrs = [Socket.sockDesc sock], exs = [], timeout = SOME (Time.fromSeconds 1)}))) then (TextIO.print "Using daemon\n"; app (fn arg => send (sock, arg ^ "\n")) args; send (sock, "\n"); OS.Process.exit (wait ())) else (OS.FileSys.remove socket; raise OS.SysErr ("", NONE)) end handle OS.SysErr _ => OS.Process.exit (oneRun args))