(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) (* Pretty-printing C jr. *) structure CjrPrint :> CJR_PRINT = struct open Print.PD open Print open Cjr val dummyt = (TRecord 0, ErrorMsg.dummySpan) structure E = CjrEnv structure EM = ErrorMsg structure SK = struct type ord_key = string val compare = String.compare end structure SS = BinarySetFn(SK) structure SM = BinaryMapFn(SK) structure IS = IntBinarySet structure CM = BinaryMapFn(struct type ord_key = char val compare = Char.compare end) val debug = ref false val dummyTyp = (TDatatype (Enum, 0, ref []), ErrorMsg.dummySpan) val ident = String.translate (fn #"'" => "PRIME" | ch => str ch) val p_ident = string o ident fun p_typ' par env (t, loc) = case t of TFun (t1, t2) => parenIf par (box [p_typ' true env t2, space, string "(*)", space, string "(", p_typ env t1, string ")"]) | TRecord i => box [string "struct", space, string "__uws_", string (Int.toString i)] | TDatatype (Enum, n, _) => (box [string "enum", space, string ("__uwe_" ^ #1 (E.lookupDatatype env n) ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n)] handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed _ => string ("__uwd_UNBOUND__" ^ Int.toString n)) | TDatatype (Option, n, xncs) => (case ListUtil.search #3 (!xncs) of NONE => raise Fail "CjrPrint: TDatatype marked Option has no constructor with an argument" | SOME t => case #1 t of TDatatype _ => p_typ' par env t | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_typ' par env t | _ => box [p_typ' par env t, string "*"]) | TDatatype (Default, n, _) => (box [string "struct", space, string ("__uwd_" ^ #1 (E.lookupDatatype env n) ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n ^ "*")] handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed _ => string ("__uwd_UNBOUND__" ^ Int.toString n)) | TFfi (m, x) => box [string "uw_", p_ident m, string "_", p_ident x] | TOption t => (case #1 t of TDatatype _ => p_typ' par env t | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_typ' par env t | _ => box [p_typ' par env t, string "*"]) and p_typ env = p_typ' false env fun p_rel env n = string ("__uwr_" ^ ident (#1 (E.lookupERel env n)) ^ "_" ^ Int.toString (E.countERels env - n - 1)) handle CjrEnv.UnboundRel _ => string ("__uwr_UNBOUND_" ^ Int.toString (E.countERels env - n - 1)) fun p_enamed env n = string ("__uwn_" ^ ident (#1 (E.lookupENamed env n)) ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n) handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed _ => string ("__uwn_UNBOUND_" ^ Int.toString n) fun p_con_named env n = string ("__uwc_" ^ ident (#1 (E.lookupConstructor env n)) ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n) handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed _ => string ("__uwc_UNBOUND_" ^ Int.toString n) fun p_pat_preamble env (p, _) = case p of PWild => (box [], env) | PVar (x, t) => (box [p_typ env t, space, string "__uwr_", p_ident x, string "_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env)), string ";", newline], E.pushERel env x t) | PPrim _ => (box [], env) | PCon (_, _, NONE) => (box [], env) | PCon (_, _, SOME p) => p_pat_preamble env p | PRecord xps => foldl (fn ((_, p, _), (pp, env)) => let val (pp', env) = p_pat_preamble env p in (box [pp', pp], env) end) (box [], env) xps | PNone _ => (box [], env) | PSome (_, p) => p_pat_preamble env p fun p_patCon env pc = case pc of PConVar n => p_con_named env n | PConFfi {mod = m, con, ...} => string ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_" ^ ident con) fun p_pat (env, exit, depth) (p, _) = case p of PWild => (box [], env) | PVar (x, t) => (box [string "__uwr_", p_ident x, string "_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env)), space, string "=", space, string "disc", string (Int.toString depth), string ";"], E.pushERel env x t) | PPrim (Prim.Int n) => (box [string "if", space, string "(disc", string (Int.toString depth), space, string "!=", space, Prim.p_t_GCC (Prim.Int n), string ")", space, exit], env) | PPrim (Prim.String s) => (box [string "if", space, string "(strcmp(disc", string (Int.toString depth), string ",", space, Prim.p_t_GCC (Prim.String s), string "))", space, exit], env) | PPrim _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Disallowed PPrim primitive" | PCon (dk, pc, po) => let val (p, env) = case po of NONE => (box [], env) | SOME p => let val (p, env) = p_pat (env, exit, depth + 1) p val (x, to) = case pc of PConVar n => let val (x, to, _) = E.lookupConstructor env n in ("uw_" ^ ident x, to) end | PConFfi {mod = m, con, arg, ...} => ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_" ^ ident con, arg) val t = case to of NONE => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Constructor mismatch" | SOME t => t in (box [string "{", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "disc", string (Int.toString (depth + 1)), space, string "=", space, case dk of Enum => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Looking at argument of no-argument constructor" | Default => box [string "disc", string (Int.toString depth), string "->data.", string x] | Option => case #1 t of TDatatype _ => box [string "disc", string (Int.toString depth)] | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => box [string "disc", string (Int.toString depth)] | _ => box [string "*disc", string (Int.toString depth)], string ";", newline, p, newline, string "}"], env) end in (box [string "if", space, string "(disc", string (Int.toString depth), case (dk, po) of (Enum, _) => box [space, string "!=", space, p_patCon env pc] | (Default, _) => box [string "->tag", space, string "!=", space, p_patCon env pc] | (Option, NONE) => box [space, string "!=", space, string "NULL"] | (Option, SOME _) => box [space, string "==", space, string "NULL"], string ")", space, exit, newline, p], env) end | PRecord xps => let val (xps, env) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, p, t), env) => let val (p, env) = p_pat (env, exit, depth + 1) p val p = box [string "{", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "disc", string (Int.toString (depth + 1)), space, string "=", space, string "disc", string (Int.toString depth), string ".__uwf_", p_ident x, string ";", newline, p, newline, string "}"] in (p, env) end) env xps in (p_list_sep newline (fn x => x) xps, env) end | PNone t => (box [string "if", space, string "(disc", string (Int.toString depth), space, string "!=", space, string "NULL)", space, exit, newline], env) | PSome (t, p) => let val (p, env) = let val (p, env) = p_pat (env, exit, depth + 1) p in (box [string "{", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "disc", string (Int.toString (depth + 1)), space, string "=", space, case #1 t of TDatatype _ => box [string "disc", string (Int.toString depth)] | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => box [string "disc", string (Int.toString depth)] | _ => box [string "*disc", string (Int.toString depth)], string ";", newline, p, newline, string "}"], env) end in (box [string "if", space, string "(disc", string (Int.toString depth), space, string "==", space, string "NULL)", space, exit, newline, p], env) end local val count = ref 0 in fun newGoto () = let val r = !count in count := r + 1; string ("L" ^ Int.toString r) end end fun patConInfo env pc = case pc of PConVar n => let val (x, _, dn) = E.lookupConstructor env n val (dx, _) = E.lookupDatatype env dn in ("__uwd_" ^ ident dx ^ "_" ^ Int.toString dn, "__uwc_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n, "uw_" ^ ident x) end | PConFfi {mod = m, datatyp, con, ...} => ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_" ^ ident datatyp, "uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_" ^ ident con, "uw_" ^ ident con) fun p_unsql env (tAll as (t, loc)) e = case t of TFfi ("Basis", "int") => box [string "uw_Basis_stringToInt_error(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | TFfi ("Basis", "float") => box [string "uw_Basis_stringToFloat_error(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => box [string "uw_Basis_strdup(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | TFfi ("Basis", "bool") => box [string "uw_Basis_stringToBool_error(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Don't know how to unmarshal type from SQL"; Print.eprefaces' [("Type", p_typ env tAll)]; string "ERROR") datatype sql_type = Int | Float | String | Bool fun p_sql_type t = string (case t of Int => "uw_Basis_int" | Float => "uw_Basis_float" | String => "uw_Basis_string" | Bool => "uw_Basis_bool") fun getPargs (e, _) = case e of EPrim (Prim.String _) => [] | EFfiApp ("Basis", "strcat", [e1, e2]) => getPargs e1 @ getPargs e2 | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyInt", [e]) => [(e, Int)] | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyFloat", [e]) => [(e, Float)] | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyString", [e]) => [(e, String)] | EFfiApp ("Basis", "sqlifyBool", [e]) => [(e, Bool)] | ECase (e, _, _) => [(e, Bool)] | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: getPargs" fun p_ensql t e = case t