(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) structure Corify :> CORIFY = struct structure EM = ErrorMsg structure L = Expl structure L' = Core structure IM = IntBinaryMap structure SM = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = string val compare = String.compare end) local val count = ref 0 in fun reset v = count := v fun alloc () = let val r = !count in count := r + 1; r end end structure St : sig type t val empty : t val debug : t -> unit val enter : t -> t val leave : t -> {outer : t, inner : t} val ffi : string -> L'.con SM.map -> t datatype core_con = CNormal of int | CFfi of string val bindCon : t -> string -> int -> t * int val lookupConById : t -> int -> int option val lookupConByName : t -> string -> core_con val bindConstructor : t -> string -> int -> L'.patCon -> t val lookupConstructorByName : t -> string -> L'.patCon val lookupConstructorById : t -> int -> L'.patCon datatype core_val = ENormal of int | EFfi of string * L'.con val bindVal : t -> string -> int -> t * int val bindConstructorVal : t -> string -> int -> t val lookupValById : t -> int -> int option val lookupValByName : t -> string -> core_val val bindStr : t -> string -> int -> t -> t val lookupStrById : t -> int -> t val lookupStrByName : string * t -> t val bindFunctor : t -> string -> int -> string -> int -> L.str -> t val lookupFunctorById : t -> int -> string * int * L.str val lookupFunctorByName : string * t -> string * int * L.str end = struct datatype flattening = FNormal of {cons : int SM.map, constructors : L'.patCon SM.map, vals : int SM.map, strs : flattening SM.map, funs : (string * int * L.str) SM.map} | FFfi of {mod : string, vals : L'.con SM.map} type t = { cons : int IM.map, constructors : L'.patCon IM.map, vals : int IM.map, strs : flattening IM.map, funs : (string * int * L.str) IM.map, current : flattening, nested : flattening list } val empty = { cons = IM.empty, constructors = IM.empty, vals = IM.empty, strs = IM.empty, funs = IM.empty, current = FNormal { cons = SM.empty, constructors = SM.empty, vals = SM.empty, strs = SM.empty, funs = SM.empty }, nested = [] } fun debug ({current = FNormal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs}, ...} : t) = print ("cons: " ^ Int.toString (SM.numItems cons) ^ "; " ^ "constructors: " ^ Int.toString (SM.numItems constructors) ^ "; " ^ "vals: " ^ Int.toString (SM.numItems vals) ^ "; " ^ "strs: " ^ Int.toString (SM.numItems strs) ^ "; " ^ "funs: " ^ Int.toString (SM.numItems funs) ^ "\n") | debug _ = print "Not normal!\n" datatype core_con = CNormal of int | CFfi of string datatype core_val = ENormal of int | EFfi of string * L'.con fun bindCon {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n = let val n' = alloc () val current = case current of FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi" | FNormal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs} => FNormal {cons = SM.insert (cons, s, n'), constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs} in ({cons = IM.insert (cons, n, n'), constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs, current = current, nested = nested}, n') end fun lookupConById ({cons, ...} : t) n = IM.find (cons, n) fun lookupConByName ({current, ...} : t) x = case current of FFfi {mod = m, ...} => CFfi m | FNormal {cons, ...