(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure JsComp :> JSCOMP = struct open Mono structure EM = ErrorMsg structure E = MonoEnv structure U = MonoUtil structure IS = IntBinarySet structure IM = IntBinaryMap val funcs = [(("Basis", "alert"), "alert"), (("Basis", "get_client_source"), "sg"), (("Basis", "htmlifyBool"), "bs"), (("Basis", "htmlifyFloat"), "ts"), (("Basis", "htmlifyInt"), "ts"), (("Basis", "htmlifyString"), "eh"), (("Basis", "new_client_source"), "sc"), (("Basis", "set_client_source"), "sv"), (("Basis", "stringToFloat_error"), "pfl"), (("Basis", "stringToInt_error"), "pi"), (("Basis", "urlifyInt"), "ts"), (("Basis", "urlifyFloat"), "ts"), (("Basis", "urlifyString"), "escape"), (("Basis", "urlifyChannel"), "ts")] structure FM = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = string * string fun compare ((m1, x1), (m2, x2)) = Order.join (String.compare (m1, m2), fn () => String.compare (x1, x2)) end) val funcs = foldl (fn ((k, v), m) => FM.insert (m, k, v)) FM.empty funcs fun ffi k = FM.find (funcs, k) type state = { decls : decl list, script : string list, included : IS.set, injectors : int IM.map, decoders : int IM.map, maxName : int } fun varDepth (e, _) = case e of EPrim _ => 0 | ERel _ => 0 | ENamed _ => 0 | ECon (_, _, NONE) => 0 | ECon (_, _, SOME e) => varDepth e | ENone _ => 0 | ESome (_, e) => varDepth e | EFfi _ => 0 | EFfiApp (_, _, es) => foldl Int.max 0 (map varDepth es) | EApp (e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, varDepth e2) | EAbs _ => 0 | EUnop (_, e) => varDepth e | EBinop (_, e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, varDepth e2) | ERecord xes => foldl Int.max 0 (map (fn (_, e, _) => varDepth e) xes) | EField (e, _) => varDepth e | ECase (e, pes, _) => foldl Int.max (varDepth e) (map (fn (p, e) => E.patBindsN p + varDepth e) pes) | EStrcat (e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, varDepth e2) | EError (e, _) => varDepth e | EWrite e => varDepth e | ESeq (e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, varDepth e2) | ELet (_, _, e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, 1 + varDepth e2) | EClosure _ => 0 | EQuery _ => 0 | EDml _ => 0 | ENextval _ => 0 | EUnurlify _ => 0 | EJavaScript _ => 0 | ESignalReturn e => varDepth e | ESignalBind (e1, e2) => Int.max (varDepth e1, varDepth e2) | ESignalSource e => varDepth e | EServerCall (e, ek, _) => Int.max (varDepth e, varDepth ek) fun closedUpto d = let fun cu inner (e, _) = case e of EPrim _ => true | ERel n => n < inner orelse n - inner >= d | ENamed _ => true | ECon (_, _, NONE) => true | ECon (_, _, SOME e) => cu inner e | ENone _ => true | ESome (_, e) => cu inner e | EFfi _ => true | EFfiApp (_, _, es) => List.all (cu inner) es | EApp (e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu inner e2 | EAbs (_, _, _, e) => cu (inner + 1) e | EUnop (_, e) => cu inner e | EBinop (_, e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu inner e2 | ERecord xes => List.all (fn (_, e, _) => cu inner e) xes | EField (e, _) => cu inner e | ECase (e, pes, _) => cu inner e andalso List.all (fn (p, e) => cu (inner + E.patBindsN p) e) pes | EStrcat (e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu inner e2 | EError (e, _) => cu inner e | EWrite e => cu inner e | ESeq (e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu inner e2 | ELet (_, _, e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu (inner + 1) e2 | EClosure (_, es) => List.all (cu inner) es | EQuery {query, body, initial, ...