of Int => box [string "uw_Basis_attrifyInt(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | Float => box [string "uw_Basis_attrifyFloat(ctx, ", e, string ")"] | String => e | Bool => box [string "(", e, string " ? \"TRUE\" : \"FALSE\")"] fun p_ensql_len t e = case t of Int => string "sizeof(uw_Basis_int)" | Float => string "sizeof(uw_Basis_float)" | String => box [string "strlen(", e, string ")"] | Bool => string "sizeof(uw_Basis_bool)" fun p_exp' par env (e, loc) = case e of EPrim p => Prim.p_t_GCC p | ERel n => p_rel env n | ENamed n => p_enamed env n | ECon (Enum, pc, _) => p_patCon env pc | ECon (Option, pc, NONE) => string "NULL" | ECon (Option, pc, SOME e) => let val to = case pc of PConVar n => #2 (E.lookupConstructor env n) | PConFfi {arg, ...} => arg val t = case to of NONE => raise Fail "CjrPrint: ECon argument status mismatch" | SOME t => t in case #1 t of TDatatype _ => p_exp' par env e | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_exp' par env e | _ => box [string "({", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "*tmp", space, string "=", space, string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(", p_typ env t, string "));", newline, string "*tmp", space, string "=", p_exp' par env e, string ";", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"] end | ECon (Default, pc, eo) => let val (xd, xc, xn) = patConInfo env pc in box [string "({", newline, string "struct", space, string xd, space, string "*tmp", space, string "=", space, string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(struct ", string xd, string "));", newline, string "tmp->tag", space, string "=", space, string xc, string ";", newline, case eo of NONE => box [] | SOME e => box [string "tmp->data.", string xn, space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";", newline], string "tmp;", newline, string "})"] end | ENone _ => string "NULL" | ESome (t, e) => (case #1 t of TDatatype _ => p_exp' par env e | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => p_exp' par env e | _ => box [string "({", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "*tmp", space, string "=", space, string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(", p_typ env t, string "));", newline, string "*tmp", space, string "=", p_exp' par env e, string ";", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"]) | EFfi (m, x) => box [string "uw_", p_ident m, string "_", p_ident x] | EError (e, t) => box [string "({", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "tmp;", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": %s\", ", p_exp env e, string ");", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"] | EFfiApp (m, x, es) => box [string "uw_", p_ident m, string "_", p_ident x, string "(ctx, ", p_list (p_exp env) es, string ")"] | EApp (f, args) => parenIf par (box [p_exp' true env f, string "(ctx,", space, p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (p_exp env) args, string ")"]) | ERecord (i, xes) => box [string "({", space, string "struct", space, string ("__uws_" ^ Int.toString i), space, string "tmp", space, string "=", space, string "{", p_list (fn (_, e) => p_exp env e) xes, string "};", space, string "tmp;", space, string "})" ] | EField (e, x) => box [p_exp' true env e, string ".__uwf_", p_ident x] | ECase (e, pes, {disc, result}) => let val final = newGoto () val body = foldl (fn ((p, e), body) => let val exit = newGoto () val (pr, _) = p_pat_preamble env p val (p, env) = p_pat (env, box [string "goto", space, exit, string ";"], 0) p in box [body, box [string "{", newline, pr, newline, p, newline, string "result", space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";", newline, string "goto", space, final, string ";", newline, string "}"], newline, exit, string ":", newline] end) (box []) pes in box [string "({", newline, p_typ env disc, space, string "disc0", space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";", newline, p_typ env result, space, string "result;", newline, body, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": pattern match failure\");", newline, final, string ":", space, string "result;", newline, string "})"] end | EWrite e => box [string "(uw_write(ctx, ", p_exp env e, string "), uw_unit_v)"] | ESeq (e1, e2) => box [string "(", p_exp env e1, string ",", space, p_exp env e2, string ")"] | ELet (x, t, e1, e2) => box [string "({", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "__uwr_", p_ident x, string "_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env)), space, string "=", space, p_exp env e1, string ";", newline, p_exp (E.pushERel env x t) e2, string ";", newline, string "})"] | EQuery {exps, tables, rnum, state, query, body, initial, prepared} => let val exps = map (fn (x, t) => ("__uwf_" ^ ident x, t)) exps val tables = ListUtil.mapConcat (fn (x, xts) => map (fn (x', t) => ("__uwf_" ^ ident x ^ ".