path: root/src/sqlcache.sml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sqlcache.sml')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/src/sqlcache.sml b/src/sqlcache.sml
index a59f8b55..8fae15eb 100644
--- a/src/sqlcache.sml
+++ b/src/sqlcache.sml
@@ -43,100 +43,82 @@ val cache = ref LruCache.cache
fun setCache c = cache := c
fun getCache () = !cache
+(* Used to have type context for local variables in MonoUtil functions. *)
+val doBind =
+ fn (ctx, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE (_, t)) => t :: ctx
+ | (ctx, _) => ctx
-(* Effect analysis. *)
+(* Effect Analysis *)
(* Makes an exception for [EWrite] (which is recorded when caching). *)
-fun effectful doPrint (effs : IS.set) (inFunction : bool) (bound : int) : exp -> bool =
- (* If result is true, expression is definitely effectful. If result is
- false, then expression is definitely not effectful if effs is fully
- populated. The intended pattern is to use this a number of times equal
- to the number of declarations in a file, Bellman-Ford style. *)
- (* TODO: make incrementing of the number of bound variables cleaner,
- probably by using [MonoUtil] instead of all this. *)
+fun effectful (effs : IS.set) =
- (* DEBUG: remove printing when done. *)
- fun tru msg = if doPrint then (print (msg ^ "\n"); true) else true
- val rec eff' =
- (* ASK: is there a better way? *)
- fn EPrim _ => false
- (* We don't know if local functions have effects when applied. *)
- | ERel idx => if inFunction andalso idx >= bound
- then tru ("rel" ^ Int.toString idx) else false
- | ENamed name => if IS.member (effs, name) then tru "named" else false
- | ECon (_, _, NONE) => false
- | ECon (_, _, SOME e) => eff e
- | ENone _ => false
- | ESome (_, e) => eff e
- | EFfi (m, f) => if ffiEffectful (m, f) then tru "ffi" else false
- | EFfiApp (m, f, _) => if ffiEffectful (m, f) then tru "ffiapp" else false
- (* ASK: we're calling functions effectful if they have effects when
- applied or if the function expressions themselves have effects.
- Is that okay? *)
- (* This is okay because the values we ultimately care about aren't
- functions, and this is a conservative approximation, anyway. *)
- | EApp (eFun, eArg) => effectful doPrint effs true bound eFun orelse eff eArg
- | EAbs (_, _, _, e) => effectful doPrint effs inFunction (bound+1) e
- | EUnop (_, e) => eff e
- | EBinop (_, _, e1, e2) => eff e1 orelse eff e2
- | ERecord xs => List.exists (fn (_, e, _) => eff e) xs
- | EField (e, _) => eff e
- (* If any case could be effectful, consider it effectful. *)
- | ECase (e, xs, _) => eff e orelse List.exists (fn (_, e) => eff e) xs
- | EStrcat (e1, e2) => eff e1 orelse eff e2
- (* ASK: how should we treat these three? *)
- | EError _ => tru "error"
- | EReturnBlob _ => tru "blob"
- | ERedirect _ => tru "redirect"
- (* EWrite is a special exception because we record writes when caching. *)
- | EWrite _ => false
- | ESeq (e1, e2) => eff e1 orelse eff e2
- (* TODO: keep context of which local variables aren't effectful? Only
- makes a difference for function expressions, though. *)
- | ELet (_, _, eBind, eBody) => eff eBind orelse
- effectful doPrint effs inFunction (bound+1) eBody
- | EClosure (_, es) => List.exists eff es
- (* TODO: deal with EQuery. *)
- | EQuery _ => tru "query"
- | EDml _ => tru "dml"
- | ENextval _ => tru "nextval"
- | ESetval _ => tru "setval"
- | EUnurlify (e, _, _) => eff e
- (* ASK: how should we treat this? *)
- | EJavaScript _ => tru "javascript"
- (* ASK: these are all effectful, right? *)
- | ESignalReturn _ => tru "signalreturn"
- | ESignalBind _ => tru "signalbind"
- | ESignalSource _ => tru "signalsource"
- | EServerCall _ => tru "servercall"
- | ERecv _ => tru "recv"
- | ESleep _ => tru "sleep"
- | ESpawn _ => tru "spawn"
- and eff = fn (e', _) => eff' e'
+ val isFunction =
+ fn (TFun _, _) => true
+ | _ => false
+ fun doExp (ctx, e) =
+ case e of
+ EPrim _ => false
+ (* For now: variables of function type might be effectful, but
+ others are fully evaluated and are therefore not effectful. *)
+ | ERel n => isFunction (List.nth (ctx, n))
+ | ENamed n => IS.member (effs, n)
+ | EFfi (m, f) => ffiEffectful (m, f)
+ | EFfiApp (m, f, _) => ffiEffectful (m, f)
+ (* These aren't effectful unless a subexpression is. *)
+ | ECon _ => false
+ | ENone _ => false
+ | ESome _ => false
+ | EApp _ => false
+ | EAbs _ => false
+ | EUnop _ => false
+ | EBinop _ => false
+ | ERecord _ => false
+ | EField _ => false
+ | ECase _ => false
+ | EStrcat _ => false
+ (* EWrite is a special exception because we record writes when caching. *)
+ | EWrite _ => false
+ | ESeq _ => false
+ | ELet _ => false
+ (* ASK: what should we do about closures? *)
+ | EClosure _ => false
+ | EUnurlify _ => false
+ (* Everything else is some sort of effect. We could flip this and
