type t = Basis.string val str = Basis.str1 val length = Basis.strlen val append = Basis.strcat val sub = Basis.strsub val suffix = Basis.strsuffix val index = Basis.strindex val atFirst = Basis.strchr fun mindex {Haystack = s, Needle = chs} = Basis.strcspn s chs fun substring s {Start = start, Len = len} = Basis.substring s start len fun split s ch = case index s ch of None => None | Some i => Some (substring s {Start = 0, Len = i}, substring s {Start = i + 1, Len = length s - i - 1}) fun msplit {Haystack = s, Needle = chs} = case mindex {Haystack = s, Needle = chs} of None => None | Some i => Some (substring s {Start = 0, Len = i}, sub s i, substring s {Start = i + 1, Len = length s - i - 1}) fun all f s = let val len = length s fun al i = i >= len || (f (sub s i) && al (i + 1)) in al 0 end