(* Copyright (c) 2010, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure Iflow :> IFLOW = struct open Mono structure IS = IntBinarySet structure IM = IntBinaryMap structure SK = struct type ord_key = string val compare = String.compare end structure SS = BinarySetFn(SK) structure SM = BinaryMapFn(SK) val writers = ["htmlifyInt_w", "htmlifyFloat_w", "htmlifyString_w", "htmlifyBool_w", "htmlifyTime_w", "attrifyInt_w", "attrifyFloat_w", "attrifyString_w", "attrifyChar_w", "urlifyInt_w", "urlifyFloat_w", "urlifyString_w", "urlifyBool_w", "set_cookie"] val writers = SS.addList (SS.empty, writers) type lvar = int datatype func = DtCon0 of string | DtCon1 of string | UnCon of string | Other of string datatype exp = Const of Prim.t | Var of int | Lvar of lvar | Func of func * exp list | Recd of (string * exp) list | Proj of exp * string datatype reln = Known | Sql of string | PCon0 of string | PCon1 of string | Eq | Ne | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge datatype prop = True | False | Unknown | And of prop * prop | Or of prop * prop | Reln of reln * exp list | Cond of exp * prop local open Print val string = PD.string in fun p_func f = string (case f of DtCon0 s => s | DtCon1 s => s | UnCon s => "un" ^ s | Other s => s) fun p_exp e = case e of Const p => Prim.p_t p | Var n => string ("x" ^ Int.toString n) | Lvar n => string ("X" ^ Int.toString n) | Func (f, es) => box [p_func f, string "(", p_list p_exp es, string ")"] | Recd xes => box [string "{", p_list (fn (x, e) => box [string x, space, string "=", space, p_exp e]) xes, string "}"] | Proj (e, x) => box [p_exp e, string ("." ^ x)] fun p_bop s es = case es of [e1, e2] => box [p_exp e1, space, string s, space, p_exp e2] | _ => raise Fail "Iflow.p_bop" fun p_reln r es = case r of Known => (case es of [e] => box [string "known(", p_exp e, string ")"] | _ => raise Fail "Iflow.p_reln: Known") | Sql s => box [string (s ^ "("), p_list p_exp es, string ")"] | PCon0 s => box [string (s ^ "("), p_list p_exp es, string ")"] | PCon1 s => box [string (s ^ "("), p_list p_exp es, string ")"] | Eq => p_bop "=" es | Ne => p_bop "<>" es | Lt => p_bop "<" es | Le => p_bop "<=" es | Gt => p_bop ">" es | Ge => p_bop ">=" es fun p_prop p = case p of True => string "True" | False => string "False" | Unknown => string "??" | And (p1, p2) => box [string "(", p_prop p1, string ")", space, string "&&", space, string "(", p_prop p2, string ")"] | Or (p1, p2) => box [string "(", p_prop p1, string ")", space, string "||", space, string "(", p_prop p2, string ")"] | Reln (r, es) => p_reln r es | Cond (e, p) => box [string "(", p_exp e, space, string "==", space, p_prop p, string ")"] end fun isKnown e = case e of Const _ => true | Func (_, es) => List.all isKnown es | Recd xes => List.all (isKnown o #2) xes | Proj (e, _) => isKnown e | _ => false fun simplify unif = let fun simplify e = case e of Const _ => e | Var _ => e | Lvar n => (case IM.find (unif, n) of NONE => e | SOME e => simplify e) | Func (f, es) => Func (f, map simplify es) | Recd xes => Recd (map (fn (x, e) => (x, simplify e)) xes) | Proj (e, s) => Proj (simplify e, s) in simplify end datatype atom = AReln of reln * exp list | ACond of exp * prop fun p_atom a = p_prop (case a of AReln x => Reln x | ACond x => Cond x) val debug = ref false (* Congruence closure *) structure Cc :> sig type database exception Contradiction exception Undetermined val database : unit -> database val clear : database -> unit val assert : database * atom -> unit val check : database * atom -> bool val p_database : database Print.printer val builtFrom : database * {UseKnown : bool, Base : exp list, Derived : exp} -> bool val p_repOf : database -> exp Print.printer end = struct exception Contradiction exception Undetermined structure CM = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = Prim.t val compare = Prim.compare end) datatype node = Node of {Rep : node ref option ref, Cons : node ref SM.map ref, Variety : variety, Known : bool ref} and variety = Dt0 of string | Dt1 of string * node ref | Prim of Prim.t | Recrd of node ref SM.map ref * bool | Nothing type representative = node ref type database = {Vars : representative IM.map ref, Consts : representative CM.map ref, Con0s : representative SM.map ref, Records : (representative SM.map * representative) list ref, Funcs : ((string * representative list) * representative) list ref} fun database () = {Vars = ref IM.empty, Consts = ref CM.empty, Con0s = ref SM.empty, Records = ref [], Funcs = ref []} fun clear (t : database) = (#Vars t := IM.empty; #Consts t := CM.empty; #Con0s t := SM.empty; #Records t := []; #Funcs t := []) fun unNode n = case !n of Node r => r open Print val string = PD.string val newline = PD.newline fun p_rep n = case !(#Rep (unNode n)) of SOME n => p_rep n | NONE => box [string (Int.toString 0(*Unsafe.cast n*) ^ ":"), space, case #Variety (unNode n) of Nothing => string "?" | Dt0 s => string ("Dt0(" ^ s ^ ")") | Dt1 (s, n) => box[string ("Dt1(" ^ s ^ ","), space, p_rep n, string ")"] | Prim p => Prim.p_t p | Recrd (ref m, b) => box [string "{", p_list (fn (x, n) => box [string x, space, string "=", space, p_rep n]) (SM.listItemsi m), string "}", if b then box [space, string "(complete)"] else box []]] fun p_database (db : database) = box [string "Vars:", newline, p_list_sep newline (fn (i, n) => box [string ("x" ^ Int.toString i), space, string "=", space, p_rep n, if !