} => case SM.find (cons, x) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupConByName" | SOME n => CNormal n fun bindVal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n = let val n' = alloc () val current = case current of FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi" | FNormal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs} => FNormal {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = SM.insert (vals, s, n'), strs = strs, funs = funs} in ({cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = IM.insert (vals, n, n'), strs = strs, funs = funs, current = current, nested = nested}, n') end fun bindConstructorVal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n = let val current = case current of FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi" | FNormal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs} => FNormal {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = SM.insert (vals, s, n), strs = strs, funs = funs} in {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = IM.insert (vals, n, n), strs = strs, funs = funs, current = current, nested = nested} end fun lookupValById ({vals, ...} : t) n = IM.find (vals, n) fun lookupValByName ({current, ...} : t) x = case current of FFfi {mod = m, vals, ...} => (case SM.find (vals, x) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupValByName: no type for FFI val" | SOME t => EFfi (m, t)) | FNormal {vals, ...} => case SM.find (vals, x) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupValByName" | SOME n => ENormal n fun bindConstructor {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} s n n' = let val current = case current of FFfi _ => raise Fail "Binding inside FFfi" | FNormal {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs} => FNormal {cons = cons, constructors = SM.insert (constructors, s, n'), vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs} in {cons = cons, constructors = IM.insert (constructors, n, n'), vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs, current = current, nested = nested} end fun lookupConstructorById ({constructors, ...} : t) n = case IM.find (constructors, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupConstructorById" | SOME x => x fun lookupConstructorByName ({current, ...} : t) x = case current of FFfi {mod = m, ...} => L'.PConFfi (m, x) | FNormal {constructors, ...} => case SM.find (constructors, x) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupConstructorByName" | SOME n => n fun enter {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested} = {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs, current = FNormal {cons = SM.empty, constructors = SM.empty, vals = SM.empty, strs = SM.empty, funs = SM.empty}, nested = current :: nested} fun dummy f = {cons = IM.empty, constructors = IM.empty, vals = IM.empty, strs = IM.empty, funs = IM.empty, current = f, nested = []} fun leave {cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current, nested = m1 :: rest} = {outer = {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = funs, current = m1, nested = rest}, inner = dummy current} | leave _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.leave" fun ffi m vals = dummy (FFfi {mod = m, vals = vals}) fun bindStr ({cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current = FNormal {cons = mcons, constructors = mconstructors, vals = mvals, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t) x n ({current = f, ...} : t) = {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = IM.insert (strs, n, f), funs = funs, current = FNormal {cons = mcons, constructors = mconstructors, vals = mvals, strs = SM.insert (mstrs, x, f), funs = mfuns}, nested = nested} | bindStr _ _ _ _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.bindStr" fun lookupStrById ({strs, ...} : t) n = case IM.find (strs, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupStrById" | SOME f => dummy f fun lookupStrByName (m, {current = FNormal {strs, ...}, ...