diff options
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/src/sqlcache.sml b/src/sqlcache.sml
index f98ff4bb..aec97bce 100644
--- a/src/sqlcache.sml
+++ b/src/sqlcache.sml
@@ -56,20 +56,34 @@ val doBind =
| (env, MonoUtil.Exp.NamedE (x, n, t, eo, s)) => MonoEnv.pushENamed env x n t eo s
| (env, MonoUtil.Exp.Datatype (x, n, cs)) => MonoEnv.pushDatatype env x n cs
-(* General Combinators *)
+val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
+(* General Utilities *)
(* From the MLton wiki. *)
infixr 3 /> fun f /> y = fn x => f (x, y) (* Right section *)
infixr 3 </ fun x </ f = f x (* Right application *)
+fun mapFst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
(* Option monad. *)
fun obind (x, f) = Option.mapPartial f x
fun oguard (b, x) = if b then x else NONE
+fun omap f = fn SOME x => SOME (f x) | _ => NONE
+fun omap2 f = fn (SOME x, SOME y) => SOME (f (x,y)) | _ => NONE
+fun osequence ys = List.foldr (omap2 op::) (SOME []) ys
-fun mapFst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
+fun indexOf test =
+ let
+ fun f n =
+ fn [] => NONE
+ | (x::xs) => if test x then SOME n else f (n+1) xs
+ in
+ f 0
+ end
(* Effect Analysis *)
@@ -289,6 +303,170 @@ end
structure AtomOptionKey = OptionKeyFn(AtomExpKey)
+val rec tablesOfQuery =
+ fn Sql.Query1 {From = tablePairs, ...} => SS.fromList (map #1 tablePairs)
+ | Sql.Union (q1, q2) => SS.union (tablesOfQuery q1, tablesOfQuery q2)
+val tableOfDml =
+ fn Sql.Insert (tab, _) => tab
+ | Sql.Delete (tab, _) => tab
+ | Sql.Update (tab, _, _) => tab
+val freeVars =
+ MonoUtil.Exp.foldB
+ {typ = #2,
+ exp = fn (bound, ERel n, vars) => if n < bound
+ then vars
+ else IS.add (vars, n - bound)
+ | (_, _, vars) => vars,
+ bind = fn (bound, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _) => bound + 1 | (bound, _) => bound}
+ 0
+ IS.empty
+datatype unbind = Known of exp | Unknowns of int
+structure InvalInfo :> sig
+ type t
+ type state = {tableToIndices : SIMM.multimap,
+ indexToInvalInfo : (t * int),
+ ffiInfo : {index : int, params : int} list,
+ index : int}
+ val empty : t
+ val singleton : Sql.query -> t
+ val query : t -> Sql.query
+ val orderArgs : t * IS.set -> int list
+ val unbind : t * unbind -> t option
+ val union : t * t -> t
+ val updateState : t * int * state -> state
+end = struct
+ type t = Sql.query list
+ type state = {tableToIndices : SIMM.multimap,
+ indexToInvalInfo : (t * int),
+ ffiInfo : {index : int, params : int} list,
+ index : int}
+ val empty = []
+ fun singleton q = [q]
+ val union = op@
+ (* Need lift', etc. because we don't have rank-2 polymorphism. This should
+ probably use a functor, but this works for now. *)
+ fun traverseSqexp (pure, _, lift, _, lift'', lift2, _) f =
+ let
+ val rec tr =
+ fn Sql.SqNot se => lift Sql.SqNot (tr se)
+ | Sql.Binop (r, se1, se2) =>
+ lift2 (fn (trse1, trse2) => Sql.Binop (r, trse1, trse2)) (tr se1, tr se2)
+ | Sql.SqKnown se => lift Sql.SqKnown (tr se)
+ | Sql.Inj (e', loc) => lift'' (fn fe' => Sql.Inj (fe', loc)) (f e')
+ | Sql.SqFunc (s, se) => lift (fn trse => Sql.SqFunc (s, trse)) (tr se)
+ | se => pure se
+ in
+ tr
+ end
+ fun traverseQuery (ops as (_, pure', _, lift', _, _, lift2')) f =
+ let
+ val rec mp =
+ fn Sql.Query1 q =>
+ (case #Where q of
+ NONE => pure' (Sql.Query1 q)
+ | SOME se =>
+ lift' (fn mpse => Sql.Query1 {Select = #Select q,
+ From = #From q,
+ Where = SOME mpse})
