path: root/src
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authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-10-21 09:50:19 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-10-21 09:50:19 -0400
commitf750e27d0e16da032227dbc71ecb7c63f5b77bc7 (patch)
treec1cd77d3f82dedbd270450204612186c547a83e8 /src
parent4f6178266ffe0bf5423878b46486b82c19a56810 (diff)
Binops; equality tested on int; lame 404 substitute
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
9 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cjr.sml b/src/cjr.sml
index 8dca6b46..dc700a56 100644
--- a/src/cjr.sml
+++ b/src/cjr.sml
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ datatype exp' =
| EFfiApp of string * string * exp list
| EApp of exp * exp list
+ | EUnop of string * exp
+ | EBinop of string * exp * exp
| ERecord of int * (string * exp) list
| EField of exp * string
diff --git a/src/cjr_print.sml b/src/cjr_print.sml
index aee23717..5f430ccf 100644
--- a/src/cjr_print.sml
+++ b/src/cjr_print.sml
@@ -609,6 +609,25 @@ fun p_exp' par env (e, loc) =
p_list_sep (box [string ",", space]) (p_exp env) args,
string ")"])
+ | EUnop (s, e1) =>
+ parenIf par (box [string s,
+ space,
+ p_exp' true env e1])
+ | EBinop ("!strcmp", e1, e2) =>
+ box [string "!strcmp(",
+ p_exp env e1,
+ string ",",
+ space,
+ p_exp env e2,
+ string ")"]
+ | EBinop (s, e1, e2) =>
+ parenIf par (box [p_exp' true env e1,
+ space,
+ string s,
+ space,
+ p_exp' true env e2])
| ERecord (i, xes) => box [string "({",
string "struct",
@@ -2060,6 +2079,8 @@ fun p_file env (ds, ps) =
p_list_sep newline (fn x => x) pds',
+ string "uw_error(ctx, FATAL, \"Unknown page\");",
+ newline,
string "}",
diff --git a/src/cjrize.sml b/src/cjrize.sml
index 606be3eb..05ceb0f9 100644
--- a/src/cjrize.sml
+++ b/src/cjrize.sml
@@ -249,6 +249,20 @@ fun cifyExp (eAll as (e, loc), sm) =
Print.prefaces' [("Function", MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty eAll)];
(dummye, sm))
+ | L.EUnop (s, e1) =>
+ let
+ val (e1, sm) = cifyExp (e1, sm)
+ in
+ ((L'.EUnop (s, e1), loc), sm)
+ end
+ | L.EBinop (s, e1, e2) =>
+ let
+ val (e1, sm) = cifyExp (e1, sm)
+ val (e2, sm) = cifyExp (e2, sm)
+ in
+ ((L'.EBinop (s, e1, e2), loc), sm)
+ end
| L.ERecord xes =>
val old_xts = map (fn (x, _, t) => (x, t)) xes
diff --git a/src/mono.sml b/src/mono.sml
index 4742c541..b7ac6346 100644
--- a/src/mono.sml
+++ b/src/mono.sml
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ datatype exp' =
| EApp of exp * exp
| EAbs of string * typ * typ * exp
+ | EUnop of string * exp
+ | EBinop of string * exp * exp
| ERecord of (string * exp * typ) list
| EField of exp * string
diff --git a/src/mono_print.sml b/src/mono_print.sml
index f7adfd70..5d9f8007 100644
--- a/src/mono_print.sml
+++ b/src/mono_print.sml
@@ -158,6 +158,15 @@ fun p_exp' par env (e, _) =
p_exp (E.pushERel env x t NONE) e])
+ | EUnop (s, e) => parenIf true (box [string s,
+ space,
+ p_exp' true env e])
+ | EBinop (s, e1, e2) => parenIf true (box [p_exp' true env e1,
+ space,
+ string s,
+ space,
+ p_exp' true env e2])
| ERecord xes => box [string "{",
p_list (fn (x, e, _) =>
box [string x,
diff --git a/src/mono_reduce.sml b/src/mono_reduce.sml
index e288e34e..e97f3461 100644
--- a/src/mono_reduce.sml
+++ b/src/mono_reduce.sml
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ fun impure (e, _) =
| EApp ((EFfi _, _), _) => false
| EApp _ => true
+ | EUnop (_, e) => impure e
