#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "types.h" uw_unit uw_unit_v = 0; // Socket extras int uw_really_send(int sock, const void *buf, ssize_t len) { while (len > 0) { ssize_t n = send(sock, buf, len, 0); if (n < 0) return n; buf += n; len -= n; } return 0; } int uw_really_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len) { while (len > 0) { ssize_t n = write(fd, buf, len); if (n < 0) return n; buf += n; len -= n; } return 0; } // Buffers void uw_buffer_init(size_t max, uw_buffer *b, size_t s) { b->max = max; b->front = b->start = malloc(s); b->back = b->front + s; } void uw_buffer_free(uw_buffer *b) { free(b->start); } void uw_buffer_reset(uw_buffer *b) { b->front = b->start; } int uw_buffer_check(uw_buffer *b, size_t extra) { if (b->back - b->front < extra) { size_t desired = b->front - b->start + extra, next; char *new_heap; next = b->back - b->start; if (next == 0) next = 1; for (; next < desired; next *= 2); if (next > b->max) { if (desired <= b->max) next = desired; else return 1; } new_heap = realloc(b->start, next); b->front = new_heap + (b->front - b->start); b->back = new_heap + next; b->start = new_heap; } return 0; } __attribute__((noreturn)) void uw_error(uw_context, failure_kind, const char *, ...); static void ctx_uw_buffer_check(uw_context ctx, const char *kind, uw_buffer *b, size_t extra) { if (uw_buffer_check(b, extra)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Memory limit exceeded (%s)", kind); } size_t uw_buffer_used(uw_buffer *b) { return b->front - b->start; } size_t uw_buffer_avail(uw_buffer *b) { return b->back - b->start; } int uw_buffer_append(uw_buffer *b, const char *s, size_t len) { if (uw_buffer_check(b, len+1)) return 1; memcpy(b->front, s, len); b->front += len; *b->front = 0; return 0; } static void ctx_uw_buffer_append(uw_context ctx, const char *kind, uw_buffer *b, const char *s, size_t len) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, kind, b, len+1); memcpy(b->front, s, len); b->front += len; *b->front = 0; } // Persistent state types typedef enum { UNUSED, USED } usage; typedef struct client { unsigned id; usage mode; int pass; struct client *next; pthread_mutex_t lock, pull_lock; uw_buffer msgs; int sock; int (*send)(int sockfd, const void *buf, ssize_t len); int (*close)(int fd); time_t last_contact; unsigned n_channels; unsigned refcount; void *data; } client; // Persistent client state static client **clients, *clients_free, *clients_used; static unsigned n_clients; static pthread_mutex_t clients_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; size_t uw_messages_max = SIZE_MAX; size_t uw_clients_max = SIZE_MAX; void *uw_init_client_data(); void uw_free_client_data(void *); void uw_copy_client_data(void *dst, void *src); static client *new_client() { client *c; pthread_mutex_lock(&clients_mutex); if (clients_free) { c = clients_free; clients_free = clients_free->next; } else if (n_clients >= uw_clients_max) return NULL; else { ++n_clients; clients = realloc(clients, sizeof(client) * n_clients); c = malloc(sizeof(client)); c->id = n_clients-1; pthread_mutex_init(&c->lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&c->pull_lock, NULL); uw_buffer_init(uw_messages_max, &c->msgs, 0); clients[n_clients-1] = c; } pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); c->mode = USED; c->pass = rand(); c->sock = -1; c->last_contact = time(NULL); uw_buffer_reset(&c->msgs); c->n_channels = 0; c->refcount = 0; c->data = uw_init_client_data(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); c->next = clients_used; clients_used = c; pthread_mutex_unlock(&clients_mutex); return c; } static void use_client(client *c) { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); ++c->refcount; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&c->pull_lock); } static void release_client(client *c) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->pull_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); --c->refcount; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); } static const char begin_msgs[] = "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"; static client *find_client(unsigned id) { client *c; pthread_mutex_lock(&clients_mutex); if (id >= n_clients) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&clients_mutex); return NULL; } c = clients[id]; pthread_mutex_unlock(&clients_mutex); return c; } static char *on_success = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; static char *on_redirect = "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other\r\n"; void uw_set_on_success(char *s) { on_success = s; } static void chastise(int (*send)(int sockfd, const void *buf, ssize_t len), int sock) { send(sock, on_success, strlen(on_success)); send(sock, begin_msgs, sizeof(begin_msgs) - 1); send(sock, "R", 1); close(sock); } void uw_client_connect(unsigned id, int pass, int sock, int (*send)(int sockfd, const void *buf, ssize_t len), int (*close)(int fd), void *logger_data, uw_logger log_error) { client *c = find_client(id); if (c == NULL) { chastise(send, sock); log_error(logger_data, "Out-of-bounds client request (%u)\n", id); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); if (c->mode != USED) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); chastise(send, sock); log_error(logger_data, "Client request for unused slot (%u)\n", id); return; } if (pass != c->pass) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); chastise(send, sock); log_error(logger_data, "Wrong client password (%u, %d)\n", id, pass); return; } if (c->sock != -1) { c->close(c->sock); c->sock = -1; } c->last_contact = time(NULL); if (uw_buffer_used(&c->msgs) > 0) { send(sock, on_success, strlen(on_success)); send(sock, begin_msgs, sizeof(begin_msgs) - 1); send(sock, c->msgs.start, uw_buffer_used(&c->msgs)); uw_buffer_reset(&c->msgs); close(sock); } else { c->sock = sock; c->send = send; c->close = close; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); } static void free_client(client *c) { c->mode = UNUSED; c->pass = -1; c->next = clients_free; clients_free = c; } static uw_Basis_channel new_channel(client *c) { uw_Basis_channel ch = {c->id, c->n_channels++}; return ch; } static void client_send(client *c, uw_buffer *msg, const char *script, int script_len) { pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); if (c->sock != -1) { c->send(c->sock, on_success, strlen(on_success)); c->send(c->sock, begin_msgs, sizeof(begin_msgs) - 1); if (script_len > 0) { c->send(c->sock, "E\n", 2); c->send(c->sock, script, script_len); c->send(c->sock, "\n", 1); } c->send(c->sock, msg->start, uw_buffer_used(msg)); c->close(c->sock); c->sock = -1; } else if ((script_len > 0 && (c->send(c->sock, "E\n", 2) || c->send(c->sock, script, script_len) || c->send(c->sock, "\n", 1))) || uw_buffer_append(&c->msgs, msg->start, uw_buffer_used(msg))) fprintf(stderr, "Client message buffer size exceeded"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); } // Global entry points extern void uw_global_custom(); extern void uw_init_crypto(); void uw_global_init() { srand(time(NULL) ^ getpid()); clients = malloc(0); uw_global_custom(); uw_init_crypto(); } void uw_app_init(uw_app *app) { app->client_init(); } int uw_time = 0, uw_time_max = 0, uw_min_heap = 0; // Single-request state typedef struct regions { struct regions *next; } regions; typedef struct { void (*func)(void*); void *arg; } cleanup; typedef struct { unsigned client; uw_buffer msgs; } delta; typedef enum { UNSET, NORMAL, FIL, SUBFORM, SUBFORMS, ENTRY } input_kind; typedef struct input { input_kind kind; union { char *normal; uw_Basis_file file; struct { struct input *fields, *parent; } subform; struct { struct input *entries, *parent; } subforms; struct { struct input *fields, *next, *parent; } entry; } data; } input; typedef struct { void *data; uw_callback commit, rollback; uw_callback_with_retry free; } transactional; typedef struct { char *name; void *data; void (*free)(void*); } global; struct uw_context { uw_app *app; int id; char *(*get_header)(void *, const char *); void *get_header_data; uw_buffer outHeaders, page, heap, script; int allowed_to_return_indirectly, returning_indirectly; input *inputs, *subinputs, *cur_container; size_t sz_inputs, n_subinputs, used_subinputs; unsigned long long source_count; void *db; jmp_buf jmp_buf; regions *regions; cleanup *cleanup, *cleanup_front, *cleanup_back; const char *script_header; int needs_push, needs_sig; size_t n_deltas, used_deltas; delta *deltas; client *client; transactional *transactionals; size_t n_transactionals, used_transactionals; global *globals; size_t n_globals; char *current_url; int deadline; void *client_data; void *logger_data; uw_logger log_debug; int isPost, hasPostBody; uw_Basis_postBody postBody; uw_Basis_string queryString; unsigned nextId; char error_message[ERROR_BUF_LEN]; }; size_t uw_headers_max = SIZE_MAX; size_t uw_page_max = SIZE_MAX; size_t uw_heap_max = SIZE_MAX; size_t uw_script_max = SIZE_MAX; uw_context uw_init(int id, void *logger_data, uw_logger log_debug) { uw_context ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct uw_context)); ctx->app = NULL; ctx->id = id; ctx->get_header = NULL; ctx->get_header_data = NULL; uw_buffer_init(uw_headers_max, &ctx->outHeaders, 1); ctx->outHeaders.start[0] = 0; uw_buffer_init(uw_page_max, &ctx->page, 1); ctx->page.start[0] = 0; ctx->allowed_to_return_indirectly = ctx->returning_indirectly = 0; uw_buffer_init(uw_heap_max, &ctx->heap, uw_min_heap); uw_buffer_init(uw_script_max, &ctx->script, 1); ctx->script.start[0] = 0; ctx->inputs = malloc(0); ctx->cur_container = NULL; ctx->subinputs = malloc(0); ctx->sz_inputs = ctx->n_subinputs = ctx->used_subinputs = 0; ctx->db = NULL; ctx->regions = NULL; ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup_back = ctx->cleanup = malloc(0); ctx->script_header = ""; ctx->needs_push = 0; ctx->needs_sig = 0; ctx->source_count = 0; ctx->n_deltas = ctx->used_deltas = 0; ctx->deltas = malloc(0); ctx->client = NULL; ctx->error_message[0] = 0; ctx->transactionals = malloc(0); ctx->n_transactionals = ctx->used_transactionals = 0; ctx->globals = malloc(0); ctx->n_globals = 0; ctx->current_url = ""; ctx->deadline = INT_MAX; ctx->client_data = uw_init_client_data(); ctx->logger_data = logger_data; ctx->log_debug = log_debug; ctx->isPost = ctx->hasPostBody = 0; ctx->queryString = NULL; ctx->nextId = 0; return ctx; } size_t uw_inputs_max = SIZE_MAX; uw_app *uw_get_app(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->app; } int uw_set_app(uw_context ctx, uw_app *app) { ctx->app = app; if (app && app->inputs_len > ctx->sz_inputs) { if (app->inputs_len > uw_inputs_max) return 1; ctx->sz_inputs = app->inputs_len; ctx->inputs = realloc(ctx->inputs, ctx->sz_inputs * sizeof(input)); memset(ctx->inputs, 0, ctx->sz_inputs * sizeof(input)); } return 0; } void uw_set_client_data(uw_context ctx, void *data) { uw_copy_client_data(ctx->client_data, data); } void uw_set_db(uw_context ctx, void *db) { ctx->db = db; } void *uw_get_db(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->db; } void uw_free(uw_context ctx) { size_t i; uw_buffer_free(&ctx->outHeaders); uw_buffer_free(&ctx->script); uw_buffer_free(&ctx->page); uw_buffer_free(&ctx->heap); free(ctx->inputs); free(ctx->subinputs); free(ctx->cleanup); free(ctx->transactionals); uw_free_client_data(ctx->client_data); for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_deltas; ++i) uw_buffer_free(&ctx->deltas[i].msgs); free(ctx->deltas); for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_globals; ++i) if (ctx->globals[i].free) ctx->globals[i].free(ctx->globals[i].data); free(ctx->globals); free(ctx); } void uw_reset_keep_error_message(uw_context ctx) { uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->outHeaders); uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->script); ctx->script.start[0] = 0; uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->page); ctx->allowed_to_return_indirectly = ctx->returning_indirectly = 0; uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->heap); ctx->regions = NULL; ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup; ctx->used_deltas = 0; ctx->client = NULL; ctx->cur_container = NULL; ctx->used_transactionals = 0; ctx->script_header = ""; ctx->queryString = NULL; ctx->nextId = 0; } void uw_reset_keep_request(uw_context ctx) { uw_reset_keep_error_message(ctx); ctx->error_message[0] = 0; } void uw_reset(uw_context ctx) { uw_reset_keep_request(ctx); if (ctx->app) memset(ctx->inputs, 0, ctx->app->inputs_len * sizeof(input)); memset(ctx->subinputs, 0, ctx->n_subinputs * sizeof(input)); ctx->used_subinputs = ctx->hasPostBody = ctx->isPost = 0; } failure_kind uw_begin_init(uw_context ctx) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (r == 0 && ctx->app) ctx->app->db_init(ctx); return r; } void uw_close(uw_context ctx) { ctx->app->db_close(ctx); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_requestHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string h) { return ctx->get_header(ctx->get_header_data, h); } void uw_set_headers(uw_context ctx, char *(*get_header)(void *, const char *), void *get_header_data) { ctx->get_header = get_header; ctx->get_header_data = get_header_data; } static void uw_set_error(uw_context ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(ctx->error_message, ERROR_BUF_LEN, fmt, ap); } int uw_has_error(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->error_message[0] != 0; } __attribute__((noreturn)) void uw_error(uw_context ctx, failure_kind fk, const char *fmt, ...) { cleanup *cl; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(ctx->error_message, ERROR_BUF_LEN, fmt, ap); for (cl = ctx->cleanup; cl < ctx->cleanup_front; ++cl) cl->func(cl->arg); ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup; longjmp(ctx->jmp_buf, fk); } size_t uw_cleanup_max = SIZE_MAX; void uw_push_cleanup(uw_context ctx, void (*func)(void *), void *arg) { if (ctx->cleanup_front >= ctx->cleanup_back) { int len = ctx->cleanup_back - ctx->cleanup, newLen; if (len == 0) newLen = 1; else newLen = len * 2; if (newLen > uw_cleanup_max) { if (len+1 <= uw_cleanup_max) newLen = uw_cleanup_max; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Exceeded limit on number of cleanup handlers"); } ctx->cleanup = realloc(ctx->cleanup, newLen * sizeof(cleanup)); ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup + len; ctx->cleanup_back = ctx->cleanup + newLen; } ctx->cleanup_front->func = func; ctx->cleanup_front->arg = arg; ++ctx->cleanup_front; } char *uw_Basis_htmlifyString(uw_context, const char *); void uw_login(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->needs_push) { char *id_s, *pass_s; if ((id_s = uw_Basis_requestHeader(ctx, "UrWeb-Client")) && (pass_s = uw_Basis_requestHeader(ctx, "UrWeb-Pass"))) { unsigned id = atoi(id_s); int pass = atoi(pass_s); client *c = find_client(id); if (c == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Unknown client ID in HTTP headers (%s, %s)", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, id_s), uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, pass_s)); else { use_client(c); ctx->client = c; if (c->mode != USED) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Stale client ID (%u) in subscription request", id); if (c->pass != pass) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Wrong client password (%u, %d) in subscription request", id, pass); } } else { client *c = new_client(); if (c == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Limit exceeded on number of message-passing clients"); use_client(c); uw_copy_client_data(c->data, ctx->client_data); ctx->client = c; } } } failure_kind uw_begin(uw_context ctx, char *path) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (r == 0) { if (ctx->app->db_begin(ctx)) uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, "Error running SQL BEGIN"); ctx->app->handle(ctx, path); } return r; } uw_Basis_client uw_Basis_self(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->client == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Call to Basis.self() from page that has only server-side code"); return ctx->client->id; } void uw_pop_cleanup(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->cleanup_front == ctx->cleanup) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Attempt to pop from empty cleanup action stack"); --ctx->cleanup_front; ctx->cleanup_front->func(ctx->cleanup_front->arg); } char *uw_error_message(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->error_message; } void uw_set_error_message(uw_context ctx, const char *msg) { strncpy(ctx->error_message, msg, sizeof(ctx->error_message)); ctx->error_message[sizeof(ctx->error_message)-1] = 0; } static input *INP(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->cur_container == NULL) return ctx->inputs; else if (ctx->cur_container->kind == SUBFORM) return ctx->cur_container->data.subform.fields; else if (ctx->cur_container->kind == ENTRY) return ctx->cur_container->data.entry.fields; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "INP: Wrong kind (%d, %p)", ctx->cur_container->kind, ctx->cur_container); } static void adjust_pointer(input **ptr, input *old_start, input *new_start, size_t len) { if (*ptr != NULL && *ptr >= old_start && *ptr < old_start + len) *ptr += new_start - old_start; } static void adjust_input(input *x, input *old_start, input *new_start, size_t len) { switch (x->kind) { case SUBFORM: adjust_pointer(&x->data.subform.fields, old_start, new_start, len); adjust_pointer(&x->data.subform.parent, old_start, new_start, len); break; case SUBFORMS: adjust_pointer(&x->data.subforms.entries, old_start, new_start, len); adjust_pointer(&x->data.subforms.parent, old_start, new_start, len); break; case ENTRY: adjust_pointer(&x->data.entry.fields, old_start, new_start, len); adjust_pointer(&x->data.entry.next, old_start, new_start, len); adjust_pointer(&x->data.entry.parent, old_start, new_start, len); break; default: break; } } size_t uw_subinputs_max = SIZE_MAX; static input *check_input_space(uw_context ctx, size_t len) { size_t i; input *r; if (ctx->used_subinputs + len >= ctx->n_subinputs) { if (ctx->used_subinputs + len > uw_subinputs_max) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Exceeded limit on number of subinputs"); input *new_subinputs = realloc(ctx->subinputs, sizeof(input) * (ctx->used_subinputs + len)); if (ctx->subinputs != new_subinputs) { for (i = 0; i < ctx->used_subinputs; ++i) adjust_input(&new_subinputs[i], ctx->subinputs, new_subinputs, ctx->used_subinputs); for (i = 0; i < ctx->app->inputs_len; ++i) adjust_input(&ctx->inputs[i], ctx->subinputs, new_subinputs, ctx->used_subinputs); adjust_pointer(&ctx->cur_container, ctx->subinputs, new_subinputs, ctx->used_subinputs); ctx->n_subinputs = ctx->used_subinputs + len; ctx->subinputs = new_subinputs; } } r = &ctx->subinputs[ctx->used_subinputs]; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) ctx->subinputs[ctx->used_subinputs++].kind = UNSET; return r; } int uw_set_input(uw_context ctx, const char *name, char *value) { //printf("Input name %s\n", name); if (!strcasecmp(name, ".b")) { int n = ctx->app->input_num(value); input *inps; if (n < 0) { uw_set_error(ctx, "Bad subform name %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, value)); return -1; } if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) { uw_set_error(ctx, "For subform name %s, index %d is out of range", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, value), n); return -1; } inps = check_input_space(ctx, ctx->app->inputs_len); INP(ctx)[n].kind = SUBFORM; INP(ctx)[n].data.subform.parent = ctx->cur_container; INP(ctx)[n].data.subform.fields = inps; ctx->cur_container = &INP(ctx)[n]; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, ".e")) { input *tmp; if (ctx->cur_container == NULL) { uw_set_error(ctx, "Unmatched subform closer"); return -1; } tmp = ctx->cur_container; switch (tmp->kind) { case SUBFORM: ctx->cur_container = tmp->data.subform.parent; tmp->data.subform.parent = NULL; break; case SUBFORMS: ctx->cur_container = tmp->data.subforms.parent; tmp->data.subforms.parent = NULL; break; case ENTRY: ctx->cur_container = tmp->data.entry.parent; break; default: uw_set_error(ctx, "uw_set_input: Wrong kind"); return -1; } } else if (!strcasecmp(name, ".s")) { int n = ctx->app->input_num(value); if (n < 0) { uw_set_error(ctx, "Bad subforms name %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, value)); return -1; } if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) { uw_set_error(ctx, "For subforms name %s, index %d is out of range", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, value), n); return -1; } INP(ctx)[n].kind = SUBFORMS; INP(ctx)[n].data.subforms.parent = ctx->cur_container; INP(ctx)[n].data.subforms.entries = NULL; ctx->cur_container = &INP(ctx)[n]; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, ".i")) { input *inps; if (!ctx->cur_container) { uw_set_error(ctx, "New entry without container"); return -1; } if (ctx->cur_container->kind != SUBFORMS) { uw_set_error(ctx, "Bad kind for entry parent"); return -1; } inps = check_input_space(ctx, ctx->app->inputs_len + 1); inps->kind = ENTRY; inps->data.entry.parent = ctx->cur_container; inps->data.entry.next = ctx->cur_container->data.subforms.entries; ctx->cur_container->data.subforms.entries = inps; inps->data.entry.fields = inps+1; ctx->cur_container = inps; } else { int n = ctx->app->input_num(name); if (n < 0) return 0; if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) { uw_set_error(ctx, "For input name %s, index %d is out of range", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, name), n); return -1; } INP(ctx)[n].kind = NORMAL; INP(ctx)[n].data.normal = value; } return 0; } char *uw_get_input(uw_context ctx, int n) { if (n < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative input index %d", n); if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds input index %d", n); switch (INP(ctx)[n].kind) { case UNSET: return NULL; case FIL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a file form input as normal"); case SUBFORM: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subform form input as normal"); case SUBFORMS: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subforms form input as normal"); case ENTRY: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read an entry form input as normal"); case NORMAL: return INP(ctx)[n].data.normal; default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } char *uw_get_optional_input(uw_context ctx, int n) { if (n < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative input index %d", n); if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds input index %d", n); switch (INP(ctx)[n].kind) { case UNSET: return ""; case FIL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a file form input as normal"); case SUBFORM: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subform form input as normal"); case SUBFORMS: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subforms form input as normal"); case ENTRY: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read an entry form input as normal"); case NORMAL: return INP(ctx)[n].data.normal; default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } int uw_set_file_input(uw_context ctx, const char *name, uw_Basis_file f) { int n = ctx->app->input_num(name); if (n < 0) { uw_set_error(ctx, "Bad file input name %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, name)); return -1; } if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) { uw_set_error(ctx, "For file input name %s, index %d is out of range", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, name), n); return -1; } ctx->inputs[n].kind = FIL; ctx->inputs[n].data.file = f; return 0; } void *uw_malloc(uw_context