path: root/src/scriptcheck.sml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/scriptcheck.sml')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/scriptcheck.sml b/src/scriptcheck.sml
index e5db476a..0d30ebcb 100644
--- a/src/scriptcheck.sml
+++ b/src/scriptcheck.sml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Copyright (c) 2009, Adam Chlipala
+(* Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Adam Chlipala
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ structure ScriptCheck :> SCRIPT_CHECK = struct
open Mono
+structure SM = BinaryMapFn(struct
+ type ord_key = string
+ val compare =
+ end)
structure SS = BinarySetFn(struct
type ord_key = string
val compare =
@@ -39,37 +43,108 @@ val pushBasis = SS.addList (SS.empty,
+datatype rpcmap =
+ Rpc of int (* ID of function definition *)
+ | Module of rpcmap
+fun lookup (r : rpcmap, k : string) =
+ let
+ fun lookup' (r, ks) =
+ case r of
+ Rpc x => SOME x
+ | Module m =>
+ case ks of
+ [] => NONE
+ | k :: ks' =>
+ case SM.find (m, k) of
+ | SOME r' => lookup' (r', ks')
+ in
+ lookup' (r, String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"/") k)
+ end
+fun insert (r : rpcmap, k : string, v) =
+ let
+ fun insert' (r, ks) =
+ case r of
+ Rpc _ => Rpc v
+ | Module m =>
+ case ks of
+ [] => Rpc v
+ | k :: ks' =>
+ let
+ val r' = case SM.find (m, k) of
+ NONE => Module SM.empty
+ | SOME r' => r'
+ in
+ Module (SM.insert (m, k, insert' (r', ks')))
+ end
+ in
+ insert' (r, String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"/") k)
+ end
+fun dump (r : rpcmap) =
+ case r of
+ Rpc _ => print "ROOT\n"
+ | Module m => (print "<Module>\n";
+ SM.appi (fn (k, r') => (print (k ^ ":\n");
+ dump r')) m;
+ print "</Module>\n")
fun classify (ds, ps) =
val proto = Settings.currentProtocol ()
fun inString {needle, haystack} = String.isSubstring needle haystack
- fun hasClient {basis, funcs, push} =
+ fun hasClient {basis, rpcs, funcs, push} =
MonoUtil.Exp.exists {typ = fn _ => false,
exp = fn ERecv _ => push
| EFfiApp ("Basis", x, _) => SS.member (basis, x)
| EJavaScript _ => not push
| ENamed n => IS.member (funcs, n)
+ | EServerCall (e, _, _, _) =>
+ let
+ fun head (e : exp) =
+ case #1 e of
+ EStrcat (e1, _) => head e1
+ | EPrim (Prim.String (_, s)) => SOME s
+ | _ => NONE
+ in
+ case head e of
+ NONE => true
+ | SOME fcall =>
+ case lookup (rpcs, fcall) of
+ NONE => true
+ | SOME n => IS.member (funcs, n)
+ end
| _ => false}
+ fun decl ((d, _), rpcs) =
+ case d of
+ DExport (Mono.Rpc _, fcall, n, _, _, _) =>
+ insert (rpcs, fcall, n)
+ | _ => rpcs
+ val rpcs = foldl decl (Module SM.empty) ds
fun decl ((d, _), (pull_ids, push_ids)) =
- val hasClientPull = hasClient {basis = SS.empty, funcs = pull_ids, push = false}
- val hasClientPush = hasClient {basis = pushBasis, funcs = push_ids, push = true}
+ val hasClientPull = hasClient {basis = SS.empty, rpcs = rpcs, funcs = pull_ids, push = false}
+ val hasClientPush = hasClient {basis = pushBasis, rpcs = rpcs, funcs = push_ids, push = true}
case d of
DVal (_, n, _, e, _) => (if hasClientPull e then
- IS.add (pull_ids, n)
- else
- pull_ids,
- if hasClientPush e then
- IS.add (push_ids, n)
- else
- push_ids)
+ IS.add (pull_ids, n)
+ else
+ pull_ids,
+ if hasClientPush e then
+ IS.add (push_ids, n)
+ else
+ push_ids)
| DValRec xes => (if List.exists (fn (_, _, _, e, _) => hasClientPull e) xes then
- foldl (fn ((_, n, _, _, _), pull_ids) => IS.add (pull_ids, n))
- pull_ids xes
+ foldl (fn ((_, n, _, _, _), pull_ids) => IS.add (pull_ids, n))
+ pull_ids xes
if List.exists (fn (_, _, _, e, _) => hasClientPush e) xes then
@@ -98,7 +173,7 @@ fun classify (ds, ps) =
else if IS.member (pull_ids, n) then
- ServerOnly)) (IS.listItems all_ids)
+ ServerOnly, AnyDb)) (IS.listItems all_ids)
(ds, ps)