path: root/src/lru_cache.sml
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authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2015-12-20 14:18:52 -0500
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2015-12-20 14:18:52 -0500
commit68b355524cc20056d8c059138be225aaa9762e0a (patch)
tree6c9a407a965d2cdd5f30815cc3e642a6f9b3d451 /src/lru_cache.sml
parent7bf4f9f063dcdc9fc50ad6ac6143b113535b68f0 (diff)
parent0271786bacdf9c12a142367a479b24ba111ebd17 (diff)
Merge Sqlcache
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lru_cache.sml')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lru_cache.sml b/src/lru_cache.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81000458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lru_cache.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+structure LruCache : sig
+ val cache : Cache.cache
+end = struct
+(* Mono *)
+open Mono
+val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
+val stringTyp = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), dummyLoc)
+val optionStringTyp = (TOption stringTyp, dummyLoc)
+fun withTyp typ = map (fn exp => (exp, typ))
+fun ffiAppCache' (func, index, argTyps) =
+ EFfiApp ("Sqlcache", func ^ Int.toString index, argTyps)
+fun check (index, keys) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("check", index, withTyp stringTyp keys)
+fun store (index, keys, value) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("store", index, (value, stringTyp) :: withTyp stringTyp keys)
+fun flush (index, keys) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("flush", index, withTyp optionStringTyp keys)
+fun lock (index, write) =
+ ffiAppCache' ((if write then "w" else "r") ^ "lock", index, [])
+(* Cjr *)
+open Print
+open Print.PD
+fun setupQuery {index, params} =
+ let
+ val i = Int.toString index
+ fun paramRepeat itemi sep =
+ let
+ fun f n =
+ if n < 0 then ""
+ else if n = 0 then itemi (Int.toString 0)
+ else f (n-1) ^ sep ^ itemi (Int.toString n)
+ in
+ f (params - 1)
+ end
+ fun paramRepeatRev itemi sep =
+ let
+ fun f n =
+ if n < 0 then ""
+ else if n = 0 then itemi (Int.toString 0)
+ else itemi (Int.toString n) ^ sep ^ f (n-1)
+ in
+ f (params - 1)
+ end
+ fun paramRepeatInit itemi sep =
+ if params = 0 then "" else sep ^ paramRepeat itemi sep
+ val typedArgs = paramRepeatInit (fn p => "uw_Basis_string p" ^ p) ", "
+ val revArgs = paramRepeatRev (fn p => "p" ^ p) ", "
+ val argNums = List.tabulate (params, fn i => "p" ^ Int.toString i)
+ in
+ [string ("static uw_Sqlcache_Cache cacheStruct" ^ i ^ " = {"),
+ newline,
+ string " .lockIn = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER,",
+ newline,
+ string " .lockOut = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER,",
+ newline,
+ string " .table = NULL,",
+ newline,
+ string (" .numKeys = " ^ Int.toString params ^ ","),
+ newline,
+ string " .timeInvalid = 0,",
+ newline,
+ string " .timeNow = 0};",
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_Sqlcache_Cache *cache" ^ i ^ " = &cacheStruct" ^ i ^ ";"),
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static void uw_Sqlcache_rlock" ^ i ^ "(uw_context ctx) {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_rlock(ctx, cache" ^ i ^ ");"),
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static void uw_Sqlcache_wlock" ^ i ^ "(uw_context ctx) {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_wlock(ctx, cache" ^ i ^ ");"),
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_Basis_string uw_Sqlcache_check" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_Value *v = uw_Sqlcache_check(ctx, cache" ^ i ^ ", ks);"),
+ newline,
+ (* If the output is null, it means we had too much recursion, so it's a miss. *)
+ string " if (v && v->output != NULL) {",
+ newline,
+ (*string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: hit " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,*)
+ string " uw_write(ctx, v->output);",
+ newline,
+ string " return v->result;",
+ newline,
+ string " } else {",
+ newline,
+ (*string (" printf(\"SQLCACHE: miss " ^ i ^ " " ^ String.concatWith ", " (List.tabulate (params, fn _ => "%s")) ^ ".\\n\""),
+ (case argNums of
+ [] => []
+ | _ => [string ", ",
+ p_list string argNums]),
+ string ");",
+ newline,*)
+ string " uw_recordingStart(ctx);",
+ newline,
+ string " return NULL;",
+ newline,
+ string " }",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_unit uw_Sqlcache_store" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_Value *v = malloc(sizeof(uw_Sqlcache_Value));"),
+ newline,
+ string " v->result = strdup(s);",
+ newline,
+ string " v->output = uw_recordingRead(ctx);",
+ newline,
+ (*string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: stored " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,*)
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_store(ctx, cache" ^ i ^ ", ks, v);"),
+ newline,
+ string " return uw_unit_v;",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_unit uw_Sqlcache_flush" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" uw_Sqlcache_flush(ctx, cache" ^ i ^ ", ks);"),
+ newline,
+ (*string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: flushed " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,*)
+ string " return uw_unit_v;",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline]
+ end
+val setupGlobal = string "/* No global setup for LRU cache. */"
+(* Bundled up. *)
+(* For now, use the toy implementation if there are no arguments. *)
+fun toyIfNoKeys numKeys implLru implToy args =
+ if numKeys args = 0
+ then implToy args
+ else implLru args
+val cache =
+ (* let *)
+ (* val {check = toyCheck, *)
+ (* store = toyStore, *)
+ (* flush = toyFlush, *)
+ (* setupQuery = toySetupQuery, *)
+ (* ...} = ToyCache.cache *)
+ (* in *)
+ (* {check = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) check toyCheck, *)
+ (* store = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) store toyStore, *)
+ (* flush = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) flush toyFlush, *)
+ {check = check, store = store, flush = flush, lock = lock,
+ setupQuery = setupQuery, setupGlobal = setupGlobal}
+ (* end *)