structure Lsp :> LSP = struct structure C = Compiler structure P = Print val debug = LspSpec.debug structure SK = struct type ord_key = string val compare = end structure SM = BinaryMapFn(SK) type fileState = { envBeforeThisModule: ElabEnv.env , decls: Elab.decl list , text: string} type state = { urpPath : string , fileStates : fileState } (* Wrapping this in structure as an attempt to not get concurrency bugs *) structure State : sig val init: state -> unit val insertText: string -> string -> unit val insertElabRes: string -> ElabEnv.env -> Elab.decl list -> unit val removeFile: string -> unit val withState: (state -> 'a) -> 'a end = struct val stateRef = ref (NONE: state option) fun init (s: state) = stateRef := SOME s fun withState (f: state -> 'a): 'a = case !stateRef of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError LspSpec.ServerNotInitialized | SOME s => f s fun insertText (fileName: string) (text: string) = withState (fn oldS => stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS , fileStates = case SM.find (#fileStates oldS, fileName) of NONE => SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS , fileName , { text = text , decls = [] , envBeforeThisModule = ElabEnv.empty }) | SOME oldfs => SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS , fileName , { text = text , decls = #decls oldfs , envBeforeThisModule = #envBeforeThisModule oldfs }) } ) fun insertElabRes (fileName: string) (env: ElabEnv.env) decls = withState (fn oldS => stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS , fileStates = case SM.find (#fileStates oldS, fileName) of NONE => raise Fail ("No text found for file " ^ fileName) | SOME oldfs => SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS , fileName , { text = #text oldfs , decls = decls , envBeforeThisModule = env }) } ) fun removeFile (fileName: string) = withState (fn oldS => stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS , fileStates = #1 (SM.remove (#fileStates oldS, fileName)) } ) end fun scanDir (f: string -> bool) (path: string) = let val dir = OS.FileSys.openDir path fun doScanDir acc = case OS.FileSys.readDir dir of NONE => (OS.FileSys.closeDir dir; acc) | SOME fname => (if f fname then doScanDir (fname :: acc) else doScanDir acc) in doScanDir [] end (* Throws Fail if can't init *) fun initState (initParams: LspSpec.initializeParams): state = let val rootPath = case #rootUri initParams of NONE => raise Fail "No rootdir found" | SOME a => #path a val optsUrpFile = (SOME (FromJson.asString (FromJson.get "urpfile" (FromJson.get "project" (FromJson.get "urweb" (#initializationOptions initParams)))))) handle ex => NONE val foundUrps = scanDir (fn fname => OS.Path.ext fname = SOME "urp") rootPath in { urpPath = case foundUrps of [] => raise Fail ("No .urp files found in path " ^ rootPath) | one :: [] => OS.Path.base (OS.Path.file one) | many => case List.find (fn m => SOME (OS.Path.base (OS.Path.file m)) = optsUrpFile) many of NONE => raise Fail ("Found multiple .urp files in path " ^ rootPath) | SOME f => OS.Path.base (OS.Path.file f) , fileStates = SM.empty } end fun addSgnToEnv (env: ElabEnv.env) (sgn: Source.sgn_item list) (fileName: string) (addUnprefixed: bool): ElabEnv.env = let val moduleName = C.moduleOf fileName val (sgn, gs) = Elaborate.elabSgn (env, Disjoint.empty) (Source.SgnConst sgn, { file = fileName , first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos , last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos }) val () = case gs of [] => () | _ => (app (fn (_, env, _, c1, c2) => Print.prefaces "Unresolved" [("c1", ElabPrint.p_con env c1), ("c2", ElabPrint.p_con env c2)]) gs; raise Fail ("Unresolved disjointness constraints in " ^ moduleName ^ " at " ^ fileName)) (* TODO Not sure if this is needed for all signatures or only for Basis *) val (env', n) = ElabEnv.pushStrNamed env moduleName sgn val (_, env') = if addUnprefixed then Elaborate.dopen env' {str = n, strs = [], sgn = sgn} else ([], env') in env' end fun errorToDiagnostic (err: { span: ErrorMsg.span , message: string }): LspSpec.diagnostic = { range = { start = { line = #line (#first (#span err)) - 1 , character = #char (#first (#span err)) } , end_ = { line = #line (#last (#span err)) - 1 , character = #char (#last (#span err)) } } , severity = 1 , source = "UrWeb" , message = #message err } (* TODO FFI modules ? Check compiler.sml -> parse -> parseFfi *) (* TODO Optim: cache parsed urp file? *) fun elabFile (state: state) (fileName: string): ({ decls: Elab.decl list, envBeforeThisModule: ElabEnv.env} option * LspSpec.diagnostic list) = let val () = if (OS.Path.ext fileName = SOME "ur") then () else raise Fail ("Can only handle .ur files for now") (* val () = Elaborate.unifyMore := true *) (* To reuse Basis and Top *) val () = Elaborate.incremental := true (* Parsing .urp *) val job = case (C.transform C.parseUrp "parseUrp") (#urpPath state) of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Couldn't parse .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state))) | SOME a => a val moduleSearchRes = List.foldl (fn (entry, acc) => if #2 acc then acc else if entry ^ ".ur" = fileName then (List.rev (#1 acc), true) else (entry :: #1 acc, false)) ([] (* modules before *), false (* module found *)) (#ffi job @ #sources job) val modulesBeforeThisFile = #1 moduleSearchRes val () = if #2 moduleSearchRes then () else raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Couldn't find file " ^ fileName ^ " referenced in .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state))) (* Parsing .urs files of previous modules *) val parsedUrss = (fn entry => if OS.FileSys.access (entry ^ ".urs", []) then case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (entry ^ ".urs") of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Failed to parse .urs file at " ^ entry)) | SOME a => { fileName = entry ^ ".urs", parsed = a} else if OS.FileSys.access (entry ^ ".ur", []) then case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (entry ^ ".ur") of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("No .urs file found for " ^ entry ^ " and couldn't parse .ur as .urs file")) | SOME a => { fileName = entry ^ ".ur" , parsed = a} else raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Couldn't find an .ur or .urs file for " ^ entry))) modulesBeforeThisFile (* Parsing Basis and Top *) val basisF = Settings.libFile "basis.urs" val topF = Settings.libFile "top.urs" val topF' = Settings.libFile "top.ur" val tm1 = OS.FileSys.modTime topF val tm2 = OS.FileSys.modTime topF' val parsedBasisUrs = case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") basisF of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Failed to parse basis.urs file at " ^ basisF)) | SOME a => a val parsedTopUrs = case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") topF of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Failed to parse top.urs file at " ^ topF)) | SOME a => a val parsedTopUr = case (C.transform C.parseUr "parseUr") topF' of NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError ("Failed to parse top.ur file at " ^ topF')) | SOME a => a (* Parsing .ur and .urs of current file *) val (parsedUrs: Source.sgn option) = (if OS.FileSys.access (fileName ^ "s", []) then case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (fileName ^ "s") of NONE => NONE | SOME a => SOME ( Source.SgnConst a , {file = fileName ^ "s", first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos}) else NONE) handle ex => NONE val () = ErrorMsg.resetErrors () val (parsedUrO: (Source.decl list) option) = (C.transform C.parseUr "parseUr") fileName in case parsedUrO of NONE => (* Parse error *) (NONE, errorToDiagnostic (ErrorMsg.readErrorLog ())) | SOME parsedUr => (* Parsing of .ur succeeded *) let val loc = {file = fileName, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos} val envBeforeThisModule = ref ElabEnv.empty val res = Elaborate.elabFile parsedBasisUrs tm1 parsedTopUr parsedTopUrs tm2 ElabEnv.empty (* Adding urs's of previous modules to env *) (fn envB => let val newEnv = List.foldl (fn (sgn, env) => addSgnToEnv env (#parsed sgn) (#fileName sgn) false) envB parsedUrss in (envBeforeThisModule := newEnv; newEnv) end ) [( Source.DStr (C.moduleOf fileName, parsedUrs, NONE, (Source.StrConst parsedUr, loc), false) , loc )] (* report back errors (as Diagnostics) *) val errors = ErrorMsg.readErrorLog () val decls = case List.last res of (Elab.DStr (_, _, _, (Elab.StrConst decls, _)), _) => decls | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration") in (SOME { envBeforeThisModule = !envBeforeThisModule, decls = decls }, errorToDiagnostic errors) end end fun uniq (comp: 'b -> 'b -> bool) (bs: 'b list) = case bs of [] => [] | (l as b :: bs') => b :: uniq comp (List.filter (comp b) bs') fun elabFileAndSendDiags (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri: LspSpec.documentUri): unit = let val fileName = #path documentUri val res = elabFile state fileName fun eq_diag (d1: LspSpec.diagnostic) (d2: LspSpec.diagnostic) = #range d1 = #range d2 andalso #message d1 = #message d2 val diags = uniq eq_diag (#2 res) in (case #1 res of NONE => () | SOME fs => (State.insertElabRes fileName (#envBeforeThisModule fs) (#decls fs)); #publishDiagnostics toclient { uri = documentUri , diagnostics = diags}) end fun scanDir (f: string -> bool) (path: string) = let val dir = OS.FileSys.openDir path fun doScanDir acc = case OS.FileSys.readDir dir of NONE => (OS.FileSys.closeDir dir; acc) | SOME fname => (if f fname then doScanDir (fname :: acc) else doScanDir acc) in doScanDir [] end fun readFile (fileName: string): string = let val stream = TextIO.openIn fileName fun doReadFile acc = case TextIO.inputLine stream of NONE => acc | SOME str => (if acc = "" then doReadFile str else doReadFile (acc ^ str)) val res = doReadFile "" in (TextIO.closeIn stream; res) end (* TODO PERF BIG I couldn't figure out how to print just to a string, so writing to a temp file, then reading it, then deleting it, ... *) fun ppToString (pp: Print.PD.pp_desc) (width: int): string = let val tempfile = OS.FileSys.tmpName () val outStr = TextIO.openOut tempfile val outDev = TextIOPP.openOut {dst = outStr, wid = width} val () = Print.fprint outDev pp val res = readFile tempfile val () = TextIO.closeOut outStr in res end fun getStringAtCursor (stopAtCursor: bool) (text: string) (pos: LspSpec.position) : string = let val line = List.nth (Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n") (Substring.full text), #line pos) val chars = [ (* #".", *) #"(", #")", #"{", #"}", #"[", #"]", #"<", #">", #"-", #"=", #":" , #" ", #"\n", #"#", #",", #"*", #"\"", #"|", #"&", #"$", #"^", #"+", #";"] val lineUntilCursor = Substring.slice (line, 0, SOME (#character pos)) val beforeCursor = Substring.string (Substring.taker (fn c => not (List.exists (fn c' => c = c') chars)) lineUntilCursor) val afterCursor = if stopAtCursor then "" else let val lineAfterCursor = Substring.slice (line, #character pos, NONE) in Substring.string (Substring.takel (fn c => not (List.exists (fn c' => c = c') (#"." :: chars))) lineAfterCursor) end in beforeCursor ^ afterCursor end fun formatTypeBox (a: P.PD.pp_desc, b: P.PD.pp_desc) = P.PD.hvBox (P.PD.PPS.Rel 0, [a, P.PD.string ": ", P.PD.break {nsp = 0, offset = 2}, b]) fun handleHover (state: state) (p: LspSpec.hoverReq): LspSpec.hoverResp LspSpec.result = let val fileName = #path (#uri (#textDocument p)) val s = SM.find (#fileStates state, fileName) in case s of NONE => LspSpec.Success NONE | SOME s => let val searchString = getStringAtCursor false (#text s) (#position p) val env = #envBeforeThisModule s val decls = #decls s val loc = #position p val (env, prefix, found) = GetInfo.findStringInEnv env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line loc + 1 , char = #character loc + 1} searchString in case found of NONE => LspSpec.Success NONE | SOME f => let val desc = case f of GetInfo.FoundStr (x, (_, sgn)) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), P.PD.string "module") | GetInfo.FoundCon (x, kind) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), ElabPrint.p_kind env kind) | GetInfo.FoundExp (x, con) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), ElabPrint.p_con env con) in LspSpec.Success (SOME {contents = ppToString desc 50}) end end end (* TODO IDEA can we use the real parser to figure out what we're typing (exp, con, field, etc) to predict better? *) fun handleCompletion (state: state) (p: LspSpec.completionReq) = let val fileName = #path (#uri (#textDocument p)) val s = SM.find (#fileStates state, fileName) in case s of NONE => LspSpec.Success { isIncomplete = false, items = []} | SOME s => let val pos = #position p val searchStr = getStringAtCursor true (#text s) pos val env = #envBeforeThisModule s val decls = #decls s val (env, prefix, foundItems) = GetInfo.matchStringInEnv env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line