+ (traverseSqexp ops f se))
+ | Sql.Union (q1, q2) => lift2' Sql.Union (mp q1, mp q2)
+ in
+ mp
+ end
+ fun foldMapQuery plus zero = traverseQuery (fn _ => zero,
+ fn _ => zero,
+ fn _ => fn x => x,
+ fn _ => fn x => x,
+ fn _ => fn x => x,
+ fn _ => plus,
+ fn _ => plus)
+ val omapQuery = traverseQuery (SOME, SOME, omap, omap, omap, omap2, omap2)
+ val varsOfQuery = foldMapQuery IS.union
+ IS.empty
+ (fn e' => freeVars (e', dummyLoc))
+ val varsOfList =
+ fn [] => IS.empty
+ | (q::qs) => varsOfQuery (List.foldl Sql.Union q qs)
+ fun orderArgs (qs, vars) =
+ let
+ val invalVars = varsOfList qs
+ in
+ (* Put arguments we might invalidate by first. *)
+ IS.listItems invalVars @ IS.listItems (IS.difference (vars, invalVars))
+ end
+ (* As a kludge, we rename the variables in the query to correspond to the
+ argument of the cache they're part of. *)
+ val query =
+ fn (q::qs) =>
+ let
+ val q = List.foldl Sql.Union q qs
+ val ns = IS.listItems (varsOfQuery q)
+ val rename =
+ fn ERel n => omap ERel (indexOf (fn n' => n' = n) ns)
+ | _ => raise Match
+ in
+ case omapQuery rename q of
+ SOME q => q
+ (* We should never get NONE because indexOf should never fail. *)
+ | NONE => raise Match
+ end
+ (* We should never reach this case because [updateState] won't put
+ anything in the state if there are no queries. *)
+ | [] => raise Match
+ fun unbind1 ub =
+ case ub of
+ Known (e', loc) =>
+ let
+ val replaceRel0 = case e' of
+ ERel m => SOME (ERel m)
+ | _ => NONE
+ in
+ omapQuery (fn ERel 0 => replaceRel0
+ | ERel n => SOME (ERel (n-1))
+ | _ => raise Match)
+ end
+ | Unknowns k =>
+ omapQuery (fn ERel n => if n >= k then NONE else SOME (ERel (n-k))
+ | _ => raise Match)
+ fun unbind (qs, ub) =
+ case ub of
+ (* Shortcut if nothing's changing. *)
+ Unknowns 0 => SOME qs
+ | _ => osequence (map (unbind1 ub) qs)
+ fun updateState ((qs, numArgs, state as {index, ...}) : t * int * state) =
+ {tableToIndices = List.foldr (fn (q, acc) =>
+ SS.foldl (fn (tab, acc) =>
+ SIMM.insert (acc, tab, index))
+ acc
+ (tablesOfQuery q))
+ (#tableToIndices state)
+ qs,
+ indexToInvalInfo = IM.insert (#indexToInvalInfo state, index, (qs, numArgs)),
+ ffiInfo = {index = index, params = numArgs} :: #ffiInfo state,
+ index = index + 1}
structure UF = UnionFindFn(AtomExpKey)
structure ConflictMaps = struct
@@ -388,8 +566,7 @@ structure ConflictMaps = struct
equivalence classes, so the [#1] could be [#2]. *)
val mergeEqs : (atomExp option list
-> atomExp option) =
- List.foldr (fn (SOME eqs, SOME acc) => SOME (IM.unionWith #1 (eqs, acc)) | _ => NONE)
- (SOME IM.empty)
+ List.foldr (omap2 (IM.unionWith #1)) (SOME IM.empty)
val simplify =
map TS.listItems
@@ -459,15 +636,6 @@ val rec dmlToFormula =
Combo (Conj, [mark fVals, fWhere])]))
-val rec tablesQuery =
- fn Sql.Query1 {From = tablePairs, ...} => SS.fromList (map #1 tablePairs)
- | Sql.Union (q1, q2) => SS.union (tablesQuery q1, tablesQuery q2)
-val tableDml =
- fn Sql.Insert (tab, _) => tab
- | Sql.Delete (tab, _) => tab
- | Sql.Update (tab, _, _) => tab
(* Program Instrumentation Utilities *)
@@ -482,8 +650,6 @@ val varName =
val {check, store, flush, ...} = getCache ()
-val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
val dummyTyp = (TRecord [], dummyLoc)
fun stringExp s = (EPrim (Prim.String (Prim.Normal, s)), dummyLoc)
@@ -701,12 +867,28 @@ Both queries and caches should have IDs.
