con colMeta' = fn (row :: Type) (t :: Type) => {Header : string, Project : row -> transaction t, Update : row -> t -> transaction row, Display : t -> xbody, Edit : t -> xbody, Validate : t -> signal bool} con colMeta = fn (row :: Type) (global_t :: (Type * Type)) => {Initialize : transaction global_t.1, Handlers : global_t.1 -> colMeta' row global_t.2} con aggregateMeta = fn (row :: Type) (acc :: Type) => {Initial : acc, Step : row -> acc -> acc, Display : acc -> xbody} functor Make(M : sig type row type key val keyOf : row -> key val list : transaction (list row) val new : transaction row val save : key -> row -> transaction unit val delete : key -> transaction unit con cols :: {(Type * Type)} val cols : $(map (colMeta row) cols) val folder : folder cols con aggregates :: {Type} val aggregates : $(map (aggregateMeta row) aggregates) end) = struct style tabl style tr style th style td fun make (row : M.row) [t] (m : colMeta' M.row t) : transaction t = m.Project row fun makeAll cols row = @@Monad.exec [transaction] _ [map snd M.cols] (map2 [fst] [colMeta M.row] [fn p :: (Type * Type) => transaction p.2] (fn [p] data meta => make row [_] (meta.Handlers data)) [_] M.folder cols M.cols) ( [_] [_] M.folder) fun addRow cols rows row = rowS <- source row; cols <- makeAll cols row; colsS <- source cols; ud <- source False; Monad.ignore (Dlist.append rows {Row = rowS, Cols = colsS, Updating = ud}) type grid = {Cols : $(map fst M.cols), Rows : Dlist.dlist {Row : source M.row, Cols : source ($(map snd M.cols)), Updating : source bool}} val createMetas = Monad.mapR [colMeta M.row] [fst] (fn [nm :: Name] [p :: (Type * Type)] meta => meta.Initialize) [_] M.folder M.cols val grid = cols <- createMetas; rows <- Dlist.create; return {Cols = cols, Rows = rows} fun sync {Cols = cols, Rows = rows} = Dlist.clear rows; init <- rpc M.list; (addRow cols rows) init fun render grid = ) [_] M.folder grid.Cols M.cols} {Dlist.render (fn {Row = rowS, Cols = colsS, Updating = ud} pos => let val delete = Dlist.delete pos; row <- get rowS; rpc (M.delete (M.keyOf row)) val update = set ud True val cancel = set ud False; row <- get rowS; cols <- makeAll grid.Cols row; set colsS cols val save = cols <- get colsS; errors <- Monad.foldR3 [fst] [colMeta M.row] [snd] [fn _ => option string] (fn [nm :: Name] [p :: (Type * Type)] [rest :: {(Type * Type)}] [[nm] ~ rest] data meta v errors => b <- current ((meta.Handlers data).Validate v); return (if b then errors else case errors of None => Some ((meta.Handlers data).Header) | Some s => Some ((meta.Handlers data).Header ^ ", " ^ s))) None [_] M.folder grid.Cols M.cols cols; case errors of Some s => alert ("Can't save because the following columns have invalid values:\n" ^ s) | None => set ud False; row <- get rowS; row' <- Monad.foldR3 [fst] [colMeta M.row] [snd] [fn _ => M.row] (fn [nm :: Name] [t :: (Type * Type)] [rest :: {(Type * Type)}] [[nm] ~ rest] data meta v row' => (meta.Handlers data).Update row' v) row [_] M.folder grid.Cols M.cols cols; rpc ( (M.keyOf row) row'); set rowS row'; cols <- makeAll grid.Cols row'; set colsS cols in ) [_] M.folder grid.Cols M.cols cols)}/> end) grid.Rows}
{foldRX2 [fst] [colMeta M.row] [_] (fn [nm :: Name] [p :: (Type * Type)] [rest :: {(Type * Type)}] [[nm] ~ rest] data (meta : colMeta M.row p) => {[(meta.Handlers data).Header]}
else !) else return }/>