pos + 1, char = #character pos + 1} searchStr val completions = (fn f => case f of GetInfo.FoundStr (x, _) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Module, detail = ""} | GetInfo.FoundCon (x, k) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Constructor, detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_kind env k) 200} | GetInfo.FoundExp (x, c) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Value, detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env c) 200} ) foundItems in LspSpec.Success { isIncomplete = false , items = completions } end end fun applyContentChange ((c, s): LspSpec.contentChange * string): string = case (#range c, #rangeLength c) of (SOME range, SOME _) => let val lines = Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n") (Substring.full s) val linesBefore = List.take (lines, #line (#start range)) val linesAfter = List.drop (lines, #line (#end_ range) + 1) val startLine = List.nth (lines, #line (#start range)) val startText = Substring.slice (startLine, 0, SOME (#character (#start range))) val endLine = List.nth (lines, #line (#end_ range)) val endText = Substring.triml (#character (#end_ range)) endLine in Substring.concatWith "\n" (linesBefore @ [Substring.full (Substring.concat [startText, Substring.full (#text c), endText])] @ linesAfter) end | _ => #text c fun handleDocumentDidChange (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (p: LspSpec.didChangeParams): unit = let val fileName = #path (#uri (#textDocument p)) val s = SM.find (#fileStates state, fileName) in case s of NONE => (debug ("Got change event for file that isn't open: " ^ fileName); (#showMessage toclient) ("Got change event for file that isn't open: " ^ fileName) 1) | SOME s => State.insertText fileName (List.foldl applyContentChange (#text s) (#contentChanges p)) end fun runInBackground (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (fileName: string) (f: unit -> unit): unit = BgThread.queueBgTask fileName ((fn () => (f () handle LspSpec.LspError (LspSpec.InternalError str) => (#showMessage toclient) str 1 | LspSpec.LspError LspSpec.ServerNotInitialized => (#showMessage toclient) "Server not initialized" 1 | ex => (#showMessage toclient) (General.exnMessage ex) 1 ; (#showMessage toclient) ("Done running BG job for " ^ fileName) 3 ))) fun handleRequest (requestMessage: LspSpec.message) = case requestMessage of LspSpec.Notification n => LspSpec.matchNotification n { initialized = fn () => () , textDocument_didOpen = fn (p, toclient) => (State.insertText (#path (#uri (#textDocument p))) (#text (#textDocument p)); runInBackground toclient (#path (#uri (#textDocument p))) (fn () => State.withState (fn state => elabFileAndSendDiags state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p))))) , textDocument_didChange = fn (p, toclient) => State.withState (fn state => handleDocumentDidChange state toclient p) , textDocument_didSave = fn (p, toclient) => runInBackground toclient (#path (#uri (#textDocument p))) (fn () => State.withState (fn state => elabFileAndSendDiags state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p)))) , textDocument_didClose = fn (p, toclient) => State.removeFile (#path (#uri (#textDocument p))) } | LspSpec.RequestMessage m => (* TODO should error handling here be inside handleMessage? *) LspSpec.matchMessage m { initialize = fn p => (let val st = initState p in State.init st; LspSpec.Success { capabilities = { hoverProvider = true , completionProvider = SOME { triggerCharacters = ["."]} , textDocumentSync = { openClose = true , change = 2 , save = SOME { includeText = false } }} } end) , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Success () , textDocument_hover = fn toclient => State.withState handleHover , textDocument_completion = fn p => State.withState (fn s => handleCompletion s p) } fun serverLoop () = if not (Option.isSome (TextIO.canInput (TextIO.stdIn, 1))) andalso BgThread.hasBgTasks () then (* no input waiting -> give control to lower prio thread *) BgThread.runBgTaskForABit () else let val requestMessage = LspSpec.readRequestFromStdIO () handle ex => (debug ("Error in reading from stdIn: " ^ General.exnMessage ex) ; raise ex) in handleRequest requestMessage end fun startServer () = while true do serverLoop () end