__uwf_" ^ ident x', t)) xts) tables val outputs = exps @ tables in box [string "({", newline, string "PGconn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, case prepared of NONE => box [string "char *query = ", p_exp env query, string ";", newline] | SOME _ => let val ets = getPargs query in box [p_list_sepi newline (fn i => fn (e, t) => box [p_sql_type t, space, string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";"]) ets, newline, newline, string "const char *paramValues[] = { ", p_list_sepi (box [string ",", space]) (fn i => fn (_, t) => p_ensql t (box [string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1))])) ets, string " };", newline, newline] end, string "int n, i;", newline, p_typ env state, space, string "acc", space, string "=", space, p_exp env initial, string ";", newline, string "PGresult *res = ", case prepared of NONE => string "PQexecParams(conn, query, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);" | SOME n => box [string "PQexecPrepared(conn, \"uw", string (Int.toString n), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (length (getPargs query))), string ", paramValues, NULL, NULL, 0);"], newline, newline, string "if (res == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating query result.\");", newline, newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {", newline, box [string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": Query failed:\\n%s\\n%s\", ", case prepared of NONE => string "query" | SOME _ => p_exp env query, string ", PQerrorMessage(conn));", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "n = PQntuples(res);", newline, string "for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {", newline, box [string "struct", space, string "__uws_", string (Int.toString rnum), space, string "__uwr_r_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env)), string ";", newline, p_typ env state, space, string "__uwr_acc_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env + 1)), space, string "=", space, string "acc;", newline, newline, p_list_sepi (box []) (fn i => fn (proj, t) => box [string "__uwr_r_", string (Int.toString (E.countERels env)), string ".", string proj, space, string "=", space, p_unsql env t (box [string "PQgetvalue(res, i, ", string (Int.toString i), string ")"]), string ";", newline]) outputs, newline, newline, string "acc", space, string "=", space, p_exp (E.pushERel (E.pushERel env "r" (TRecord rnum, loc)) "acc" state) body, string ";", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "acc;", newline, string "})"] end | EDml {dml, prepared} => box [string "({", newline, string "PGconn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, case prepared of NONE => box [string "char *dml = ", p_exp env dml, string ";", newline] | SOME _ => let val ets = getPargs dml in box [p_list_sepi newline (fn i => fn (e, t) => box [p_sql_type t, space, string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1)), space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";"]) ets, newline, newline, string "const char *paramValues[] = { ", p_list_sepi (box [string ",", space]) (fn i => fn (_, t) => p_ensql t (box [string "arg", string (Int.toString (i + 1))])) ets, string " };", newline, newline] end, newline, newline, string "PGresult *res = ", case prepared of NONE => string "PQexecParams(conn, dml, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);" | SOME n => box [string "PQexecPrepared(conn, \"uw", string (Int.toString n), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (length (getPargs dml))), string ", paramValues, NULL, NULL, 0);"], newline, newline, string "if (res == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating DML result.