path: root/src/settings.sml
diff options
authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2014-07-31 09:56:41 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2014-07-31 09:56:41 -0400
commit619ee0bb2735f0be87484175ab10fbb6579d723b (patch)
tree94c286505de9c26af97dc420ae0c4c6aa11fd21b /src/settings.sml
parenta2fe25bdc2883d7e6e780a863890f5badb665cdb (diff)
New .urp directive: file
Diffstat (limited to 'src/settings.sml')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/settings.sml b/src/settings.sml
index ff3ab83a..eb350c95 100644
--- a/src/settings.sml
+++ b/src/settings.sml
@@ -744,4 +744,106 @@ val less = ref false
fun setLessSafeFfi b = less := b
fun getLessSafeFfi () = !less
+structure SM = BinaryMapFn(struct
+ type ord_key = string
+ val compare =
+ end)
+val noMimeFile = ref false
+fun noMime () =
+ (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "WARNING: Error opening /etc/mime.types. Static files will be served with no suggested MIME types.\n");
+ noMimeFile := true;
+ SM.empty)
+fun readMimeTypes () =
+ let
+ val inf = TextIO.openIn "/etc/mime.types"
+ fun loop m =
+ case TextIO.inputLine inf of
+ NONE => m
+ | SOME line =>
+ if size line > 0 andalso String.sub (line, 0) = #"#" then
+ loop m
+ else
+ case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
+ typ :: exts =>
+ loop (foldl (fn (ext, m) => SM.insert (m, ext, typ)) m exts)
+ | _ => loop m
+ in
+ loop SM.empty
+ before TextIO.closeIn inf
+ end handle IO.Io _ => noMime ()
+ | OS.SysErr _ => noMime ()
+val mimeTypes = ref (NONE : string option)
+fun getMimeTypes () =
+ case !mimeTypes of
+ SOME m => m
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val m = readMimeTypes ()
+ in
+ mimeTypes := SOME m;
+ m
+ end
+fun mimeTypeOf filename =
+ case OS.Path.ext filename of
+ NONE => (if !noMimeFile then
+ ()
+ else
+ TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "WARNING: No extension found in filename '" ^ filename ^ "'. Header 'Content-Type' will be omitted in HTTP responses.\n");
+ | SOME ext =>
+ let
+ val to = SM.find (getMimeTypes (), ext)
+ in
+ case to of
+ NONE => if !noMimeFile then
+ ()
+ else
+ TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "WARNING: No MIME type known for extension '" ^ ext ^ "'. Header 'Content-Type' will be omitted in HTTP responses.\n")
+ | _ => ();
+ to
+ end
+val files = ref (SM.empty : (string * {Uri : string, ContentType : string option, LastModified : Time.time, Bytes : Word8Vector.vector})
+val filePath = ref "."
+fun setFilePath path = filePath := path
+fun addFile {Uri, LoadFromFilename} =
+ let
+ val path = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = !filePath, file = LoadFromFilename}
+ in
+ case SM.find (!files, Uri) of
+ SOME (path', _) =>
+ if path' = path then
+ ()
+ else
+ ErrorMsg.error ("Two different files requested for URI " ^ Uri)
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val inf = BinIO.openIn path
+ in
+ files := SM.insert (!files,
+ Uri,
+ (path,
+ {Uri = Uri,
+ ContentType = mimeTypeOf path,
+ LastModified = OS.FileSys.modTime path,
+ Bytes = BinIO.inputAll inf}));
+ BinIO.closeIn inf
+ end
+ end handle IO.Io _ =>
+ ErrorMsg.error ("Error loading file " ^ LoadFromFilename)
+ | OS.SysErr (s, _) =>
+ ErrorMsg.error ("Error loading file " ^ LoadFromFilename ^ " (" ^ s ^ ")")
+fun listFiles () = map #2 (SM.listItems (!files))