path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-08-12 14:40:07 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-08-12 14:40:07 -0400
commit473b85f2ac12ce80a1fa4c3216acffab50a65561 (patch)
tree39f5e20df7cf90176a61faa438c3a6547afec769 /src
parentbb9795918d2f0a1d9141dd86c4884fa9446cb2a9 (diff)
Consolidating compiler phase interface and adding timing
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 234 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler.sig b/src/compiler.sig
index 43224a49..6bc80748 100644
--- a/src/compiler.sig
+++ b/src/compiler.sig
@@ -30,47 +30,31 @@
signature COMPILER = sig
type job = string list
- val compile : job -> unit
+ (*val compile : job -> unit*)
val compileC : {cname : string, oname : string, ename : string} -> unit
- val parseLig : string -> Source.sgn_item list option
- val testLig : string -> unit
+ type ('src, 'dst) phase
+ type ('src, 'dst) transform
- val parseLac : string -> Source.file option
- val testLac : string -> unit
+ val transform : ('src, 'dst) phase -> string -> ('src, 'dst) transform
+ val o : ('a, 'b) transform * ('b, 'c) transform -> ('a, 'c) transform
- val parse : job -> Source.file option
- val elaborate : job -> Elab.file option
- val explify : job -> Expl.file option
- val corify : job -> Core.file option
- val shake' : job -> Core.file option
- val tag : job -> Core.file option
- val reduce : job -> Core.file option
- val specialize : job -> Core.file option
- val shake : job -> Core.file option
- val monoize : job -> Mono.file option
- val mono_opt' : job -> Mono.file option
- val untangle : job -> Mono.file option
- val mono_reduce : job -> Mono.file option
- val mono_shake : job -> Mono.file option
- val mono_opt : job -> Mono.file option
- val cjrize : job -> Cjr.file option
+ val run : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> 'dst option
+ val runPrint : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit
+ val time : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit
+ val timePrint : ('src, 'dst) transform -> 'src -> unit
- val testParse : job -> unit
- val testElaborate : job -> unit
- val testExplify : job -> unit
- val testCorify : job -> unit
- val testShake' : job -> unit
- val testTag : job -> unit
- val testReduce : job -> unit
- val testSpecialize : job -> unit
- val testShake : job -> unit
- val testMonoize : job -> unit
- val testMono_opt' : job -> unit
- val testUntangle : job -> unit
- val testMono_reduce : job -> unit
- val testMono_shake : job -> unit
- val testMono_opt : job -> unit
- val testCjrize : job -> unit
+ val parseLac : (string, Source.file) phase
+ val parseLig : (string, Source.sgn_item list) phase
+ val parse : (job, Source.file) phase
+ val elaborate : (Source.file, Elab.file) phase
+ val explify : (Elab.file, Expl.file) phase
+ val corify : (Expl.file, Core.file) phase
+ val toParse : (job, Source.file) transform
+ val toElaborate : (job, Elab.file) transform
+ val toExplify : (job, Expl.file) transform
+ val toCorify : (job, Core.file) transform
diff --git a/src/compiler.sml b/src/compiler.sml
index 20164b83..6249aabf 100644
--- a/src/compiler.sml
+++ b/src/compiler.sml
@@ -35,161 +35,229 @@ structure LacwebP = Join(structure ParserData = LacwebLrVals.ParserData
structure Lex = Lex
structure LrParser = LrParser)
-fun parseLig filename =
+type job = string list
+type ('src, 'dst) phase = {
+ func : 'src -> 'dst,
+ print : 'dst -> Print.PD.pp_desc
+type pmap = (string * Time.time) list
+type ('src, 'dst) transform = {
+ func : 'src -> 'dst option,
+ print : 'dst -> Print.PD.pp_desc,
+ time : 'src * pmap -> 'dst option * pmap
+fun transform (ph : ('src, 'dst) phase) name = {
+ func = fn input => let
+ val v = #func ph input
+ in
+ if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
+ else
+ SOME v
+ end,
+ print = #print ph,
+ time = fn (input, pmap) => let
+ val befor = ()
+ val v = #func ph input
+ val elapsed = Time.- ( (), befor)
+ in
+ (if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
+ else
+ SOME v,
+ (name, elapsed) :: pmap)
+ end
+fun op o (tr1 : ('a, 'b) transform, tr2 : ('b, 'c) transform) = {
+ func = fn input => case #func tr1 input of
+ | SOME v => #func tr2 v,
+ print = #print tr2,
+ time = fn (input, pmap) => let
+ val (ro, pmap) = #time tr1 (input, pmap)
+ in
+ case ro of
+ NONE => (NONE, pmap)
+ | SOME v => #time tr2 (v, pmap)
+ end
+fun run (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) = #func tr
+fun runPrint (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input =
+ case #func tr input of