\");", newline, newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {", newline, box [string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"", string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc), string ": DML failed:\\n%s\\n%s\", ", case prepared of NONE => string "dml" | SOME _ => p_exp env dml, string ", PQerrorMessage(conn));", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "uw_unit_v;", newline, string "})"] and p_exp env = p_exp' false env fun p_fun env (fx, n, args, ran, e) = let val nargs = length args val env' = foldl (fn ((x, dom), env) => E.pushERel env x dom) env args in box [string "static", space, p_typ env ran, space, string ("__uwn_" ^ ident fx ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), string "(", p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn x => x) (string "uw_context ctx" :: ListUtil.mapi (fn (i, (_, dom)) => box [p_typ env dom, space, p_rel env' (nargs - i - 1)]) args), string ")", space, string "{", newline, box[string "return(", p_exp env' e, string ");"], newline, string "}"] end fun p_decl env (dAll as (d, _) : decl) = case d of DStruct (n, xts) => let val env = E.declBinds env dAll in box [string "struct", space, string ("__uws_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "{", newline, p_list_sep (box []) (fn (x, t) => box [p_typ env t, space, string "__uwf_", p_ident x, string ";", newline]) xts, string "};"] end | DDatatype (Enum, x, n, xncs) => box [string "enum", space, string ("__uwe_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "{", space, p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (x, n, _) => string ("__uwc_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n)) xncs, space, string "};"] | DDatatype (Option, _, _, _) => box [] | DDatatype (Default, x, n, xncs) => let val xncsArgs = List.mapPartial (fn (x, n, NONE) => NONE | (x, n, SOME t) => SOME (x, n, t)) xncs in box [string "enum", space, string ("__uwe_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "{", space, p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (x, n, _) => string ("__uwc_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n)) xncs, space, string "};", newline, newline, string "struct", space, string ("__uwd_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "{", newline, string "enum", space, string ("__uwe_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "tag;", newline, box (case xncsArgs of [] => [] | _ => [string "union", space, string "{", newline, p_list_sep newline (fn (x, n, t) => box [p_typ env t, space, string ("uw_" ^ ident x), string ";"]) xncsArgs, newline, string "}", space, string "data;", newline]), string "};"] end | DDatatypeForward _ => box [] | DVal (x, n, t, e) => box [p_typ env t, space, string ("__uwn_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string "=", space, p_exp env e, string ";"] | DFun vi => p_fun env vi | DFunRec vis => let val env = E.declBinds env dAll in box [p_list_sep newline (fn (fx, n, args, ran, _) => box [string "static", space, p_typ env ran, space, string ("__uwn_" ^ ident fx ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), string "(uw_context,", space, p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (_, dom) => p_typ env dom) args, string ");"]) vis, newline, p_list_sep newline (p_fun env) vis, newline] end | DTable (x, _) => box [string "/* SQL table ", string x, string " */", newline] | DDatabase s => box [string "static void uw_db_validate(uw_context);", newline, string "static void uw_db_prepare(uw_context);", newline, newline, string "void uw_db_init(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "PGconn *conn = PQconnectdb(\"", string (String.toString s), string "\");", newline, string "if (conn == NULL) uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, ", string "\"libpq can't allocate a connection.\");", newline, string "if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, PQerrorMessage(conn), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, ", string "\"Connection to Postgres server failed: %s\", msg);"], newline, string "}", newline, string "uw_set_db(ctx, conn);", newline, string "uw_db_validate(ctx);", newline, string "uw_db_prepare(ctx);", newline, string "}", newline, newline, string "void uw_db_close(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "PQfinish(uw_get_db(ctx));", newline, string "}", newline] | DPreparedStatements ss => box [string "static void uw_db_prepare(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "PGconn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "PGresult *res;", newline, newline, p_list_sepi newline (fn i => fn (s, n) => box [string "res = PQprepare(conn, \"uw", string (Int.toString i), string "\", \"", string (String.toString s), string "\", ", string (Int.toString n), string ", NULL);", newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, PQerrorMessage(conn), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Unable to create prepared statement:\\n", string (String.toString s), string "\\n%s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline]) ss, string "}"] datatype 'a search = Found of 'a | NotFound | Error fun p_sqltype' env (tAll as (t, loc)) = case t of TFfi ("Basis", "int") => "int8" | TFfi ("Basis", "float") => "float8" | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => "text" | TFfi ("Basis", "bool") => "bool" | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Don't know SQL equivalent of type"; Print.eprefaces' [("Type", p_typ env tAll)]; "ERROR") fun p_sqltype env t = string (p_sqltype' env t) fun p_file env (ds, ps) = let val (pds, env) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn (d, env) => (p_decl env d, E.declBinds env d)) env ds val fields = foldl (fn ((ek, _, _, ts), fields) => case ek of Core.Link => fields | Core.Action => case List.nth (ts, length ts - 2) of (TRecord i, _) => let val xts = E.lookupStruct env i val xtsSet = SS.addList (SS.empty, map #1 xts) in foldl (fn ((x, _), fields) => let val xtsSet' = Option.getOpt (SM.find (fields, x), SS.empty) in SM.insert (fields, x, SS.union (SS.delete (xtsSet, x), xtsSet')) end) fields xts end | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Last argument of action isn't record") SM.empty ps val fnums = SM.foldli (fn (x, xs, fnums) => let val unusable = SS.foldl (fn (x', unusable) => case SM.find (fnums, x') of NONE => unusable | SOME n => IS.add (unusable, n)) IS.empty xs fun findAvailable n = if IS.member (unusable, n) then findAvailable (n + 1) else n in SM.insert (fnums, x, findAvailable 0) end) SM.empty fields fun makeSwitch (fnums, i) = case SM.foldl (fn (n, NotFound) => Found n | (n, Error) => Error | (n, Found n') => if n = n' then Found n' else Error) NotFound fnums of NotFound => box [string "return", space, string "-1;"] | Found n => box [string "return", space, string (Int.toString n), string ";"] | Error => let val cmap = SM.foldli (fn (x, n, cmap) => let val ch = if i < size x then String.sub (x, i) else chr 0 val fnums = case CM.find (cmap, ch) of NONE => SM.empty | SOME fnums => fnums val fnums = SM.insert (fnums, x, n) in CM.insert (cmap, ch, fnums) end) CM.empty fnums val cmap = CM.listItemsi cmap in case cmap of [(_, fnums)] => box [string "if", space, string "(name[", string (Int.toString i), string "]", space, string "==", space, string "0)", space, string "return", space, string "-1;", newline, makeSwitch (fnums, i+1)] | _ => box [string "switch", space, string "(name[", string (Int.toString i), string "])", space, string "{", newline, box (map (fn (ch, fnums) => box [string "case", space, if ch = chr 0 then string "0:" else box [string "'", string (Char.toString ch), string "':"], newline, makeSwitch (fnums, i+1), newline]) cmap), string "default:", newline, string "return", space, string "-1;", newline, string "}"] end fun capitalize s = if s = "" then "" else str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE) fun unurlify (t, loc) = case t of TFfi (m, t) => string ("uw_" ^ ident m ^ "_unurlify" ^ capitalize t ^ "(ctx, &request)") | TRecord 0 => string "uw_unit_v" | TRecord i => let val xts = E.lookupStruct env i in box [string "({", newline, box (map (fn (x, t) => box [p_typ env t, space, string x, space, string "=", space, unurlify t, string ";", newline]) xts), string "struct", space, string "__uws_", string (Int.toString i), space, string "tmp", space, string "=", space, string "{", space, p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn (x, _) => string x) xts, space, string "};", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"] end | TDatatype (Enum, i, _) => let val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i fun doEm xncs = case xncs of [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype " ^ x ^ "\"), (enum __uwe_" ^ x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i ^ ")0)") | (x', n, to) :: rest => box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"", string x', string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size x')), string ") && (request[", string (Int.toString (size x')), string "] == 0 || request[", string (Int.toString (size x')), string ("] == '/')) ? __uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), space, string ":", space, doEm rest, string ")"] in doEm xncs end | TDatatype (Option, i, xncs) => let val (x, _) = E.lookupDatatype env i val (no_arg, has_arg, t) = case !xncs of [(no_arg, _, NONE), (has_arg, _, SOME t)] => (no_arg, has_arg, t) | [(has_arg, _, SOME t), (no_arg, _, NONE)] => (no_arg, has_arg, t) | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: unfooify misclassified Option datatype" in box [string "(request[0] == '/' ? ++request : request,", newline, string "((!strncmp(request, \"", string no_arg, string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size no_arg)), string ") && (request[", string (Int.toString (size no_arg)), string "] == 0 || request[", string (Int.toString (size no_arg)), string "] == '/')) ? (request", space, string "+=", space, string (Int.toString (size no_arg)), string ", NULL) : ((!strncmp(request, \"", string has_arg, string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size has_arg)), string ") && (request[", string (Int.toString (size has_arg)), string "] == 0 || request[", string (Int.toString (size has_arg)), string "] == '/')) ? (request", space, string "+=", space, string (Int.toString (size has_arg)), string ", (request[0] == '/' ? ++request : NULL), ", newline, case #1 t of TDatatype _ => unurlify t | TFfi ("Basis", "string") => unurlify t | _ => box [string "({", newline, p_typ env t, space, string "*tmp", space, string "=", space, string "uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(", p_typ env t, string "));", newline, string "*tmp", space, string "=", space, unurlify t, string ";", newline, string "tmp;", newline, string "})"], string ")", newline, string ":", space, string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype " ^ x ^ "\"), NULL))))")] end | TDatatype (Default, i, _) => let val (x, xncs) = E.lookupDatatype env i fun doEm xncs = case xncs of [] => string ("(uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Error unurlifying datatype " ^ x ^ "\"), NULL)") | (x', n, to) :: rest => box [string "((!strncmp(request, \"", string x', string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size x')), string ") && (request[", string (Int.toString (size x')), string "] == 0 || request[", string (Int.toString (size x')), string "] == '/')) ? ({", newline, string "struct", space, string ("__uwd_" ^ ident x ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i), space, string "*tmp = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(struct __uwd_", string x, string "_", string (Int.toString i), string "));", newline, string "tmp->tag", space, string "=", space, string ("__uwc_" ^ ident x' ^ "_" ^ Int.toString n), string ";", newline, string "request", space, string "+=", space, string (Int.toString (size x')), string ";", newline, string "if (request[0] == '/') ++request;", newline, case to of NONE => box [] | SOME t => box [string "tmp->data.uw_", p_ident x', space, string "=", space, unurlify t, string ";", newline], string "tmp;", newline, string "})", space, string ":", space, doEm rest, string ")"] in doEm xncs end | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Unable to choose a URL decoding function"; space) fun p_page (ek, s, n, ts) = let val (ts, defInputs, inputsVar) = case ek of Core.Link => (List.take (ts, length ts - 1), string "", string "") | Core.Action => case List.nth (ts, length ts - 2) of (TRecord i, _) => let val xts = E.lookupStruct env i in (List.take (ts, length ts - 2), box [box (map (fn (x, t) => box [p_typ env t, space, string "uw_input_", p_ident x, string ";", newline]) xts), newline, box (map (fn (x, t) => let val n = case SM.find (fnums, x) of NONE => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Can't find in fnums" | SOME n => n val f = case t of (TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), _) => "optional_" | _ => "" in box [string "request = uw_get_", string f, string "input(ctx, ", string (Int.toString n), string ");", newline, string "if (request == NULL) {", newline, box [string "printf(\"Missing input ", string x, string "\\n\");", newline, string "exit(1);"], newline, string "}", newline, string "uw_input_", p_ident x, space, string "=", space, unurlify t, string ";", newline] end) xts), string "struct __uws_", string (Int.toString i), space, string "uw_inputs", space, string "= {", newline, box (map (fn (x, _) => box [string "uw_input_", p_ident x, string ",", newline]) xts), string "};", newline], box [string ",", space, string "uw_inputs"]) end | _ => raise Fail "CjrPrint: Last argument to an action isn't a record" in box [string "if (!strncmp(request, \"", string (String.toString s), string "\", ", string (Int.toString (size s)), string ") && (request[", string (Int.toString (size s)), string "] == 0 || request[", string (Int.toString (size s)), string "] == '/')) {", newline, string "request += ", string (Int.toString (size s)), string ";", newline, string "if (*request == '/') ++request;", newline, box [string "{", newline, box (ListUtil.mapi (fn (i, t) => box [p_typ env t, space, string "arg", string (Int.toString i), space, string "=", space, unurlify t, string ";", newline]) ts), defInputs, p_enamed env n, string "(", p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (fn x => x) (string "ctx" :: ListUtil.mapi (fn (i, _) => string ("arg" ^ Int.toString i)) ts), inputsVar, string ", uw_unit_v);", newline, string "return;", newline, string "}", newline, string "}"] ] end val pds' = map p_page ps val tables = List.mapPartial (fn (DTable (s, xts), _) => SOME (s, xts) | _ => NONE) ds val validate = box [string "static void uw_db_validate(uw_context ctx) {", newline, string "PGconn *conn = uw_get_db(ctx);", newline, string "PGresult *res;", newline, newline, p_list_sep newline (fn (s, xts) => let val q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '" ^ s ^ "'" val q' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '", s, "') AND (", String.concatWith " OR " (map (fn (x, t) => String.concat ["(attname = 'uw_", CharVector.map Char.toLower (ident x), "' AND atttypid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_type", " WHERE typname = '", p_sqltype' env t, "'))"]) xts), ")"] val q'' = String.concat ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '", s, "') AND attnum >= 0"] in box [string "res = PQexec(conn, \"", string q, string "\");", newline, newline, string "if (res == NULL) {", newline, box [string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating query result.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, PQerrorMessage(conn), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q, string "\\n%s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), \"1\")) {", newline, box [string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' does not exist.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "res = PQexec(conn, \"", string q', string "\");", newline, newline, string "if (res == NULL) {", newline, box [string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating query result.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, PQerrorMessage(conn), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q', string "\\n%s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), \"", string (Int.toString (length xts)), string "\")) {", newline, box [string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' has the wrong column types.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, newline, string "res = PQexec(conn, \"", string q'', string "\");", newline, newline, string "if (res == NULL) {", newline, box [string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Out of memory allocating query result.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {", newline, box [string "char msg[1024];", newline, string "strncpy(msg, PQerrorMessage(conn), 1024);", newline, string "msg[1023] = 0;", newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Query failed:\\n", string q'', string "\\n%s\", msg);", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), \"", string (Int.toString (length xts)), string "\")) {", newline, box [string "PQclear(res);", newline, string "PQfinish(conn);", newline, string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Table '", string s, string "' has extra columns.\");", newline], string "}", newline, newline, string "PQclear(res);", newline] end) tables, string "}"] in box [string "#include ", newline, string "#include ", newline, string "#include ", newline, string "#include ", newline, newline, string "#include \"urweb.h\"", newline, newline, p_list_sep newline (fn x => x) pds, newline, string "int uw_inputs_len = ", string (Int.toString (SM.foldl Int.max 0 fnums + 1)), string ";", newline, newline, string "int uw_input_num(char *name) {", newline, makeSwitch (fnums, 0), string "}", newline, newline, string "void uw_handle(uw_context ctx, char *request) {", newline, p_list_sep newline (fn x => x) pds', newline, string "}", newline, newline, validate, newline] end fun p_sql env (ds, _) = let val (pps, _) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn (dAll as (d, _), env) => let val pp = case d of DTable (s, xts) => box [string "CREATE TABLE ", string s, string "(", p_list (fn (x, t) => box [string "uw_", string (CharVector.map Char.toLower x), space, p_sqltype env t, space, string "NOT", space, string "NULL"]) xts, string ");", newline, newline] | _ => box [] in (pp, E.declBinds env dAll) end) env ds in box pps end end