(#Known (unNode n)) then box [space, string "(known)"] else box []]) (IM.listItemsi (!(#Vars db)))] fun repOf (n : representative) : representative = case !(#Rep (unNode n)) of NONE => n | SOME r => let val r = repOf r in #Rep (unNode n) := SOME r; r end fun markKnown r = let val r = repOf r in (*Print.preface ("markKnown", p_rep r);*) if !(#Known (unNode r)) then ()(*TextIO.print "Already known\n"*) else (#Known (unNode r) := true; SM.app markKnown (!(#Cons (unNode r))); case #Variety (unNode r) of Dt1 (_, r) => markKnown r | Recrd (xes, _) => SM.app markKnown (!xes) | _ => ()) end fun representative (db : database, e) = let fun rep e = case e of Const p => (case CM.find (!(#Consts db), p) of SOME r => repOf r | NONE => let val r = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Prim p, Known = ref true}) in #Consts db := CM.insert (!(#Consts db), p, r); r end) | Var n => (case IM.find (!(#Vars db), n) of SOME r => repOf r | NONE => let val r = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref false}) in #Vars db := IM.insert (!(#Vars db), n, r); r end) | Lvar _ => raise Undetermined | Func (DtCon0 f, []) => (case SM.find (!(#Con0s db), f) of SOME r => repOf r | NONE => let val r = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Dt0 f, Known = ref true}) in #Con0s db := SM.insert (!(#Con0s db), f, r); r end) | Func (DtCon0 _, _) => raise Fail "Iflow.rep: DtCon0" | Func (DtCon1 f, [e]) => let val r = rep e in case SM.find (!(#Cons (unNode r)), f) of SOME r => repOf r | NONE => let val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Dt1 (f, r), Known = ref (!(#Known (unNode r)))}) in #Cons (unNode r) := SM.insert (!(#Cons (unNode r)), f, r'); r' end end | Func (DtCon1 _, _) => raise Fail "Iflow.rep: DtCon1" | Func (UnCon f, [e]) => let val r = rep e in case #Variety (unNode r) of Dt1 (f', n) => if f' = f then repOf n else raise Contradiction | Nothing => let val cons = ref SM.empty val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = cons, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref (!(#Known (unNode r)))}) val r'' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = #Cons (unNode r), Variety = Dt1 (f, r'), Known = #Known (unNode r)}) in cons := SM.insert (!cons, f, r''); #Rep (unNode r) := SOME r''; r' end | _ => raise Contradiction end | Func (UnCon _, _) => raise Fail "Iflow.rep: UnCon" | Func (Other f, es) => let val rs = map rep es in case List.find (fn (x : string * representative list, _) => x = (f, rs)) (!(#Funcs db)) of NONE => let val r = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref false}) in #Funcs db := ((f, rs), r) :: (!(#Funcs db)); r end | SOME (_, r) => repOf r end | Recd xes => let val xes = map (fn (x, e) => (x, rep e)) xes val len = length xes in case List.find (fn (xes', _) => SM.numItems xes' = len andalso List.all (fn (x, n) => case SM.find (xes', x) of NONE => false | SOME n' => n = repOf n') xes) (!(#Records db)) of SOME (_, r) => repOf r | NONE => let val xes = foldl SM.insert' SM.empty xes val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Recrd (ref xes, true), Known = ref false}) in #Records db := (xes, r') :: (!(#Records db)); r' end end | Proj (e, f) => let val r = rep e in case #Variety (unNode r) of Recrd (xes, _) => (case SM.find (!xes, f) of SOME r => repOf r | NONE => let val r = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref (!(#Known (unNode r)))}) in xes := SM.insert (!xes, f, r); r end) | Nothing => let val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref (!(#Known (unNode r)))}) val r'' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = #Cons (unNode r), Variety = Recrd (ref (SM.insert (SM.empty, f, r')), false), Known = #Known (unNode r)}) in #Rep (unNode r) := SOME r''; r' end | _ => raise Contradiction end in rep e end fun p_repOf db e = p_rep (representative (db, e)) fun assert (db, a) = case a of ACond _ => () | AReln x => case x of (Known, [e]) => ((*Print.prefaces "Before" [("e", p_exp e), ("db", p_database db)];*) markKnown (representative (db, e))(*; Print.prefaces "After" [("e", p_exp e), ("db", p_database db)]*)) | (PCon0 f, [e]) => let val r = representative (db, e) in case #Variety (unNode r) of Dt0 f' => if f = f' then () else raise Contradiction | Nothing => let val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Dt0 f, Known = ref false}) in #Rep (unNode r) := SOME r' end | _ => raise Contradiction end | (PCon1 f, [e]) => let val r = representative (db, e) in case #Variety (unNode r) of Dt1 (f', e') => if f = f' then () else raise Contradiction | Nothing => let val r'' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Nothing, Known = ref (!