// Detect browser quirks that we should be aware of.
function needsDynPrefix() {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerHTML = "";
var scripts = span.getElementsByTagName("script");
return scripts.length == 0;
var dynPrefix = needsDynPrefix() ? "A" : "";
// Function versions of operators
function not(x) { return !x; }
function neg(x) { return -x; }
function eq(x, y) { return x == y; }
function plus(x, y) { return x + y; }
function minus(x, y) { return x - y; }
function times(x, y) { return x * y; }
function div(x, y) { return x / y; }
function divInt(x, y) { var n = x / y; return n < 0 ? Math.ceil(n) : Math.floor(n); }
function mod(x, y) { return x % y; }
function modInt(x, y) { var n = x % y; return n < 0 ? Math.ceil(n) : Math.floor(n); }
function lt(x, y) { return x < y; }
function le(x, y) { return x <= y; }
// Characters
function isLower(c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; }
function isUpper(c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; }
function isAlpha(c) { return isLower(c) || isUpper(c); }
function isDigit(c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
function isAlnum(c) { return isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c); }
function isBlank(c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; }
function isSpace(c) { return isBlank(c) || c == '\r' || c == '\n'; }
function isXdigit(c) { return isDigit(c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'); }
function toLower(c) { return c.toLowerCase(); }
function toUpper(c) { return c.toUpperCase(); }
// Lists
function cons(v, ls) {
return { next : ls, data : v };
function rev(ls) {
var acc = null;
for (; ls; ls = ls.next)
acc = cons(ls.data, acc);
return acc;
function concat(ls1, ls2) {
var acc = ls2;
ls1 = rev(ls1);
for (; ls1; ls1 = ls1.next)
acc = cons(ls1.data, acc);
return acc;
function member(x, ls) {
for (; ls; ls = ls.next)
if (ls.data == x)
return true;
return false;
function remove(x, ls) {
var acc = null;
for (; ls; ls = ls.next)
if (ls.data == x)
return concat(acc, ls.next);
acc = cons(ls.data, acc);
return ls;
function union(ls1, ls2) {
var acc = ls2;
for (; ls1; ls1 = ls1.next)
if (!member(ls1.data, ls2))
acc = cons(ls1.data, acc);
return acc;
function length(ls) {
var acc = 0;
for (; ls; ls = ls.next)
return acc;
// Floats
function float(n) {
return n;
function trunc(n) {
return ~~n;
function ceil(n) {
return Math.ceil(n);
function round(n) {
return Math.round(n);
// Time, represented as counts of microseconds since the epoch
function showTime(tm) {
var newDate = new Date();
newDate.setTime(tm / 1000);
var r = newDate.toUTCString();
return r;
function now() {
return (new Date()).getTime() * 1000;
function diffInSeconds(tm1, tm2) {
return Math.round((tm2 - tm1) / 1000000);
function toSeconds(tm) {
return Math.round(tm / 1000000);
function addSeconds(tm, n) {
return tm + n * 1000000;
function stringToTime_error(string) {
var t = Date.parse(string);
if (isNaN(t))
onFail("Invalid date string: " + string);
return t * 1000;
function stringToTime(string) {
try {
var t = Date.parse(string);
if (isNaN(t))
return null;
return t * 1000;
} catch (e) {
return null;
// Error handling
function whine(msg) {
throw msg;
function pf(loc) {
throw ("Pattern match failure (" + loc + ")");
var lameDuck = false;
function runHandlers(kind, ls, arg) {
if (!lameDuck) {
if (ls == null)
alert(kind + ": " + arg);
for (; ls; ls = ls.next)
try {
exec({c:"a", f:{c:"a", f:ls.data, x:{c:"c", v:arg}}, x:{c:"c", v:null}});
} catch (v) { }
var errorHandlers = null;
function onError(f) {
errorHandlers = cons(f, errorHandlers);
function er(s) {
runHandlers("Error", errorHandlers, s);
throw {uw_error: s};
var failHandlers = null;
function onFail(f) {
failHandlers = cons(f, failHandlers);
function doExn(v) {
if (v == null || v.uw_error == null) {
var s = (v == null ? "null" : v.message ? v.message : v.toString());
if (v != null && v.fileName && v.lineNumber)
s += " (" + v.fileName + ":" + v.lineNumber + ")";
runHandlers("Fail", failHandlers, s);
var disconnectHandlers = null;
function flift(f) {
return {c: "c", v:{env:cons(f,null), body:{c:"v", n:1}}};
function onDisconnect(f) {
disconnectHandlers = cons(flift(f), disconnectHandlers);
function discon() {
runHandlers("Disconnect", disconnectHandlers, null);
var connectHandlers = null;
function onConnectFail(f) {
connectHandlers = cons(flift(f), connectHandlers);
function conn() {
runHandlers("Connect", connectHandlers, null);
var serverHandlers = null;
function onServerError(f) {
serverHandlers = cons(f, serverHandlers);
function servErr(s) {
window.setTimeout(function () { runHandlers("Server", serverHandlers, s); }, 0);
