(** Row folding *)
con folder = K ==> fn r :: {K} =>
tf :: ({K} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
-> tf [] -> tf r
fun fold K (tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : (nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r)))
(i : tf []) (r :: {K}) (fl : folder r) = fl [tf] f i
structure Folder = struct
fun nil K (tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) = i
fun cons K (r ::: {K}) (nm :: Name) (v :: K) [[nm] ~ r] (fold : folder r)
(tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) = f [nm] [v] [r] ! (fold [tf] f i)
fun concat K (r1 ::: {K}) (r2 ::: {K}) [r1 ~ r2]
(f1 : folder r1) (f2 : folder r2)
(tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) =
f1 [fn r1' => [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2)]
(fn (nm :: Name) (v :: K) (r1' :: {K}) [[nm] ~ r1']
(acc : [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2))
[[nm = v] ++ r1' ~ r2] =>
f [nm] [v] [r1' ++ r2] ! acc)
(fn [[] ~ r2] => f2 [tf] f i) !
fun mp K1 K2 (f ::: K1 -> K2) (r ::: {K1})
(fold : folder r)
(tf :: {K2} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K2 -> r :: {K2} -> [[nm] ~ r] =>
tf r -> tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) =
fold [fn r => tf (map f r)]
(fn (nm :: Name) (v :: K1) (rest :: {K1}) [[nm] ~ rest] (acc : tf (map f rest)) =>
f [nm] [f v] [map f rest] ! acc)
fun not b = if b then False else True
con idT (t :: Type) = t
con record (t :: {Type}) = $t
con fst = K1 ==> K2 ==> fn t :: (K1 * K2) => t.1
con snd = K1 ==> K2 ==> fn t :: (K1 * K2) => t.2
con fst3 = K1 ==> K2 ==> K3 ==> fn t :: (K1 * K2 * K3) => t.1
con snd3 = K1 ==> K2 ==> K3 ==> fn t :: (K1 * K2 * K3) => t.2
con thd3 = K1 ==> K2 ==> K3 ==> fn t :: (K1 * K2 * K3) => t.3
con mapU = K ==> fn f :: K => map (fn _ :: Unit => f)
con ex = fn tf :: (Type -> Type) =>
res ::: Type -> (choice :: Type -> tf choice -> res) -> res
fun ex (tf :: (Type -> Type)) (choice :: Type) (body : tf choice) : ex tf =
fn (res ::: Type) (f : choice :: Type -> tf choice -> res) =>
f [choice] body
fun compose (t1 ::: Type) (t2 ::: Type) (t3 ::: Type)
(f1 : t2 -> t3) (f2 : t1 -> t2) (x : t1) = f1 (f2 x)
fun txt (t ::: Type) (ctx ::: {Unit}) (use ::: {Type}) (_ : show t) (v : t) =
cdata (show v)
fun foldUR (tf :: Type) (tr :: {Unit} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r :: {Unit}) (fl : folder r)=
fl [fn r :: {Unit} => $(mapU tf r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: Unit) (rest :: {Unit}) [[nm] ~ rest] acc r =>
f [nm] [rest] ! r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
(fn _ => i)
fun foldUR2 (tf1 :: Type) (tf2 :: Type) (tr :: {Unit} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r :: {Unit}) (fl : folder r) =
fl [fn r :: {Unit} => $(mapU tf1 r) -> $(mapU tf2 r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: Unit) (rest :: {Unit}) [[nm] ~ rest] acc r1 r2 =>
f [nm] [rest] ! r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
(fn _ _ => i)
fun foldURX2 (tf1 :: Type) (tf2 :: Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldUR2 [tf1] [tf2] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (rest :: {Unit}) [[nm] ~ rest] v1 v2 acc =>
{f [nm] [rest] ! v1 v2}{acc})
fun foldR K (tf :: K -> Type) (tr :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r :: {K}) (fl : folder r) =
fl [fn r :: {K} => $(map tf r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest] (acc : _ -> tr rest) r =>
f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
(fn _ => i)
fun foldR2 K (tf1 :: K -> Type) (tf2 :: K -> Type) (tr :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r :: {K}) (fl : folder r) =
fl [fn r :: {K} => $(map tf1 r) -> $(map tf2 r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest]
(acc : _ -> _ -> tr rest) r1 r2 =>
f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
(fn _ _ => i)
fun foldRX K (tf :: K -> Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldR [tf] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest] r acc =>
{f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r}{acc})
fun foldRX2 K (tf1 :: K -> Type) (tf2 :: K -> Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
-> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldR2 [tf1] [tf2] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest]
r1 r2 acc =>
{f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r1 r2}{acc})
fun queryI (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
[tables ~ exps] (q : sql_query tables exps)
(f : $(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
-> transaction unit) =
query q
(fn fs _ => f fs)
fun queryX (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (ctx ::: {Unit})
[tables ~ exps] (q : sql_query tables exps)
(f : $(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
-> xml ctx [] []) =
query q
(fn fs acc => return {acc}{f fs})
fun queryX' (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (ctx ::: {Unit})
[tables ~ exps] (q : sql_query tables exps)
(f : $(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
-> transaction (xml ctx [] [])) =
query q
(fn fs acc =>
r <- f fs;
return {acc}{r})
fun oneOrNoRows (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
[tables ~ exps]
(q : sql_query tables exps) =
query q
(fn fs _ => return (Some fs))
fun oneRow (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
[tables ~ exps] (q : sql_query tables exps) =
o <- oneOrNoRows q;
return (case o of
None => error Query returned no rows
| Some r => r)
fun eqNullable (tables ::: {{Type}}) (agg ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
(t ::: Type) (_ : sql_injectable (option t))
(e1 : sql_exp tables agg exps (option t))
(e2 : sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)) =
(SQL ({e1} IS NULL AND {e2} IS NULL) OR {e1} = {e2})
fun eqNullable' (tables ::: {{Type}}) (agg ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
(t ::: Type) (_ : sql_injectable (option t))
(e1 : sql_exp tables agg exps (option t))
(e2 : option t) =
case e2 of
None => (SQL {e1} IS NULL)
| Some _ => sql_binary sql_eq e1 (sql_inject e2)
functor Broadcast(M : sig type t end) = struct
sequence s
table t : {Id : int, Client : client, Channel : channel M.t}
type topic = int
val inj : sql_injectable topic = _
val create = nextval s
fun subscribe id =
cli <- self;
ro <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT t.Channel FROM t WHERE t.Id = {[id]} AND t.Client = {[cli]});
case ro of
None =>
ch <- channel;
dml (INSERT INTO t (Id, Client, Channel) VALUES ({[id]}, {[cli]}, {[ch]}));
return ch
| Some r => return r.T.Channel
fun send id msg =
queryI (SELECT t.Channel FROM t WHERE t.Id = {[id]})
(fn r => Basis.send r.T.Channel msg)