-fun cacheWrap (env, exp, resultTyp, args, state as (_, _, ffiInfo, index)) =
+type state = InvalInfo.state
+datatype subexp = Cachable of InvalInfo.t * (state -> exp * state) | Impure of exp
+val isImpure =
+ fn Cachable _ => false
+ | Impure _ => true
+val runSubexp : subexp * state -> exp * state =
+ fn (Cachable (_, f), state) => f state
+ | (Impure e, state) => (e, state)
+val invalInfoOfSubexp =
+ fn Cachable (invalInfo, _) => invalInfo
+ | Impure _ => raise Match
+fun cacheWrap (env, exp, typ, args, index) =
val loc = dummyLoc
val rel0 = (ERel 0, loc)
- case MonoFooify.urlify env (rel0, resultTyp) of
+ case MonoFooify.urlify env (rel0, typ) of
| SOME urlified =>
@@ -716,58 +898,18 @@ fun cacheWrap (env, exp, resultTyp, args, state as (_, _, ffiInfo, index)) =
val check = (check (index, args), loc)
val store = (store (index, argsInc, urlified), loc)
- SOME ((ECase
- (check,
- [((PNone stringTyp, loc),
- (ELet (varName "q", resultTyp, exp, (ESeq (store, rel0), loc)), loc)),
- ((PSome (stringTyp, (PVar (varName "hit", stringTyp), loc)), loc),
- (* Boolean is false because we're not unurlifying from a cookie. *)
- (EUnurlify (rel0, resultTyp, false), loc))],
- {disc = (TOption stringTyp, loc), result = resultTyp})),
- (#1 state,
- #2 state,
- {index = index, params = length args} :: ffiInfo,
- index + 1))
+ SOME (ECase (check,
+ [((PNone stringTyp, loc),
+ (ELet (varName "q", typ, exp, (ESeq (store, rel0), loc)), loc)),
+ ((PSome (stringTyp, (PVar (varName "hit", stringTyp), loc)), loc),
+ (* Boolean is false because we're not unurlifying from a cookie. *)
+ (EUnurlify (rel0, typ, false), loc))],
+ {disc = (TOption stringTyp, loc), result = typ}))
-val maxFreeVar =
- MonoUtil.Exp.foldB
- {typ = #2,
- exp = fn (bound, ERel n, v) => Int.max (v, n - bound) | (_, _, v) => v,
- bind = fn (bound, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _) => bound + 1 | (bound, _) => bound}
- 0
- ~1
-val freeVars =
- IS.listItems
- o MonoUtil.Exp.foldB
- {typ = #2,
- exp = fn (bound, ERel n, vars) => if n < bound
- then vars
- else IS.add (vars, n - bound)
- | (_, _, vars) => vars,
- bind = fn (bound, MonoUtil.Exp.RelE _) => bound + 1 | (bound, _) => bound}
- 0
- IS.empty
val expSize = MonoUtil.Exp.fold {typ = #2, exp = fn (_, n) => n+1} 0
-type state = (SIMM.multimap
- * (Sql.query * int)
- * {index : int, params : int} list
- * int)
-datatype subexp = Cachable of state -> (exp * state) | Impure of exp
-val isImpure =
- fn Cachable _ => false
- | Impure _ => true
-val runSubexp : subexp * state -> exp * state =
- fn (Cachable f, state) => f state
- | (Impure e, state) => (e, state)
(* TODO: pick a number. *)
val sizeWorthCaching = 5
@@ -775,31 +917,33 @@ val worthCaching =
fn EQuery _ => true
| exp' => expSize (exp', dummyLoc) > sizeWorthCaching
-fun cachePure (env, exp', state as (_, _, _, index)) =
+fun cacheExp ((env, exp', invalInfo, state) : MonoEnv.env * exp' * InvalInfo.t * state) =
