diff options
7 files changed, 223 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/include/urweb.h b/include/urweb.h
index 7e16fd40..d148654f 100644
--- a/include/urweb.h
+++ b/include/urweb.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ char *uw_Basis_urlifyInt(uw_context, uw_Basis_int);
char *uw_Basis_urlifyFloat(uw_context, uw_Basis_float);
char *uw_Basis_urlifyString(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
char *uw_Basis_urlifyBool(uw_context, uw_Basis_bool);
+char *uw_Basis_urlifyTime(uw_context, uw_Basis_time);
uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyInt_w(uw_context, uw_Basis_int);
uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyFloat_w(uw_context, uw_Basis_float);
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ uw_Basis_int uw_Basis_unurlifyInt(uw_context, char **);
uw_Basis_float uw_Basis_unurlifyFloat(uw_context, char **);
uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_unurlifyString(uw_context, char **);
uw_Basis_bool uw_Basis_unurlifyBool(uw_context, char **);
+uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_unurlifyTime(uw_context, char **);
uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_strcat(uw_context, uw_Basis_string, uw_Basis_string);
uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_strdup(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
diff --git a/src/c/urweb.c b/src/c/urweb.c
index 57584f53..a347dd45 100644
--- a/src/c/urweb.c
+++ b/src/c/urweb.c
@@ -557,6 +557,10 @@ uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyFloat_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_float n) {
return uw_unit_v;
+uw_Basis_string uw_Basis_urlifyTime(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_time t) {
+ return uw_Basis_urlifyInt(ctx, t);
uw_unit uw_Basis_urlifyString_w(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s) {
uw_check(ctx, strlen(s) * 3);
@@ -615,6 +619,10 @@ uw_Basis_float uw_Basis_unurlifyFloat(uw_context ctx, char **s) {
return r;
+uw_Basis_time uw_Basis_unurlifyTime(uw_context ctx, char **s) {
+ return uw_Basis_unurlifyInt(ctx, s);
static uw_Basis_string uw_unurlifyString_to(uw_context ctx, char *r, char *s) {
char *s1, *s2;
int n;
diff --git a/src/compiler.sig b/src/compiler.sig
index 402706be..2bed20f9 100644
--- a/src/compiler.sig
+++ b/src/compiler.sig
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ signature COMPILER = sig
val toEspecialize : (string, Core.file) transform
val toCore_untangle : (string, Core.file) transform
val toShake1 : (string, Core.file) transform
- val toDefunc : (string, Core.file) transform
+ val toDefunc : (string, Core.file) transform
+ val toShake1' : (string, Core.file) transform
val toTag : (string, Core.file) transform
val toReduce : (string, Core.file) transform
val toUnpoly : (string, Core.file) transform
diff --git a/src/compiler.sml b/src/compiler.sml
index 93a03169..b2f8f91c 100644
--- a/src/compiler.sml
+++ b/src/compiler.sml
@@ -446,12 +446,15 @@ val defunc = {
val toDefunc = transform defunc "defunc" o toShake1
+val toCore_untangle' = transform core_untangle "core_untangle'" o toDefunc
+val toShake1' = transform shake "shake1'" o toCore_untangle'
val tag = {
func = Tag.tag,
print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty
-val toTag = transform tag "tag" o toDefunc
+val toTag = transform tag "tag" o toShake1'
val reduce = {
func = Reduce.reduce,
diff --git a/src/core_util.sig b/src/core_util.sig
index 100932c3..39f50cc1 100644
--- a/src/core_util.sig
+++ b/src/core_util.sig
@@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ structure Exp : sig
con : Core.con' * 'state -> Core.con' * 'state,
exp : Core.exp' * 'state -> Core.exp' * 'state}
-> 'state -> Core.exp -> Core.exp * 'state
+ val foldMapB : {kind : Core.kind' * 'state -> Core.kind' * 'state,