ctx, size_t len); uw_Basis_file uw_get_file_input(uw_context ctx, int n) { if (n < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative file input index %d", n); if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds file input index %d", n); switch (INP(ctx)[n].kind) { case UNSET: { char *data = uw_malloc(ctx, 0); uw_Basis_file f = {NULL, "", {0, data}}; return f; } case FIL: return INP(ctx)[n].data.file; case NORMAL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a normal form input as files"); case SUBFORM: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subform form input as files"); case SUBFORMS: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subforms form input as files"); case ENTRY: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read an entry form input as files"); default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } void uw_enter_subform(uw_context ctx, int n) { if (n < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative subform index %d", n); if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds subform index %d", n); switch (INP(ctx)[n].kind) { case UNSET: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing subform"); case FIL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a file form input as subform"); case NORMAL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a normal form input as subform"); case SUBFORMS: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subforms form input as subform"); case ENTRY: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read an entry form input as subform"); case SUBFORM: INP(ctx)[n].data.subform.parent = ctx->cur_container; ctx->cur_container = &INP(ctx)[n]; return; default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } void uw_leave_subform(uw_context ctx) { input *tmp; if (ctx->cur_container == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Unmatched uw_leave_subform"); tmp = ctx->cur_container; ctx->cur_container = tmp->data.subform.parent; tmp->data.subform.parent = NULL; } int uw_enter_subforms(uw_context ctx, int n) { input *inps; if (n < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative subforms index %d", n); if (n >= ctx->app->inputs_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds subforms index %d", n); switch (INP(ctx)[n].kind) { case UNSET: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing subforms"); case FIL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a file form input as subforms"); case NORMAL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a normal form input %p as subforms", &INP(ctx)[n]); case SUBFORM: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subform form input as subforms"); case ENTRY: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read an entry form input as subforms"); case SUBFORMS: inps = INP(ctx)[n].data.subforms.entries; if (inps) { INP(ctx)[n].data.subforms.parent = ctx->cur_container; ctx->cur_container = INP(ctx)[n].data.subforms.entries; return 1; } else return 0; default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } int uw_next_entry(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->cur_container == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "uw_next_entry(NULL)"); switch (ctx->cur_container->kind) { case UNSET: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing entry"); case FIL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a file form input as entry"); case NORMAL: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a normal form input as entry"); case SUBFORM: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subform form input as entry"); case SUBFORMS: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to read a subforms form input as entry"); case ENTRY: if (ctx->cur_container->data.entry.next) { ctx->cur_container = ctx->cur_container->data.entry.next; return 1; } else { ctx->cur_container = ctx->cur_container->data.entry.parent->data.subforms.parent; return 0; } default: uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Impossible input kind"); } } void uw_set_script_header(uw_context ctx, const char *s) { ctx->script_header = s; } const char *uw_get_url_prefix(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->app->url_prefix; } void uw_set_needs_push(uw_context ctx, int n) { ctx->needs_push = n; } void uw_set_needs_sig(uw_context ctx, int n) { ctx->needs_sig = n; } static void uw_buffer_check_ctx(uw_context ctx, const char *kind, uw_buffer *b, size_t extra, const char *desc) { if (b->back - b->front < extra) { size_t desired = b->front - b->start + extra, next; char *new_heap; next = b->back - b->start; if (next == 0) next = 1; for (; next < desired; next *= 2); if (next > b->max) { if (desired <= b->max) next = desired; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Memory limit exceeded (%s)", kind); } new_heap = realloc(b->start, next); b->front = new_heap + (b->front - b->start); b->back = new_heap + next; if (new_heap != b->start) { b->start = new_heap; uw_error(ctx, UNLIMITED_RETRY, "Couldn't allocate new %s contiguously; increasing size to %llu", desc, (unsigned long long)next); } b->start = new_heap; } } void uw_check_heap(uw_context ctx, size_t extra) { uw_buffer_check_ctx(ctx, "heap", &ctx->heap, extra, "heap chunk"); } char *uw_heap_front(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->heap.front; } void uw_set_heap_front(uw_context ctx, char *fr) { ctx->heap.front = fr; } void *uw_malloc(uw_context ctx, size_t len) { void *result; uw_check_heap(ctx, len); result = ctx->heap.front; ctx->heap.front += len; return result; } void uw_begin_region(uw_context ctx) { regions *r = (regions *) ctx->heap.front; uw_check_heap(ctx, sizeof(regions)); ctx->heap.front += sizeof(regions); r->next = ctx->regions; ctx->regions = r; } void uw_end_region(uw_context ctx) { regions *r = ctx->regions; if (r == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Region stack underflow"); ctx->heap.front = (char *) r; ctx->regions = r->next; } void uw_memstats(uw_context ctx) { printf("Headers: %lu/%lu\n", (unsigned long)uw_buffer_used(&ctx->outHeaders), (unsigned long)uw_buffer_avail(&ctx->outHeaders)); printf("Script: %lu/%lu\n", (unsigned long)uw_buffer_used(&ctx->script), (unsigned long)uw_buffer_avail(&ctx->script)); printf("Page: %lu/%lu\n", (unsigned long)uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page), (unsigned long)uw_buffer_avail(&ctx->page)); printf("Heap: %lu/%lu\n", (unsigned long)uw_buffer_used(&ctx->heap), (unsigned long)uw_buffer_avail(&ctx->heap)); } int uw_send(uw_context ctx, int sock) { int n = uw_really_send(sock, ctx->outHeaders.start, ctx->outHeaders.front - ctx->outHeaders.start); if (n < 0) return n; n = uw_really_send(sock, "\r\n", 2); if (n < 0) return n; return uw_really_send(sock, ctx->page.start, ctx->page.front - ctx->page.start); } int uw_print(uw_context ctx, int fd) { int n = uw_really_write(fd, ctx->outHeaders.start, ctx->outHeaders.front - ctx->outHeaders.start); if (n < 0) return n; n = uw_really_write(fd, "\r\n", 2); if (n < 0) return n; return uw_really_write(fd, ctx->page.start, ctx->page.front - ctx->page.start); } int uw_output(uw_context ctx, int (*output)(void *data, char *buf, size_t len), void *data) { int n = output(data, ctx->outHeaders.start, ctx->outHeaders.front - ctx->outHeaders.start); if (n < 0) return n; n = output(data, "\r\n", 2); if (n < 0) return n; return output(data, ctx->page.start, ctx->page.front - ctx->page.start); } static void uw_check_headers(uw_context ctx, size_t extra) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "headers", &ctx->outHeaders, extra); } void uw_write_header(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { int len = strlen(s); uw_check_headers(ctx, len + 1); strcpy(ctx->outHeaders.front, s); ctx->outHeaders.front += len; } void uw_clear_headers(uw_context ctx) { uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->outHeaders); } static void uw_check_script(uw_context ctx, size_t extra) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "script", &ctx->script, extra); } void uw_write_script(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { int len = strlen(s); uw_check_script(ctx, len + 1); strcpy(ctx->script.front, s); ctx->script.front += len; } const char *uw_Basis_get_script(uw_context ctx, uw_unit u) { return ""; } const char *uw_get_real_script(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->script.start; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_maybe_onload(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (s[0] == 0) return ""; else { char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 11 + strlen(s)); sprintf(r, " onload='%s'", s); return r; } } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_maybe_onunload(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (ctx->script_header[0] == 0) return ""; else { char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 22 + strlen(s)); sprintf(r, " onunload='unload();%s'", s); return r; } } const char *uw_Basis_get_settings(uw_context ctx, uw_unit u) { if (ctx->client == NULL) { if (ctx->needs_sig) { char *sig = ctx->app->cookie_sig(ctx); char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, strlen(sig) + 8); sprintf(r, "sig=\"%s\";", sig); return r; } else return ""; } else { char *sig = ctx->needs_sig ? ctx->app->cookie_sig(ctx) : ""; char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 59 + 3 * INTS_MAX + strlen(ctx->app->url_prefix) + (ctx->needs_sig ? strlen(sig) + 7 : 0)); sprintf(r, "isPost=%s;client_id=%u;client_pass=%d;url_prefix=\"%s\";timeout=%d;%s%s%slistener();", (ctx->isPost ? "true" : "false"), ctx->client->id, ctx->client->pass, ctx->app->url_prefix, ctx->app->timeout, ctx->needs_sig ? "sig=\"" : "", sig, ctx->needs_sig ? "\";" : ""); return r; } } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_jsifyString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *r, *s2; uw_check_heap(ctx, strlen(s) * 4 + 3); r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; *s2++ = '"'; for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; switch (c) { case '"': strcpy(s2, "\\\""); s2 += 2; break; case '\'': strcpy(s2, "\\047"); s2 += 4; break; case '\\': strcpy(s2, "\\\\"); s2 += 2; break; case '<': strcpy(s2, "\\074"); s2 += 4; break; default: if (isprint((int)c) || c >= 128) *s2++ = c; else { sprintf(s2, "\\%03o", c); s2 += 4; } } } strcpy(s2, "\""); ctx->heap.front = s2 + 2; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_jsifyChar(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c1) { unsigned char c = c1; char *r, *s2; uw_check_heap(ctx, 7); r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; *s2++ = '"'; switch (c) { case '"': strcpy(s2, "\\\""); s2 += 2; break; case '\'': strcpy(s2, "\\047"); s2 += 4; break; case '\\': strcpy(s2, "\\\\"); s2 += 2; break; case '<': strcpy(s2, "\\074"); s2 += 4; break; default: if (isprint((int)c) || c >= 128) *s2++ = c; else { sprintf(s2, "\\%03o", (unsigned char)c); s2 += 4; } } strcpy(s2, "\""); ctx->heap.front = s2 + 2; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_jsifyString_ws(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *r, *s2; uw_check_script(ctx, strlen(s) * 4 + 3); r = s2 = ctx->script.front; *s2++ = '"'; for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; switch (c) { case '\'': strcpy(s2, "\\"); s2 += 2; break; case '\\': strcpy(s2, "\\\\"); s2 += 2; break; case '<': strcpy(s2, "\\074"); s2 += 4; break; default: if (isprint((int)c) || c >= 128) *s2++ = c; else { sprintf(s2, "\\%03o", c); s2 += 4; } } } strcpy(s2, "\""); ctx->script.front = s2 + 1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_jsifyChannel(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn) { if (ctx->client == NULL || chn.cli != ctx->client->id) return "null"; else { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%u%n", chn.chn, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } } uw_Basis_source