+ explicitly list bits of Mono that are effectful, but this is
+ conservatively robust to future changes (however unlikely). *)
+ | _ => true
- eff
+ MonoUtil.Exp.existsB {typ = fn _ => false, exp = doExp, bind = doBind}
(* TODO: test this. *)
-val effectfulMap =
+fun effectfulDecls (decls, _) =
- fun doVal ((_, name, _, e, _), effMap) =
- if effectful false effMap false 0 e
- then IS.add (effMap, name)
- else effMap
+ fun doVal ((_, name, _, e, _), effs) =
+ if effectful effs [] e
+ then IS.add (effs, name)
+ else effs
val doDecl =
- fn (DVal v, effMap) => doVal (v, effMap)
- (* Repeat the list of declarations a number of times equal to its size. *)
- | (DValRec vs, effMap) =>
- List.foldl doVal effMap (List.concat ( (fn _ => vs) vs))
+ fn ((DVal v, _), effs) => doVal (v, effs)
+ (* Repeat the list of declarations a number of times equal to its size,
+ making sure effectfulness propagates everywhere it should. This is
+ analagous to the Bellman-Ford algorithm. *)
+ | ((DValRec vs, _), effs) =>
+ List.foldl doVal effs (List.concat ( (fn _ => vs) vs))
(* ASK: any other cases? *)
- | (_, effMap) => effMap
+ | (_, effs) => effs
- MonoUtil.File.fold {typ = #2, exp = #2, decl = doDecl} IS.empty
+ List.foldl doDecl IS.empty decls
-(* Boolean formula normalization. *)
+(* Boolean Formula Normalization *)
datatype junctionType = Conj | Disj
@@ -211,7 +193,9 @@ fun mapFormula mf =
| Combo (j, fs) => Combo (j, map (mapFormula mf) fs)
-(* SQL analysis. *)
+(* SQL Analysis *)
structure CmpKey = struct
@@ -464,7 +448,9 @@ val tableDml =
| Sql.Update (tab, _, _) => tab
-(* Program instrumentation. *)
+(* Program Instrumentation *)
val varName =
@@ -477,6 +463,8 @@ val {check, store, flush, ...} = getCache ()
val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
+val dummyTyp = (TRecord [], dummyLoc)
fun stringExp s = (EPrim (Prim.String (Prim.Normal, s)), dummyLoc)
val stringTyp = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), dummyLoc)
@@ -490,17 +478,15 @@ val sequence =
| _ => raise Match
-(* Always increments negative indices because that's what we need later. *)
-fun incRelsBound bound inc =
+(* Always increments negative indices as a hack we use later. *)
+fun incRels inc =
- {typ = fn x => x,
- exp = fn level =>
- (fn ERel n => ERel (if n >= level orelse n < 0 then n + inc else n)
- | x => x),
- bind = fn (level, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _) => level + 1 | (level, _) => level}
- bound
-val incRels = incRelsBound 0
+ {typ = fn t' => t',
+ exp = fn bound =>
+ (fn ERel n => ERel (if n >= bound orelse n < 0 then n + inc else n)
+ | e' => e'),
+ bind = fn (bound, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _) => bound + 1 | (bound, _) => bound}
+ 0
fun cacheWrap (query, i, urlifiedRel0, resultTyp, args) =
@@ -523,13 +509,16 @@ fun cacheWrap (query, i, urlifiedRel0, resultTyp, args) =
fun fileMapfold doExp file start =
- case MonoUtil.File.mapfold {typ = Search.return2,
- exp = fn x => (fn s => Search.Continue (doExp x s)),
- decl = Search.return2} file start of
+ case MonoUtil.File.mapfoldB
+ {typ = Search.return2,
+ exp = fn ctx => fn e' => fn s => Search.Continue (doExp ctx e' s),
+ decl = fn _ => Search.return2,
+ bind = doBind}
+ [] file start of
Search.Continue x => x
| Search.Return _ => raise Match
-fun fileMap doExp file = #1 (fileMapfold (fn x => fn _ => (doExp x, ())) file ())
+fun fileMap doExp file = #1 (fileMapfold (fn _ => fn e => fn _ => (doExp e, ())) file ())
fun factorOutNontrivial text =
@@ -567,7 +556,7 @@ fun factorOutNontrivial text =
fun addChecking file =
- fun doExp (queryInfo as (tableToIndices, indexToQueryNumArgs, index)) =
+ fun doExp ctx (queryInfo as (tableToIndices, indexToQueryNumArgs, index)) =
fn e' as EQuery {query = origQueryText,
sqlcacheInfo = urlifiedRel0,
state = resultTyp,
@@ -590,8 +579,12 @@ fun addChecking file =
val args = List.tabulate (numArgs, fn n => (ERel n, dummyLoc))
fun bind x f = Option.mapPartial f x
fun guard b x = if b then x else NONE
- (* DEBUG: set first boolean argument to true to turn on printing. *)
- fun safe bound = not o effectful true (effectfulMap file) false bound
+ val effs = effectfulDecls file
+ (* We use dummyTyp here. I think this is okay because databases
+ don't store (effectful) functions, but there could be some
+ corner case I missed. *)
+ fun safe bound =
+ not o effectful effs (List.tabulate (bound, fn _ => dummyTyp) @ ctx)
val attempt =
(* Ziv misses Haskell's do notation.... *)
guard (safe 0 queryText andalso safe 0 initial andalso safe 2 body) (
@@ -609,7 +602,9 @@ fun addChecking file =
| e' => (e', queryInfo)
- fileMapfold (fn exp => fn state => doExp state exp) file (SIMM.empty, IM.empty, 0)
+ fileMapfold (fn ctx => fn exp => fn state => doExp ctx state exp)
+ file
+ (SIMM.empty, IM.empty, 0)
structure Invalidations = struct