} : t) = (case SM.find (strs, m) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupStrByName" | SOME f => dummy f) | lookupStrByName _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupStrByName" fun bindFunctor ({cons, constructors, vals, strs, funs, current = FNormal {cons = mcons, constructors = mconstructors, vals = mvals, strs = mstrs, funs = mfuns}, nested} : t) x n xa na str = {cons = cons, constructors = constructors, vals = vals, strs = strs, funs = IM.insert (funs, n, (xa, na, str)), current = FNormal {cons = mcons, constructors = mconstructors, vals = mvals, strs = mstrs, funs = SM.insert (mfuns, x, (xa, na, str))}, nested = nested} | bindFunctor _ _ _ _ _ _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.bindFunctor" fun lookupFunctorById ({funs, ...} : t) n = case IM.find (funs, n) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupFunctorById" | SOME v => v fun lookupFunctorByName (m, {current = FNormal {funs, ...}, ...} : t) = (case SM.find (funs, m) of NONE => raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupFunctorByName" | SOME v => v) | lookupFunctorByName _ = raise Fail "Corify.St.lookupFunctorByName" end fun corifyKind (k, loc) = case k of L.KType => (L'.KType, loc) | L.KArrow (k1, k2) => (L'.KArrow (corifyKind k1, corifyKind k2), loc) | L.KName => (L'.KName, loc) | L.KRecord k => (L'.KRecord (corifyKind k), loc) | L.KUnit => (L'.KUnit, loc) fun corifyCon st (c, loc) = case c of L.TFun (t1, t2) => (L'.TFun (corifyCon st t1, corifyCon st t2), loc) | L.TCFun (x, k, t) => (L'.TCFun (x, corifyKind k, corifyCon st t), loc) | L.TRecord c => (L'.TRecord (corifyCon st c), loc) | L.CRel n => (L'.CRel n, loc) | L.CNamed n => (case St.lookupConById st n of NONE => (L'.CNamed n, loc) | SOME n => (L'.CNamed n, loc)) | L.CModProj (m, ms, x) => let val st = St.lookupStrById st m val st = foldl St.lookupStrByName st ms in case St.lookupConByName st x of St.CNormal n => (L'.CNamed n, loc) | St.CFfi m => (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc) end | L.CApp (c1, c2) => (L'.CApp (corifyCon st c1, corifyCon st c2), loc) | L.CAbs (x, k, c) => (L'.CAbs (x, corifyKind k, corifyCon st c), loc) | L.CName s => (L'.CName s, loc) | L.CRecord (k, xcs) => (L'.CRecord (corifyKind k, map (fn (c1, c2) => (corifyCon st c1, corifyCon st c2)) xcs), loc) | L.CConcat (c1, c2) => (L'.CConcat (corifyCon st c1, corifyCon st c2), loc) | L.CFold (k1, k2) => (L'.CFold (corifyKind k1, corifyKind k2), loc) | L.CUnit => (L'.CUnit, loc) fun corifyPatCon st pc = case pc of L.PConVar n => St.lookupConstructorById st n | L.PConProj (m1, ms, x) => let val st = St.lookupStrById st m1 val st = foldl St.lookupStrByName st ms in St.lookupConstructorByName st x end fun corifyPat st (p, loc) = case p of L.PWild => (L'.PWild, loc) | L.PVar (x, t) => (L'.PVar (x, corifyCon st t), loc) | L.PPrim p => (L'.PPrim p, loc) | L.PCon (pc, po) => (L'.PCon (corifyPatCon st pc, Option.map (corifyPat st) po), loc) | L.PRecord xps => (L'.PRecord (map (fn (x, p, t) => (x, corifyPat st p, corifyCon st t)) xps), loc) fun corifyExp st (e, loc) = case e of L.EPrim p => (L'.EPrim p, loc) | L.ERel n => (L'.ERel n, loc) | L.ENamed n => (case St.lookupValById st n of NONE => (L'.ENamed n, loc) | SOME n => (L'.ENamed n, loc)) | L.EModProj (m, ms, x) => let val st = St.lookupStrById st m val st = foldl St.lookupStrByName st ms in case St.lookupValByName st x of St.ENormal n => (L'.ENamed n, loc) | St.EFfi (m, t) => case t of (L'.TFun (dom as (L'.TRecord (L'.CRecord (_, []), _), _), ran), _) => (L'.EAbs ("arg", dom, ran, (L'.EFfiApp (m, x, []), loc)), loc) | t as (L'.TFun _, _) => let fun getArgs (all as (t, _), args) = case t of L'.TFun (dom, ran) => getArgs (ran, dom :: args) | _ => (all, rev args) val (result, args) = getArgs (t, []) val (actuals, _) = foldr (fn (_, (actuals, n)) => ((L'.ERel n, loc) :: actuals, n + 1)) ([], 0) args val app = (L'.EFfiApp (m, x, actuals), loc) val (abs, _, _) = foldr (fn (t, (abs, ran, n)) => ((L'.EAbs ("arg" ^ Int.toString n, t, ran, abs), loc), (L'.TFun (t, ran), loc), n - 1)) (app, result, length args - 1) args in abs end | _ => (L'.EFfi (m, x), loc) end | L.EApp (e1, e2) => (L'.EApp (corifyExp st e1, corifyExp st e2), loc) | L.EAbs (x, dom, ran, e1) => (L'.EAbs (x, corifyCon st dom, corifyCon st ran, corifyExp st e1), loc) | L.ECApp (e1, c) => (L'.ECApp (corifyExp st e1, corifyCon st c), loc) | L.ECAbs (x, k, e1) => (L'.ECAbs (x, corifyKind k, corifyExp st e1), loc) | L.ERecord xes => (L'.ERecord (map (fn (c, e, t) => (corifyCon st c, corifyExp st e, corifyCon st t)) xes), loc) | L.EField (e1, c, {field, rest}) => (L'.EField (corifyExp st e1, corifyCon st c, {field = corifyCon st field, rest = corifyCon st rest}), loc) | L.ECut (e1, c, {field, rest}) => (L'.ECut (corifyExp st e1, corifyCon st c, {field = corifyCon st field, rest = corifyCon st rest}), loc) | L.EFold k => (L'.EFold (corifyKind k), loc) | L.ECase (e, pes, {disc, result}) => (L'.ECase (corifyExp st e, map (fn (p, e) => (corifyPat st p, corifyExp st e)) pes, {disc = corifyCon st disc, result = corifyCon st result}), loc) | L.EWrite e => (L'.EWrite (corifyExp st e), loc) fun corifyDecl ((d, loc : EM.span), st) = case d of L.DCon (x, n, k, c) => let val (st, n) = St.bindCon st x n in ([(L'.DCon (x, n, corifyKind k, corifyCon st c), loc)], st) end | L.DDatatype (x, n, xncs) => let val (st, n) = St.bindCon st x n val (xncs, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, n, co), st) => let val st = St.bindConstructor st x n (L'.PConVar n) val st = St.bindConstructorVal st x n val co = Option.map (corifyCon st) co in ((x, n, co), st) end) st xncs val t = (L'.CNamed n, loc) val dcons = map (fn (x, n, to) => let val (e, t) = case to of NONE => ((L'.ECon (n, NONE), loc), t) | SOME t' => ((L'.EAbs ("x", t', t, (L'.ECon (n, SOME (L'.ERel 0, loc)), loc)), loc), (L'.TFun (t', t), loc)) in (L'.DVal (x, n, t, e, ""), loc) end) xncs in ((L'.DDatatype (x, n, xncs), loc) :: dcons, st) end | L.DDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, s, xncs) => let val (st, n) = St.bindCon st x n val c = corifyCon st (L.CModProj (m1, ms, s), loc) val m = foldl (fn (x, m) => (L.StrProj (m, x), loc)) (L.StrVar m1, loc) ms val (_, {inner, ...}) = corifyStr (m, st) val (xncs, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, n, co), st) => let val n' = St.lookupConstructorByName inner x val st = St.bindConstructor st x n n' val (st, n) = St.bindVal st x n val co = Option.map (corifyCon st) co in ((x, n, co), st) end) st xncs val cds = map (fn (x, n, co) => let val t = case co of NONE => c | SOME t' => (L'.TFun (t', c), loc) val e = corifyExp st (L.EModProj (m1, ms, x), loc) in (L'.DVal (x, n, t, e, x), loc) end) xncs in ((L'.DCon (x, n, (L'.KType, loc), c), loc) :: cds, st) end | L.DVal (x, n, t, e) => let val (st, n) = St.bindVal st x n val s = if String.isPrefix "wrap_" x then String.extract (x, 5, NONE) else x in ([(L'.DVal (x, n, corifyCon st t, corifyExp st e, s), loc)], st) end | L.DValRec vis => let val (vis, st) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, n, t, e), st) => let val (st, n) = St.bindVal st x n in ((x, n, t, e), st) end) st vis val vis = map (fn (x, n, t, e) => let val s = if String.isPrefix "wrap_" x then String.extract (x, 5, NONE) else x in (x, n, corifyCon st t, corifyExp st e, s) end) vis in ([(L'.DValRec vis, loc)], st) end | L.DSgn _ => ([], st) | L.DStr (x, n, _, (L.StrFun (xa, na, _, _, str), _)) => ([], St.bindFunctor st x n xa na str) | L.DStr (x, n, _, str) => let val (ds, {inner, outer}) = corifyStr (str, st) val st = St.bindStr outer x n inner in (ds, st) end | L.DFfiStr (m, n, (sgn, _)) => (case sgn of L.SgnConst sgis => let val (ds, cmap, st) = foldl (fn ((sgi, _), (ds, cmap, st)) => case sgi of L.SgiConAbs (x, n, k) => let val (st, n') = St.bindCon st x n in ((L'.DCon (x, n', corifyKind k, (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)), loc) :: ds, cmap, st) end | L.SgiCon (x, n, k, _) => let val (st, n') = St.bindCon st x n in ((L'.DCon (x, n', corifyKind k, (L'.CFfi (m, x), loc)), loc) :: ds, cmap, st) end | L.SgiVal (x, _, c) => (ds, SM.insert (cmap, x, corifyCon st c), st) | _ => (ds, cmap, st)) ([], SM.empty, st) sgis val st = St.bindStr st m n (St.ffi m cmap) in (rev ds, st) end | _ => raise Fail "Non-const signature for FFI structure") | L.DExport (en, sgn, str) => (case #1 sgn of L.SgnConst sgis => let fun pathify (str, _) = case str of L.StrVar m => SOME (m, []) | L.StrProj (str, s) => Option.map (fn (m, ms) => (m, ms @ [s])) (pathify str) | _ => NONE in case pathify str of NONE => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Structure is too fancy to export"; ([], st)) | SOME (m, ms) => let fun wrapSgi ((sgi, _), (wds, eds)) = case sgi of L.SgiVal (s, _, t as (L.TFun (dom, ran), _)) => (case (#1 dom, #1 ran) of (L.TRecord (L.CRecord (_, []), _), L.CApp ((L.CApp ((L.CApp ((L.CModProj (_, [], "xml"), _), (L.CRecord (_, [((L.CName "Html", _), _)]), _)), _), _), _), _)) => let val ran = (L.TRecord (L.CRecord ((L.KType, loc), []), loc), loc) val e = (L.EModProj (m, ms, s), loc) val e = (L.EAbs ("vs", dom, ran, (L.EWrite (L.EApp (e, (L.ERel 0, loc)), loc), loc)), loc) in ((L.DVal ("wrap_" ^ s, 0, (L.TFun (dom, ran), loc), e), loc) :: wds, (fn st => case #1 (corifyExp st (L.EModProj (en, [], "wrap_" ^ s), loc)) of L'.ENamed n => (L'.DExport (L'.Link, n), loc) | _ => raise Fail "Corify: Value to export didn't corify properly") :: eds) end | _ => (wds, eds)) | _ => (wds, eds) val (wds, eds) = foldl wrapSgi ([], []) sgis val wrapper = (L.StrConst wds, loc) val (ds, {inner, outer}) = corifyStr (wrapper, st) val st = St.bindStr outer "wrapper" en inner val ds = ds @ map (fn f => f st) eds in (ds, st) end end | _ => raise Fail "Non-const signature for 'export'") and corifyStr ((str, _), st) = case str of L.StrConst ds => let val st = St.enter st val (ds, st) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat corifyDecl st ds in (ds, St.leave st) end | L.StrVar n => ([], {inner = St.lookupStrById st n, outer = st}) | L.StrProj (str, x) => let val (ds, {inner, outer}) = corifyStr (str, st) in (ds, {inner = St.lookupStrByName (x, inner), outer = outer}) end | L.StrFun _ => raise Fail "Corify of nested functor definition" | L.StrApp (str1, str2) => let fun unwind' (str, _) = case str of L.StrVar n => St.lookupStrById st n | L.StrProj (str, x) => St.lookupStrByName (x, unwind' str) | _ => raise Fail "Corify of fancy functor application [1]" fun unwind (str, _) = case str of L.StrVar n => St.lookupFunctorById st n | L.StrProj (str, x) => St.lookupFunctorByName (x, unwind' str) | _ => raise Fail "Corify of fancy functor application [2]" val (xa, na, body) = unwind str1 val (ds1, {inner = inner', outer}) = corifyStr (str2, st) val (ds2, {inner, outer}) = corifyStr (body, St.bindStr outer xa na inner') in (ds1 @ ds2, {inner = St.bindStr inner xa na inner', outer = outer}) end fun maxName ds = foldl (fn ((d, _), n) => case d of L.DCon (_, n', _, _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DDatatype (_, n', _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DDatatypeImp (_, n', _, _, _, _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DVal (_, n', _, _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DValRec vis => foldl (fn ((_, n', _, _), n) => Int.max (n, n)) n vis | L.DSgn (_, n', _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DStr (_, n', _, str) => Int.max (n, Int.max (n', maxNameStr str)) | L.DFfiStr (_, n', _) => Int.max (n, n') | L.DExport _ => n) 0 ds and maxNameStr (str, _) = case str of L.StrConst ds => maxName ds | L.StrVar n => n | L.StrProj (str, _) => maxNameStr str | L.StrFun (_, _, _, _, str) => maxNameStr str | L.StrApp (str1, str2) => Int.max (maxNameStr str1, maxNameStr str2) fun corify ds = let val () = reset (maxName ds + 1) val (ds, _) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat corifyDecl St.empty ds in ds end end