uw_Basis_new_client_source(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { int len; size_t s_len = strlen(s); uw_check_script(ctx, 15 + 2 * INTS_MAX + s_len); sprintf(ctx->script.front, "s%d_%llu=sc(exec(%n", ctx->id, ctx->source_count, &len); ctx->script.front += len; strcpy(ctx->script.front, s); ctx->script.front += s_len; strcpy(ctx->script.front, "));"); ctx->script.front += 3; uw_Basis_source r = {ctx->id, ctx->source_count++}; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_set_client_source(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_source src, uw_Basis_string s) { int len; size_t s_len = strlen(s); uw_check_script(ctx, 15 + 2 * INTS_MAX + s_len); sprintf(ctx->script.front, "sv(s%d_%llu,exec(%n", src.context, src.source, &len); ctx->script.front += len; strcpy(ctx->script.front, s); ctx->script.front += s_len; strcpy(ctx->script.front, "));"); ctx->script.front += 3; return uw_unit_v; } static void uw_check(uw_context ctx, size_t extra) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "page", &ctx->page, extra); } static void uw_writec_unsafe(uw_context ctx, char c) { *(ctx->page.front)++ = c; *ctx->page.front = 0; } void uw_writec(uw_context ctx, char c) { uw_check(ctx, 2); uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, c); } static void uw_write_unsafe(uw_context ctx, const char* s) { int len = strlen(s); memcpy(ctx->page.front, s, len); ctx->page.front += len; } void uw_write(uw_context ctx, const char* s) { uw_check(ctx, strlen(s) + 1); uw_write_unsafe(ctx, s); *ctx->page.front = 0; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { char *result; int len; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX); result = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(result, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return result; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyFloat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { char *result; int len; uw_check_heap(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); result = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(result, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return result; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { int len = strlen(s); char *result, *p; uw_check_heap(ctx, len * 6 + 1); result = p = ctx->heap.front; for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; if (c == '"') { strcpy(p, """); p += 6; } else if (c == '&') { strcpy(p, "&"); p += 5; } else *p++ = c; } *p++ = 0; ctx->heap.front = p; return result; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyChar(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { char *result, *p; uw_check_heap(ctx, 7); result = p = ctx->heap.front; if (c == '"') { strcpy(p, """); p += 6; } else if (c == '&') { strcpy(p, "&"); p += 5; } else *p++ = c; *p++ = 0; ctx->heap.front = p; return result; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyCss_class(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_css_class s) { return s; } static void uw_Basis_attrifyInt_w_unsafe(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; } uw_unit uw_Basis_attrifyInt_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX); uw_Basis_attrifyInt_w_unsafe(ctx, n); return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_attrifyFloat_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; uw_check(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_attrifyString_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { uw_check(ctx, strlen(s) * 6); for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; if (c == '"') uw_write_unsafe(ctx, """); else if (c == '&') uw_write_unsafe(ctx, "&"); else uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, c); } return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_attrifyChar_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { uw_check(ctx, 6); if (c == '"') uw_write_unsafe(ctx, """); else if (c == '&') uw_write_unsafe(ctx, "&"); else uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, c); return uw_unit_v; } char *uw_Basis_urlifyInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_urlifyChannel(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn) { if (ctx->client == NULL || chn.cli != ctx->client->id) return ""; else { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%u%n", chn.chn, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } } char *uw_Basis_urlifyFloat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_urlifyString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *r, *p; if (s[0] == '\0') return "_"; uw_check_heap(ctx, strlen(s) * 3 + 1 + !!(s[0] == '_')); r = p = ctx->heap.front; if (s[0] == '_') *p++ = '_'; for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; if (c == ' ') *p++ = '+'; else if (isalnum(c)) *p++ = c; else { sprintf(p, ".%02X", c); p += 3; } } *p++ = 0; ctx->heap.front = p; return r; } char *uw_Basis_urlifyBool(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) return "0"; else return "1"; } char *uw_Basis_urlifySource(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_source src) { char *r; int len; uw_check_heap(ctx, 2 * INTS_MAX + 2); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%d/%llu%n", src.context, src.source, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } static void uw_Basis_urlifyInt_w_unsafe(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyInt_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX); uw_Basis_urlifyInt_w_unsafe(ctx, n); return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyChannel_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn) { if (ctx->client != NULL && chn.cli == ctx->client->id) { int len; uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX + 1); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%u%n", chn.chn, &len); ctx->page.front += len; } return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyFloat_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; uw_check(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_urlifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { return uw_Basis_urlifyInt(ctx, (uw_Basis_int)t.seconds * 1000000 + t.microseconds); } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyTime_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { return uw_Basis_urlifyInt_w(ctx, (uw_Basis_int)t.seconds * 1000000 + t.microseconds); } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyString_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (s[0] == '\0') { uw_check(ctx, 1); uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, '_'); return uw_unit_v; } uw_check(ctx, strlen(s) * 3 + !!(s[0] == '_')); if (s[0] == '_') uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, '_'); for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; if (c == ' ') uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, '+'); else if (isalnum(c)) uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, c); else { sprintf(ctx->page.front, ".%02X", c); ctx->page.front += 3; } } return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyBool_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) uw_writec(ctx, '0'); else uw_writec(ctx, '1'); return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifySource_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_source src) { int len; uw_check(ctx, 2 * INTS_MAX + 2); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%d/%llu%n", src.context, src.source, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } static char *uw_unurlify_advance(char *s) { char *new_s = strchr(s, '/'); if (new_s) *new_s++ = 0; else new_s = strchr(s, 0); return new_s; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_unurlifyInt(uw_context ctx, char **s) { char *new_s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); uw_Basis_int r; r = atoll(*s); *s = new_s; return r; } uw_Basis_float uw_Basis_unurlifyFloat(uw_context ctx, char **s) { char *new_s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); uw_Basis_float r; r = atof(*s); *s = new_s; return r; } uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_unurlifyTime(uw_context ctx, char **s) { uw_Basis_int n = uw_Basis_unurlifyInt(ctx, s); uw_Basis_time r = {n / 1000000, n % 1000000}; return r; } static uw_Basis_string uw_unurlifyString_to(int fromClient, uw_context ctx, char *r, char *s) { char *s1, *s2 = s; int n; if (!fromClient) { if (*s2 == '_') ++s2; else if ((s2[0] == '%' || s2[0] == '.') && s2[1] == '5' && (s2[2] == 'f' || s2[2] == 'F')) s2 += 3; } for (s1 = r; *s2; ++s1, ++s2) { unsigned char c = *s2; switch (c) { case '+': *s1 = ' '; break; case '%': if (s2[1] == 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing first character of escaped URL byte"); if (s2[2] == 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing second character of escaped URL byte"); if (sscanf(s2+1, "%02X", &n) != 1) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Invalid escaped URL byte starting at: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s2)); *s1 = n; s2 += 2; break; case '.': if (!fromClient) { if (s2[1] == 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing first character of escaped URL byte"); if (s2[2] == 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Missing second character of escaped URL byte"); if (sscanf(s2+1, "%02X", &n) != 1) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Invalid escaped URL byte starting at: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s2)); *s1 = n; s2 += 2; break; } default: *s1 = c; } } *s1++ = 0; return s1; } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_unurlifyBool(uw_context ctx, char **s) { char *new_s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); uw_Basis_bool r; if (*s[0] == 0 || !strcmp(*s, "0") || !strcmp(*s, "off")) r = uw_Basis_False; else r = uw_Basis_True; *s = new_s; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_unurlifyString(uw_context ctx, char **s) { char *new_s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); char *r; int len; len = strlen(*s); uw_check_heap(ctx, len + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; ctx->heap.front = uw_unurlifyString_to(0, ctx, ctx->heap.front, *s); *s = new_s; return r; } uw_Basis_unit uw_Basis_unurlifyUnit(uw_context ctx, char **s) { *s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_unurlifyString_fromClient(uw_context ctx, char **s) { char *new_s = uw_unurlify_advance(*s); char *r; int len; len = strlen(*s); uw_check_heap(ctx, len + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; ctx->heap.front = uw_unurlifyString_to(1, ctx, ctx->heap.front, *s); *s = new_s; return r; } char *uw_Basis_htmlifyInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifyInt_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } char *uw_Basis_htmlifySpecialChar(uw_context ctx, unsigned char ch) { unsigned int n = ch; int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX+3); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "&#%u;%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifySpecialChar_w(uw_context ctx, unsigned char ch) { unsigned int n = ch; int len; uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX+3); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "&#%u;%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } char *uw_Basis_htmlifyFloat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifyFloat_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; uw_check(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } char *uw_Basis_jsifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%lld%n", (uw_Basis_int)t.seconds * 1000000 + t.microseconds, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_jsifyInt_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; uw_check(ctx, INTS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "%lld%n", (uw_Basis_int)n, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } char *uw_Basis_htmlifyString(uw_context ctx, const char *s) { char *r, *s2; uw_check_heap(ctx, strlen(s) * 5 + 1); for (r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; switch (c) { case '<': strcpy(s2, "<"); s2 += 4; break; case '&': strcpy(s2, "&"); s2 += 5; break; default: *s2++ = c; } } *s2++ = 0; ctx->heap.front = s2; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifyString_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { uw_check(ctx, strlen(s) * 6); for (; *s; s++) { unsigned char c = *s; switch (c) { case '<': uw_write_unsafe(ctx, "<"); break; case '&': uw_write_unsafe(ctx, "&"); break; default: uw_writec_unsafe(ctx, c); } } return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_htmlifyBool(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) return "False"; else return "True"; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifyBool_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) { uw_check(ctx, 6); strcpy(ctx->page.front, "False"); ctx->page.front += 5; } else { uw_check(ctx, 5); strcpy(ctx->page.front, "True"); ctx->page.front += 4; } return uw_unit_v; } #define TIME_FMT "%x %X" #define TIME_FMT_PG "%Y-%m-%d %T" #define TIME_FMT_JS "%Y/%m/%d %T" uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_timeToString(uw_context, uw_Basis_time); uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_htmlifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { return uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, uw_Basis_timeToString(ctx, t)); } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifyTime_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { return uw_Basis_htmlifyString_w(ctx, uw_Basis_timeToString(ctx, t)); } char *uw_Basis_htmlifySource(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_source src) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, 2 * INTS_MAX + 2); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "s%d_%llu%n", src.context, src.source, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_unit uw_Basis_htmlifySource_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_source src) { int len; uw_check(ctx, 2 * INTS_MAX + 1); sprintf(ctx->page.front, "s%d_%llu%n", src.context, src.source, &len); ctx->page.front += len; return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_char uw_Basis_strsub(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_int n) { while (n >= 0) { if (*s == 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Out-of-bounds strsub"); if (n == 0) return *s; --n; ++s; } uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative strsub bound"); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_strsuffix(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_int n) { while (n >= 0) { if (*s == 0 || n == 0) return s; --n; ++s; } uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Negative strsuffix bound"); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_strlen(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { return strlen(s); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_strlenGe(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_int n) { while (n > 0) { if (*s == 0) return uw_Basis_False; --n; ++s; } return uw_Basis_True; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_strchr(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_char ch) { return strchr(s, ch); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_strcspn(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_string chs) { return strcspn(s, chs); } uw_Basis_int *uw_Basis_strindex(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_char ch) { uw_Basis_string r = strchr(s, ch); if (r == NULL) return NULL; else { uw_Basis_int *nr = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_int)); *nr = r - s; return nr; } } uw_Basis_int *uw_Basis_strsindex(uw_context ctx, const char *haystack, const char *needle) { uw_Basis_string r = strstr(haystack, needle); if (r == NULL) return NULL; else { uw_Basis_int *nr = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_int)); *nr = r - haystack; return nr; } } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_strcat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s1, uw_Basis_string s2) { int len = uw_Basis_strlen(ctx, s1) + uw_Basis_strlen(ctx, s2) + 1; char *s; uw_check_heap(ctx, len); s = ctx->heap.front; strcpy(s, s1); strcat(s, s2); ctx->heap.front += len; return s; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_substring(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, uw_Basis_int start, uw_Basis_int len) { size_t full_len = uw_Basis_strlen(ctx, s); if (start < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "substring: Negative start index"); if (len < 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "substring: Negative length"); if (start + len > full_len) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "substring: Start index plus length is too large"); if (start + len == full_len) return &s[start]; else { uw_Basis_string r = uw_malloc(ctx, len+1); memcpy(r, s+start, len); r[len] = 0; return r; } } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_str1(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char ch) { char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, 2); r = ctx->heap.front; r[0] = ch; r[1] = 0; ctx->heap.front += 2; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_strdup(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s1) { int len = uw_Basis_strlen(ctx, s1) + 1; char *s; uw_check_heap(ctx, len); s = ctx->heap.front; strcpy(s, s1); ctx->heap.front += len; return s; } uw_Basis_string uw_dup_and_clear_error_message(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->error_message[0]) { char *s = uw_strdup(ctx, ctx->error_message); ctx->error_message[0] = 0; return s; } else return NULL; } uw_Basis_string uw_maybe_strdup(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s1) { if (s1) return uw_strdup(ctx, s1); else return NULL; } char *uw_memdup(uw_context ctx, const char *p, size_t len) { char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, len); memcpy(r, p, len); return r; } char *uw_sqlfmtInt = "%lld::int8%n"; char *uw_Basis_sqlifyInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 6); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, uw_sqlfmtInt, n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyIntN(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int *n) { if (n == NULL) return "NULL"; else return uw_Basis_sqlifyInt(ctx, *n); } char *uw_sqlfmtFloat = "%g::float8%n"; char *uw_Basis_sqlifyFloat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, FLOATS_MAX + 8); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, uw_sqlfmtFloat, n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyFloatN(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float *n) { if (n == NULL) return "NULL"; else return uw_Basis_sqlifyFloat(ctx, *n); } int uw_Estrings = 1; char *uw_sqlsuffixString = "::text"; char *uw_sqlsuffixChar = "::char"; uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_sqlifyString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *r, *s2; uw_check_heap(ctx, strlen(s) * 2 + 3 + uw_Estrings + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixString)); r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; if (uw_Estrings) *s2++ = 'E'; *s2++ = '\''; for (; *s; s++) { char c = *s; switch (c) { case '\'': if (uw_Estrings) strcpy(s2, "\\'"); else strcpy(s2, "''"); s2 += 2; break; case '\\': if (uw_Estrings) { strcpy(s2, "\\\\"); s2 += 2; } else *s2++ = '\\'; break; default: if (isprint((int)c)) *s2++ = c; else if (uw_Estrings) { sprintf(s2, "\\%03o", c); s2 += 4; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Non-printable character %u in string to SQLify", c); } } *s2++ = '\''; strcpy(s2, uw_sqlsuffixString); ctx->heap.front = s2 + 1 + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixString); return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_sqlifyChar(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { char *r, *s2; uw_check_heap(ctx, 5 + uw_Estrings + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixChar)); r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; if (uw_Estrings) *s2++ = 'E'; *s2++ = '\''; switch (c) { case '\'': if (uw_Estrings) strcpy(s2, "\\'"); else strcpy(s2, "''"); s2 += 2; break; case '\\': if (uw_Estrings) { strcpy(s2, "\\\\"); s2 += 2; } else *s2++ = '\\'; break; default: if (isprint((int)c)) *s2++ = c; else if (uw_Estrings) { sprintf(s2, "\\%03o", c); s2 += 4; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Non-printable character %u in char to SQLify", c); } *s2++ = '\''; strcpy(s2, uw_sqlsuffixChar); ctx->heap.front = s2 + 1 + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixChar); return r; } char *uw_sqlsuffixBlob = "::bytea"; uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_sqlifyBlob(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_blob b) { char *r, *s2; size_t i; uw_check_heap(ctx, b.size * 5 + 3 + uw_Estrings + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixBlob)); r = s2 = ctx->heap.front; if (uw_Estrings) *s2++ = 'E'; *s2++ = '\''; for (i = 0; i < b.size; ++i) { char c = b.data[i]; switch (c) { case '\'': if (uw_Estrings) strcpy(s2, "\\'"); else strcpy(s2, "''"); s2 += 2; break; case '\\': if (uw_Estrings) { strcpy(s2, "\\\\\\\\"); s2 += 4; } else *s2++ = '\\'; break; default: if (isprint((int)c)) *s2++ = c; else if (uw_Estrings) { sprintf(s2, "\\\\%03o", c); s2 += 5; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Non-printable character %u in blob to SQLify", c); } } *s2++ = '\''; strcpy(s2, uw_sqlsuffixBlob); ctx->heap.front = s2 + 1 + strlen(uw_sqlsuffixBlob); return r; } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyChannel(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn) { int len; char *r; unsigned long long combo = ((unsigned long long)chn.cli << 32) | chn.chn; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 7); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, uw_sqlfmtInt, combo, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyChannel(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn) { int len; char *r; unsigned long long combo = ((unsigned long long)chn.cli << 32) | chn.chn; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%lld%n", combo, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_sqlfmtUint4 = "%u::int4%n"; char *uw_Basis_sqlifyClient(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_client cli) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 7); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, uw_sqlfmtUint4, cli, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyClient(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_client cli) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX + 1); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%u%n", cli, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_sqlifyStringN(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (s == NULL) return "NULL"; else return uw_Basis_sqlifyString(ctx, s); } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyBool(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) return "FALSE"; else return "TRUE"; } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyBoolN(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool *b) { if (b == NULL) return "NULL"; else return uw_Basis_sqlifyBool(ctx, *b); } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { size_t len; char *r, *s; struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (localtime_r(&t.seconds, &stm)) { s = uw_malloc(ctx, TIMES_MAX); len = strftime(s, TIMES_MAX, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm); if (t.microseconds) { r = uw_malloc(ctx, len + 21); sprintf(r, "'%s.