(* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Ur/Web main compiler interface *) signature COMPILER = sig type job = { prefix : string, database : string option, sources : string list, exe : string, sql : string option, debug : bool, profile : bool, timeout : int, ffi : string list, link : string list, linker : string option, headers : string list, scripts : string list, clientToServer : Settings.ffi list, effectful : Settings.ffi list, benignEffectful : Settings.ffi list, clientOnly : Settings.ffi list, serverOnly : Settings.ffi list, jsFuncs : (Settings.ffi * string) list, rewrites : Settings.rewrite list, filterUrl : Settings.rule list, filterMime : Settings.rule list, filterRequest : Settings.rule list, filterResponse : Settings.rule list, filterEnv : Settings.rule list, protocol : string option, dbms : string option, sigFile : string option, safeGets : string list, onError : (string * string list * string) option, minHeap : int } val compile : string -> bool val compiler : string -> unit val compileC : {cname : string, oname : string, ename : string, libs : string, profile : bool, debug : bool, linker : string option, link : string list} -> bool val beforeC : (unit -> unit) ref (* This function is called before beginning C compilation. * The current use is for MLton to compact its heap here, to avoid hogging * space after all the interesting ML code is done. *) type ('src, 'dst) phase type ('src, 'dst) transform val transform : ('src, 'dst) phase -> string -> ('src, 'dst) transform val o : ('b, 'c) transform * ('a, 'b) transform -> ('a, 'c) transform val check : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit val run : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> 'dst option val runPrint : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit val runPrintToFile : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> string -> unit val time : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit val timePrint : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit val runPrintCoreFuncs : ('src, Core.file) transform -> 'src -> unit val parseUr : (string, Source.file) phase val parseUrs : (string, Source.sgn_item list) phase val parseUrp : (string, job) phase val parseUrp' : (string, {Job : job, Libs : string list}) phase val parse : (job, Source.file) phase val elaborate : (Source.file, Elab.file) phase val unnest : (Elab.file, Elab.file) phase val termination : (Elab.file, Elab.file) phase val explify : (Elab.file, Expl.file) phase val corify : (Expl.file, Core.file) phase val core_untangle : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val shake : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val rpcify : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val tag : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val reduce : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val unpoly : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val especialize : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val specialize : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val marshalcheck : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val effectize : (Core.file, Core.file) phase val css : (Core.file, Css.report) phase val monoize : (Core.file, Mono.file) phase val mono_opt : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val untangle : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val mono_reduce : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val mono_shake : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val iflow : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val namejs : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val scriptcheck : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val jscomp : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val fuse : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val pathcheck : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val sidecheck : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val sigcheck : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val sqlcache : (Mono.file, Mono.file) phase val cjrize : (Mono.file, Cjr.file) phase val prepare : (Cjr.file, Cjr.file) phase val checknest : (Cjr.file, Cjr.file) phase val sqlify : (Mono.file, Cjr.file) phase val toParseJob : (string, job) transform val toParseJob' : (string, {Job : job, Libs : string list}) transform val toParse : (string, Source.file) transform val toElaborate : (string, Elab.file) transform val toUnnest : (string, Elab.file) transform val toTermination : (string, Elab.file) transform val toExplify : (string, Expl.file) transform val toCorify : (string, Core.file) transform val toCore_untangle : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake1 : (string, Core.file) transform val toEspecialize1' : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake1' : (string, Core.file) transform val toRpcify : (string, Core.file) transform val toCore_untangle2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toEspecialize1 : (string, Core.file) transform val toCore_untangle3 : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake3 : (string, Core.file) transform val toTag : (string, Core.file) transform val toReduce : (string, Core.file) transform val toShakey : (string, Core.file) transform val toUnpoly : (string, Core.file) transform val toSpecialize : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake4 : (string, Core.file) transform val toEspecialize2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake4' : (string, Core.file) transform val toSpecialize2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toUnpoly2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake4'' : (string, Core.file) transform val toEspecialize3 : (string, Core.file) transform val toReduce2 : (string, Core.file) transform val toShake5 : (string, Core.file) transform val toMarshalcheck : (string, Core.file) transform val toEffectize : (string, Core.file) transform val toCss : (string, Css.report) transform val toMonoize : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_opt1 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toUntangle : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_reduce : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_shake : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_opt2 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toIflow : (string, Mono.file) transform val toNamejs : (string, Mono.file) transform val toNamejs_untangle : (string, Mono.file) transform val toScriptcheck : (string, Mono.file) transform val toJscomp : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_opt3 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toFuse : (string, Mono.file) transform val toUntangle2 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_reduce2 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_shake2 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_opt4 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_reduce3 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toFuse2 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toUntangle3 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toMono_shake3 : (string, Mono.file) transform val toPathcheck : (string, Mono.file) transform val toSidecheck : (string, Mono.file) transform val toSigcheck : (string, Mono.file) transform val toSqlcache : (string, Mono.file) transform val toCjrize : (string, Cjr.file) transform val toPrepare : (string, Cjr.file) transform val toChecknest : (string, Cjr.file) transform val toSqlify : (string, Cjr.file) transform val debug : bool ref val dumpSource : bool ref val enableBoot : unit -> unit val doIflow : bool ref val addPath : string * string -> unit val addModuleRoot : string * string -> unit val moduleOf : string -> string val setStop : string -> unit (* Stop compilation after this phase. *) end