diff options
authorGravatar Simon Van Casteren <simonvancasteren@localhost.localdomain>2019-12-10 20:21:35 +0100
committerGravatar Simon Van Casteren <simonvancasteren@localhost.localdomain>2019-12-13 11:46:57 +0100
commit053783525d8365b8a498ac38942d44f4669d6a54 (patch)
parent98ebd4d0b10165693a205d30399149e32954b833 (diff)
First version of calculateFileState
2 files changed, 150 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/elaborate.sig b/src/elaborate.sig
index 03359814..88ea068f 100644
--- a/src/elaborate.sig
+++ b/src/elaborate.sig
@@ -53,4 +53,18 @@ signature ELABORATE = sig
, sgn: Elab.sgn }
-> (Elab.decl list * ElabEnv.env)
+ val elabSgn: (ElabEnv.env * Disjoint.env)
+ -> Source.sgn
+ -> (Elab.sgn * Disjoint.goal list)
+ datatype constraint =
+ Disjoint of Disjoint.goal
+ | TypeClass of ElabEnv.env * Elab.con * Elab.exp option ref * ErrorMsg.span
+ val elabStr: (ElabEnv.env * Disjoint.env)
+ -> Source.str
+ -> (Elab.str * Elab.sgn * constraint list)
+ val subSgn: ElabEnv.env -> ErrorMsg.span -> Elab.sgn -> Elab.sgn -> unit
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
index cff30d5e..89a0e4b2 100644
--- a/src/lsp.sml
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+structure C = Compiler
fun trim (s: substring): substring =
(fn c => c = #" " orelse c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\r")
@@ -327,22 +329,143 @@ type fileState =
, decls : Elab.decl list
type state =
- { rootUri : LspSpec.documentUri
+ { urpPath : string
, fileStates : fileState
val stateRef = ref (NONE: state option)
+fun scanDir (f: string -> bool) (path: string) =
+ let
+ val dir = OS.FileSys.openDir path
+ fun doScanDir acc =
+ case OS.FileSys.readDir dir of
+ NONE => (OS.FileSys.closeDir dir; acc)
+ | SOME fname =>
+ (if f fname
+ then doScanDir (fname :: acc)
+ else doScanDir acc)
+ in
+ doScanDir []
+ end
(* Throws Fail if can't init *)
fun initState (initParams: LspSpec.initializeParams): state =
- { rootUri = case #rootUri initParams of
- NONE => raise Fail "Failed to initialize: no rootUri"
- | SOME a => a
- , fileStates = SM.empty
- }
+ let
+ val rootPath = case #rootUri initParams of
+ NONE => raise Fail "No rootdir found"
+ | SOME a => #path a
+ val foundUrps = scanDir (fn fname => OS.Path.ext fname = SOME "urp") rootPath
+ in
+ { urpPath = case foundUrps of
+ [] => raise Fail ("No .urp files found in path " ^ rootPath)
+ | one :: [] => one
+ | many => raise Fail ("Found multiple .urp files in path " ^ rootPath)
+ , fileStates = SM.empty
+ }
+ end
+fun addSgnToEnv (env: ElabEnv.env) (sgn: Source.sgn_item list) (fileName: string) (addUnprefixed: bool): ElabEnv.env =
+ let
+ val moduleName = C.moduleOf fileName
+ val (sgn, gs) = Elaborate.elabSgn (env, Disjoint.empty) (Source.SgnConst sgn, { file = fileName
+ , first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos
+ , last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos })
+ val () = case gs of
+ [] => ()
+ | _ => (app (fn (_, env, _, c1, c2) =>
+ Print.prefaces "Unresolved"
+ [("c1", ElabPrint.p_con env c1),
+ ("c2", ElabPrint.p_con env c2)]) gs;
+ raise Fail ("Unresolved disjointness constraints in " ^ moduleName ^ " at " ^ fileName)) (* TODO Not sure if this is needed for all signatures or only for Basis *)
+ val (env', n) = ElabEnv.pushStrNamed env moduleName sgn
+ val (_, env') = if addUnprefixed
+ then Elaborate.dopen env' {str = n, strs = [], sgn = sgn}
+ else ([], env)
+ in
+ env'
+ end
fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): fileState =
- { envOfPreviousModules = ElabEnv.empty
- , decls = []
- }
+ let
+ (* TODO Optim: cache parsed urp file? *)
+ val () = if (OS.Path.ext fileName = SOME "ur")
+ then ()
+ else raise Fail ("Can only handle .ur files for now")
+ val () = Elaborate.unifyMore := true
+ val job = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrp "parseUrp") (#urpPath state))
+ fun entryInUrpToFileName (entry: string) (ext: string) = (#urpPath state) ^ "/" ^ entry ^ ext
+ val modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile =
+ List.partition (fn entry => entryInUrpToFileName entry ".ur" = fileName) (#sources job)
+ val () = case #2 modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile of
+ [] =>
+ (* Module we're handling should always be in here *)
+ raise Fail ("Couldn't find file " ^ fileName ^ " referenced in .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state))
+ | _ => ()
+ val parsedUrss = (fn entry =>
+ let
+ val fileName = entryInUrpToFileName entry ".urs"
+ in
+ { fileName = fileName
+ , parsed =
+ if OS.FileSys.access (fileName, [])
+ then raise (Fail ("Couldn't find an .urs file for " ^ fileName))
+ else valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") fileName)}
+ end)
+ (#1 modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile)
+ val parsedBasisUrs = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "basis.urs"))
+ val parsedTopUrs = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "top.urs"))
+ val envWithStdLib =
+ addSgnToEnv
+ (addSgnToEnv ElabEnv.empty parsedBasisUrs (Settings.libFile "basis.urs") true)
+ parsedTopUrs (Settings.libFile "top.urs") true
+ val envBeforeThisFile = List.foldl (fn (sgn, env) => addSgnToEnv env (#parsed sgn) (#fileName sgn) false) envWithStdLib parsedUrss
+ val (parsedUr: Source.decl list) =
+ valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUr "parseUr") fileName)
+ val (parsedUrs: (Source.sgn_item list) option) =
+ if OS.FileSys.access (fileName ^ "s", []) then
+ SOME (valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (fileName ^ "s")))
+ else
+ val (str, sgn', gs) =
+ Elaborate.elabStr
+ (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
+ (Source.StrConst parsedUr, {file = fileName, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
+ (* TODO definitily not sure about this one, just copied from "top" processing *)
+ val () = case gs of
+ [] => ()
+ | _ => app (fn Elaborate.Disjoint (loc, env, denv, c1, c2) =>
+ (case Disjoint.prove env denv (c1, c2, loc) of
+ [] => ()
+ | _ =>
+ (Print.prefaces "Unresolved constraint in top.ur"
+ [("loc", Print.PD.string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc)),
+ ("c1", ElabPrint.p_con env c1),
+ ("c2", ElabPrint.p_con env c2)];
+ raise Fail "Unresolved constraint in top.ur"))
+ | Elaborate.TypeClass (env, c, r, loc) =>
+ ()
+ (* let *)
+ (* val c = normClassKey env c *)
+ (* in *)
+ (* case resolveClass env c of *)
+ (* SOME e => r := SOME e *)
+ (* | NONE => expError env (Unresolvable (loc, c)) *)
+ (* end *)
+ ) gs
+ val (sgn, gs) = Elaborate.elabSgn
+ (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
+ ( Source.SgnConst (case parsedUrs of NONE => [] | SOME a => a)
+ , {file = fileName ^ "s", first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
+ val () = case gs of [] => () | _ => raise Fail ("Unresolved disjointness constraints in " ^ fileName) (* TODO not sure? *)
+ val () = Elaborate.subSgn envBeforeThisFile ErrorMsg.dummySpan sgn' sgn
+ in
+ { envOfPreviousModules = envBeforeThisFile
+ , decls = case str of
+ (Elab.StrConst decls, _) => decls
+ | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration")
+ }
+ end
fun serverLoop () =
@@ -383,9 +506,9 @@ fun serverLoop () =
, textDocument_didOpen = fn didOpenParams =>
val path = #path (#uri (#textDocument didOpenParams))
- val fileState = calculateFileState state (path)
+ val fileState = calculateFileState state path
- stateRef := SOME { rootUri = #rootUri state
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
, fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
, path
, fileState)
@@ -395,9 +518,9 @@ fun serverLoop () =
, textDocument_didSave = fn didSaveParams =>
val path = #path (#uri (#textDocument didSaveParams))
- val fileState = calculateFileState state (path)
+ val fileState = calculateFileState state path
- stateRef := SOME { rootUri = #rootUri state
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
, fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
, path
, fileState)