%06u'::timestamp", s, t.microseconds); } else { r = uw_malloc(ctx, len + 14); sprintf(r, "'%s'::timestamp", s); } return r; } else return ""; } char *uw_Basis_attrifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { size_t len; char *r; struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (localtime_r(&t.seconds, &stm)) { uw_check_heap(ctx, TIMES_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; len = strftime(r, TIMES_MAX, TIME_FMT, &stm); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } else return ""; } char *uw_Basis_ensqlTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { size_t len; char *r; struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (localtime_r(&t.seconds, &stm)) { uw_check_heap(ctx, TIMES_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; len = strftime(r, TIMES_MAX-7, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm); ctx->heap.front += len; sprintf(ctx->heap.front, ".%06u", t.microseconds); ctx->heap.front += 8; return r; } else return ""; } char *uw_Basis_sqlifyTimeN(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time *t) { if (t == NULL) return "NULL"; else return uw_Basis_sqlifyTime(ctx, *t); } char *uw_Basis_ensqlBool(uw_Basis_bool b) { static uw_Basis_int true = 1; static uw_Basis_int false = 0; if (b == uw_Basis_False) return (char *)&false; else return (char *)&true; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_intToString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, INTS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%lld%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_floatToString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { int len; char *r; uw_check_heap(ctx, FLOATS_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; sprintf(r, "%g%n", n, &len); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_charToString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char ch) { char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 2); r[0] = ch; r[1] = 0; return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_boolToString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_bool b) { if (b == uw_Basis_False) return "False"; else return "True"; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_timef(uw_context ctx, const char *fmt, uw_Basis_time t) { size_t len; char *r; struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (localtime_r(&t.seconds, &stm)) { uw_check_heap(ctx, TIMES_MAX); r = ctx->heap.front; len = strftime(r, TIMES_MAX, fmt, &stm); ctx->heap.front += len+1; return r; } else return ""; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_timeToString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) { return uw_Basis_timef(ctx, ctx->app->time_format, t); } uw_Basis_int *uw_Basis_stringToInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *endptr; uw_Basis_int n = strtoll(s, &endptr, 10); if (*s != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') { uw_Basis_int *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_int)); *r = n; return r; } else return NULL; } uw_Basis_float *uw_Basis_stringToFloat(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *endptr; uw_Basis_float n = strtod(s, &endptr); if (*s != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') { uw_Basis_float *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_float)); *r = n; return r; } else return NULL; } uw_Basis_char *uw_Basis_stringToChar(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (s[0] == 0) { uw_Basis_char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 1); r[0] = 0; return r; } else if (s[1] != 0) return NULL; else { uw_Basis_char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, 1); r[0] = s[0]; return r; } } uw_Basis_bool *uw_Basis_stringToBool(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { static uw_Basis_bool true = uw_Basis_True; static uw_Basis_bool false = uw_Basis_False; if (!strcasecmp (s, "True")) return &true; else if (!strcasecmp (s, "False")) return &false; else return NULL; } uw_Basis_time *uw_Basis_stringToTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *dot = strchr(s, '.'), *end = strchr(s, 0); struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (dot) { *dot = 0; if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm) == end) { *dot = '.'; uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = mktime(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else { *dot = '.'; return NULL; } } else { if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = mktime(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = mktime(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_JS, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = mktime(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else return NULL; } } uw_Basis_time *uw_Basis_stringToTimef(uw_context ctx, const char *fmt, uw_Basis_string s) { char *end = strchr(s, 0); struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (strptime(s, fmt, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = mktime(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else return NULL; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_stringToInt_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *endptr; uw_Basis_int n = strtoll(s, &endptr, 10); if (*s != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') return n; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse int: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } #include uw_Basis_channel uw_Basis_stringToChannel_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { unsigned long long n; if (sscanf(s, "%llu", &n) < 1) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse channel: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); else { uw_Basis_channel ch = {n >> 32, n & ((1ull << 32) - 1)}; return ch; } } uw_Basis_client uw_Basis_stringToClient_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *endptr; unsigned long n = strtoul(s, &endptr, 10); if (*s != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') return n; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse client: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_float uw_Basis_stringToFloat_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *endptr; uw_Basis_float n = strtod(s, &endptr); if (*s != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') return n; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse float: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_char uw_Basis_stringToChar_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (s[0] == 0) return 0; else if (s[1] != 0) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse char: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); else return s[0]; } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_stringToBool_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!strcasecmp(s, "T") || !strcasecmp (s, "True")) return uw_Basis_True; else if (!strcasecmp(s, "F") || !strcasecmp (s, "False")) return uw_Basis_False; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse bool: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_unsqlTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *dot = strchr(s, '.'), *end = strchr(s, 0); struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (dot) { *dot = 0; if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm)) { *dot = '.'; char usec[] = "000000"; int len = strlen(dot+1); memcpy(usec, dot+1, len < 6 ? len : 6); uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm), atoi(usec) }; return r; } else { *dot = '.'; uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse time: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } } else { if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse time: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } } uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_stringToTime_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { char *dot = strchr(s, '.'), *end = strchr(s, 0); struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (dot) { *dot = 0; if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm)) { *dot = '.'; { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } } else { *dot = '.'; uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse time: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } } else { if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_JS, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse time: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } } uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_stringToTimef_error(uw_context ctx, const char *fmt, uw_Basis_string s) { char *end = strchr(s, 0); struct tm stm = {}; stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (strptime(s, fmt, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time r = { mktime(&stm) }; return r; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Can't parse time: %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_blob uw_Basis_stringToBlob_error(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s, size_t len) { char *r = ctx->heap.front; uw_Basis_blob b = {len, r}; uw_check_heap(ctx, len); while (*s) { if (s[0] == '\\') { if (s[1] == '\\') { *r++ = '\\'; s += 2; } else if (isdigit((int)s[1]) && isdigit((int)s[2]) && isdigit((int)s[3])) { *r++ = (s[1] - '0') * 8 * 8 + ((s[2] - '0') * 8) + (s[3] - '0'); s += 4; } else { *r++ = '\\'; ++s; } } else { *r++ = s[0]; ++s; } } b.size = r - ctx->heap.front; ctx->heap.front = r; return b; } #define THE_PAST "expires=Sat, 01-Jan-2011 00:00:00 GMT" uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_get_cookie(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string c) { int len = strlen(c); char *p = ctx->outHeaders.start; while ((p = strstr(p, "\nSet-Cookie: "))) { char *p2; p += 13; p2 = strchr(p, '='); if (p2) { size_t sz = strcspn(p2+1, ";\r\n"); if (!strncasecmp(p, c, p2 - p)) { if (sz == 0 && strstr(p2+2, THE_PAST)) return NULL; else { char *ret = uw_malloc(ctx, sz + 1); memcpy(ret, p2+1, sz); ret[sz] = 0; return ret; } } } } if ((p = uw_Basis_requestHeader(ctx, "Cookie"))) { char *p2; while (1) { if (!strncmp(p, c, len) && p[len] == '=') { if ((p2 = strchr(p, ';'))) { size_t n = p2 - (p + len); char *r = uw_malloc(ctx, n); memcpy(r, p + 1 + len, n-1); r[n-1] = 0; return r; } else return p + 1 + len; } else if ((p = strchr(p, ';'))) p += 2; else return NULL; } } return NULL; } uw_unit uw_Basis_set_cookie(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string prefix, uw_Basis_string c, uw_Basis_string v, uw_Basis_time *expires, uw_Basis_bool secure) { uw_write_header(ctx, "Set-Cookie: "); uw_write_header(ctx, c); uw_write_header(ctx, "="); uw_write_header(ctx, v); uw_write_header(ctx, "; path="); uw_write_header(ctx, prefix); if (expires) { char formatted[30]; struct tm tm = {}; tm.tm_isdst = -1; gmtime_r(&expires->seconds, &tm); strftime(formatted, sizeof formatted, "%a, %d-%b-%Y %T GMT", &tm); uw_write_header(ctx, "; expires="); uw_write_header(ctx, formatted); } if (secure) uw_write_header(ctx, "; secure"); uw_write_header(ctx, "\r\n"); return uw_unit_v; } uw_unit uw_Basis_clear_cookie(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string prefix, uw_Basis_string c) { uw_write_header(ctx, "Set-Cookie: "); uw_write_header(ctx, c); uw_write_header(ctx, "=; path="); uw_write_header(ctx, prefix); uw_write_header(ctx, "; " THE_PAST "\r\n"); return uw_unit_v; } size_t uw_deltas_max = SIZE_MAX; static delta *allocate_delta(uw_context ctx, unsigned client) { unsigned i; delta *d; for (i = 0; i < ctx->used_deltas; ++i) if (ctx->deltas[i].client == client) return &ctx->deltas[i]; if (ctx->used_deltas >= ctx->n_deltas) { if (ctx->n_deltas + 1 > uw_deltas_max) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Exceeded limit on number of deltas"); ctx->deltas = realloc(ctx->deltas, sizeof(delta) * ++ctx->n_deltas); uw_buffer_init(uw_messages_max, &ctx->deltas[ctx->n_deltas-1].msgs, 0); } d = &ctx->deltas[ctx->used_deltas++]; d->client = client; uw_buffer_reset(&d->msgs); return d; } uw_Basis_channel uw_Basis_new_channel(uw_context ctx, uw_unit