(#Known (unNode r)))}) val r' = ref (Node {Rep = ref NONE, Cons = ref SM.empty, Variety = Dt1 (f, r''), Known = #Known (unNode r)}) in #Rep (unNode r) := SOME r' end | _ => raise Contradiction end | (Eq, [e1, e2]) => let fun markEq (r1, r2) = let val r1 = repOf r1 val r2 = repOf r2 in if r1 = r2 then () else case (#Variety (unNode r1), #Variety (unNode r2)) of (Prim p1, Prim p2) => if Prim.equal (p1, p2) then () else raise Contradiction | (Dt0 f1, Dt0 f2) => if f1 = f2 then () else raise Contradiction | (Dt1 (f1, r1), Dt1 (f2, r2)) => if f1 = f2 then markEq (r1, r2) else raise Contradiction | (Recrd (xes1, _), Recrd (xes2, _)) => let fun unif (xes1, xes2) = SM.appi (fn (x, r1) => case SM.find (!xes2, x) of NONE => xes2 := SM.insert (!xes2, x, r1) | SOME r2 => markEq (r1, r2)) (!xes1) in unif (xes1, xes2); unif (xes2, xes1) end | (Nothing, _) => mergeNodes (r1, r2) | (_, Nothing) => mergeNodes (r2, r1) | _ => raise Contradiction end and mergeNodes (r1, r2) = (#Rep (unNode r1) := SOME r2; if !(#Known (unNode r1)) then markKnown r2 else (); if !(#Known (unNode r2)) then markKnown r1 else (); #Cons (unNode r2) := SM.unionWith #1 (!(#Cons (unNode r2)), !(#Cons (unNode r1))); compactFuncs ()) and compactFuncs () = let fun loop funcs = case funcs of [] => [] | (fr as ((f, rs), r)) :: rest => let val rest = List.filter (fn ((f' : string, rs'), r') => if f' = f andalso ListPair.allEq (fn (r1, r2) => repOf r1 = repOf r2) (rs, rs') then (markEq (r, r'); false) else true) rest in fr :: loop rest end in #Funcs db := loop (!(#Funcs db)) end in markEq (representative (db, e1), representative (db, e2)) end | _ => () fun check (db, a) = case a of ACond _ => false | AReln x => case x of (Known, [e]) => let fun isKnown r = let val r = repOf r in !(#Known (unNode r)) orelse case #Variety (unNode r) of Dt1 (_, r) => isKnown r | Recrd (xes, true) => List.all isKnown (SM.listItems (!xes)) | _ => false end val r = representative (db, e) in isKnown r end | (PCon0 f, [e]) => (case #Variety (unNode (representative (db, e))) of Dt0 f' => f' = f | _ => false) | (PCon1 f, [e]) => (case #Variety (unNode (representative (db, e))) of Dt1 (f', _) => f' = f | _ => false) | (Eq, [e1, e2]) => let val r1 = representative (db, e1) val r2 = representative (db, e2) in repOf r1 = repOf r2 end | _ => false fun builtFrom (db, {UseKnown = uk, Base = bs, Derived = d}) = let val bs = map (fn b => representative (db, b)) bs fun loop d = let val d = repOf d in (uk andalso !(#Known (unNode d))) orelse List.exists (fn b => repOf b = d) bs orelse case #Variety (unNode d) of Dt0 _ => true | Dt1 (_, d) => loop d | Prim _ => true | Recrd (xes, _) => List.all loop (SM.listItems (!xes)) | Nothing => false end fun decomp e = case e of Func (Other _, es) => List.all decomp es | _ => loop (representative (db, e)) in decomp d end end val tabs = ref (SM.empty : (string list * string list list) SM.map) fun ccOf hyps = let val cc = Cc.database () val () = app (fn a => Cc.assert (cc, a)) hyps (* Take advantage of table key information *) fun findKeys hyps = case hyps of [] => () | AReln (Sql tab, [r1]) :: hyps => (case SM.find (!tabs, tab) of NONE => findKeys hyps | SOME (_, []) => findKeys hyps | SOME (_, ks) => let fun finder hyps = case hyps of [] => () | AReln (Sql tab', [r2]) :: hyps => (if tab' = tab andalso List.exists (List.all (fn f => let val r = Cc.check (cc, AReln (Eq, [Proj (r1, f), Proj (r2, f)])) in (*Print.prefaces "Fs" [("tab", Print.PD.string tab), ("r1", p_exp (Proj (r1, f))), ("r2", p_exp (Proj (r2, f))), ("r", Print.PD.string (Bool.toString r))];*) r end)) ks then ((*Print.prefaces "Key match" [("tab", Print.PD.string tab), ("r1", p_exp r1), ("r2", p_exp r2), ("rp1", Cc.p_repOf cc r1), ("rp2", Cc.p_repOf cc r2)];*) Cc.assert (cc, AReln (Eq, [r1, r2]))) else (); finder hyps) | _ :: hyps => finder hyps in finder hyps; findKeys hyps end) | _ :: hyps => findKeys hyps in findKeys hyps; cc end fun patCon pc = case pc of PConVar n => "C" ^ Int.toString n | PConFfi {mod = m, datatyp = d, con = c, ...} => m ^ "." ^ d ^ "." ^ c datatype chunk = String of string | Exp of Mono.exp fun chunkify e = case #1 e of EPrim (Prim.String s) => [String s] | EStrcat (e1, e2) => let val chs1 = chunkify e1 val chs2 = chunkify e2 in case chs2 of String s2 :: chs2' => (case List.last chs1 of String s1 => List.take (chs1, length chs1 - 1) @ String (s1 ^ s2) :: chs2' | _ => chs1 @ chs2) | _ => chs1 @ chs2 end | _ => [Exp e] type 'a parser = chunk list -> ('a * chunk list) option fun always v chs = SOME (v, chs) fun parse p s = case p (chunkify s) of SOME (v, []) => SOME v | _ => NONE fun const s chs = case chs of String s' :: chs => if String.isPrefix s s' then SOME ((), if size s = size s' then chs else String (String.extract (s', size s, NONE)) :: chs) else NONE | _ => NONE fun follow p1 p2 chs = case p1 chs of NONE => NONE | SOME (v1, chs) => case p2 chs of NONE => NONE | SOME (v2, chs) => SOME ((v1, v2), chs) fun wrap p f chs = case p chs of NONE => NONE | SOME (v, chs) => SOME (f v, chs) fun wrapP p f chs = case p chs of NONE => NONE | SOME (v, chs) => case f v of NONE => NONE | SOME r => SOME (r, chs) fun alt p1 p2 chs = case p1 chs of NONE => p2 chs | v => v fun altL ps = case rev ps of [] => (fn _ => NONE) | p :: ps => foldl (fn (p1, p2) => alt p1 p2) p ps fun opt p chs = case p chs of NONE => SOME (NONE, chs) | SOME (v, chs) => SOME (SOME v, chs) fun skip cp chs = case chs of String "" :: chs => skip cp chs | String s :: chs' => if cp (String.sub (s, 0)) then skip cp (String (String.extract (s, 1, NONE)) :: chs') else SOME ((), chs) | _ => SOME ((), chs) fun keep cp chs = case chs of String "" :: chs => keep cp chs | String s :: chs' => let val (befor, after) = Substring.splitl cp (Substring.full s) in if