// Key events
var uw_event = null;
function kc() {
return window.event ? event.keyCode : (uw_event ? uw_event.which : 0);
// Document events
function uw_handler(name, f) {
var old = document[name];
if (old == undefined)
document[name] = function(event) { uw_event = event; execF(f); };
document[name] = function(event) { uw_event = event; old(); execF(f); };
function uw_onClick(f) {
uw_handler("onclick", f);
function uw_onDblclick(f) {
uw_handler("ondblclick", f);
function uw_onMousedown(f) {
uw_handler("onmousedown", f);
function uw_onMouseup(f) {
uw_handler("onmouseup", f);
function uw_keyHandler(name, f) {
var old = document[name];
if (old == undefined)
document[name] = function(event) { uw_event = event; execF(execF(f, kc())); };
document[name] = function(event) { uw_event = event; old(); execF(execF(f, kc())); };
function uw_onKeydown(f) {
uw_keyHandler("onkeydown", f);
function uw_onKeypress(f) {
uw_keyHandler("onkeypress", f);
function uw_onKeyup(f) {
uw_keyHandler("onkeyup", f);
// Cancelling of further event processing
function uw_preventDefault() {
var e = window.event ? window.event : uw_event;
e.returnValue = false;
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
function uw_stopPropagation() {
var e = window.event ? window.event : uw_event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
// Embedding closures in XML strings
function cs(f) {
return {closure: f};
function isWeird(v) {
return v.closure != null || v.cat1 != null;
function cat(s1, s2) {
if (isWeird(s1) || isWeird(s2))
return {cat1: s1, cat2: s2};
return s1 + s2;
var closures = [];
var freeClosures = null;
function newClosure(f) {
var n;
if (freeClosures == null) {
n = closures.length;
} else {
n = freeClosures.data;
freeClosures = freeClosures.next;
closures[n] = f;
return n;
function freeClosure(n) {
closures[n] = null;
freeClosures = cons(n, freeClosures);
function cr(n) {
return closures[n];
function flatten(cls, tr) {
if (tr.cat1 != null)
return flatten(cls, tr.cat1) + flatten(cls, tr.cat2);
else if (tr.closure != null) {
var cl = newClosure(tr.closure);
cls.v = cons(cl, cls.v);
return "cr(" + cl + ")";
} else
return tr;
function flattenLocal(s) {
var cls = {v : null};
var r = flatten(cls, s);
for (cl = cls.v; cl != null; cl = cl.next)
return r;
// Dynamic tree management
function populate(node) {
var s = node.signal;
var oldSources = node.sources;
try {
var sr = execF(s, null);
var newSources = sr._sources;
for (var sp = oldSources; sp; sp = sp.next)
if (!member(sp.data, newSources))
sp.data.dyns = remove(node, sp.data.dyns);
for (var sp = newSources; sp; sp = sp.next)
if (!member(sp.data, oldSources))
sp.data.dyns = cons(node, sp.data.dyns);
node.sources = newSources;
} catch (v) {
function sc(v) {
return {data : v, dyns : null};
function sv(s, v) {
if (s.data != v) {
s.data = v;
for (var ls = s.dyns; ls; ls = ls.next)
if (!ls.dead)
function sg(s) {
return s.data;
function ss(s) {
return {env:cons(s, null), body:{c:"r", l:
cons({n:"sources", v:{c:"c", v:cons(s, null)}},
cons({n:"data", v:{c:"f", f:sg, a:cons({c:"v", n:1}, null)}}, null))}};
function sr(v) {
return {env:null, body:{c:"c", v:{_sources : null, _data : v}}};
function sb(x,y) {
return {env:cons(y,cons(x,null)),
e1:{c:"a", f:{c:"v", n:2}, x:{c:"c", v:null}},
f:{c:"a", f:{c:"v", n:2}, x:{c:".", r:{c:"v", n:0}, f:"data"}},
x:{c:"c", v:null}},
e2:{c:"r", l:cons(
{n:"sources", v:{c:"f", f:union, a:cons({c:".", r:{c:"v", n:1}, f:"sources"},
cons({c:".", r:{c:"v", n:0}, f:"sources"}, null))}},
cons({n:"data", v:{c:".", r:{c:"v", n:0}, f:"data"}}, null))}}}};
function scur(s) {
return execF(s, null)._data;
function lastParent() {
var pos = document.body;
while (pos.lastChild && pos.lastChild.nodeType == 1)
pos = pos.lastChild;
pos = pos.parentNode;
return pos;
function parent() {
return thisScript ? thisScript.parentNode : lastParent();
function addNode(node) {
if (thisScript)
thisScript.parentNode.replaceChild(node, thisScript);
var thisScript = null;
function runScripts(node) {
if (node.getElementsByTagName) {
var savedScript = thisScript;
var scripts = node.getElementsByTagName("script"), scriptsCopy = [];
var len = scripts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
scriptsCopy[i] = scripts[i];
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
thisScript = scriptsCopy[i];
try {
} catch (v) {
if (thisScript.parentNode)
thisScript = savedScript;
// Dynamic tree entry points
function killScript(scr) {
scr.dead = true;
for (var ls = scr.sources; ls; ls = ls.next)
ls.data.dyns = remove(scr, ls.data.dyns);
for (var ls = scr.closures; ls; ls = ls.next)
// Sometimes we wind up with tables that contain