u) { if (ctx->client == NULL) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Attempt to create channel on request not associated with a persistent connection"); return new_channel(ctx->client); } uw_unit uw_Basis_send(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_channel chn, uw_Basis_string msg) { delta *d = allocate_delta(ctx, chn.cli); size_t len; int preLen; char pre[INTS_MAX + 2]; len = strlen(msg); sprintf(pre, "%u\n%n", chn.chn, &preLen); ctx_uw_buffer_append(ctx, "messages", &d->msgs, pre, preLen); ctx_uw_buffer_append(ctx, "messages", &d->msgs, msg, len); ctx_uw_buffer_append(ctx, "messages", &d->msgs, "\n", 1); return uw_unit_v; } int uw_rollback(uw_context ctx, int will_retry) { int i; cleanup *cl; if (ctx->client) release_client(ctx->client); for (cl = ctx->cleanup; cl < ctx->cleanup_front; ++cl) cl->func(cl->arg); ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup; for (i = ctx->used_transactionals-1; i >= 0; --i) if (ctx->transactionals[i].rollback != NULL) ctx->transactionals[i].rollback(ctx->transactionals[i].data); for (i = ctx->used_transactionals-1; i >= 0; --i) if (ctx->transactionals[i].free) ctx->transactionals[i].free(ctx->transactionals[i].data, will_retry); return ctx->app ? ctx->app->db_rollback(ctx) : 0; } void uw_commit(uw_context ctx) { int i; if (uw_has_error(ctx)) { uw_rollback(ctx, 0); return; } for (i = ctx->used_transactionals-1; i >= 0; --i) if (ctx->transactionals[i].rollback != NULL) if (ctx->transactionals[i].commit) { ctx->transactionals[i].commit(ctx->transactionals[i].data); if (uw_has_error(ctx)) { uw_rollback(ctx, 0); return; } } for (i = ctx->used_transactionals-1; i >= 0; --i) if (ctx->transactionals[i].rollback == NULL) if (ctx->transactionals[i].commit) { ctx->transactionals[i].commit(ctx->transactionals[i].data); if (uw_has_error(ctx)) { uw_rollback(ctx, 0); return; } } if (ctx->app->db_commit(ctx)) { uw_set_error_message(ctx, "Error running SQL COMMIT"); return; } for (i = 0; i < ctx->used_deltas; ++i) { delta *d = &ctx->deltas[i]; client *c = find_client(d->client); assert (c != NULL); assert(c->mode == USED); client_send(c, &d->msgs, ctx->script.start, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->script)); } if (ctx->client) release_client(ctx->client); for (i = ctx->used_transactionals-1; i >= 0; --i) if (ctx->transactionals[i].free) ctx->transactionals[i].free(ctx->transactionals[i].data, 0); if (*ctx->page.front) uw_writec(ctx, 0); // Splice script data into appropriate part of page if (ctx->returning_indirectly || ctx->script_header[0] == 0) { char *start = strstr(ctx->page.start, ""); if (start) { memmove(start, start + 4, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page) - (start - ctx->page.start) - 4); ctx->page.front -= 4; } } else if (uw_buffer_used(&ctx->script) == 0) { size_t len = strlen(ctx->script_header); char *start = strstr(ctx->page.start, ""); if (start) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "page", &ctx->page, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page) - 4 + len); start = strstr(ctx->page.start, ""); memmove(start + len, start + 4, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page) - (start - ctx->page.start) - 3); ctx->page.front += len - 4; memcpy(start, ctx->script_header, len); } } else { size_t lenH = strlen(ctx->script_header), len = uw_buffer_used(&ctx->script); size_t lenP = lenH + 40 + len; char *start = strstr(ctx->page.start, ""); if (start) { ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "page", &ctx->page, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page) - 4 + lenP); start = strstr(ctx->page.start, ""); memmove(start + lenP, start + 4, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->page) - (start - ctx->page.start) - 3); ctx->page.front += lenP - 4; memcpy(start, ctx->script_header, lenH); memcpy(start + lenH, "", 9); } } } size_t uw_transactionals_max = SIZE_MAX; void uw_register_transactional(uw_context ctx, void *data, uw_callback commit, uw_callback rollback, uw_callback_with_retry free) { if (ctx->used_transactionals >= ctx->n_transactionals) { if (ctx->used_transactionals+1 > uw_transactionals_max) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Exceeded limit on number of transactionals"); ctx->transactionals = realloc(ctx->transactionals, sizeof(transactional) * (ctx->used_transactionals+1)); ++ctx->n_transactionals; } ctx->transactionals[ctx->used_transactionals].data = data; ctx->transactionals[ctx->used_transactionals].commit = commit; ctx->transactionals[ctx->used_transactionals].rollback = rollback; ctx->transactionals[ctx->used_transactionals++].free = free; } // "Garbage collection" void uw_do_expunge(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_client cli, void *data); void uw_post_expunge(uw_context ctx, void *data); static failure_kind uw_expunge(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_client cli, void *data) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (r == 0) uw_do_expunge(ctx, cli, data); else ctx->app->db_rollback(ctx); uw_post_expunge(ctx, data); return r; } void uw_prune_clients(uw_context ctx) { client *c, *next, *prev = NULL; time_t cutoff; cutoff = time(NULL) - ctx->app->timeout; pthread_mutex_lock(&clients_mutex); for (c = clients_used; c; c = next) { next = c->next; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->lock); if (c->last_contact < cutoff && c->refcount == 0) { failure_kind fk = UNLIMITED_RETRY; if (prev) prev->next = next; else clients_used = next; uw_reset(ctx); while (fk == UNLIMITED_RETRY) { fk = uw_expunge(ctx, c->id, c->data); if (fk == UNLIMITED_RETRY) printf("Unlimited retry during expunge: %s\n", uw_error_message(ctx)); } if (fk == SUCCESS) free_client(c); else fprintf(stderr, "Expunge blocked by error: %s\n", uw_error_message(ctx)); } else prev = c; pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&clients_mutex); } failure_kind uw_initialize(uw_context ctx) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (r == 0) { if (ctx->app->db_begin(ctx)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Error running SQL BEGIN"); ctx->app->initializer(ctx); if (ctx->app->db_commit(ctx)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Error running SQL COMMIT"); } return r; } static int url_bad(uw_Basis_string s) { for (; *s; ++s) if (!isgraph((int)*s)) return 1; return 0; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_bless(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (url_bad(s)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Invalid URL %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); if (ctx->app->check_url(s)) return s; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Disallowed URL %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_checkUrl(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (url_bad(s)) return NULL; if (ctx->app->check_url(s)) return s; else return NULL; } static int mime_format(const char *s) { for (; *s; ++s) if (!isalnum((int)*s) && *s != '/' && *s != '-' && *s != '.') return 0; return 1; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_blessMime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "MIME type \"%s\" contains invalid character", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); if (ctx->app->check_mime(s)) return s; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Disallowed MIME type %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_checkMime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) return NULL; if (ctx->app->check_mime(s)) return s; else return NULL; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_blessRequestHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Request header \"%s\" contains invalid character", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); if (ctx->app->check_requestHeader(s)) return s; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Disallowed request header %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_checkRequestHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) return NULL; if (ctx->app->check_requestHeader(s)) return s; else return NULL; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_blessResponseHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Response header \"%s\" contains invalid character", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); if (ctx->app->check_responseHeader(s)) return s; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Disallowed response header %s", uw_Basis_htmlifyString(ctx, s)); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_checkResponseHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (!mime_format(s)) return NULL; if (ctx->app->check_responseHeader(s)) return s; else return NULL; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_getHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string name) { return uw_Basis_requestHeader(ctx, name); } static int mime_value_format(const char *s) { for (; *s; ++s) if (*s == '\r' || *s == '\n') return 0; return 1; } uw_unit uw_Basis_setHeader(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string name, uw_Basis_string value) { if (!mime_value_format(value)) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Invalid value for HTTP response header"); uw_write_header(ctx, name); uw_write_header(ctx, ": "); uw_write_header(ctx, value); uw_write_header(ctx, "\r\n"); return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_string uw_unnull(uw_Basis_string s) { return s ? s : ""; } extern int uw_hash_blocksize; uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_makeSigString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string sig) { uw_Basis_string r = uw_malloc(ctx, 2 * uw_hash_blocksize + 1); int i; for (i = 0; i < uw_hash_blocksize; ++i) sprintf(&r[2*i], "%.02X", ((unsigned char *)sig)[i]); return r; } /* This bit of crafty code is intended to prevent GCC from performing * optimizations that would enable timing attacks. See: * http://www.impredicative.com/pipermail/ur/2011-July/000659.html */ int uw_streq(uw_Basis_string s1, uw_Basis_string s2) { int i, x = 0, len1 = strlen(s1); if (len1 != strlen(s2)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < len1; ++i) { __asm__ __volatile__ (""); x |= s1[i] ^ s2[i]; } return x == 0; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_sigString(uw_context ctx, uw_unit u) { return ctx->app->cookie_sig(ctx); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_fileName(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_file f) { return f.name; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_fileMimeType(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_file f) { return f.type; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_blobSize(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_blob b) { return b.size; } uw_Basis_blob uw_Basis_textBlob(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { uw_Basis_blob b = {strlen(s), s}; return b; } uw_Basis_blob uw_Basis_fileData(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_file f) { return f.data; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_postType(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_postBody pb) { return pb.type; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_postData(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_postBody pb) { return pb.data; } static char *old_headers(uw_context ctx) { if (uw_buffer_used(&ctx->outHeaders) == 0) return NULL; else { char *s = strchr(ctx->outHeaders.start, '\n'); if (s == NULL || strncasecmp(s+1, "Content-type: ", 14)) return NULL; else { s = strchr(s+15, '\n'); if (s == NULL) return NULL; else return uw_strdup(ctx, s+1); } } } __attribute__((noreturn)) void uw_return_blob(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_blob b, uw_Basis_string mimeType) { cleanup *cl; int len; char *oldh; if (!ctx->allowed_to_return_indirectly) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to return