+ con : 'context * Core.con' * 'state -> Core.con' * 'state,
+ exp : 'context * Core.exp' * 'state -> Core.exp' * 'state,
+ bind : 'context * binder -> 'context}
+ -> 'context -> 'state -> Core.exp -> Core.exp * 'state
structure Decl : sig
diff --git a/src/core_util.sml b/src/core_util.sml
index f7e92f51..38004f74 100644
--- a/src/core_util.sml
+++ b/src/core_util.sml
@@ -763,6 +763,14 @@ fun foldMap {kind, con, exp} s e =
S.Continue v => v
| S.Return _ => raise Fail "CoreUtil.Exp.foldMap: Impossible"
+fun foldMapB {kind, con, exp, bind} ctx s e =
+ case mapfoldB {kind = fn k => fn s => S.Continue (kind (k, s)),
+ con = fn ctx => fn c => fn s => S.Continue (con (ctx, c, s)),
+ exp = fn ctx => fn e => fn s => S.Continue (exp (ctx, e, s)),
+ bind = bind} ctx e s of
+ S.Continue v => v
+ | S.Return _ => raise Fail "CoreUtil.Exp.foldMapB: Impossible"
structure Decl = struct
diff --git a/src/especialize.sml b/src/especialize.sml
index ffd4745b..220b48bd 100644
--- a/src/especialize.sml
+++ b/src/especialize.sml
@@ -43,47 +43,52 @@ structure KM = BinaryMapFn(K)
structure IM = IntBinaryMap
structure IS = IntBinarySet
-val sizeOf = U.Exp.fold {kind = fn (_, n) => n,
- con = fn (_, n) => n,
- exp = fn (_, n) => n + 1}
- 0
-val isOpen = U.Exp.existsB {kind = fn _ => false,
- con = fn ((nc, _), c) =>
- case c of
- CRel n => n >= nc
- | _ => false,
- exp = fn ((_, ne), e) =>
+val freeVars = U.Exp.foldB {kind = fn (_, xs) => xs,
+ con = fn (_, _, xs) => xs,
+ exp = fn (bound, e, xs) =>
case e of
- ERel n => n >= ne
- | _ => false,
- bind = fn ((nc, ne), b) =>
+ ERel x =>
+ if x >= bound then
+ IS.add (xs, x - bound)
+ else
+ xs
+ | _ => xs,
+ bind = fn (bound, b) =>
case b of
- U.Exp.RelC _ => (nc + 1, ne)
- | U.Exp.RelE _ => (nc, ne + 1)
- | _ => (nc, ne)}
- (0, 0)
-fun baseBad (e, _) =
- case e of
- EAbs (_, _, _, e) => sizeOf e > 20
- | ENamed _ => false
- | _ => true
-fun isBad e =
- case e of
- (ERecord xes, _) =>
- length xes > 10
- orelse List.exists (fn (_, e, _) => baseBad e) xes
- | _ => baseBad e
-fun skeyIn e =
- if isBad e orelse isOpen e then
- else
- SOME e
-fun skeyOut e = e
+ U.Exp.RelE _ => bound + 1
+ | _ => bound}
+ 0 IS.empty
+fun positionOf (v : int, ls) =
+ let
+ fun pof (pos, ls) =
+ case ls of
+ [] => raise Fail "Defunc.positionOf"
+ | v' :: ls' =>
+ if v = v' then
+ pos
+ else
+ pof (pos + 1, ls')
+ in
+ pof (0, ls)
+ end
+fun squish fvs =
+ U.Exp.mapB {kind = fn k => k,
+ con = fn _ => fn c => c,
+ exp = fn bound => fn e =>
+ case e of
+ ERel x =>
+ if x >= bound then
+ ERel (positionOf (x - bound, fvs) + bound)
+ else
+ e
+ | _ => e,
+ bind = fn (bound, b) =>
+ case b of
+ U.Exp.RelE _ => bound + 1
+ | _ => bound}
+ 0
type func = {
name : string,
@@ -99,12 +104,12 @@ type state = {
decls : (string * int * con * exp * string) list
-fun kind (k, st) = (k, st)
-fun con (c, st) = (c, st)
+fun kind x = x
+fun default (_, x, st) = (x, st)
fun specialize' file =
- fun default (_, fs) = fs
+ fun default' (_, fs) = fs
fun actionableExp (e, fs) =
case e of
@@ -127,149 +132,159 @@ fun specialize' file =
| _ => fs
val actionable =
- U.File.fold {kind = default,
- con = default,
+ U.File.fold {kind = default',
+ con = default',
exp = actionableExp,
- decl = default}
+ decl = default'}
IS.empty file
- fun exp (e, st : state) =
+ fun bind (env, b) =
+ case b of
+ U.Decl.RelC (x, k) => E.pushCRel env x k
+ | U.Decl.NamedC (x, n, k, co) => E.pushCNamed env x n k co
+ | U.Decl.RelE (x, t) => E.pushERel env x t
+ | U.Decl.NamedE (x, n, t, eo, s) => E.pushENamed env x n t eo s
+ fun exp (env, e, st : state) =
- fun getApp' e =
+ fun getApp e =
case e of
- ENamed f => SOME (f, [], [])
+ ENamed f => SOME (f, [])
| EApp (e1, e2) =>
- (case getApp' (#1 e1) of
+ (case getApp (#1 e1) of
- | SOME (f, xs, xs') =>
