diff options
3 files changed, 109 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/errormsg.sig b/src/errormsg.sig
index 4cf8b50a..1fa4013c 100644
--- a/src/errormsg.sig
+++ b/src/errormsg.sig
@@ -58,4 +58,7 @@ signature ERROR_MSG = sig
val error : string -> unit
val errorAt : span -> string -> unit
val errorAt' : int * int -> string -> unit
+ val readErrorLog: unit ->
+ { span: span
+ , message: string } list
diff --git a/src/errormsg.sml b/src/errormsg.sml
index eee20768..d40789ed 100644
--- a/src/errormsg.sml
+++ b/src/errormsg.sml
@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ fun spanOf (pos1, pos2) = {file = !file,
val errors = ref false
+val errorLog = ref ([]: { span: span
+ , message: string } list)
+fun readErrorLog () = !errorLog
val structuresCurrentlyElaborating: ((string * bool) list) ref = ref nil
fun startElabStructure s =
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ fun stopElabStructureAndGetErrored s =
fun resetStructureTracker () =
structuresCurrentlyElaborating := []
-fun resetErrors () = errors := false
+fun resetErrors () = (errors := false; errorLog := [])
fun anyErrors () = !errors
fun error s = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, s);
TextIO.output1 (TextIO.stdErr, #"\n");
@@ -120,6 +123,9 @@ fun errorAt (span : span) s = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, #file span);
TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, ": (to ");
TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, posToString (#last span));
TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, ") ");
+ errorLog := ({ span = span
+ , message = s
+ } :: !errorLog);
error s)
fun errorAt' span s = errorAt (spanOf span) s
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
index 89a0e4b2..976faa25 100644
--- a/src/lsp.sml
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ fun trim (s: substring): substring =
(fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\r")
(Substring.dropl (fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\r") s)
+fun joinStr (sep: string) (strs: string list): string =
+ List.foldl (fn (str, acc) => if acc = "" then str else acc ^ sep ^ str) "" strs
structure FromJson = struct
fun get (s: string) (l: Json.json): Json.json =
case l of
@@ -111,6 +114,12 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
, fragment = Substring.string fragment
+ fun printDocumentUri (d: documentUri) =
+ (#scheme d) ^ "://" ^
+ (#authority d) ^ "/" ^
+ (#path d) ^
+ (if #query d <> "" then "?" ^ #query d else "") ^
+ (if #fragment d <> "" then "#" ^ #fragment d else "")
type textDocumentIdentifier = { uri: documentUri}
fun parseTextDocumentIdentifier (j: Json.json): textDocumentIdentifier =
@@ -145,6 +154,13 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
{ line = FromJson.asInt (FromJson.get "line" j)
, character = FromJson.asInt (FromJson.get "character" j)
+ fun printPosition (p: position): Json.json = Json.Obj [ ("line", Json.Int (#line p))
+ , ("character", Json.Int (#character p))]
+ type range = { start: position
+ , end_: position }
+ fun printRange (r: range): Json.json = Json.Obj [ ("start", printPosition (#start r))
+ , ("end", printPosition (#end_ r))]
fun readRequestFromStdIO (): message =
@@ -195,6 +211,26 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
(FromJson.asOptionalString (FromJson.get "rootUri" j))
+ type diagnostic = { range: range
+ (* code?: number | string *)
+ , severity: int (* 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = hint*)
+ , source: string
+ , message: string
+ (* relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]; *)
+ }
+ fun printDiagnostic (d: diagnostic): Json.json =
+ Json.Obj [ ("range", printRange (#range d))
+ , ("severity", Json.Int (#severity d))
+ , ("source", Json.String (#source d))
+ , ("message", Json.String (#message d))
+ ]
+ type publishDiagnosticsParams = { uri: documentUri
+ , diagnostics: diagnostic list
+ }
+ fun printPublishDiagnosticsParams (p: publishDiagnosticsParams): Json.json =
+ Json.Obj [ ("uri", Json.String (printDocumentUri (#uri p)))
+ , ("diagnostics", Json.Array ( printDiagnostic (#diagnostics p)))]
type initializeResponse = { capabilities:
{ hoverProvider: bool
, textDocumentSync:
@@ -229,24 +265,27 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
case a of
Success contents => Success (f contents)
| Error e => Error e
- type context = { showMessage: string -> int -> unit}
+ type toclient = { showMessage: string -> int -> unit
+ , publishDiagnostics: publishDiagnosticsParams -> unit }
type messageHandlers =
{ initialize: initializeParams -> initializeResponse result
, shutdown: unit -> unit result
- , textDocument_hover: context -> hoverReq -> hoverResp result
+ , textDocument_hover: toclient -> hoverReq -> hoverResp result
+ fun showMessage str typ =
+ TextIO.print (Json.print (Json.Obj [ ("method", Json.String "window/showMessage")
+ , ("params", Json.Obj [ ("type", Json.Int typ)
+ , ("message", Json.String str)])
+ ]));
+ fun publishDiagnostics diags = TextIO.print (Json.print (printPublishDiagnosticsParams diags))
+ val toclient: toclient = {showMessage = showMessage, publishDiagnostics = publishDiagnostics}
fun handleMessage
(requestMessage: {id: Json.json, method: string, params: Json.json})
(handlers: messageHandlers)
: unit =
- fun showMessage str typ =
- TextIO.print (Json.print (Json.Obj [ ("method", Json.String "window/showMessage")
- , ("params", Json.Obj [ ("type", Json.Int typ)
