path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/json.sig b/src/json.sig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f92ef495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json.sig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+signature JSON = sig
+ datatype json =
+ Array of json list
+ | Null
+ | Float of real
+ | String of string
+ | Bool of bool
+ | Int of int
+ | Obj of (string * json) list
+ val parse: string -> json
+ val print: json -> string
diff --git a/src/json.sml b/src/json.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fab15a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+* Standard ML JSON parser
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Gian Perrone
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+signature JSON_CALLBACKS =
+ type json_data
+ val json_object : json_data list -> json_data
+ val json_pair : string * json_data -> json_data
+ val json_array : json_data list -> json_data
+ val json_value : json_data -> json_data
+ val json_string : string -> json_data
+ val json_int : int -> json_data
+ val json_real : real -> json_data
+ val json_bool : bool -> json_data
+ val json_null : unit -> json_data
+ val error_handle : string * int * string -> json_data
+functor JSONParser (Callbacks : JSON_CALLBACKS) =
+ type json_data = Callbacks.json_data
+ exception JSONParseError of string * int
+ val inputData = ref ""
+ val inputPosition = ref 0
+ fun isDigit () = Char.isDigit (String.sub (!inputData,0))
+ fun ws () = while (String.isPrefix " " (!inputData) orelse
+ String.isPrefix "\n" (!inputData) orelse
+ String.isPrefix "\t" (!inputData) orelse
+ String.isPrefix "\r" (!inputData))
+ do (inputData := String.extract (!inputData, 1, NONE))
+ fun peek () = String.sub (!inputData,0)
+ fun take () =
+ String.sub (!inputData,0) before
+ inputData := String.extract (!inputData, 1, NONE)
+ fun matches s = (ws(); String.isPrefix s (!inputData))
+ fun consume s =
+ if matches s then
+ (inputData := String.extract (!inputData, size s, NONE);
+ inputPosition := !inputPosition + size s)
+ else
+ raise JSONParseError ("Expected '"^s^"'", !inputPosition)
+ fun parseObject () =
+ if not (matches "{") then
+ raise JSONParseError ("Expected '{'", !inputPosition)
+ else
+ (consume "{"; ws ();
+ if matches "}" then Callbacks.json_object [] before consume "}"
+ else
+ (Callbacks.json_object (parseMembers ())
+ before (ws (); consume "}")))
+ and parseMembers () =
+ parsePair () ::
+ (if matches "," then (consume ","; parseMembers ()) else [])
+ and parsePair () =
+ Callbacks.json_pair (parseString (),
+ (ws(); consume ":"; parseValue ()))
+ and parseArray () =
+ if not (matches "[") then
+ raise JSONParseError ("Expected '['", !inputPosition)
+ else
+ (consume "[";
+ if matches "]" then
+ Callbacks.json_array [] before consume "]"
+ else
+ Callbacks.json_array (parseElements ()) before (ws (); consume "]"))
+ and parseElements () =
+ parseValue () ::
+ (if matches "," then (consume ","; parseElements ()) else [])
+ and parseValue () =
+ Callbacks.json_value (
+ if matches "\"" then Callbacks.json_string (parseString ()) else
+ if matches "-" orelse isDigit () then parseNumber () else
+ if matches "true" then Callbacks.json_bool true before consume "true" else
+ if matches "false" then Callbacks.json_bool false before consume "false" else
+ if matches "null" then Callbacks.json_null () before consume "null" else
+ if matches "[" then parseArray () else
+ if matches "{" then parseObject () else
+ raise JSONParseError ("Expected value", !inputPosition))
+ and parseString () =
+ (ws () ;
+ consume ("\"") ;
+ parseChars () before consume "\"")
+ and parseChars () =
+ let
+ fun pickChars s =
+ if peek () = #"\"" (* " *) then s else
+ pickChars (s ^ String.str (take ()))
+ in
+ pickChars ""
+ end
+ and parseNumber () =
+ let
+ val i = parseInt ()
+ in
+ if peek () = #"e" orelse peek () = #"E" then
+ Callbacks.json_int (valOf (Int.fromString (i^parseExp())))
+ else if peek () = #"." then
+ let
+ val f = parseFrac()
+ val f' = if peek() = #"e" orelse peek() = #"E" then
+ i ^ f ^ parseExp ()
+ else i ^ f
+ in
+ Callbacks.json_real (valOf (Real.fromString f'))
+ end
+ else Callbacks.json_int (valOf (Int.fromString i))
+ end
+ and parseInt () =
+ let
+ val f =
+ if peek () = #"0" then
+ raise JSONParseError ("Invalid number", !inputPosition)
+ else if peek () = #"-" then (take (); "~")
+ else String.str (take ())
+ in
+ f ^ parseDigits ()
+ end
+ and parseDigits () =
+ let
+ val r = ref ""
+ in
+ (while Char.isDigit (peek ()) do
+ r := !r ^ String.str (take ());
+ !r)
+ end
+ and parseFrac () =
+ (consume "." ;
+ "." ^ parseDigits ())
+ and parseExp () =
+ let
+ val _ =
+ if peek () = #"e" orelse
+ peek () = #"E" then take ()
+ else
+ raise JSONParseError ("Invalid number", !inputPosition)
+ val f = if peek () = #"-" then (take (); "~")
+ else if peek () = #"+" then (take (); "")
+ else ""
+ in
+ "e" ^ f ^ parseDigits ()
+ end
+ fun parse s =
+ (inputData := s ;
+ inputPosition := 0 ;
+ parseObject ()) handle JSONParseError (m,p) =>
+ Callbacks.error_handle (m,p,!inputData)
+structure JsonIntermAst =
+datatype ast =
+ Array of ast list
+ | Null
+ | Float of real
+ | String of string
+ | Bool of bool
+ | Int of int
+ | Pair of (string * ast)
+ | Obj of ast list
+structure Json :> JSON = struct
+datatype json =
+ Array of json list
+ | Null
+ | Float of real
+ | String of string
+ | Bool of bool
+ | Int of int
+ | Obj of (string * json) list