case (worthCaching exp')
typOfExp' env exp' of
| SOME (TFun _, _) => NONE
| SOME typ =>
- (List.foldr (fn (_, NONE) => NONE
- | ((n, typ), SOME args) =>
- (MonoFooify.urlify env ((ERel n, dummyLoc), typ))
- </obind/>
- (fn arg => SOME (arg :: args)))
- (SOME [])
- (map (fn n => (n, #2 (MonoEnv.lookupERel env n)))
- (ListMergeSort.sort op> (freeVars (exp', dummyLoc)))))
- </obind/>
- (fn args => cacheWrap (env, (exp', dummyLoc), typ, args, state))
+ let
+ val ns = InvalInfo.orderArgs (invalInfo, freeVars (exp', dummyLoc))
+ val numArgs = length ns
+ in (List.foldr (fn (_, NONE) => NONE
+ | ((n, typ), SOME args) =>
+ (MonoFooify.urlify env ((ERel n, dummyLoc), typ))
+ </obind/>
+ (fn arg => SOME (arg :: args)))
+ (SOME [])
+ (map (fn n => (n, #2 (MonoEnv.lookupERel env n))) ns))
+ </obind/>
+ (fn args =>
+ (cacheWrap (env, (exp', dummyLoc), typ, args, #index state))
+ </obind/>
+ (fn cachedExp =>
+ SOME (cachedExp, InvalInfo.updateState (invalInfo, numArgs, state))))
+ end
-fun cacheQuery (effs, env, state, q) : (exp' * state) =
+fun cacheQuery (effs, env, q) : subexp =
- val (tableToIndices, indexToQueryNumArgs, ffiInfo, index) = state
- val {query = queryText, initial, body, ...} = q
- val numArgs = maxFreeVar queryText + 1
- (* DEBUG *)
- (* val () = Print.preface ("sqlcache> ", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty queryText) *)
(* We use dummyTyp here. I think this is okay because databases don't
store (effectful) functions, but perhaps there's some pathalogical
corner case missing.... *)
@@ -809,8 +953,9 @@ fun cacheQuery (effs, env, state, q) : (exp' * state) =
(iterate (fn env => MonoEnv.pushERel env "_" dummyTyp NONE)
- val {state = resultTyp, ...} = q
- val args = List.tabulate (numArgs, fn n => (ERel n, dummyLoc))
+ val {query = queryText, initial, body, ...} = q
+ (* DEBUG *)
+ (* val () = Print.preface ("sqlcache> ", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty queryText) *)
val attempt =
(* Ziv misses Haskell's do notation.... *)
(safe 0 queryText andalso safe 0 initial andalso safe 2 body)
@@ -818,45 +963,64 @@ fun cacheQuery (effs, env, state, q) : (exp' * state) =
Sql.parse Sql.query queryText
(fn queryParsed =>
- (cachePure (env, EQuery q, state))
- </obind/>
- (fn (cachedExp, state) =>
- SOME (cachedExp,
- (SS.foldr (fn (tab, qi) => SIMM.insert (qi, tab, index))
- tableToIndices
- (tablesQuery queryParsed),
- IM.insert (indexToQueryNumArgs, index, (queryParsed, numArgs)),
- #3 state,
- #4 state))))
+ let
+ val invalInfo = InvalInfo.singleton queryParsed
+ fun mkExp state =
+ case cacheExp (env, EQuery q, invalInfo, state) of
+ NONE => ((EQuery q, dummyLoc), state)
+ | SOME (cachedExp, state) => ((cachedExp, dummyLoc), state)
+ in
+ SOME (Cachable (invalInfo, mkExp))
+ end)
case attempt of
- SOME pair => pair
- | NONE => (EQuery q, state)
+ NONE => Impure (EQuery q, dummyLoc)
+ | SOME subexp => subexp
-fun cache (effs : IS.set) ((env, exp as (exp', loc)), state) =