- , ("message", Json.String str)])
- ]));
val result: Json.json result =
case #method requestMessage of
"initialize" =>
@@ -258,7 +297,7 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
((#textDocument_hover handlers)
- {showMessage = showMessage}
+ toclient
(parseHoverReq (#params requestMessage)))
| "shutdown" =>
@@ -299,18 +338,19 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
type notificationHandlers =
{ initialized: unit -> unit
- , textDocument_didOpen: didOpenParams -> unit
- , textDocument_didChange: didChangeParams -> unit
- , textDocument_didSave: didSaveParams -> unit
+ , textDocument_didOpen: toclient -> didOpenParams -> unit
+ , textDocument_didChange: toclient -> didChangeParams -> unit
+ , textDocument_didSave: toclient -> didSaveParams -> unit
fun handleNotification
(notification: {method: string, params: Json.json})
(handlers: notificationHandlers)
- = case #method notification of
+ =
+ case #method notification of
"initialized" => (#initialized handlers) ()
- | "textDocument/didOpen" => (#textDocument_didOpen handlers) (parseDidOpenParams (#params notification))
- | "textDocument/didChange" => (#textDocument_didChange handlers) (parseDidChangeParams (#params notification))
- | "textDocument/didSave" => (#textDocument_didSave handlers) (parseDidSaveParams (#params notification))
+ | "textDocument/didOpen" => (#textDocument_didOpen handlers) toclient (parseDidOpenParams (#params notification))
+ | "textDocument/didChange" => (#textDocument_didChange handlers) toclient (parseDidChangeParams (#params notification))
+ | "textDocument/didSave" => (#textDocument_didSave handlers) toclient (parseDidSaveParams (#params notification))
| m => (TextIO.output ( TextIO.stdErr, "Notification method not supported: " ^ m);
TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr)
@@ -385,7 +425,8 @@ fun addSgnToEnv (env: ElabEnv.env) (sgn: Source.sgn_item list) (fileName: string
-fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): fileState =
+(* TODO: get errors from elaboration and subsgn and make Diagnostics from these *)
+fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): (fileState * LspSpec.diagnostic list) =
(* TODO Optim: cache parsed urp file? *)
val () = if (OS.Path.ext fileName = SOME "ur")
@@ -426,12 +467,13 @@ fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): fileState =
SOME (valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (fileName ^ "s")))
+ val () = ErrorMsg.resetErrors ()
val (str, sgn', gs) =
(envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
(Source.StrConst parsedUr, {file = fileName, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
- (* TODO definitily not sure about this one, just copied from "top" processing *)
+ (* TODO definitely not sure about this one, just copied from "top" processing *)
val () = case gs of
[] => ()
| _ => app (fn Elaborate.Disjoint (loc, env, denv, c1, c2) =>
@@ -459,12 +501,43 @@ fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): fileState =
, {file = fileName ^ "s", first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
val () = case gs of [] => () | _ => raise Fail ("Unresolved disjointness constraints in " ^ fileName) (* TODO not sure? *)
val () = Elaborate.subSgn envBeforeThisFile ErrorMsg.dummySpan sgn' sgn
+ val errors = ErrorMsg.readErrorLog ()
- { envOfPreviousModules = envBeforeThisFile
- , decls = case str of
- (Elab.StrConst decls, _) => decls
- | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration")
- }
+ ({ envOfPreviousModules = envBeforeThisFile
+ , decls = case str of
+ (Elab.StrConst decls, _) => decls
+ | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration")
+ },
+ (fn err => { range = { start = { line = #line (#first (#span err))
+ , character = #char (#first (#span err))
+ }
+ , end_ = { line = #line (#last (#span err))
+ , character = #char (#last (#span err))
+ }
+ }
+ , severity = 1
+ , source = "UrWeb"
+ , message = #message err
+ }
+ )
+ errors
+ )
+ end
+fun handleFullDocument (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri: LspSpec.documentUri) =
+ let
+ val path = #path documentUri
+ val res = calculateFileState state path
+ in
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
+ , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
+ , path
+ , #1 res)
+ };
+ case #2 res of
+ [] => ()
+ | diags => #publishDiagnostics toclient { uri = documentUri , diagnostics = diags}
fun serverLoop () =
@@ -503,29 +576,9 @@ fun serverLoop () =
{ initialized = fn () => ()
- , textDocument_didOpen = fn didOpenParams =>
- let
- val path = #path (#uri (#textDocument didOpenParams))
- val fileState = calculateFileState state path
- in
- stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
- , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
- , path
- , fileState)
- }
- end
- , textDocument_didChange = fn didChangeParams => ()
- , textDocument_didSave = fn didSaveParams =>
- let
- val path = #path (#uri (#textDocument didSaveParams))
- val fileState = calculateFileState state path
- in
- stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
- , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
- , path
- , fileState)
- }
- end
+ , textDocument_didOpen = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
+ , textDocument_didChange = fn ctx => fn didChangeParams => ()
+ , textDocument_didSave = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
| LspSpec.RequestMessage m =>