Substring.isEmpty befor then NONE else SOME (Substring.string befor, if Substring.isEmpty after then chs' else String (Substring.string after) :: chs') end | _ => NONE fun ws p = wrap (follow (skip (fn ch => ch = #" ")) (follow p (skip (fn ch => ch = #" ")))) (#1 o #2) fun log name p chs = (if !debug then (print (name ^ ": "); app (fn String s => print s | _ => print "???") chs; print "\n") else (); p chs) fun list p chs = altL [wrap (follow p (follow (ws (const ",")) (list p))) (fn (v, ((), ls)) => v :: ls), wrap (ws p) (fn v => [v]), always []] chs val ident = keep (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"_") val t_ident = wrapP ident (fn s => if String.isPrefix "T_" s then SOME (String.extract (s, 2, NONE)) else NONE) val uw_ident = wrapP ident (fn s => if String.isPrefix "uw_" s andalso size s >= 4 then SOME (str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 3))) ^ String.extract (s, 4, NONE)) else NONE) val field = wrap (follow t_ident (follow (const ".") uw_ident)) (fn (t, ((), f)) => (t, f)) datatype Rel = Exps of exp * exp -> prop | Props of prop * prop -> prop datatype sqexp = SqConst of Prim.t | Field of string * string | Computed of string | Binop of Rel * sqexp * sqexp | SqKnown of sqexp | Inj of Mono.exp | SqFunc of string * sqexp | Count fun cmp s r = wrap (const s) (fn () => Exps (fn (e1, e2) => Reln (r, [e1, e2]))) val sqbrel = altL [cmp "=" Eq, cmp "<>" Ne, cmp "<=" Le, cmp "<" Lt, cmp ">=" Ge, cmp ">" Gt, wrap (const "AND") (fn () => Props And), wrap (const "OR") (fn () => Props Or)] datatype ('a, 'b) sum = inl of 'a | inr of 'b fun string chs = case chs of String s :: chs => if size s >= 2 andalso String.sub (s, 0) = #"'" then let fun loop (cs, acc) = case cs of [] => NONE | c :: cs => if c = #"'" then SOME (String.implode (rev acc), cs) else if c = #"\\" then case cs of c :: cs => loop (cs, c :: acc) | _ => raise Fail "Iflow.string: Unmatched backslash escape" else loop (cs, c :: acc) in case loop (String.explode (String.extract (s, 1, NONE)), []) of NONE => NONE | SOME (s, []) => SOME (s, chs) | SOME (s, cs) => SOME (s, String (String.implode cs) :: chs) end else NONE | _ => NONE val prim = altL [wrap (follow (wrapP (follow (keep Char.isDigit) (follow (const ".") (keep Char.isDigit))) (fn (x, ((), y)) => Option.map Prim.Float (Real64.fromString (x ^ "." ^ y)))) (opt (const "::float8"))) #1, wrap (follow (wrapP (keep Char.isDigit) (Option.map Prim.Int o Int64.fromString)) (opt (const "::int8"))) #1, wrap (follow (opt (const "E")) (follow string (opt (const "::text")))) (Prim.String o #1 o #2)] fun known' chs = case chs of Exp (EFfi ("Basis", "sql_known"), _) :: chs => SOME ((), chs) | _ => NONE fun sqlify chs = case chs of Exp (EFfiApp ("Basis", f, [e]), _) :: chs => if String.isPrefix "sqlify" f then SOME (e, chs) else NONE | _ => NONE fun constK s = wrap (const s) (fn () => s) val funcName = altL [constK "COUNT", constK "MIN", constK "MAX", constK "SUM", constK "AVG"] fun sqexp chs = log "sqexp" (altL [wrap prim SqConst, wrap field Field, wrap uw_ident Computed, wrap known SqKnown, wrap func SqFunc, wrap (const "COUNT(*)") (fn () => Count), wrap sqlify Inj, wrap (follow (const "COALESCE(") (follow sqexp (follow (const ",") (follow (keep (fn ch => ch <> #")")) (const ")"))))) (fn ((), (e, _)) => e), wrap (follow (ws (const "(")) (follow (wrap (follow sqexp (alt (wrap (follow (ws sqbrel) (ws sqexp)) inl) (always (inr ())))) (fn (e1, sm) => case sm of inl (bo, e2) => Binop (bo, e1, e2) | inr () => e1)) (const ")"))) (fn ((), (e, ())) => e)]) chs and known chs = wrap (follow known' (follow (const "(") (follow sqexp (const ")")))) (fn ((), ((), (e, ()))) => e) chs and func chs = wrap (follow funcName (follow (const "(") (follow sqexp (const ")")))) (fn (f, ((), (e, ()))) => (f, e)) chs datatype sitem = SqField of string * string | SqExp of sqexp * string val sitem = alt (wrap (follow sqexp (follow (const " AS ") uw_ident)) (fn (e, ((), s)) => SqExp (e, s))) (wrap field SqField) val select = log "select" (wrap (follow (const "SELECT ") (list sitem)) (fn ((), ls) => ls)) val fitem = wrap (follow uw_ident (follow (const " AS ") t_ident)) (fn (t, ((), f)) => (t, f)) val from = log "from" (wrap (follow (const "FROM ") (list fitem)) (fn ((), ls) => ls)) val wher = wrap (follow (ws (const "WHERE ")) sqexp) (fn ((), ls) => ls) type query1 = {Select : sitem list, From : (string * string) list, Where : sqexp option} val query1 = log "query1" (wrap (follow (follow select from) (opt wher)) (fn ((fs, ts), wher) => {Select = fs, From = ts, Where = wher})) datatype query = Query1 of query1 | Union of query * query val orderby = log "orderby" (wrap (follow (ws (const "ORDER BY ")) (list sqexp)) ignore) fun query chs = log "query" (wrap (follow (alt (wrap (follow (const "((") (follow query (follow (const ") UNION (") (follow query (const "))"))))) (fn ((), (q1, ((), (q2, ())))) => Union (q1, q2))) (wrap query1 Query1)) (opt orderby)) #1) chs datatype dml = Insert of string * (string * sqexp) list | Delete of string * sqexp | Update of string * (string * sqexp) list * sqexp val insert = log "insert" (wrapP (follow (const "INSERT INTO ") (follow uw_ident (follow (const " (") (follow (list uw_ident) (follow (const ") VALUES (") (follow (list sqexp) (const ")"))))))) (fn ((), (tab, ((), (fs, ((), (es, ())))))) => (SOME (tab, ListPair.zipEq (fs, es))) handle ListPair.UnequalLengths => NONE)) val delete = log "delete" (wrap (follow (const "DELETE FROM ") (follow uw_ident (follow (const " AS T_T WHERE ") sqexp))) (fn ((), (tab, ((), es))) => (tab, es))) val setting = log "setting" (wrap (follow uw_ident (follow (const " = ") sqexp)) (fn (f, ((), e)) => (f, e))) val update = log "update" (wrap (follow (const "UPDATE ") (follow uw_ident (follow (const " AS T_T SET ") (follow (list setting) (follow (ws (const "WHERE ")) sqexp))))) (fn ((), (tab, ((), (fs, ((), e))))) => (tab, fs, e))) val dml = log "dml" (altL [wrap insert Insert, wrap delete Delete, wrap update Update]) type check = exp * ErrorMsg.span structure St :> sig val reset : unit -> unit type stashed val stash : unit -> stashed val reinstate : stashed -> unit val nextVar : unit -> int val assert : atom list -> unit val addPath : check -> unit val allowSend : atom list * exp list -> unit val send : bool -> check -> unit val allowInsert : atom list -> unit val insert : ErrorMsg.span -> unit val allowDelete : atom list -> unit val delete : ErrorMsg.span -> unit val allowUpdate : atom list -> unit val update : ErrorMsg.span -> unit val havocReln : reln -> unit val debug : unit -> unit end = struct val hnames = ref 1 type hyps = int * atom list val db = Cc.database () val path = ref ([] : (hyps * check) option ref list) val hyps = ref (0, [] : atom list) val nvar = ref 0 fun setHyps (h as (n', hs)) = let val (n, _) = !hyps in if n' = n then () else (hyps := h; Cc.clear db; app (fn a => Cc.assert (db, a)) hs) end type stashed = int * (hyps * check) option ref list * (int * atom list) fun stash () = (!nvar, !path, !hyps) fun reinstate (nv, p, h) = (nvar := nv; path := p; setHyps h) fun nextVar () = let val n = !nvar in nvar := n + 1; n end fun assert ats = let val n = !hnames val (_, hs) = !hyps in hnames := n + 1; hyps := (n, ats @ hs); app (fn a => Cc.assert (db, a)) ats end fun addPath c = path := ref (SOME (!hyps, c)) :: !path val sendable = ref ([] : (atom list * exp list) list) fun checkGoals goals k = let fun checkGoals goals unifs = case goals of [] => k unifs | AReln (Sql tab, [Lvar lv]) :: goals => let val saved = stash () val (_, hyps) = !hyps fun tryAll unifs hyps = case hyps of [] => false | AReln (Sql tab', [e]) :: hyps => (tab' = tab andalso checkGoals goals (IM.insert (unifs, lv, e))) orelse tryAll unifs hyps | _ :: hyps => tryAll unifs hyps in tryAll unifs hyps end | AReln (r, es) :: goals => Cc.check (db, AReln (r, map (simplify unifs) es)) andalso checkGoals goals unifs | ACond _ :: _ => false in checkGoals goals IM.empty end fun useKeys () = let fun findKeys hyps = case hyps of [] => () | AReln (Sql tab, [r1]) :: hyps => (case SM.find (!tabs, tab) of NONE => findKeys hyps | SOME (_, []) => findKeys hyps | SOME (_, ks) => let fun finder hyps = case hyps of [] => () | AReln (Sql tab', [r2]) :: hyps => (if tab' = tab andalso List.exists (List.all (fn f => let val r = Cc.check (db, AReln (Eq, [Proj (r1, f), Proj (r2, f)])) in (*Print.prefaces "Fs" [("tab", Print.PD.string tab), ("r1", p_exp (Proj (r1, f))), ("r2", p_exp (Proj (r2, f))), ("r", Print.PD.string (Bool.toString r))];*) r end)) ks then ((*Print.prefaces "Key match" [("tab", Print.PD.string tab), ("r1", p_exp r1), ("r2", p_exp r2), ("rp1", Cc.p_repOf cc r1), ("rp2", Cc.p_repOf cc r2)];*) Cc.assert (db, AReln (Eq, [r1, r2]))) else (); finder hyps) | _ :: hyps => finder hyps in finder hyps; findKeys hyps end) | _ :: hyps => findKeys hyps val (_, hs) = !hyps in (*print "findKeys\n";*) findKeys hs end fun buildable uk (e, loc) = let fun doPols pols acc = case pols of [] => ((*Print.prefaces "buildable" [("Base", Print.p_list p_exp acc), ("Derived", p_exp e), ("Hyps", Print.p_list p_atom (#2 (!hyps)))];*) Cc.builtFrom (db, {UseKnown = uk, Base = acc, Derived = e})) | (goals, es) :: pols => checkGoals goals (fn unifs => doPols pols (map (simplify unifs) es @ acc)) orelse doPols pols acc in useKeys (); if doPols (!sendable) [] then () else let val (_, hs) = !hyps in ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "The information flow policy may be violated here."; Print.prefaces "Situation" [("Hypotheses", Print.p_list p_atom hs), ("User learns", p_exp e)] end end fun checkPaths () = let val hs = !hyps in app (fn r => case !r of NONE => () | SOME (hs, e) => (r := NONE; setHyps hs; buildable true e)) (!path); setHyps hs end fun allowSend v = ((*Print.prefaces "Allow" [("goals", Print.p_list p_atom (#1 v)), ("exps", Print.p_list p_exp (#2 v))];*) sendable := v :: !sendable) fun send uk (e, loc) = ((*Print.preface ("Send", p_exp e);*) checkPaths (); if isKnown e then () else buildable uk (e, loc)) fun doable pols (loc : ErrorMsg.span) = let val pols = !pols in if List.exists (fn goals => if checkGoals goals (fn _ => true) then ((*Print.prefaces "Match" [("goals", Print.p_list p_atom goals), ("hyps", Print.p_list p_atom (#2 (!hyps)))];*) true) else ((*Print.prefaces "No match" [("goals", Print.p_list p_atom goals), ("hyps", Print.p_list p_atom (#2 (!hyps)))];*) false)) pols then () else let val (_, hs) = !hyps in ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "The database update policy may be violated here."; Print.preface ("Hypotheses", Print.p_list p_atom hs) end end val insertable = ref ([] : atom list list) fun allowInsert v = insertable := v :: !insertable val insert = doable insertable val updatable = ref ([] : atom list list) fun allowUpdate v = updatable := v :: !updatable val update = doable updatable val deletable = ref ([] : atom list list) fun allowDelete v = deletable := v :: !deletable val delete = doable deletable fun reset () = (Cc.clear db; path := []; hyps := (0, []); nvar := 0; sendable := []; insertable := []; updatable := []; deletable := []) fun havocReln r = let val n = !hnames val (_, hs) = !hyps in hnames := n + 1; hyps := (n, List.filter (fn AReln (r', _) => r' <> r | _ => true) hs) end fun debug () = let val (_, hs) = !hyps in Print.preface ("Hyps", Print.p_list p_atom hs) end end fun removeDups (ls : (string * string) list) = case ls of [] => [] | x :: ls => let val ls = removeDups ls in if List.exists (fn x' => x' = x) ls then ls else x :: ls end fun expIn rv env rvOf = let fun expIn e = let fun default () = inl (rv ()) in case e of SqConst p => inl (Const p) | Field (v, f) => inl (Proj (rvOf v, f)) | Computed _ => default () | Binop (bo, e1, e2) => let val e1 = expIn e1 val e2 = expIn e2 in inr (case (bo, e1, e2) of (Exps f, inl e1, inl e2) => f (e1, e2) | (Props f, inr p1, inr p2) => f (p1, p2) | _ => Unknown) end | SqKnown e => (case expIn e of inl e => inr (Reln (Known, [e])) | _ => inr Unknown) | Inj e => let fun deinj e = case #1 e of ERel n => List.nth (env, n) | EField (e, f) => Proj (deinj e, f) | _ => rv () in inl (deinj e) end | SqFunc (f, e) => (case expIn e of inl e => inl (Func (Other f, [e])) | _ => default ()) | Count => default () end in expIn end fun decomp {Save = save, Restore = restore, Add = add} = let fun go p k = case p of True => (k () handle Cc.Contradiction => ()) | False => () | Unknown => () | And (p1, p2) => go p1 (fn () => go p2 k) | Or (p1, p2) => let val saved = save () in go p1 k; restore saved; go p2 k end | Reln x => (add (AReln x); k ()) | Cond x => (add (ACond x); k ()) in go end datatype queryMode = SomeCol of {New : (string * exp) option, Old : (string * exp) option, Outs : exp list} -> unit | AllCols of exp -> unit type 'a doQuery = { Env : exp list, NextVar : unit -> exp, Add : atom -> unit, Save : unit -> 'a, Restore : 'a -> unit, UsedExp : exp -> unit, Cont : queryMode } fun doQuery (arg : 'a doQuery) e = let fun default () = print ("Warning: Information flow checker can't parse SQL query at " ^ ErrorMsg.spanToString (#2 e) ^ "\n") in case parse query e of NONE => default () | SOME q => let fun doQuery q = case q of Query1 r => let val new = ref NONE val old = ref NONE val rvs = map (fn (tab, v) => let val nv = #NextVar arg () in case v of "New" => new := SOME (tab, nv) | "Old" => old := SOME (tab, nv) | _ => (); (v, nv) end) (#From r) fun rvOf v = case List.find (fn (v', _) => v' = v) rvs of NONE => raise Fail "Iflow.queryProp: Bad table variable" | SOME (_, e) => e val expIn = expIn (#NextVar arg) (#Env arg) rvOf val saved = #Save arg () fun addFrom () = app (fn (t, v) => #Add arg (AReln (Sql t, [rvOf v]))) (#From r) fun usedFields e = case e of SqConst _ => [] | Field (v, f) => [(v, f)] | Computed _ => [] | Binop (_, e1, e2) => removeDups (usedFields e1 @ usedFields e2) | SqKnown _ => [] | Inj _ => [] | SqFunc (_, e) => usedFields e | Count => [] fun doUsed () = case #Where r of NONE => () | SOME e => #UsedExp arg (Recd (ListUtil.mapi (fn (n, (v, f)) => (Int.toString n, Proj (rvOf v, f))) (usedFields e))) fun normal' () = case #Cont arg of SomeCol k => let val sis = map (fn si => case si of SqField (v, f) => Proj (rvOf v, f) | SqExp (e, f) => case expIn e of inr _ => #NextVar arg () | inl e => e) (#Select r) in k {New = !new, Old = !old, Outs = sis} end | AllCols k => let val (ts, es) = foldl (fn (si, (ts, es)) => case si of SqField (v, f) => let val fs = getOpt (SM.find (ts, v), SM.empty) in (SM.insert (ts, v, SM.insert (fs, f, Proj (rvOf v, f))), es) end | SqExp (e, f) => let val e = case expIn e of inr _ => #NextVar arg () | inl e => e in (ts, SM.insert (es, f, e)) end) (SM.empty, SM.empty) (#Select r) in k (Recd (map (fn (t, fs) => (t, Recd (SM.listItemsi fs))) (SM.listItemsi ts) @ SM.listItemsi es)) end fun doWhere final = (addFrom (); case #Where r of NONE => (doUsed (); final ()) | SOME e => case expIn e of inl _ => (doUsed (); final ()) | inr p => let val saved = #Save arg () in decomp {Save = #Save arg, Restore = #Restore arg, Add = #Add arg} p (fn () => (doUsed (); final ()) handle Cc.Contradiction => ()); #Restore arg saved end) handle Cc.Contradiction => () fun normal () = doWhere normal' in (case #Select r of [SqExp (Binop (Exps bo, Count, SqConst (Prim.Int 0)), f)] => (case bo (Const (Prim.Int 1), Const (Prim.Int 2)) of Reln (Gt, [Const (Prim.Int 1), Const (Prim.Int 2)]) => (case #Cont arg of SomeCol _ => () | AllCols k => let fun answer e = k (Recd [(f, e)]) val saved = #Save arg () val () = (answer (Func (DtCon0 "Basis.bool.False", []))) handle Cc.Contradiction => () in #Restore arg saved; (*print "True time!