+fun fromInterm (interm: JsonIntermAst.ast): json =
+ case interm of
+ JsonIntermAst.Array l => Array ( fromInterm l)
+ | JsonIntermAst.Null => Null
+ | JsonIntermAst.Float r => Float r
+ | JsonIntermAst.String s => String s
+ | JsonIntermAst.Bool b => Bool b
+ | JsonIntermAst.Int i => Int i
+ | JsonIntermAst.Pair (k,v) =>
+ raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Pair of JSON found where it shouldn't. Key = " ^ k)
+ | JsonIntermAst.Obj l =>
+ Obj
+ (List.foldl
+ (fn (a, acc) =>
+ case a of
+ JsonIntermAst.Pair (k, v) => (k, fromInterm v) :: acc
+ | JsonIntermAst.Array _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Array in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.Null => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Null in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.Float _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Float in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.String _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found String in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.Bool _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Bool in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.Int _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Int in object instead of key-value pair")
+ | JsonIntermAst.Obj _ => raise Fail ("JSON Parsing error. Found Obj in object instead of key-value pair")
+ ) [] l)
+structure StandardJsonParserCallbacks =
+ type json_data = JsonIntermAst.ast
+ fun json_object l = JsonIntermAst.Obj l
+ fun json_pair (k,v) = JsonIntermAst.Pair (k,v)
+ fun json_array l = JsonIntermAst.Array l
+ fun json_value x = x
+ fun json_string s = JsonIntermAst.String s
+ fun json_int i = JsonIntermAst.Int i
+ fun json_real r = JsonIntermAst.Float r
+ fun json_bool b = JsonIntermAst.Bool b
+ fun json_null () = JsonIntermAst.Null
+ fun error_handle (msg,pos,data) =
+ raise Fail ("Error: " ^ msg ^ " near " ^ Int.toString pos ^ " data: " ^
+ data)
+structure MyJsonParser = JSONParser (StandardJsonParserCallbacks)
+fun parse (str: string): json =
+ fromInterm (MyJsonParser.parse str)
+fun print (ast: json): string =
+ case ast of
+ Array l => "["
+ ^ List.foldl (fn (a, acc) => acc ^ "," ^ print a) "" l
+ ^ "]"
+ | Null => "null"
+ | Float r => Real.toString r
+ | String s =>
+ "\"" ^
+ String.translate
+ (fn c => if c = #"\"" then "\\\"" else Char.toString c)
+ s ^
+ "\""
+ | Bool b => if b then "true" else "false"
+ | Int i => Int.toString i
+ | Obj l => "{"
+ ^ List.foldl (fn ((k, v), acc) => k ^ ": " ^ print v ) "" l
+ ^ "}"
diff --git a/src/lsp.sig b/src/lsp.sig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dc95801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lsp.sig
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+signature LSP = sig
+ val startServer : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fd50109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+structure Lsp :> LSP = struct
+fun trim (s: substring): substring =
+ Substring.dropr
+ (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\r")
+ (Substring.dropl (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\r") s)
+fun readHeader (): (string * string) option =
+ let
+ val line = TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn
+ in
+ case line of
+ NONE => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success
+ | SOME str =>
+ let
+ val (key, value) = Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #":") (Substring.full str)
+ in
+ if Substring.isEmpty (trim value)
+ then NONE
+ else SOME ( Substring.string (trim key)
+ , Substring.string (trim (Substring.dropl (fn c => c = #":") (trim value))))
+ end
+ end
+fun readAllHeaders (l: (string * string) list): (string * string) list =
+ case readHeader () of
+ NONE => l
+ | SOME tup => tup :: readAllHeaders l
+fun getJsonObjectValue (s: string) (l: (string * Json.json) list): Json.json option =
+ case List.find (fn tup => #1 tup = s ) l of
+ | SOME tup => SOME (#2 tup)
+fun getJsonObjectValue' (s: string) (l: Json.json): Json.json =
+ case l of
+ Json.Obj l =>
+ (case getJsonObjectValue s l of
+ NONE => raise Fail ("Failed to find JSON object key " ^ s)
+ | SOME v => v)
+ | a => raise Fail ("Expected JSON object, got: " ^ Json.print a)
+fun parseInt (j: Json.json): int =
+ case j of
+ Json.Int i => i
+ | _ => raise Fail ("Expected JSON int, got: " ^ Json.print j)
+fun parseString (j: Json.json): string =
+ case j of
+ Json.String s => s
+ | _ => raise Fail ("Expected JSON string, got: " ^ Json.print j)
+fun parseRequest (j: Json.json): {id: Json.json, method: string, params: Json.json} =
+ let
+ val id = getJsonObjectValue' "id" j
+ val method = parseString (getJsonObjectValue' "method" j)
+ val params = getJsonObjectValue' "params" j
+ in
+ {id = id, method = method, params = params}
+ end
+type textDocumentIdentifier =
+ { scheme: string
+ , authority: string
+ , path: string
+ , query: string
+ , fragment: string
+ }
+fun parseTextDocumentIdentifier (j: Json.json): textDocumentIdentifier =
+ let
+ val str = Substring.full (parseString (getJsonObjectValue' "uri" j))
+ val (scheme, rest) = Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #":") str
+ val (authority, rest) = Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #"/") (Substring.triml 3 rest (* :// *))
+ val (path, rest) = Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #"?" orelse c <> #"#") (Substring.triml 1 rest (* / *))
+ val (query, rest) = if Substring.first rest = SOME #"?"