- let
- val k =
- if List.null xs' then
- skeyIn e2
- else
- in
- case k of
- NONE => SOME (f, xs, xs' @ [e2])
- | SOME k => SOME (f, xs @ [k], xs')
- end)
+ | SOME (f, xs) => SOME (f, xs @ [e2]))
| _ => NONE
- fun getApp e =
- case getApp' e of
- | SOME (f, xs, xs') =>
- if List.all (fn (ERecord [], _) => true | _ => false) xs then
- SOME (f, [], xs @ xs')
- else
- SOME (f, xs, xs')
case getApp e of
NONE => (e, st)
- | SOME (f, [], []) => (e, st)
- | SOME (f, [], xs') =>
- (case IM.find (#funcs st, f) of
- NONE => (e, st)
- | SOME {typ, body, ...} =>
- let
- val functionInside = U.Con.exists {kind = fn _ => false,
- con = fn TFun _ => true
- | CFfi ("Basis", "transaction") => true
- | _ => false}
- fun hasFunarg (t, xs) =
- case (t, xs) of
- ((TFun (dom, ran), _), _ :: xs) =>
- functionInside dom
- orelse hasFunarg (ran, xs)
- | _ => false
- in
- if List.all (fn (ERel _, _) => false | _ => true) xs'
- andalso List.exists (fn (ERecord [], _) => false | _ => true) xs'
- andalso not (IS.member (actionable, f))
- andalso hasFunarg (typ, xs') then
- let
- val e = foldl (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, arg), ErrorMsg.dummySpan))
- body xs'
- in
- (*Print.prefaces "Unfolded"
- [("e", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty e)];*)
- (#1 e, st)
- end
- else
- (e, st)
- end)
- | SOME (f, xs, xs') =>
+ | SOME (f, xs) =>
case IM.find (#funcs st, f) of
NONE => (e, st)
| SOME {name, args, body, typ, tag} =>
- case KM.find (args, xs) of
- SOME f' => (#1 (foldl (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, arg), ErrorMsg.dummySpan))
- (ENamed f', ErrorMsg.dummySpan) xs'),
- st)
- | NONE =>
- let
- fun subBody (body, typ, xs) =
- case (#1 body, #1 typ, xs) of
- (_, _, []) => SOME (body, typ)
- | (EAbs (_, _, _, body'), TFun (_, typ'), x :: xs) =>
- let
- val body'' = E.subExpInExp (0, skeyOut x) body'
- in
- subBody (body'',
- typ',
- xs)
- end
- | _ => NONE
- in
- case subBody (body, typ, xs) of
- NONE => (e, st)
- | SOME (body', typ') =>
+ let
+ val functionInside = U.Con.exists {kind = fn _ => false,
+ con = fn TFun _ => true
+ | CFfi ("Basis", "transaction") => true
+ | _ => false}
+ val loc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
+ fun findSplit (xs, typ, fxs, fvs) =
+ case (#1 typ, xs) of
+ (TFun (dom, ran), e :: xs') =>
+ if functionInside dom then
+ findSplit (xs',
+ ran,
+ e :: fxs,
+ IS.union (fvs, freeVars e))
+ else
+ (rev fxs, xs, fvs)
+ | _ => (rev fxs, xs, fvs)
+ val (fxs, xs, fvs) = findSplit (xs, typ, [], IS.empty)
+ val fxs' = map (squish (IS.listItems fvs)) fxs
+ fun firstRel () =
+ case fxs' of
+ (ERel _, _) :: _ => true
+ | _ => false
+ in
+ if firstRel ()
+ orelse List.all (fn (ERel _, _) => true
+ | _ => false) fxs' then
+ (e, st)
+ else
+ case KM.find (args, fxs') of
+ SOME f' =>
+ let
+ val e = (ENamed f', loc)
+ val e = IS.foldr (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, (ERel arg, loc)), loc))
+ e fvs
+ val e = foldl (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, arg), loc))
+ e xs
+ in
+ (*Print.prefaces "Brand new (reuse)"
+ [("e'", CorePrint.p_exp env e)];*)
+ (#1 e, st)
+ end
+ | NONE =>
- (*val () = Print.prefaces "sub'd"
- [("body'", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty body')]*)
- val f' = #maxName st
- val funcs = IM.insert (#funcs st, f, {name = name,
- args = KM.insert (args,
- xs, f'),
- body = body,
- typ = typ,
- tag = tag})
- val st = {
- maxName = f' + 1,
- funcs = funcs,
- decls = #decls st
- }
- (*val () = print ("Created " ^ Int.toString f' ^ " from "
- ^ Int.toString f ^ "\n")
- val () = Print.prefaces "body'"
- [("body'", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty body')]*)
- val (body', st) = specExp st body'
- (*val () = Print.prefaces "body''"