} => cu inner query andalso cu (inner + 2) body andalso cu inner initial | EDml e => cu inner e | ENextval e => cu inner e | EUnurlify (e, _) => cu inner e | EJavaScript (_, e, _) => cu inner e | ESignalReturn e => cu inner e | ESignalBind (e1, e2) => cu inner e1 andalso cu inner e2 | ESignalSource e => cu inner e | EServerCall (e, ek, _) => cu inner e andalso cu inner ek in cu 0 end fun strcat loc es = case es of [] => (EPrim (Prim.String ""), loc) | [x] => x | x :: es' => (EStrcat (x, strcat loc es'), loc) fun process file = let val (someTs, nameds) = foldl (fn ((DVal (_, n, t, e, _), _), (someTs, nameds)) => (someTs, IM.insert (nameds, n, e)) | ((DValRec vis, _), (someTs, nameds)) => (someTs, foldl (fn ((_, n, _, e, _), nameds) => IM.insert (nameds, n, e)) nameds vis) | ((DDatatype (_, _, cs), _), state as (someTs, nameds)) => if ElabUtil.classifyDatatype cs = Option then (foldl (fn ((_, n, SOME t), someTs) => IM.insert (someTs, n, t) | (_, someTs) => someTs) someTs cs, nameds) else state | (_, state) => state) (IM.empty, IM.empty) file fun str loc s = (EPrim (Prim.String s), loc) fun isNullable (t, _) = case t of TOption _ => true | TRecord [] => true | _ => false fun quoteExp loc (t : typ) (e, st) = case #1 t of TSource => (strcat loc [str loc "s", (EFfiApp ("Basis", "htmlifyInt", [e]), loc)], st) | TRecord [] => (str loc "null", st) | TRecord [(x, t)] => let val (e, st) = quoteExp loc t ((EField (e, x), loc), st) in (strcat loc [str loc ("{_" ^ x ^ ":"), e, str loc "}"], st) end | TRecord ((x, t) :: xts) => let val (e', st) = quoteExp loc t ((EField (e, x), loc), st) val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, t), st) => let val (e, st) = quoteExp loc t ((EField (e, x), loc), st) in (strcat loc [str loc (",_" ^ x ^ ":"), e], st) end) st xts in (strcat loc (str loc ("{_" ^ x ^ ":") :: e' :: es @ [str loc "}"]), st) end | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => ((EFfiApp ("Basis", "jsifyString", [e]), loc), st) | TFfi ("Basis", "int") => ((EFfiApp ("Basis", "htmlifyInt", [e]), loc), st) | TFfi ("Basis", "float") => ((EFfiApp ("Basis", "htmlifyFloat", [e]), loc), st) | TFfi ("Basis", "channel") => ((EFfiApp ("Basis", "htmlifyChannel", [e]), loc), st) | TFfi ("Basis", "bool") => ((ECase (e, [((PCon (Enum, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", datatyp = "bool", con = "True", arg = NONE}, NONE), loc), str loc "true"), ((PCon (Enum, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", datatyp = "bool", con = "False", arg = NONE}, NONE), loc), str loc "false")], {disc = (TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc), result = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)}), loc), st) | TOption t => let val (e', st) = quoteExp loc t ((ERel 0, loc), st) in ((ECase (e, [((PNone t, loc), str loc "null"), ((PSome (t, (PVar ("x", t), loc)), loc), if isNullable t then strcat loc [str loc "{v:", e', str loc "}"] else e')], {disc = (TOption t, loc), result = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)}), loc), st) end | TDatatype (n, ref (dk, cs)) => (case IM.find (#injectors st, n) of SOME n' => ((EApp ((ENamed n', loc), e), loc), st) | NONE => let val n' = #maxName st val st = {decls = #decls st, script = #script st, included = #included st, injectors = IM.insert (#injectors st, n, n'), decoders = #decoders st, maxName = n' + 1} val (pes, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((_, cn, NONE), st) => (((PCon (dk, PConVar cn, NONE), loc), case dk of Option => str loc "null" | _ => str loc (Int.toString cn)), st) | ((_, cn, SOME t), st) => let val (e, st) = quoteExp loc t ((ERel 0, loc), st) in (((PCon (dk, PConVar cn, SOME (PVar ("x", t), loc)), loc), case dk of Option => if isNullable t then strcat loc [str loc "{v:", e, str loc "}"] else e | _ => strcat loc [str loc ("{n:" ^ Int.toString cn ^ ",v:"), e, str loc "}"]), st) end) st cs val s = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc) val body = (ECase ((ERel 0, loc), pes, {disc = t, result = s}), loc) val body = (EAbs ("x", t, s, body), loc) val st = {decls = (DValRec [("jsify", n', (TFun (t, s), loc), body, "jsify")], loc) :: #decls st, script = #script st, included = #included st, injectors = #injectors st, decoders= #decoders st, maxName = #maxName st} in ((EApp ((ENamed n', loc), e), loc), st) end) | _ => (EM.errorAt loc "Don't know how to embed type in JavaScript"; Print.prefaces "Can't embed" [("t", MonoPrint.p_typ MonoEnv.empty t)]; (str loc "ERROR", st)) fun unurlifyExp loc (t : typ, st) = case #1 t of TRecord [] => ("null", st) | TRecord [(x, t)] => let val (e, st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) in ("{_" ^ x ^ ":" ^ e ^ "}", st) end | TRecord ((x, t) :: xts) => let val (e', st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, t), st) => let val (e, st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) in (",_" ^ x ^ ":" ^ e, st) end) st xts in (String.concat ("{_" :: x :: ":" :: e' :: es @ ["}"]), st) end | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => ("unescape(t[i++])", st) | TFfi ("Basis", "int") => ("parseInt(t[i++])", st) | TFfi ("Basis", "float") => ("parseFloat(t[i++])", st) | TFfi ("Basis", "bool") => ("t[i++] == \"True\"", st) | TOption t => let val (e, st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) val e = if isNullable t then "{v:" ^ e ^ "}" else e in ("(uu=t[i++],uu==\"Some\"?" ^ e ^ ":null)", st) end | TDatatype (n, ref (dk, cs)) => (case IM.find (#decoders st, n) of SOME n' => ("(tmp=_n" ^ Int.toString n' ^ "(t,i),i=tmp._1,tmp._2)", st) | NONE => let val n' = #maxName st val st = {decls = #decls st, script = #script st, included = #included st, injectors = #injectors st, decoders = IM.insert (#decoders st, n, n'), maxName = n' + 1} val (e, st) = foldl (fn ((x, cn, NONE), (e, st)) => ("x==\"" ^ x ^ "\"?" ^ (case dk of Option => "null" | _ => Int.toString cn) ^ ":" ^ e, st) | ((x, cn, SOME t), (e, st)) => let val (e', st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) in ("x==\"" ^ x ^ "\"?" ^ (case dk of Option => if isNullable t then "{v:" ^ e' ^ "}" else e' | _ => "{n:" ^ Int.toString cn ^ ",v:" ^ e' ^ "}") ^ ":" ^ e, st) end) ("pf()", st) cs val body = "function _n" ^ Int.toString n' ^ "(t,i){var x=t[i++];var r=" ^ e ^ ";return {_1:i,_2:r}}\n\n" val st = {decls = #decls st, script = body :: #script st, included = #included st, injectors = #injectors st, decoders = #decoders st, maxName = #maxName st} in ("(tmp=_n" ^ Int.toString n' ^ "(t,i),i=tmp._1,tmp._2)", st) end) | _ => (EM.errorAt loc "Don't know how to unurlify type in JavaScript"; Print.prefaces "Can't unurlify" [("t", MonoPrint.p_typ MonoEnv.empty t)]; ("ERROR", st)) fun padWith (ch, s, len) = if size s < len then padWith (ch, String.str ch ^ s, len - 1) else s fun jsExp mode skip outer = let val len = length outer fun jsE inner (e as (_, loc), st) = let val str = str loc fun var n = Int.toString (len + inner - n - 1) fun patCon pc = case pc of PConVar n => str (Int.toString n) | PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "True", ...} => str "true" | PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "False", ...} => str "false" | PConFfi {con, ...