+ then Substring.splitl (fn c => c <> #"#") (Substring.triml 1 rest (* ? *))
+ else (Substring.full "", rest)
+ val fragment = if Substring.first rest = SOME #"#"
+ then (Substring.triml 1 rest (* # *))
+ else Substring.full ""
+ in
+ { scheme = Substring.string scheme
+ , authority = Substring.string authority
+ , path = Substring.string path
+ , query = Substring.string query
+ , fragment = Substring.string fragment
+ }
+ end
+type position = { line: int
+ , character: int
+ }
+fun parsePosition (j: Json.json) =
+ { line = parseInt (getJsonObjectValue' "line" j)
+ , character = parseInt (getJsonObjectValue' "character" j)
+ }
+datatype result = Success of Json.json
+ | Error of (int * string)
+fun handleHover (params: Json.json): result =
+ let
+ val textDocument = parseTextDocumentIdentifier (getJsonObjectValue' "textDocument" params)
+ val position = parsePosition (getJsonObjectValue' "position" params)
+ val answer = ""
+ in
+ Success (Json.Obj (("contents", Json.String answer) :: []))
+ end
+fun serverLoop () =
+ let
+ val headers = readAllHeaders []
+ val lengthO = List.find (fn (k,v) => k = "Content-Length") headers
+ val request = case lengthO of
+ NONE => raise Fail "No header with Content-Length found"
+ | SOME (k, v) =>
+ case Int.fromString v of
+ NONE => raise Fail ("Couldn't parse content-length from string: " ^ v)
+ | SOME i => TextIO.inputN (TextIO.stdIn, i)
+ (* val parsed = Json.parse (Substring.string (Substring.trimr 1 (Substring.full request))) (* Trimming last newline *) *)
+ val parsed = Json.parse request
+ val requestMessage = parseRequest parsed
+ fun fail (err: (int * string)) =
+ Json.print (Json.Obj (("id", #id requestMessage)
+ :: ("error", Json.Obj (("code", Json.Int (#1 err))
+ :: ("message", Json.String (#2 err))
+ :: []))
+ :: []
+ ))
+ val result: result =
+ case #method requestMessage of
+ "initialize" => Success (Json.Obj (("capabilities", Json.Obj (("hoverProvider", Json.Bool true) :: [])) :: []))
+ | "textDocument/hover" => handleHover (#params requestMessage)
+ | "shutdown" => Success (Json.Null)
+ | "exit" => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success
+ | method => Error (~32601, "Method not supported: " ^ method)
+ in
+ case result of
+ Success j => TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut,
+ Json.print (Json.Obj (("id", #id requestMessage)
+ :: ("result", j)
+ :: [])))
+ | Error (i, err) =>
+ TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut,
+ Json.print (Json.Obj (("id", #id requestMessage)
+ :: ("error", Json.Obj (("code", Json.Int i)
+ :: ("message", Json.String err)
+ :: []))
+ :: []
+ )))
+ end
+fun startServer () =
+ while (1 < 2) do
+ serverLoop ()
diff --git a/src/main.mlton.sml b/src/main.mlton.sml
index 7f8540f2..1747d702 100644
--- a/src/main.mlton.sml
+++ b/src/main.mlton.sml
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ fun oneRun args =
SOME "print module name of <file> and exit"),
("getInfo", ONE ("<file:row:col>", getInfo),
SOME "print info of expression at <file:row:col> and exit"),
+ ("startLspServer", ZERO Lsp.startServer, SOME "Start Language Server Protocol server"),
("noEmacs", set_true Demo.noEmacs,
("limit", TWO ("<class>", "<num>", add_class),
diff --git a/src/sources b/src/sources
index 20d77483..c407ea2a 100644
--- a/src/sources
+++ b/src/sources
@@ -277,6 +277,12 @@ $(SRC)/compiler.sml