table foo01 : {Id : int, Bar : string} PRIMARY KEY Id table foo10 : {Id : int, Bar : string} PRIMARY KEY Id table tab : {Id : int, Val : int} PRIMARY KEY Id fun cache01 () = res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT foo01.Bar FROM foo01 WHERE foo01.Id = 42); return Reading 1. {case res of None => ? | Some row => {[row.Foo01.Bar]}} fun cache10 () = res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT foo10.Bar FROM foo10 WHERE foo10.Id = 42); return Reading 2. {case res of None => ? | Some row => {[row.Foo10.Bar]}} fun cache11 () = res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT foo01.Bar FROM foo01 WHERE foo01.Id = 42); bla <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT foo10.Bar FROM foo10 WHERE foo10.Id = 42); return Reading 1 and 2. {case res of None => ? | Some row => {[row.Foo01.Bar]}} {case bla of None => ? | Some row => {[row.Foo10.Bar]}} fun flush01 () = dml (UPDATE foo01 SET Bar = "baz01" WHERE Id = 42); return Flushed 1! fun flush10 () = dml (UPDATE foo10 SET Bar = "baz10" WHERE Id = 42); return Flushed 2! fun flush11 () = dml (UPDATE foo01 SET Bar = "baz11" WHERE Id = 42); dml (UPDATE foo10 SET Bar = "baz11" WHERE Id = 42); return Flushed 1 and 2! fun cache id = res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val FROM tab WHERE tab.Id = {[id]}); return Reading {[id]}. {case res of None => ? | Some row => {[row.Tab.Val]}} fun flush id = res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val FROM tab WHERE tab.Id = {[id]}); dml (case res of None => (INSERT INTO tab (Id, Val) VALUES ({[id]}, 0)) | Some row => (UPDATE tab SET Val = {[row.Tab.Val + 1]} WHERE Id = {[id]})); return (* Flushed {[id]}! *) {case res of None => Initialized {[id]}! | Some row => Incremented {[id]}!}