} => str ("\"_" ^ con ^ "\"") fun unsupported s = (EM.errorAt loc (s ^ " in code to be compiled to JavaScript[2]"); (str "ERROR", st)) val strcat = strcat loc fun jsPrim p = case p of Prim.String s => str ("\"" ^ String.translate (fn #"'" => if mode = Attribute then "\\047" else "'" | #"\"" => "\\\"" | #"<" => if mode = Script then "<" else "\\074" | #"\\" => "\\\\" | #"\n" => "\\n" | #"\r" => "\\r" | #"\t" => "\\t" | ch => if Char.isPrint ch then String.str ch else "\\" ^ padWith (#"0", Int.fmt StringCvt.OCT (ord ch), 3)) s ^ "\"") | _ => str (Prim.toString p) fun jsPat depth inner (p, _) succ fail = case p of PWild => succ | PVar _ => strcat [str ("(_" ^ Int.toString (len + inner) ^ "=d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ ","), succ, str ")"] | PPrim p => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "=="), jsPrim p, str "?", succ, str ":", fail, str ")"] | PCon (_, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "True", ...}, NONE) => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?"), succ, str ":", fail, str ")"] | PCon (_, PConFfi {mod = "Basis", con = "False", ...}, NONE) => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?"), fail, str ":", succ, str ")"] | PCon (Option, _, NONE) => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?"), fail, str ":", succ, str ")"] | PCon (Option, PConVar n, SOME p) => (case IM.find (someTs, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Jscomp: Not in someTs" | SOME t => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?(" ^ (if isNullable t then "d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "=d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ ".v," else "")), jsPat depth inner p succ fail, str "):", fail, str ")"]) | PCon (_, pc, NONE) => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "=="), patCon pc, str "?", succ, str ":", fail, str ")"] | PCon (_, pc, SOME p) => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ ".n=="), patCon pc, str ("?(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "=d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ ".v,"), jsPat depth inner p succ fail, str "):", fail, str ")"] | PRecord xps => let val (_, succ) = foldl (fn ((x, p, _), (inner, succ)) => (inner + E.patBindsN p, strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString (depth+1) ^ "=d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "._" ^ x ^ ","), jsPat (depth+1) inner p succ fail, str ")"])) (inner, succ) xps in succ end | PNone _ => strcat [str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?"), fail, str ":", succ, str ")"] | PSome (t, p) => strcat (str ("(d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "?") :: (if isNullable t then [str ("d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ "=d" ^ Int.toString depth ^ ".v")] else []) @ [jsPat depth inner p succ fail, str ":", fail, str ")"]) val jsifyString = String.translate (fn #"\"" => "\\\"" | #"\\" => "\\\\" | ch => String.str ch) fun jsifyStringMulti (n, s) = case n of 0 => s | _ => jsifyStringMulti (n - 1, jsifyString s) fun deStrcat level (all as (e, _)) = case e of EPrim (Prim.String s) => jsifyStringMulti (level, s) | EStrcat (e1, e2) => deStrcat level e1 ^ deStrcat level e2 | EFfiApp ("Basis", "jsifyString", [e]) => "\"" ^ deStrcat (level + 1) e ^ "\"" | _ => (Print.prefaces "deStrcat" [("e", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty all)]; raise Fail "Jscomp: deStrcat") val quoteExp = quoteExp loc in (*Print.prefaces "jsE" [("e", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty e)];*) case #1 e of EPrim p => (jsPrim p, st) | ERel n => if n < inner then (str ("_" ^ var n), st) else let val n = n - inner in quoteExp (List.nth (outer, n)) ((ERel (n - skip), loc), st) end | ENamed n => let val st = if IS.member (#included st, n) then st else case IM.find (nameds, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Jscomp: Unbound ENamed" | SOME e => let val st = {decls = #decls st, script = #script st, included = IS.add (#included st, n), injectors = #injectors st, decoders = #decoders st, maxName = #maxName st} val (e, st) = jsExp mode skip [] 0 (e, st) val e = deStrcat 0 e val sc = "_n" ^ Int.toString n ^ "=" ^ e ^ ";\n" in {decls = #decls st, script = sc :: #script st, included = #included st, injectors = #injectors st, decoders= #decoders st, maxName = #maxName st} end in (str ("_n" ^ Int.toString n), st) end | ECon (Option, _, NONE) => (str "null", st) | ECon (Option, PConVar n, SOME e) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in case IM.find (someTs, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Jscomp: Not in someTs [2]" | SOME t => (if isNullable t then strcat [str "{v:", e, str "}"] else e, st) end | ECon (_, pc, NONE) => (patCon pc, st) | ECon (_, pc, SOME e) => let val (s, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "{n:", patCon pc, str ",v:", s, str "}"], st) end | ENone _ => (str "null", st) | ESome (t, e) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (if isNullable t then strcat [str "{v:", e, str "}"] else e, st) end | EFfi k => let val name = case ffi k of NONE => (EM.errorAt loc ("Unsupported FFI identifier " ^ #2 k ^ " in JavaScript"); "ERROR") | SOME s => s in (str name, st) end | EFfiApp (m, x, args) => let val args = case (m, x, args) of ("Basis", "new_client_source", [(EJavaScript (_, e, _), _)]) => [e] | ("Basis", "set_client_source", [e1, (EJavaScript (_, e2, _), _)]) => [e1, e2] | _ => args val name = case ffi (m, x) of NONE => (EM.errorAt loc ("Unsupported FFI function " ^ x ^ " in JavaScript"); "ERROR") | SOME s => s in case args of [] => (str (name ^ "()"), st) | [e] => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str (name ^ "("), e, str ")"], st) end | e :: es => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) val (es, st) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat (fn (e, st) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in ([str ",", e], st) end) st es in (strcat (str (name ^ "(") :: e :: es @ [str ")"]), st) end end | EApp (e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE inner (e2, st) in (strcat [e1, str "(", e2, str ")"], st) end | EAbs (_, _, _, e) => let val locals = List.tabulate (varDepth e, fn i => str ("var _" ^ Int.toString (len + inner + i + 1) ^ ";")) val (e, st) = jsE (inner + 1) (e, st) in (strcat (str ("function(_" ^ Int.toString (len + inner) ^ "){") :: locals @ [str "return ", e, str "}"]), st) end | EUnop (s, e) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str ("(" ^ s), e, str ")"], st) end | EBinop (s, e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE inner (e2, st) in (strcat [str "(", e1, str s, e2, str ")"], st) end | ERecord [] => (str "null", st) | ERecord [(x, e, _)] => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "{_x:", e, str "}"], st) end | ERecord ((x, e, _) :: xes) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) val (es, st) = foldr (fn ((x, e, _), (es, st)) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (str (",_" ^ x ^ ":") :: e :: es, st) end) ([str "}"], st) xes in (strcat (str ("{_" ^ x ^ ":") :: e :: es), st) end | EField (e, x) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [e, str ("._" ^ x)], st) end | ECase (e', pes, {result, ...