\n";*) doWhere (fn () => answer (Func (DtCon0 "Basis.bool.True", []))); #Restore arg saved end) | _ => normal ()) | _ => normal ()) before #Restore arg saved end | Union (q1, q2) => let val saved = #Save arg () in doQuery q1; #Restore arg saved; doQuery q2; #Restore arg saved end in doQuery q end end fun evalPat env e (pt, _) = case pt of PWild => env | PVar _ => e :: env | PPrim _ => env | PCon (_, pc, NONE) => (St.assert [AReln (PCon0 (patCon pc), [e])]; env) | PCon (_, pc, SOME pt) => let val env = evalPat env (Func (UnCon (patCon pc), [e])) pt in St.assert [AReln (PCon1 (patCon pc), [e])]; env end | PRecord xpts => foldl (fn ((x, pt, _), env) => evalPat env (Proj (e, x)) pt) env xpts | PNone _ => (St.assert [AReln (PCon0 "None", [e])]; env) | PSome (_, pt) => let val env = evalPat env (Func (UnCon "Some", [e])) pt in St.assert [AReln (PCon1 "Some", [e])]; env end fun evalExp env (e as (_, loc)) k = let (*val () = St.debug ()*) (*val () = Print.preface ("evalExp", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty e)*) fun default () = k (Var (St.nextVar ())) fun doFfi (m, s, es) = if m = "Basis" andalso SS.member (writers, s) then let fun doArgs es = case es of [] => k (Recd []) | e :: es => evalExp env e (fn e => (St.send true (e, loc); doArgs es)) in doArgs es end else if Settings.isEffectful (m, s) andalso not (Settings.isBenignEffectful (m, s)) then default () else let fun doArgs (es, acc) = case es of [] => k (Func (Other (m ^ "." ^ s), rev acc)) | e :: es => evalExp env e (fn e => doArgs (es, e :: acc)) in doArgs (es, []) end in case #1 e of EPrim p => k (Const p) | ERel n => k (List.nth (env, n)) | ENamed _ => default () | ECon (_, pc, NONE) => k (Func (DtCon0 (patCon pc), [])) | ECon (_, pc, SOME e) => evalExp env e (fn e => k (Func (DtCon1 (patCon pc), [e]))) | ENone _ => k (Func (DtCon0 "None", [])) | ESome (_, e) => evalExp env e (fn e => k (Func (DtCon1 "Some", [e]))) | EFfi _ => default () | EFfiApp x => doFfi x | EApp ((EFfi (m, s), _), e) => doFfi (m, s, [e]) | EApp (e1, e2) => evalExp env e1 (fn _ => evalExp env e2 (fn _ => default ())) | EAbs _ => default () | EUnop (s, e1) => evalExp env e1 (fn e1 => k (Func (Other s, [e1]))) | EBinop (s, e1, e2) => evalExp env e1 (fn e1 => evalExp env e2 (fn e2 => k (Func (Other s, [e1, e2])))) | ERecord xets => let fun doFields (xes, acc) = case xes of [] => k (Recd (rev acc)) | (x, e, _) :: xes => evalExp env e (fn e => doFields (xes, (x, e) :: acc)) in doFields (xets, []) end | EField (e, s) => evalExp env e (fn e => k (Proj (e, s))) | ECase (e, pes, {result = res, ...}) => evalExp env e (fn e => let val () = St.addPath (e, loc) in app (fn (p, pe) => let val saved = St.stash () in let val env = evalPat env e p in evalExp env pe k; St.reinstate saved end handle Cc.Contradiction => St.reinstate saved end) pes end) | EStrcat (e1, e2) => evalExp env e1 (fn e1 => evalExp env e2 (fn e2 => k (Func (Other "cat", [e1, e2])))) | EError (e, _) => evalExp env e (fn e => St.send true (e, loc)) | EReturnBlob {blob = b, mimeType = m, ...} => evalExp env b (fn b => (St.send true (b, loc); evalExp env m (fn m => St.send true (m, loc)))) | ERedirect (e, _) => evalExp env e (fn e => St.send true (e, loc)) | EWrite e => evalExp env e (fn e => (St.send true (e, loc); k (Recd []))) | ESeq (e1, e2) => evalExp env e1 (fn _ => evalExp env e2 k) | ELet (_, _, e1, e2) => evalExp env e1 (fn e1 => evalExp (e1 :: env) e2 k) | EClosure (n, es) => let fun doArgs (es, acc) = case es of [] => k (Func (Other ("Cl" ^ Int.toString n), rev acc)) | e :: es => evalExp env e (fn e => doArgs (es, e :: acc)) in doArgs (es, []) end | EQuery {query = q, body = b, initial = i, state = state, ...} => evalExp env i (fn i => let val saved = St.stash () val () = (k i) handle Cc.Contradiction => () val () = St.reinstate saved val r = Var (St.nextVar ()) val acc = Var (St.nextVar ()) in if MonoUtil.Exp.existsB {typ = fn _ => false, exp = fn (n, e) => case e of ERel n' => n' = n | _ => false, bind = fn (n, b) => case b of MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _ => n + 1 | _ => n} 0 b then doQuery {Env = env, NextVar = Var o St.nextVar, Add = fn a => St.assert [a], Save = St.stash, Restore = St.reinstate, UsedExp = fn e => St.send false (e, loc), Cont = AllCols (fn _ => evalExp (acc :: r :: env) b (fn _ => default ()))} q else doQuery {Env = env, NextVar = Var o St.nextVar, Add = fn a => St.assert [a], Save = St.stash, Restore = St.reinstate, UsedExp = fn e => St.send false (e, loc), Cont = AllCols (fn x => (St.assert [AReln (Eq, [r, x])]; evalExp (acc :: r :: env) b k))} q end) | EDml e => (case parse dml e of NONE => (print ("Warning: Information flow checker can't parse DML command at " ^ ErrorMsg.spanToString loc ^ "\n"); default ()) | SOME d => case d of Insert (tab, es) => let val new = St.nextVar () val expIn = expIn (Var o St.nextVar) env (fn _ => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: Bad field expression in INSERT [1]") val es = map (fn (x, e) => case expIn e of inl e => (x, e) | inr _ => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: Bad field expression in INSERT [2]") es val saved = St.stash () in St.assert [AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$New"), [Recd es])]; St.insert loc; St.reinstate saved; k (Recd []) end | Delete (tab, e) => let val old = St.nextVar () val expIn = expIn (Var o St.nextVar) env (fn "T" => Var old | _ => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: Bad field expression in DELETE") val