path: root/caching-tests/test.ur
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-12-23 16:01:51 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-12-23 16:01:51 -0500
commit3d3886672433f0775f772d8d2ee47c5f5e0bc745 (patch)
tree072d171c17d92a6696024256c4b2f5aaa760df35 /caching-tests/test.ur
parentbf037ce78c2c76a34ecca0fb8bafa5d5be38968a (diff)
parent4be7962adf740a35222bfd99608c04329a802a04 (diff)
Merge branch 'upstream' into dfsg_clean20151220+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'caching-tests/test.ur')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/caching-tests/test.ur b/caching-tests/test.ur
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0dab927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caching-tests/test.ur
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+table tab : {Id : int, Val : int, Foo : int} PRIMARY KEY Id
+fun cache id =
+ res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT A.Val FROM (tab AS A JOIN tab AS B ON A.Id = B.Id)
+ WHERE B.Id = {[id]});
+ return <xml><body>
+ cache
+ {case res of
+ None => <xml>?</xml>
+ | Some row => <xml>{[row.A.Val]}</xml>}
+ </body></xml>
+(* fun cacheAlt id = *)
+(* res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT Q.Id *)
+(* FROM (SELECT Tab.Id AS Id FROM tab WHERE Tab.Id = {[id]}) *)
+(* AS Q); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* cacheAlt *)
+(* {case res of *)
+(* None => <xml>?</xml> *)
+(* | Some row => <xml>{[row.Q.Id]}</xml>} *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* fun sillyRecursive {Id = id : int, FooBar = fooBar} = *)
+(* if fooBar <= 0 *)
+(* then 0 *)
+(* else 1 + sillyRecursive {Id = id, FooBar = fooBar - 1} *)
+(* fun cacheR (r : {Id : int, FooBar : int}) = *)
+(* res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val *)
+(* FROM tab *)
+(* WHERE tab.Id = {[r.Id]}); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* cacheR {[r.FooBar]} *)
+(* {case res of *)
+(* None => <xml>?</xml> *)
+(* | Some row => <xml>{[row.Tab.Val]}</xml>} *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* fun cache2 id v = *)
+(* res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val *)
+(* FROM tab *)
+(* WHERE tab.Id = {[id]} AND tab.Val = {[v]}); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* Reading {[id]}. *)
+(* {case res of *)
+(* None => <xml>Nope, that's not it.</xml> *)
+(* | Some _ => <xml>Hooray! You guessed it!</xml>} *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* fun cache2 id1 id2 = *)
+(* res1 <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val *)
+(* FROM tab *)
+(* WHERE tab.Id = {[id1]}); *)
+(* res2 <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val *)
+(* FROM tab *)
+(* WHERE tab.Id = {[id2]}); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* Reading {[id1]} and {[id2]}. *)
+(* {case (res1, res2) of *)
+(* (Some _, Some _) => <xml>Both are there.</xml> *)
+(* | _ => <xml>One of them is missing.</xml>} *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+fun flush id =
+ dml (UPDATE tab
+ SET Val = Val * (Id + 2) / Val - 3
+ WHERE Id = {[id]} OR Id = {[id - 1]} OR Id = {[id + 1]});
+ return <xml><body>
+ Changed {[id]}!
+ </body></xml>
+(* fun flash id = *)
+(* dml (UPDATE tab *)
+(* SET Foo = Val *)
+(* WHERE Id = {[id]} OR Id = {[id - 1]} OR Id = {[id + 1]}); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* Maybe changed {[id]}? *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* fun floosh id = *)
+(* dml (UPDATE tab *)
+(* SET Id = {[id + 1]} *)
+(* WHERE Id = {[id]} OR Id = {[id - 1]} OR Id = {[id + 1]}); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* Shifted {[id]}! *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* val flush17 = *)
+(* dml (UPDATE tab *)
+(* SET Val = Val * (Id + 2) / Val - 3 *)
+(* WHERE Id = 17); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* Changed specifically 17! *)
+(* </body></xml> *)
+(* fun flush id = *)
+(* res <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.Val *)
+(* FROM tab *)
+(* WHERE tab.Id = {[id]}); *)
+(* (case res of *)
+(* None => dml (INSERT INTO tab (Id, Val) *)
+(* VALUES ({[id]}, 0)) *)
+(* | Some row => dml (UPDATE tab *)
+(* SET Val = {[row.Tab.Val + 1]} *)
+(* WHERE Id = {[id]} OR Id = {[id + 1]})); *)
+(* return <xml><body> *)
+(* {case res of *)
+(* None => <xml>Initialized {[id]}!</xml> *)
+(* | Some row => <xml>Incremented {[id]}!</xml>} *)
+(* </body></xml> *)