con colMeta = fn (db :: Type, state :: Type) => {Nam : string, Show : db -> xbody, Inject : sql_injectable db, NewState : transaction state, Widget : state -> xbody, ReadState : state -> transaction db} con colsMeta = fn cols => $(map colMeta cols) fun default [t] (sh : show t) (rd : read t) (inj : sql_injectable t) name : colMeta (t, source string) = {Nam = name, Show = txt, Inject = _, NewState = source "", Widget = fn s => , ReadState = fn s => v <- get s; return (readError v)} val int = default val float = default val string = default functor Make(M : sig con cols :: {(Type * Type)} constraint [Id] ~ cols val fl : folder cols table tab : ([Id = int] ++ map fst cols) val title : string val cols : colsMeta cols end) = struct val t = datatype list t = Nil | Cons of t * list t fun allRows () = query (SELECT * FROM t) (fn r acc => return (Cons (r.T, acc))) Nil fun add r = dml (insert t (@foldR2 [fst] [colMeta] [fn cols => $(map (fn t => sql_exp [] [] [] t.1) cols)] (fn [nm :: Name] [t ::_] [rest ::_] [[nm] ~ rest] input col acc => acc ++ {nm = @sql_inject col.Inject input}) {} M.fl (r -- #Id) M.cols ++ {Id = (SQL {[r.Id]})})) fun doBatch ls = case ls of Nil => return () | Cons (r, ls') => add r; doBatch ls' fun del id = dml (DELETE FROM t WHERE t.Id = {[id]}) fun show withDel lss = let fun show' ls = case ls of Nil => | Cons (r, ls) => {[r.Id]} {@mapX2 [colMeta] [fst] [_] (fn [nm :: Name] [p ::_] [rest ::_] [[nm] ~ rest] m v => {m.Show v}) M.fl M.cols (r -- #Id)} {if withDel then