}) => if closedUpto inner e andalso List.all (fn (_, e) => closedUpto inner e) pes then let val (e', st) = quoteExp result ((ERel 0, loc), st) in ((ELet ("js", result, e, e'), loc), st) end else let val plen = length pes val (cases, st) = ListUtil.foldliMap (fn (i, (p, e), st) => let val (e, st) = jsE (inner + E.patBindsN p) (e, st) val fail = if i = plen - 1 then str "pf()" else str ("c" ^ Int.toString (i+1) ^ "()") val c = jsPat 0 inner p e fail in (strcat [str ("c" ^ Int.toString i ^ "=function(){return "), c, str "},"], st) end) st pes val (e, st) = jsE inner (e', st) in (strcat (str "(" :: List.revAppend (cases, [str "d0=", e, str ",c0())"])), st) end | EStrcat (e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE inner (e2, st) in (strcat [str "(", e1, str "+", e2, str ")"], st) end | EError (e, _) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "alert(\"ERROR: \"+", e, str ")"], st) end | EWrite e => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "document.write(", e, str ".v)"], st) end | ESeq (e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE inner (e2, st) in (strcat [str "(", e1, str ",", e2, str ")"], st) end | ELet (_, _, e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE (inner + 1) (e2, st) in (strcat [str ("(_" ^ Int.toString (len + inner) ^ "="), e1, str ",", e2, str ")"], st) end | EJavaScript (Source _, _, SOME _) => (e, st) | EJavaScript (_, _, SOME e) => (strcat [str "\"cr(\"+ca(function(){return ", e, str "})+\")\""], st) | EClosure _ => unsupported "EClosure" | EQuery _ => unsupported "Query" | EDml _ => unsupported "DML" | ENextval _ => unsupported "Nextval" | EUnurlify _ => unsupported "EUnurlify" | EJavaScript (_, e, _) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "\"cr(\"+ca(function(){return ", e, str "})+\")\""], st) end | ESignalReturn e => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "sr(", e, str ")"], st) end | ESignalBind (e1, e2) => let val (e1, st) = jsE inner (e1, st) val (e2, st) = jsE inner (e2, st) in (strcat [str "sb(", e1, str ",", e2, str ")"], st) end | ESignalSource e => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) in (strcat [str "ss(", e, str ")"], st) end | EServerCall (e, ek, t) => let val (e, st) = jsE inner (e, st) val (ek, st) = jsE inner (ek, st) val (unurl, st) = unurlifyExp loc (t, st) in (strcat [str ("rc(\"" ^ !Monoize.urlPrefix ^ "\"+"), e, str (", function(s){var t=s.split(\"/\");var i=0;return " ^ unurl ^ "},"), ek, str ")"], st) end end in jsE end val decl : state -> decl -> decl * state = U.Decl.foldMapB {typ = fn x => x, exp = fn (env, e, st) => let fun doCode m skip env orig e = let val len = length env fun str s = (EPrim (Prim.String s), #2 e) val locals = List.tabulate (varDepth e, fn i => str ("var _" ^ Int.toString (len + i) ^ ";")) val (e, st) = jsExp m skip env 0 (e, st) in (EJavaScript (m, orig, SOME (strcat (#2 e) (locals @ [e]))), st) end in case e of EJavaScript (m, orig, NONE) => doCode m 0 env orig orig | _ => (e, st) end, decl = fn (_, e, st) => (e, st), bind = fn (env, U.Decl.RelE (_, t)) => t :: env | (env, _) => env} [] fun doDecl (d, st) = let val (d, st) = decl st d in (List.revAppend (#decls st, [d]), {decls = [], script = #script st, included = #included st, injectors = #injectors st, decoders = #decoders st, maxName = #maxName st}) end val (ds, st) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat doDecl {decls = [], script = [], included = IS.empty, injectors = IM.empty, decoders = IM.empty, maxName = U.File.maxName file + 1} file val inf = TextIO.openIn (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = Config.libJs, file = "urweb.js"}) fun lines acc = case TextIO.inputLine inf of NONE => String.concat (rev acc) | SOME line => lines (line :: acc) val lines = lines [] in TextIO.closeIn inf; (DJavaScript (lines ^ String.concat (rev (#script st))), ErrorMsg.dummySpan) :: ds end end