fun foldlAbort [a] [b] [c] f = let fun foldlAbort' acc ls1 ls2 = case (ls1, ls2) of ([], []) => Some acc | (x1 :: ls1, x2 :: ls2) => (case f x1 x2 acc of None => None | Some acc' => foldlAbort' acc' ls1 ls2) | _ => None in foldlAbort' end fun mapX [a] [b] [ctx ::: {Unit}] f = let fun mapX' ls1 ls2 = case (ls1, ls2) of ([], []) => | (x1 :: ls1, x2 :: ls2) => {f x1 x2}{mapX' ls1 ls2} | _ => error ListPair.mapX: Unequal list lengths in mapX' end fun all [a] [b] f = let fun all' ls1 ls2 = case (ls1, ls2) of ([], []) => True | (x1 :: ls1, x2 :: ls2) => f x1 x2 && all' ls1 ls2 | _ => False in all' end fun map2 [a] [b] [c] (f : a -> b -> c) = let fun map2' ls1 ls2 = case (ls1, ls2) of ([], []) => [] | (x1 :: ls1, x2 :: ls2) => f x1 x2 :: map2' ls1 ls2 | _ => error ListPair.map2: Unequal list lengths in map2' end