path: root/src/reduce.sml
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authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2012-08-05 17:11:39 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2012-08-05 17:11:39 -0400
commit5b530665813a1041554357f6eca2c6ac36e2e26b (patch)
tree4eb88399853e78a069ac98f8a70f8658184b801f /src/reduce.sml
parentd914989e7ecf17997a2e57d6490b18f6c2b52e5e (diff)
Revert last changeset for now; needs more thought
Diffstat (limited to 'src/reduce.sml')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/reduce.sml b/src/reduce.sml
index c5733b97..1fbf526d 100644
--- a/src/reduce.sml
+++ b/src/reduce.sml
@@ -232,21 +232,6 @@ fun monadRecord m loc =
((CName "Bind", loc),
bindType m loc)]), loc), loc)
-fun passive (e : exp) =
- case #1 e of
- EPrim _ => true
- | ERel _ => true
- | ENamed _ => true
- | ECon (_, _, _, NONE) => true
- | ECon (_, _, _, SOME e) => passive e
- | EFfi _ => true
- | EAbs _ => true
- | ECAbs _ => true
- | EKAbs _ => true
- | ERecord xes => List.all (passive o #2) xes
- | EField (e, _, _) => passive e
- | _ => false
fun kindConAndExp (namedC, namedE) =
fun kind env (all as (k, loc)) =
@@ -549,30 +534,16 @@ fun kindConAndExp (namedC, namedE) =
val e2 = exp env e2
case #1 e1 of
- ELet (x, t, e1', e2') =>
- (ELet (x, t, e1', exp (UnknownE :: env') (EApp (e2', E.liftExpInExp 0 e2), loc)), loc)
- | EAbs (x, dom, _, b) =>
- if count b <= 1 orelse passive e2 orelse ESpecialize.functionInside dom then
- let
- val r = exp (KnownE e2 :: env') b
- in
- (*Print.prefaces "eapp" [("b", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty b),
- ("env", Print.PD.string (e2s env')),
- ("e2", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty e2),
- ("r", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty r)];*)
- r
- end
- else
- let
- val dom = con env' dom
- val r = exp (UnknownE :: env') b
- in
- (*Print.prefaces "El skippo" [("x", Print.PD.string x),
- ("e2", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty e2)];*)
- (ELet (x, dom, e2, r), loc)
- end
+ EAbs (_, _, _, b) =>
+ let
+ val r = exp (KnownE e2 :: env') b
+ in
+ (*Print.prefaces "eapp" [("b", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty b),
+ ("env", Print.PD.string (e2s env')),
+ ("e2", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty e2),
+ ("r", CorePrint.p_exp CoreEnv.empty r)];*)
+ r
+ end
| ECase (e, pes, cc as {disc, result = res as (TFun (_, c2), _)}) =>
val pes' = map (fn (p, body) =>
@@ -789,14 +760,12 @@ fun kindConAndExp (namedC, namedE) =
| ELet (x, t, e1, e2) =>
- val e1' = exp env e1
val t = con env t
- if passive e1' orelse count e2 <= 1 orelse ESpecialize.functionInside t then
+ if ESpecialize.functionInside t then
exp (KnownE e1 :: env) e2
- (ELet (x, t, e1', exp (UnknownE :: env) e2), loc)
+ (ELet (x, t, exp env e1, exp (UnknownE :: env) e2), loc)
| EServerCall (n, es, t) => (EServerCall (n, map (exp env) es, con env t), loc)