+ NONE => print "Failure\n"
+ | SOME v =>
+ (print "Success\n";
+ Print.print (#print tr v);
+ print "\n")
+fun time (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input =
- val fname = OS.FileSys.tmpName ()
- val outf = TextIO.openOut fname
- val () = TextIO.output (outf, "sig\n")
- val inf = TextIO.openIn filename
- fun loop () =
- case TextIO.inputLine inf of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME line => (TextIO.output (outf, line);
- loop ())
- val () = loop ()
- val () = TextIO.closeIn inf
- val () = TextIO.closeOut outf
- val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors ();
- ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename;
- Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ())
- val file = TextIO.openIn fname
- fun get _ = TextIO.input file
- fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s
- val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get)
- val (absyn, _) = LacwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ())
+ val (_, pmap) = #time tr (input, [])
- TextIO.closeIn file;
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- case absyn of
- [(Source.DSgn ("?", (Source.SgnConst sgis, _)), _)] => SOME sgis
- | _ => NONE
+ app (fn (name, time) =>
+ print (name ^ ": " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal time) ^ "\n")) (rev pmap);
+ print ("TOTAL: " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal (foldl Time.+ Time.zeroTime (map #2 pmap))) ^ "\n");
+ print "\n"
- handle LrParser.ParseError => NONE
-fun testLig fname =
- case parseLig fname of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME sgis =>
- app (fn sgi => (Print.print (SourcePrint.p_sgn_item sgi);
- print "\n")) sgis
-(* The main parsing routine *)
-fun parseLac filename =
+fun timePrint (tr : ('src, 'dst) transform) input =
- val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors ();
- ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename;
- Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ())
- val file = TextIO.openIn filename
- fun get _ = TextIO.input file
- fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s
- val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get)
- val (absyn, _) = LacwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ())
+ val (ro, pmap) = #time tr (input, [])
- TextIO.closeIn file;
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- case absyn of
- [(Source.DSgn ("?", _), _)] =>
- (ErrorMsg.error "File starts with 'sig'";
- | _ => SOME absyn
+ app (fn (name, time) =>
+ print (name ^ ": " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal time) ^ "\n")) (rev pmap);
+ print ("TOTAL: " ^ LargeReal.toString (Time.toReal (foldl Time.+ Time.zeroTime (map #2 pmap))) ^ "\n");
+ print "\n";
+ case ro of
+ NONE => print "Failure\n"
+ | SOME v =>
+ (print "Success\n";
+ Print.print (#print tr v);
+ print "\n")
- handle LrParser.ParseError => NONE
-fun testLac fname =
- case parseLac fname of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME file => (Print.print (SourcePrint.p_file file);
- print "\n")
+val parseLig =
+ {func = fn filename => let
+ val fname = OS.FileSys.tmpName ()
+ val outf = TextIO.openOut fname
+ val () = TextIO.output (outf, "sig\n")
+ val inf = TextIO.openIn filename
+ fun loop () =
+ case TextIO.inputLine inf of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME line => (TextIO.output (outf, line);
+ loop ())
+ val () = loop ()
+ val () = TextIO.closeIn inf
+ val () = TextIO.closeOut outf
+ val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors ();
+ ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename;
+ Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ())
+ val file = TextIO.openIn fname
+ fun get _ = TextIO.input file
+ fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s
+ val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get)
+ val (absyn, _) = LacwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ())
+ in
+ TextIO.closeIn file;
+ case absyn of
+ [(Source.DSgn ("?", (Source.SgnConst sgis, _)), _)] => sgis
+ | _ => (ErrorMsg.errorAt {file = filename,
+ first = {line = 0,
+ char = 0},
+ last = {line = 0,
+ char = 0}} "Not a signature";
+ [])
+ end
+ handle LrParser.ParseError => [],
+ print = Print.p_list_sep Print.PD.newline SourcePrint.p_sgn_item}
-type job = string list
+(* The main parsing routine *)
+val parseLac = {
+ func = fn filename =>
+ let
+ val () = (ErrorMsg.resetErrors ();
+ ErrorMsg.resetPositioning filename;
+ Lex.UserDeclarations.initialize ())
+ val file = TextIO.openIn filename