+fun cacheTree (effs : IS.set) ((env, exp as (exp', loc)), state) =
- fun wrapBindN (f : exp list -> exp') (args : (MonoEnv.env * exp) list) =
+ fun wrapBindN (f : exp list -> exp')
+ (args : ((MonoEnv.env * exp) * unbind) list) =
- val (subexps, state) = ListUtil.foldlMap (cache effs) state args
+ val (subexps, state) =
+ ListUtil.foldlMap (cacheTree effs)
+ state
+ (map #1 args)
fun mkExp state = mapFst (fn exps => (f exps, loc))
(ListUtil.foldlMap runSubexp state subexps)
+ val attempt =
+ if List.exists isImpure subexps
+ then NONE
+ else (List.foldl (omap2 InvalInfo.union)
+ (SOME InvalInfo.empty)
+ (
+ (fn (subexp, (_, unbinds)) =>
+ InvalInfo.unbind (invalInfoOfSubexp subexp, unbinds))
+ (subexps, args)))
+ </obind/>
+ (fn invalInfo =>
+ SOME (Cachable (invalInfo,
+ fn state =>
+ case cacheExp (env,
+ f (map (#2 o #1) args),
+ invalInfo,
+ state) of
+ NONE => mkExp state
+ | SOME (e', state) => ((e', loc), state)),
+ state))
- if List.exists isImpure subexps
- then mapFst Impure (mkExp state)
- else (Cachable (fn state =>
- case cachePure (env, f (map #2 args), state) of
- NONE => mkExp state
- | SOME (e', state) => ((e', loc), state)),
- state)
+ case attempt of
+ SOME (subexp, state) => (subexp, state)
+ | NONE => mapFst Impure (mkExp state)
fun wrapBind1 f arg =
wrapBindN (fn [arg] => f arg | _ => raise Match) [arg]
fun wrapBind2 f (arg1, arg2) =
wrapBindN (fn [arg1, arg2] => f (arg1, arg2) | _ => raise Match) [arg1, arg2]
- fun wrapN f es = wrapBindN f (map (fn e => (env, e)) es)
- fun wrap1 f e = wrapBind1 f (env, e)
- fun wrap2 f (e1, e2) = wrapBind2 f ((env, e1), (env, e2))
+ fun wrapN f es = wrapBindN f (map (fn e => ((env, e), Unknowns 0)) es)
+ fun wrap1 f e = wrapBind1 f ((env, e), Unknowns 0)
+ fun wrap2 f (e1, e2) = wrapBind2 f (((env, e1), Unknowns 0), ((env, e2), Unknowns 0))
case exp' of
ECon (dk, pc, SOME e) => wrap1 (fn e => ECon (dk, pc, SOME e)) e
@@ -870,7 +1034,7 @@ fun cache (effs : IS.set) ((env, exp as (exp', loc)), state) =
| EApp (e1, e2) => wrap2 EApp (e1, e2)
| EAbs (s, t1, t2, e) =>
wrapBind1 (fn e => EAbs (s, t1, t2, e))
- (MonoEnv.pushERel env s t1 NONE, e)
+ ((MonoEnv.pushERel env s t1 NONE, e), Unknowns 1)
| EUnop (s, e) => wrap1 (fn e => EUnop (s, e)) e
| EBinop (bi, s, e1, e2) => wrap2 (fn (e1, e2) => EBinop (bi, s, e1, e2)) (e1, e2)
| ERecord fields =>
@@ -883,26 +1047,26 @@ fun cache (effs : IS.set) ((env, exp as (exp', loc)), state) =
( (fn (e, (p, _)) => (p, e)) (es, cases)),
{disc = disc, result = result})
| _ => raise Match)
- ((env, e) :: map (fn (p, e) => (MonoEnv.patBinds env p, e)) cases)
+ (((env, e), Unknowns 0)
+ :: map (fn (p, e) =>
+ ((MonoEnv.patBinds env p, e), Unknowns (MonoEnv.patBindsN p)))
+ cases)
| EStrcat (e1, e2) => wrap2 EStrcat (e1, e2)
(* We record page writes, so they're cachable. *)
| EWrite e => wrap1 EWrite e
| ESeq (e1, e2) => wrap2 ESeq (e1, e2)
| ELet (s, t, e1, e2) =>
wrapBind2 (fn (e1, e2) => ELet (s, t, e1, e2))