- [("body'", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty body')]*)
- val e' = foldl (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, arg), ErrorMsg.dummySpan))
- (ENamed f', ErrorMsg.dummySpan) xs'
+ fun subBody (body, typ, fxs') =
+ case (#1 body, #1 typ, fxs') of
+ (_, _, []) => SOME (body, typ)
+ | (EAbs (_, _, _, body'), TFun (_, typ'), x :: fxs'') =>
+ let
+ val body'' = E.subExpInExp (0, x) body'
+ in
+ subBody (body'',
+ typ',
+ fxs'')
+ end
+ | _ => NONE
- (#1 e',
- {maxName = #maxName st,
- funcs = #funcs st,
- decls = (name, f', typ', body', tag) :: #decls st})
+ case subBody (body, typ, fxs') of
+ NONE => (e, st)
+ | SOME (body', typ') =>
+ let
+ val f' = #maxName st
+ val args = KM.insert (args, fxs', f')
+ val funcs = IM.insert (#funcs st, f, {name = name,
+ args = args,
+ body = body,
+ typ = typ,
+ tag = tag})
+ val st = {
+ maxName = f' + 1,
+ funcs = funcs,
+ decls = #decls st
+ }
+ (*val () = Print.prefaces "specExp"
+ [("f", CorePrint.p_exp env (ENamed f, loc)),
+ ("f'", CorePrint.p_exp env (ENamed f', loc)),
+ ("xs", Print.p_list (CorePrint.p_exp env) xs),
+ ("fxs'", Print.p_list
+ (CorePrint.p_exp E.empty) fxs'),
+ ("e", CorePrint.p_exp env (e, loc))]*)
+ val (body', typ') = IS.foldl (fn (n, (body', typ')) =>
+ let
+ val (x, xt) = E.lookupERel env n
+ in
+ ((EAbs (x, xt, typ', body'),
+ loc),
+ (TFun (xt, typ'), loc))
+ end)
+ (body', typ') fvs
+ val (body', st) = specExp env st body'
+ val e' = (ENamed f', loc)
+ val e' = IS.foldr (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, (ERel arg, loc)), loc))
+ e' fvs
+ val e' = foldl (fn (arg, e) => (EApp (e, arg), loc))
+ e' xs
+ (*val () = Print.prefaces "Brand new"
+ [("e'", CorePrint.p_exp env e'),
+ ("e", CorePrint.p_exp env (e, loc)),
+ ("body'", CorePrint.p_exp env body')]*)
+ in
+ (#1 e',
+ {maxName = #maxName st,
+ funcs = #funcs st,
+ decls = (name, f', typ', body', tag) :: #decls st})
+ end
- end
+ end
- and specExp st = U.Exp.foldMap {kind = kind, con = con, exp = exp} st
+ and specExp env = U.Exp.foldMapB {kind = kind, con = default, exp = exp, bind = bind} env
- fun decl (d, st) = (d, st)
+ val specDecl = U.Decl.foldMapB {kind = kind, con = default, exp = exp, decl = default, bind = bind}
- val specDecl = U.Decl.foldMap {kind = kind, con = con, exp = exp, decl = decl}
- fun doDecl (d, (st : state, changed)) =
+ fun doDecl (d, (env, st : state, changed)) =
+ val env = E.declBinds env d
val funcs = #funcs st
val funcs =
case #1 d of
@@ -288,7 +303,7 @@ fun specialize' file =
decls = []}
(*val () = Print.prefaces "decl" [("d", CorePrint.p_decl CoreEnv.empty d)]*)
- val (d', st) = specDecl st d
+ val (d', st) = specDecl env st d
(*val () = print "/decl\n"*)
val funcs = #funcs st
@@ -314,16 +329,19 @@ fun specialize' file =
(DValRec vis', _) => [(DValRec (vis @ vis'), ErrorMsg.dummySpan)]
| _ => [(DValRec vis, ErrorMsg.dummySpan), d'])
- (ds, ({maxName = #maxName st,
+ (ds, (env,
+ {maxName = #maxName st,
funcs = funcs,
decls = []}, changed))
- val (ds, (_, changed)) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat doDecl
- ({maxName = U.File.maxName file + 1,
- funcs = IM.empty,
- decls = []}, false)
- file
+ val (ds, (_, _, changed)) = ListUtil.foldlMapConcat doDecl
+ (E.empty,
+ {maxName = U.File.maxName file + 1,
+ funcs = IM.empty,
+ decls = []},
+ false)
+ file
(changed, ds)
@@ -331,10 +349,15 @@ fun specialize' file =
fun specialize file =
(*val () = Print.prefaces "Intermediate" [("file", CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty file)];*)
+ val file = ReduceLocal.reduce file
val (changed, file) = specialize' file
+ val file = ReduceLocal.reduce file
+ (*val file = CoreUntangle.untangle file
+ val file = Shake.shake file*)
+ (*print "Round over\n";*)
if changed then
- specialize (ReduceLocal.reduce file)
+ specialize file