+ fun get _ = TextIO.input file
+ fun parseerror (s, p1, p2) = ErrorMsg.errorAt' (p1, p2) s
+ val lexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer get)
+ val (absyn, _) = LacwebP.parse (30, lexer, parseerror, ())
+ in
+ TextIO.closeIn file;
+ case absyn of
+ [(Source.DSgn ("?", _), _)] =>
+ (ErrorMsg.errorAt {file = filename,
+ first = {line = 0,
+ char = 0},
+ last = {line = 0,
+ char = 0}} "File starts with 'sig'";
+ [])
+ | _ => absyn
+ end
+ handle LrParser.ParseError => [],
+ print = SourcePrint.p_file}
fun capitalize "" = ""
| capitalize s = str (Char.toUpper (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
-fun parse fnames =
- let
- fun nameOf fname = capitalize (OS.Path.file fname)
- fun parseOne fname =
- let
- val mname = nameOf fname
- val lac = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "lac"}
- val lig = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "lig"}
- val sgnO =
- if Posix.FileSys.access (lig, []) then
- case parseLig lig of
- | SOME sgis => SOME (Source.SgnConst sgis, {file = lig,
- first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos,
- last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
- else
- val loc = {file = lac,
- first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos,
- last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos}
- in
- case parseLac lac of
- | SOME ds =>
- SOME (Source.DStr (mname, sgnO, (Source.StrConst ds, loc)), loc)
- end
- val ds = List.mapPartial parseOne fnames
- val ds =
- let
- val final = nameOf (List.last fnames)
- in
- ds @ [(Source.DExport (Source.StrVar final, ErrorMsg.dummySpan), ErrorMsg.dummySpan)]
- end handle Empty => ds
- in
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- SOME ds
- end
-fun elaborate job =
- case parseLig "lib/basis.lig" of
- | SOME empty =>
- case parse job of
- | SOME file =>
- let
- val out = Elaborate.elabFile empty ElabEnv.empty file
- in
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- SOME out
- end
-fun explify job =
- case elaborate job of
- | SOME file =>
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- SOME (Explify.explify file)
-fun corify job =
- case explify job of
- | SOME file =>
- if ErrorMsg.anyErrors () then
- else
- SOME (Corify.corify file)
-fun shake' job =
+val parse = {
+ func = fn fnames =>
+ let
+ fun nameOf fname = capitalize (OS.Path.file fname)
+ fun parseOne fname =
+ let
+ val mname = nameOf fname
+ val lac = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "lac"}
+ val lig = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = fname, ext = SOME "lig"}
+ val sgnO =
+ if Posix.FileSys.access (lig, []) then
+ SOME (Source.SgnConst (#func parseLig lig),
+ {file = lig,
+ first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos,
+ last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
+ else
+ val loc = {file = lac,
+ first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos,
+ last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos}
+ val ds = #func parseLac lac
+ in
+ (Source.DStr (mname, sgnO, (Source.StrConst ds, loc)), loc)
+ end
+ val ds = map parseOne fnames
+ in
+ let
+ val final = nameOf (List.last fnames)
+ in
+ ds @ [(Source.DExport (Source.StrVar final, ErrorMsg.dummySpan), ErrorMsg.dummySpan)]
+ end handle Empty => ds
+ end,
+ print = SourcePrint.p_file
+val toParse = transform parse "parse"
+val elaborate = {
+ func = fn file => let
+ val basis = #func parseLig "lib/basis.lig"
+ in
+ Elaborate.elabFile basis ElabEnv.empty file
+ end,
+ print = ElabPrint.p_file ElabEnv.empty
+val toElaborate = toParse o transform elaborate "elaborate"
+val explify = {
+ func = Explify.explify,
+ print = ExplPrint.p_file ExplEnv.empty
+val toExplify = toElaborate o transform explify "explify"
+val corify = {
+ func = Corify.corify,
+ print = CorePrint.p_file CoreEnv.empty
+val toCorify = toExplify o transform corify "corify"
+(*fun shake' job =
case corify job of
| SOME file =>
@@ -438,7 +506,7 @@ fun testCjrize job =
(Print.print (CjrPrint.p_file CjrEnv.empty file);
print "\n"))
handle CjrEnv.UnboundNamed n =>
- print ("Unbound named " ^ Int.toString n ^ "\n")
+ print ("Unbound named " ^ Int.toString n ^ "\n")*)
fun compileC {cname, oname, ename} =
@@ -453,7 +521,7 @@ fun compileC {cname, oname, ename} =
print "Success\n"
-fun compile job =
+(*fun compile job =
case cjrize job of
NONE => print "Laconic compilation failed\n"
| SOME file =>
@@ -472,6 +540,6 @@ fun compile job =
TextIO.closeOut outf;
compileC {cname = cname, oname = oname, ename = ename}
- end
+ end*)