+ | EBinop (_, e1, e2) => impure e1 orelse impure e2
| ERecord xes => List.exists (fn (_, e, _) => impure e) xes
| EField (e, _) => impure e
@@ -233,6 +236,9 @@ fun summarize d (e, _) =
| EApp _ => [Unsure]
| EAbs _ => []
+ | EUnop (_, e) => summarize d e
+ | EBinop (_, e1, e2) => summarize d e1 @ summarize d e2
| ERecord xets => List.concat (map (summarize d o #2) xets)
| EField (e, _) => summarize d e
diff --git a/src/mono_util.sml b/src/mono_util.sml
index a56e5287..080c3dc9 100644
--- a/src/mono_util.sml
+++ b/src/mono_util.sml
@@ -175,6 +175,17 @@ fun mapfoldB {typ = fc, exp = fe, bind} =
fn e' =>
(EAbs (x, dom', ran', e'), loc))))
+ | EUnop (s, e) =>
+ S.map2 (mfe ctx e,
+ fn e' =>
+ (EUnop (s, e'), loc))
+ | EBinop (s, e1, e2) =>
+ S.bind2 (mfe ctx e1,
+ fn e1' =>
+ S.map2 (mfe ctx e2,
+ fn e2' =>
+ (EBinop (s, e1', e2'), loc)))
| ERecord xes =>
S.map2 (ListUtil.mapfold (fn (x, e, t) =>
S.bind2 (mfe ctx e,
diff --git a/src/monoize.sml b/src/monoize.sml
index 720a9485..7428b7fa 100644
--- a/src/monoize.sml
+++ b/src/monoize.sml
@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ fun monoType env =
| L.CApp ((L.CFfi ("Basis", "option"), _), t) =>
(L'.TOption (mt env dtmap t), loc)
+ | L.CApp ((L.CFfi ("Basis", "eq"), _), t) =>
+ let
+ val t = mt env dtmap t
+ in
+ (L'.TFun (t, (L'.TFun (t, (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc)), loc)), loc)
+ end
| L.CApp ((L.CFfi ("Basis", "show"), _), t) =>
(L'.TFun (mt env dtmap t, (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "string"), loc)), loc)
| L.CApp ((L.CFfi ("Basis", "read"), _), t) =>
@@ -492,6 +498,39 @@ fun monoExp (env, st, fm) (all as (e, loc)) =
| L.ECon _ => poly ()
+ | L.ECApp ((L.EFfi ("Basis", "eq"), _), t) =>
+ let
+ val t = monoType env t
+ val b = (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc)
+ val dom = (L'.TFun (t, (L'.TFun (t, b), loc)), loc)
+ in
+ ((L'.EAbs ("f", dom, dom,
+ (L'.ERel 0, loc)), loc), fm)
+ end
+ | L.ECApp ((L.EFfi ("Basis", "ne"), _), t) =>
+ let
+ val t = monoType env t
+ val b = (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc)
+ val dom = (L'.TFun (t, (L'.TFun (t, b), loc)), loc)
+ in
+ ((L'.EAbs ("f", dom, dom,
+ (L'.EAbs ("x", t, (L'.TFun (t, b), loc),
+ (L'.EAbs ("y", t, b,
+ (L'.EUnop ("!", (L'.EApp ((L'.EApp ((L'.ERel 2, loc),
+ (L'.ERel 1, loc)), loc),
+ (L'.ERel 0, loc)), loc)), loc)),
+ loc)),
+ loc)),
+ loc), fm)
+ end
+ | L.EFfi ("Basis", "eq_int") =>
+ ((L'.EAbs ("x", (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "int"), loc),
+ (L'.TFun ((L'.TFfi ("Basis", "int"), loc), (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc)), loc),
+ (L'.EAbs ("y", (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "int"), loc),
+ (L'.TFfi ("Basis", "bool"), loc),
+ (L'.EBinop ("==", (L'.ERel 1, loc), (L'.ERel 0, loc)), loc)), loc)), loc),
+ fm)
| L.ECApp ((L.EFfi ("Basis", "show"), _), t) =>
val t = monoType env t
diff --git a/src/prepare.sml b/src/prepare.sml
index 3c5aa2aa..6bf929f0 100644
--- a/src/prepare.sml
+++ b/src/prepare.sml
@@ -88,6 +88,20 @@ fun prepExp (e as (_, loc), sns) =
((EApp (e1, es), loc), sns)
+ | EUnop (s, e1) =>
+ let
+ val (e1, sns) = prepExp (e1, sns)
+ in
+ ((EUnop (s, e1), loc), sns)
+ end
+ | EBinop (s, e1, e2) =>
+ let
+ val (e1, sns) = prepExp (e1, sns)
+ val (e2, sns) = prepExp (e2, sns)
+ in
+ ((EBinop (s, e1, e2), loc), sns)
+ end
| ERecord (rn, xes) =>
val (xes, sns) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((x, e), sns) =>