path: root/src/coq/Semantics.v
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authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2009-02-18 09:32:17 -0500
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2009-02-18 09:32:17 -0500
commit2bfa859812bcf33fa05372d668ac363d17bc8892 (patch)
treeb871da721d32333e117c07c177c42f8b80ab4d41 /src/coq/Semantics.v
parent9caa49973b2ea034d985bcee1c991804d2176bf5 (diff)
Semantics for ordered rows only
Diffstat (limited to 'src/coq/Semantics.v')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/src/coq/Semantics.v b/src/coq/Semantics.v
index c3e99b5d..a60ae102 100644
--- a/src/coq/Semantics.v
+++ b/src/coq/Semantics.v
@@ -25,33 +25,21 @@
-Require Import Arith List Omega TheoryList.
+Require Import Arith List TheoryList.
+Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Syntax.
Set Implicit Arguments.
-Section row'.
- Variable A : Type.
+Definition row (T : Type) := list (name * T).
- Inductive row' : list name -> Type :=
- | Nil : row' nil
- | Cons : forall n ls, A -> AllS (lt n) ls -> row' ls -> row' (n :: ls).
-End row'.
-Implicit Arguments Nil [A].
-Record row (A : Type) : Type := Row {
- keys : list name;
- data : row' A keys
-Inductive record' : forall ls, row' Set ls -> Set :=
-| RNil : record' Nil
-| RCons : forall n ls (T : Set) (pf : AllS (lt n) ls) r, T -> record' r -> record' (Cons T pf r).
-Definition record (r : row Set) := record' (data r).
+Fixpoint record (r : row Set) : Set :=
+ match r with
+ | nil => unit
+ | (_, T) :: r' => T * record r'
+ end%type.
Fixpoint kDen (k : kind) : Type :=
match k with
@@ -61,82 +49,10 @@ Fixpoint kDen (k : kind) : Type :=
| KRecord k1 => row (kDen k1)
-Axiom cheat : forall T, T.
-Fixpoint cinsert (n : name) (ls : list name) {struct ls} : list name :=
- match ls with
- | nil => n :: nil
- | n' :: ls' =>
- if eq_nat_dec n n'
- then ls
- else if le_lt_dec n n'
- then n :: ls
- else n' :: cinsert n ls'
- end.
-Hint Constructors AllS.
-Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => omega.
-Lemma insert_front' : forall n n',
- n <> n'
- -> n <= n'
- -> forall ls, AllS (lt n') ls
- -> AllS (lt n) ls.
- induction 3; auto.
-Lemma insert_front : forall n n',
- n <> n'
- -> n <= n'
- -> forall ls, AllS (lt n') ls
- -> AllS (lt n) (n' :: ls).
- Hint Resolve insert_front'.
- eauto.
-Lemma insert_continue : forall n n',
- n <> n'
- -> n' < n
- -> forall ls, AllS (lt n') ls
- -> AllS (lt n') (cinsert n ls).
- induction 3; simpl; auto;
- repeat (match goal with
- | [ |- context[if ?E then _ else _] ] => destruct E
- end; auto).
-Fixpoint insert T (n : name) (v : T) ls (r : row' T ls) {struct r} : row' T (cinsert n ls) :=
- match r in row' _ ls return row' T (cinsert n ls) with
- | Nil => Cons (n := n) v (allS_nil _) Nil
- | Cons n' ls' v' pf r' =>
- match eq_nat_dec n n' as END
- return row' _ (if END then _ else _) with
- | left _ => Cons (n := n') v' pf r'
- | right pfNe =>
- match le_lt_dec n n' as LLD
- return row' _ (if LLD then _ else _) with
- | left pfLe => Cons (n := n) v (insert_front pfNe pfLe pf) (Cons (n := n') v' pf r')
- | right pfLt => Cons (n := n') v' (insert_continue pfNe pfLt pf) (insert n v r')
- end
- end
- end.
-Fixpoint cconcat (ls1 ls2 : list name) {struct ls1} : list name :=
- match ls1 with
- | nil => ls2
- | n :: ls1' => cinsert n (cconcat ls1' ls2)
- end.
-Fixpoint concat T ls1 ls2 (r1 : row' T ls1) (r2 : row' T ls2) {struct r1} : row' T (cconcat ls1 ls2) :=
- match r1 in row' _ ls1 return row' _ (cconcat ls1 _) with
- | Nil => r2
- | Cons n _ v _ r1' => insert n v (concat r1' r2)
- end.
