(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Grammar for Laconic/Web programs *) open Source val s = ErrorMsg.spanOf %% %header (functor LacwebLrValsFn(structure Token : TOKEN)) %term EOF | STRING of string | INT of Int64.int | FLOAT of Real64.real | SYMBOL of string | CSYMBOL of string | LPAREN | RPAREN | LBRACK | RBRACK | LBRACE | RBRACE | EQ | COMMA | COLON | DCOLON | TCOLON | DOT | HASH | CON | LTYPE | VAL | TYPE | NAME | ARROW | LARROW | DARROW | FN | PLUSPLUS | DOLLAR %nonterm file of decl list | decls of decl list | decl of decl | kind of kind | kcolon of explicitness | cexp of con | capps of con | cterm of con | ident of con | rcon of (con * con) list | rcone of (con * con) list | eexp of exp | eapps of exp | eterm of exp | rexp of (con * exp) list %verbose (* print summary of errors *) %pos int (* positions *) %start file %pure %eop EOF %noshift EOF %name Lacweb %nonassoc DARROW %nonassoc COLON %nonassoc DCOLON TCOLON %right COMMA %right ARROW LARROW %right PLUSPLUS %nonassoc DOLLAR %left DOT %% file : decls (decls) decls : ([]) | decl decls (decl :: decls) decl : CON SYMBOL EQ cexp (DCon (SYMBOL, NONE, cexp), s (CONleft, cexpright)) | CON SYMBOL DCOLON kind EQ cexp (DCon (SYMBOL, SOME kind, cexp), s (CONleft, cexpright)) | LTYPE SYMBOL EQ cexp (DCon (SYMBOL, SOME (KType, s (LTYPEleft, cexpright)), cexp), s (LTYPEleft, cexpright)) | VAL SYMBOL EQ eexp (DVal (SYMBOL, NONE, eexp), s (VALleft, eexpright)) | VAL SYMBOL COLON cexp EQ eexp (DVal (SYMBOL, SOME cexp, eexp), s (VALleft, eexpright)) kind : TYPE (KType, s (TYPEleft, TYPEright)) | NAME (KName, s (NAMEleft, NAMEright)) | LBRACE kind RBRACE (KRecord kind, s (LBRACEleft, RBRACEright)) | kind ARROW kind (KArrow (kind1, kind2), s (kind1left, kind2right)) | LPAREN kind RPAREN (#1 kind, s (LPARENleft, RPARENright)) capps : cterm (cterm) | capps cterm (CApp (capps, cterm), s (cappsleft, ctermright)) cexp : capps (capps) | cexp ARROW cexp (TFun (cexp1, cexp2), s (cexp1left, cexp2right)) | SYMBOL kcolon kind ARROW cexp (TCFun (kcolon, SYMBOL, kind, cexp), s (SYMBOLleft, cexpright)) | cexp PLUSPLUS cexp (CConcat (cexp1, cexp2), s (cexp1left, cexp1right)) | FN SYMBOL DCOLON kind DARROW cexp (CAbs (SYMBOL, kind, cexp), s (FNleft, cexpright)) | LPAREN cexp RPAREN DCOLON kind (CAnnot (cexp, kind), s (LPARENleft, kindright)) kcolon : DCOLON (Explicit) | TCOLON (Implicit) cterm : LPAREN cexp RPAREN (#1 cexp, s (LPARENleft, RPARENright)) | LBRACK rcon RBRACK (CRecord rcon, s (LBRACKleft, RBRACKright)) | LBRACE rcone RBRACE (TRecord (CRecord rcone, s (LBRACEleft, RBRACEright)), s (LBRACEleft, RBRACEright)) | DOLLAR cterm (TRecord cterm, s (DOLLARleft, ctermright)) | HASH CSYMBOL (CName CSYMBOL, s (HASHleft, CSYMBOLright)) | SYMBOL (CVar SYMBOL, s (SYMBOLleft, SYMBOLright)) rcon : ([]) | ident EQ cexp ([(ident, cexp)]) | ident EQ cexp COMMA rcon ((ident, cexp) :: rcon) rcone : ([]) | ident COLON cexp ([(ident, cexp)]) | ident COLON cexp COMMA rcone ((ident, cexp) :: rcone) ident : CSYMBOL (CName CSYMBOL, s (CSYMBOLleft, CSYMBOLright)) | SYMBOL (CVar SYMBOL, s (SYMBOLleft, SYMBOLright)) eapps : eterm (eterm) | eapps eterm (EApp (eapps, eterm), s (eappsleft, etermright)) | eapps LBRACK cexp RBRACK (ECApp (eapps, cexp), s (eappsleft, RBRACKright)) eexp : eapps (eapps) | FN SYMBOL kcolon kind DARROW eexp (ECAbs (kcolon, SYMBOL, kind, eexp), s (FNleft, eexpright)) | FN SYMBOL COLON cexp DARROW eexp (EAbs (SYMBOL, SOME cexp, eexp), s (FNleft, eexpright)) | FN SYMBOL DARROW eexp (EAbs (SYMBOL, NONE, eexp), s (FNleft, eexpright)) | LPAREN eexp RPAREN DCOLON cexp (EAnnot (eexp, cexp), s (LPARENleft, cexpright)) | eterm DOT ident (EField (eterm, ident), s (etermleft, identright)) eterm : LPAREN eexp RPAREN (#1 eexp, s (LPARENleft, RPARENright)) | SYMBOL (EVar SYMBOL, s (SYMBOLleft, SYMBOLright)) | LBRACE rexp RBRACE (ERecord rexp, s (LBRACEleft, RBRACEright)) | INT (EPrim (Prim.Int INT), s (INTleft, INTright)) | FLOAT (EPrim (Prim.Float FLOAT), s (FLOATleft, FLOATright)) | STRING (EPrim (Prim.String STRING), s (STRINGleft, STRINGright)) rexp : ([]) | ident EQ eexp ([(ident, eexp)]) | ident EQ eexp COMMA rexp ((ident, eexp) :: rexp)