p = case expIn e of inl e => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: DELETE with non-boolean" | inr p => p val saved = St.stash () in St.assert [AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$Old"), [Var old])]; decomp {Save = St.stash, Restore = St.reinstate, Add = fn a => St.assert [a]} p (fn () => (St.delete loc; St.reinstate saved; St.havocReln (Sql tab); k (Recd [])) handle Cc.Contradiction => ()) end | Update (tab, fs, e) => let val new = St.nextVar () val old = St.nextVar () val expIn = expIn (Var o St.nextVar) env (fn "T" => Var old | _ => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: Bad field expression in UPDATE") val fs = map (fn (x, e) => (x, case expIn e of inl e => e | inr _ => raise Fail ("Iflow.evalExp: Selecting " ^ "boolean expression"))) fs val fs' = case SM.find (!tabs, tab) of NONE => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: Updating unknown table" | SOME (fs', _) => fs' val fs = foldl (fn (f, fs) => if List.exists (fn (f', _) => f' = f) fs then fs else (f, Proj (Var old, f)) :: fs) fs fs' val p = case expIn e of inl e => raise Fail "Iflow.evalExp: UPDATE with non-boolean" | inr p => p val saved = St.stash () in St.assert [AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$New"), [Recd fs]), AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$Old"), [Var old])]; decomp {Save = St.stash, Restore = St.reinstate, Add = fn a => St.assert [a]} p (fn () => (St.update loc; St.reinstate saved; St.havocReln (Sql tab); k (Recd [])) handle Cc.Contradiction => ()) end) | ENextval (EPrim (Prim.String seq), _) => let val nv = St.nextVar () in St.assert [AReln (Sql (String.extract (seq, 3, NONE)), [Var nv])]; k (Var nv) end | ENextval _ => default () | ESetval _ => default () | EUnurlify ((EFfiApp ("Basis", "get_cookie", [(EPrim (Prim.String cname), _)]), _), _, _) => let val e = Var (St.nextVar ()) in St.assert [AReln (Known, [e])]; k e end | EUnurlify _ => default () | EJavaScript _ => default () | ESignalReturn _ => default () | ESignalBind _ => default () | ESignalSource _ => default () | EServerCall _ => default () | ERecv _ => default () | ESleep _ => default () | ESpawn _ => default () end fun check file = let val () = St.reset () val file = MonoReduce.reduce file val file = MonoOpt.optimize file val file = Fuse.fuse file val file = MonoOpt.optimize file val file = MonoShake.shake file (*val () = Print.preface ("File", MonoPrint.p_file MonoEnv.empty file)*) val exptd = foldl (fn ((d, _), exptd) => case d of DExport (_, _, n, _, _, _) => IS.add (exptd, n) | _ => exptd) IS.empty file fun decl (d, _) = case d of DTable (tab, fs, pk, _) => let val ks = case #1 pk of EPrim (Prim.String s) => (case String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"," orelse ch = #" ") s of [] => [] | pk => [pk]) | _ => [] in if size tab >= 3 then tabs := SM.insert (!tabs, String.extract (tab, 3, NONE), (map #1 fs, map (map (fn s => str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 3))) ^ String.extract (s, 4, NONE))) ks)) else raise Fail "Table name does not begin with uw_" end | DVal (x, n, _, e, _) => let (*val () = print ("\n=== " ^ x ^ " ===\n\n");*) val isExptd = IS.member (exptd, n) val saved = St.stash () fun deAbs (e, env, ps) = case #1 e of EAbs (_, _, _, e) => let val nv = Var (St.nextVar ()) in deAbs (e, nv :: env, if isExptd then AReln (Known, [nv]) :: ps else ps) end | _ => (e, env, ps) val (e, env, ps) = deAbs (e, [], []) in St.assert ps; (evalExp env e (fn _ => ()) handle Cc.Contradiction => ()); St.reinstate saved end | DPolicy pol => let val rvN = ref 0 fun rv () = let val n = !rvN in rvN := n + 1; Lvar n end val atoms = ref ([] : atom list) fun doQ k = doQuery {Env = [], NextVar = rv, Add = fn a => atoms := a :: !atoms, Save = fn () => !atoms, Restore = fn ls => atoms := ls, UsedExp = fn _ => (), Cont = SomeCol (fn r => k (rev (!atoms), r))} fun untab tab = List.filter (fn AReln (Sql tab', _) => tab' <> tab | _ => true) in case pol of PolClient e => doQ (fn (ats, {Outs = es, ...}) => St.allowSend (ats, es)) e | PolInsert e => doQ (fn (ats, {New = SOME (tab, new), ...}) => St.allowInsert (AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$New"), [new]) :: untab tab ats) | _ => raise Fail "Iflow: No New in mayInsert policy") e | PolDelete e => doQ (fn (ats, {Old = SOME (tab, old), ...}) => St.allowDelete (AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$Old"), [old]) :: untab tab ats) | _ => raise Fail "Iflow: No Old in mayDelete policy") e | PolUpdate e => doQ (fn (ats, {New = SOME (tab, new), Old = SOME (_, old), ...}) => St.allowUpdate (AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$Old"), [old]) :: AReln (Sql (tab ^ "$New"), [new]) :: untab tab ats) | _ => raise Fail "Iflow: No New or Old in mayUpdate policy") e | PolSequence e => (case #1 e of EPrim (Prim.String seq) => let val p = AReln (Sql (String.extract (seq, 3, NONE)), [Lvar 0]) val outs = [Lvar 0] in St.allowSend ([p], outs) end | _ => ()) end | _ => () in app decl file end val check = fn file => let val oldInline = Settings.getMonoInline () in (Settings.setMonoInline (case Int.maxInt of NONE => 1000000 | SOME n => n); check file; Settings.setMonoInline oldInline) handle ex => (Settings.setMonoInline oldInline; raise ex) end end