a blob from an RPC"); ctx->returning_indirectly = 1; oldh = old_headers(ctx); uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->outHeaders); uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->page); uw_write_header(ctx, on_success); uw_write_header(ctx, "Content-Type: "); uw_write_header(ctx, mimeType); uw_write_header(ctx, "\r\nContent-Length: "); ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "headers", &ctx->outHeaders, INTS_MAX); sprintf(ctx->outHeaders.front, "%lu%n", (unsigned long)b.size, &len); ctx->outHeaders.front += len; uw_write_header(ctx, "\r\n"); if (oldh) uw_write_header(ctx, oldh); ctx_uw_buffer_append(ctx, "page", &ctx->page, b.data, b.size); for (cl = ctx->cleanup; cl < ctx->cleanup_front; ++cl) cl->func(cl->arg); ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup; longjmp(ctx->jmp_buf, RETURN_INDIRECTLY); } __attribute__((noreturn)) void uw_redirect(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string url) { cleanup *cl; char *s; char *oldh; if (!ctx->allowed_to_return_indirectly) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to redirect from an RPC"); ctx->returning_indirectly = 1; oldh = old_headers(ctx); uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->page); ctx_uw_buffer_check(ctx, "page", &ctx->page, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->outHeaders)+1); memcpy(ctx->page.start, ctx->outHeaders.start, uw_buffer_used(&ctx->outHeaders)); ctx->page.start[uw_buffer_used(&ctx->outHeaders)] = 0; uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->outHeaders); if (on_success[0]) uw_write_header(ctx, on_redirect); else uw_write_header(ctx, "Status: 303 See Other\r\n"); s = on_success[0] ? strchr(ctx->page.start, '\n') : ctx->page.start; if (s) { char *s2; if (s[0] == '\n') ++s; for (; (s2 = strchr(s, '\n')); s = s2+1) { *s2 = 0; if (!strncmp(s, "Set-Cookie: ", 12)) { uw_write_header(ctx, s); uw_write_header(ctx, "\n"); } } } uw_write_header(ctx, "Location: "); uw_write_header(ctx, url); uw_write_header(ctx, "\r\n\r\n"); if (oldh) uw_write_header(ctx, oldh); for (cl = ctx->cleanup; cl < ctx->cleanup_front; ++cl) cl->func(cl->arg); ctx->cleanup_front = ctx->cleanup; longjmp(ctx->jmp_buf, RETURN_INDIRECTLY); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_unAs(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { uw_Basis_string ret = uw_malloc(ctx, strlen(s) + 1), r = ret; for (; *s; ++s) { if (s[0] == '\'') { *r++ = '\''; for (++s; *s; ++s) { if (s[0] == '\'') { *r++ = '\''; break; } else if (s[0] == '\\') { *r++ = '\\'; *r++ = s[1]; ++s; } else *r++ = s[0]; } if (*s == 0) break; } else if (s[0] == 'T' && s[1] == '_' && s[2] == 'T' && s[3] == '.') s += 3; else *r++ = s[0]; } *r = 0; return ret; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_mstrcat(uw_context ctx, ...) { va_list ap; size_t len = 1; char *s, *r, *s2; va_start(ap, ctx); for (s = va_arg(ap, char*); s; s = va_arg(ap, char*)) len += strlen(s); va_end(ap); r = uw_malloc(ctx, len); va_start(ap, ctx); for (s2 = r, s = va_arg(ap, char*); s; s = va_arg(ap, char*)) while (*s) *s2++ = *s++; va_end(ap); *s2 = 0; return r; } const uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_minTime = {}; uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_now(uw_context ctx) { uw_Basis_time r = { time(NULL) }; return r; } uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_addSeconds(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time tm, uw_Basis_int n) { tm.seconds += n; return tm; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_diffInSeconds(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time tm1, uw_Basis_time tm2) { return difftime(tm2.seconds, tm1.seconds); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_toSeconds(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time tm) { return tm.seconds; } void *uw_get_global(uw_context ctx, char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_globals; ++i) if (!strcmp(name, ctx->globals[i].name)) return ctx->globals[i].data; return NULL; } size_t uw_globals_max = SIZE_MAX; void uw_set_global(uw_context ctx, char *name, void *data, void (*free)(void*)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->n_globals; ++i) if (!strcmp(name, ctx->globals[i].name)) { if (ctx->globals[i].free) ctx->globals[i].free(ctx->globals[i].data); ctx->globals[i].data = data; ctx->globals[i].free = free; return; } if (ctx->n_globals+1 > uw_globals_max) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Exceeded limit on number of globals"); ++ctx->n_globals; ctx->globals = realloc(ctx->globals, ctx->n_globals * sizeof(global)); ctx->globals[ctx->n_globals-1].name = name; ctx->globals[ctx->n_globals-1].data = data; ctx->globals[ctx->n_globals-1].free = free; } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isalnum(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isalnum((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isalpha(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isalpha((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isblank(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isblank((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_iscntrl(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!iscntrl((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isdigit(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isdigit((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isgraph(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isgraph((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_islower(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!islower((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isprint(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isprint((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_ispunct(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!ispunct((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isspace(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isspace((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isupper(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isupper((int)c); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_isxdigit(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return !!isxdigit((int)c); } uw_Basis_char uw_Basis_tolower(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return tolower((int)c); } uw_Basis_char uw_Basis_toupper(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return toupper((int)c); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_ord(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_char c) { return (unsigned char)c; } uw_Basis_char uw_Basis_chr(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { return n; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_currentUrl(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->current_url; } void uw_set_currentUrl(uw_context ctx, char *s) { ctx->current_url = s; } void uw_set_deadline(uw_context ctx, int n) { ctx->deadline = n; } void uw_check_deadline(uw_context ctx) { if (uw_time > ctx->deadline) uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Maximum running time exceeded"); } size_t uw_database_max = SIZE_MAX; uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_naughtyDebug(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); return 0; } uw_Basis_unit uw_Basis_debug(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { if (ctx->log_debug) ctx->log_debug(ctx->logger_data, "%s\n", s); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); return uw_unit_v; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_rand(uw_context ctx) { uw_Basis_int ret; int r = RAND_bytes((unsigned char *)&ret, sizeof ret); if (r) return abs(ret); else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Random number generation failed"); } void uw_noPostBody(uw_context ctx) { ctx->hasPostBody = 0; } void uw_postBody(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_postBody pb) { ctx->hasPostBody = 1; ctx->postBody = pb; } int uw_hasPostBody(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->hasPostBody; } void uw_isPost(uw_context ctx) { ctx->isPost = 1; } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_currentUrlHasPost(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->isPost; } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_currentUrlHasQueryString(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->queryString != NULL && ctx->queryString[0] != 0; } void uw_setQueryString(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { ctx->queryString = s; } uw_Basis_string uw_queryString(uw_context ctx) { return ctx->queryString; } uw_Basis_postBody uw_getPostBody(uw_context ctx) { if (ctx->hasPostBody) return ctx->postBody; else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Asked for POST body when none exists"); } failure_kind uw_runCallback(uw_context ctx, void (*callback)(uw_context)) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (r == 0) { if (ctx->app->db_begin(ctx)) uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, "Error running SQL BEGIN"); callback(ctx); } return r; } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_crypt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string key, uw_Basis_string salt) { char buf[14]; return uw_strdup(ctx, DES_fcrypt(key, salt, buf)); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_eq_time(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t1, uw_Basis_time t2) { return !!(t1.seconds == t2.seconds && t1.microseconds == t2.microseconds); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_lt_time(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t1, uw_Basis_time t2) { return !!(t1.seconds < t2.seconds || t1.microseconds < t2.microseconds); } uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_le_time(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t1, uw_Basis_time t2) { return !!(uw_Basis_eq_time(ctx, t1, t2) || uw_Basis_lt_time(ctx, t1, t2)); } uw_Basis_time *uw_Basis_readUtc(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) { struct tm stm = {}; char *end = strchr(s, 0); stm.tm_isdst = -1; if (strptime(s, TIME_FMT_PG, &stm) == end || strptime(s, TIME_FMT, &stm) == end || strptime(s, TIME_FMT_JS, &stm) == end) { uw_Basis_time *r = uw_malloc(ctx, sizeof(uw_Basis_time)); r->seconds = timegm(&stm); r->microseconds = 0; return r; } else return NULL; } static const char begin_xhtml[] = "\n\n"; failure_kind uw_begin_onError(uw_context ctx, char *msg) { int r = setjmp(ctx->jmp_buf); if (ctx->app->on_error) { if (r == 0) { if (ctx->app->db_begin(ctx)) uw_error(ctx, BOUNDED_RETRY, "Error running SQL BEGIN"); uw_buffer_reset(&ctx->outHeaders); if (on_success[0]) uw_write_header(ctx, "HTTP/1.1 "); else uw_write_header(ctx, "Status: "); uw_write_header(ctx, "500 Internal Server Error\r\n"); uw_write_header(ctx, "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); uw_write(ctx, begin_xhtml); ctx->app->on_error(ctx, msg); uw_write(ctx, ""); } return r; } else uw_error(ctx, FATAL, "Tried to run nonexistent onError handler"); } void uw_mayReturnIndirectly(uw_context ctx) { ctx->allowed_to_return_indirectly = 1; } void uw_cutErrorLocation(char *s) { char *s2; s2 = strstr(s, ": "); if (s2 == NULL || strcspn(s, "<&") < s2 - s) return; memmove(s, s2+2, strlen(s2+2)+1); } uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_fresh(uw_context ctx) { return uw_Basis_htmlifyInt(ctx, ctx->nextId++); } uw_Basis_float uw_Basis_floatFromInt(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_int n) { return n; } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_ceil(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { return ceil(n); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_trunc(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { return trunc(n); } uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_round(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) { return round(n); }