-Fixpoint cfold T T' (f : name -> T -> T' -> T') (i : T') ls (r : row' T ls) {struct r} : T' :=
+Fixpoint cfold T T' (f : name -> T -> T' -> T') (i : T') (r : row T) {struct r} : T' :=
match r with
- | Nil => i
- | Cons n _ v _ r' => f n v (cfold f i r')
+ | nil => i
+ | (n, v) :: r' => f n v (cfold f i r')
Fixpoint cDen k (c : con kDen k) {struct c} : kDen k :=
@@ -148,9 +64,107 @@ Fixpoint cDen k (c : con kDen k) {struct c} : kDen k :=
| CApp _ _ c1 c2 => (cDen c1) (cDen c2)
| Name n => n
| TRecord c1 => record (cDen c1)
- | CEmpty _ => Row Nil
- | CSingle _ c1 c2 => Row (Cons (n := cDen c1) (cDen c2) (allS_nil _) Nil)
- | CConcat _ c1 c2 => Row (concat (data (cDen c1)) (data (cDen c2)))
- | CFold k1 k2 => fun f i r => cfold f i (data r)
+ | CEmpty _ => nil
+ | CSingle _ c1 c2 => (cDen c1, cDen c2) :: nil
+ | CConcat _ c1 c2 => cDen c1 ++ cDen c2
+ | CFold k1 k2 => @cfold _ _
| CGuarded _ _ _ _ c => cDen c
+Theorem subs_correct : forall k1 (c1 : con kDen k1) k2 (c2 : _ -> con kDen k2) c2',
+ subs c1 c2 c2'
+ -> cDen (c2 (cDen c1)) = cDen c2'.
+ induction 1; simpl; intuition; try (apply ext_eq_forallS || apply ext_eq);
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ end; intuition.
+Definition disjoint T (r1 r2 : row T) :=
+ AllS (fun p1 => AllS (fun p2 => fst p1 <> fst p2) r2) r1.
+Definition dvar k (c1 c2 : con kDen (KRecord k)) :=
+ disjoint (cDen c1) (cDen c2).
+Lemma AllS_app : forall T P (ls2 : list T),
+ AllS P ls2
+ -> forall ls1, AllS P ls1
+ -> AllS P (ls1 ++ ls2).
+ induction 2; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma AllS_weaken : forall T (P P' : T -> Prop),
+ (forall x, P x -> P' x)
+ -> forall ls,
+ AllS P ls
+ -> AllS P' ls.
+ induction 2; simpl; intuition.
+Theorem disjoint_symm : forall T (r1 r2 : row T),
+ disjoint r1 r2
+ -> disjoint r2 r1.
+ Hint Constructors AllS.
+ Hint Resolve AllS_weaken.
+ unfold disjoint; induction r2; simpl; intuition.
+ constructor.
+ eapply AllS_weaken; eauto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H0; auto.
+ apply IHr2.
+ eapply AllS_weaken; eauto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H0; auto.
+Lemma map_id : forall k (r : row k),
+ cfold (fun x x0 (x1 : row _) => (x, x0) :: x1) nil r = r.
+ induction r; simpl; intuition;
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ end; intuition.
+Lemma map_dist : forall T1 T2 (f : T1 -> T2) (r2 r1 : row T1),
+ cfold (fun x x0 (x1 : row _) => (x, f x0) :: x1) nil (r1 ++ r2)
+ = cfold (fun x x0 (x1 : row _) => (x, f x0) :: x1) nil r1
+ ++ cfold (fun x x0 (x1 : row _) => (x, f x0) :: x1) nil r2.
+ induction r1; simpl; intuition;
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ end; intuition.
+Lemma fold_fuse : forall T1 T2 T3 (f : name -> T1 -> T2 -> T2) (i : T2) (f' : T3 -> T1) (c : row T3),
+ cfold f i (cfold (fun x x0 (x1 : row _) => (x, f' x0) :: x1) nil c)
+ = cfold (fun x x0 => f x (f' x0)) i c.
+ induction c; simpl; intuition;
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H
+ end; intuition.
+Scheme deq_mut := Minimality for deq Sort Prop
+with disj_mut := Minimality for disj Sort Prop.
+Theorem deq_correct : forall k (c1 c2 : con kDen k),
+ deq dvar c1 c2
+ -> cDen c1 = cDen c2.
+ Hint Resolve map_id map_dist fold_fuse AllS_app disjoint_symm.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = _) => unfold row; symmetry; apply app_ass.
+ apply (deq_mut (dvar := dvar)
+ (fun k (c1 c2 : con kDen k) =>
+ cDen c1 = cDen c2)
+ (fun k (c1 c2 : con kDen (KRecord k)) =>
+ disjoint (cDen c1) (cDen c2)));
+ simpl; intuition;
+ repeat (match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : subs _ _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- (subs_correct H)
+ end; simpl; intuition); try congruence; unfold disjoint in *; intuition;
+ fold kDen in *; repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : AllS _ (_ :: _) |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl in *
+ end; auto.