- ((env, e1), (MonoEnv.pushERel env s t (SOME e1), e2))
+ (((env, e1), Unknowns 0),
+ ((MonoEnv.pushERel env s t (SOME e1), e2), Known e1))
(* ASK: | EClosure (n, es) => ? *)
| EUnurlify (e, t, b) => wrap1 (fn e => EUnurlify (e, t, b)) e
- | EQuery q =>
- let
- val (exp', state) = cacheQuery (effs, env, state, q)
- in
- (Impure (exp', loc), state)
- end
+ | EQuery q => (cacheQuery (effs, env, q), state)
| _ => (if effectful effs env exp
then Impure exp
- else Cachable (fn state =>
- case cachePure (env, exp', state) of
+ else Cachable (InvalInfo.empty,
+ fn state =>
+ case cacheExp (env, exp', InvalInfo.empty, state) of
NONE => ((exp', loc), state)
| SOME (exp', state) => ((exp', loc), state)),
@@ -911,9 +1075,15 @@ fun cache (effs : IS.set) ((env, exp as (exp', loc)), state) =
fun addCaching file =
val effs = effectfulDecls file
- fun doTopLevelExp env exp state = runSubexp (cache effs ((env, exp), state))
+ fun doTopLevelExp env exp state = runSubexp (cacheTree effs ((env, exp), state))
- ((fileTopLevelMapfoldB doTopLevelExp file (SIMM.empty, IM.empty, [], 0)), effs)
+ (fileTopLevelMapfoldB doTopLevelExp
+ file
+ {tableToIndices = SIMM.empty,
+ indexToInvalInfo = IM.empty,
+ ffiInfo = [],
+ index = 0},
+ effs)
@@ -951,12 +1121,16 @@ structure Invalidations = struct
fun eqss (query, dml) = conflictMaps (queryToFormula query, dmlToFormula dml)
- fun invalidations ((query, numArgs), dml) =
- (map (map optionAtomExpToExp)
- o removeRedundant madeRedundantBy
- o map (eqsToInvalidation numArgs)
- o eqss)
- (query, dml)
+ fun invalidations ((invalInfo, numArgs), dml) =
+ let
+ val query = InvalInfo.query invalInfo
+ in
+ (map (map optionAtomExpToExp)
+ o removeRedundant madeRedundantBy
+ o map (eqsToInvalidation numArgs)
+ o eqss)
+ (query, dml)
+ end
@@ -966,7 +1140,7 @@ val invalidations = Invalidations.invalidations
(* val gunk : ((Sql.query * int) * Sql.dml) list ref = ref [] *)
(* val gunk' : exp list ref = ref [] *)
-fun addFlushing ((file, (tableToIndices, indexToQueryNumArgs, ffiInfo, index)), effs) =
+fun addFlushing ((file, {tableToIndices, indexToInvalInfo, ffiInfo, index}), effs) =
val flushes = List.concat
o map (fn (i, argss) => map (fn args => flush (i, args)) argss)
@@ -979,14 +1153,13 @@ fun addFlushing ((file, (tableToIndices, indexToQueryNumArgs, ffiInfo, index)),
val inval =
case Sql.parse Sql.dml dmlText of
SOME dmlParsed =>
- SOME (map (fn i => (case IM.find (indexToQueryNumArgs, i) of
- SOME queryNumArgs =>
- (* DEBUG *)
- ((* gunk := (queryNumArgs, dmlParsed) :: !gunk; *)
- (i, invalidations (queryNumArgs, dmlParsed)))
+ SOME (map (fn i => (case IM.find (indexToInvalInfo, i) of
+ SOME invalInfo =>
+ (i, invalidations (invalInfo, dmlParsed))
(* TODO: fail more gracefully. *)
+ (* This probably means invalidating everything.... *)
| NONE => raise Match))
- (SIMM.findList (tableToIndices, tableDml dmlParsed)))
+ (SIMM.findList (tableToIndices, tableOfDml dmlParsed)))
case inval of