diff options
authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-09-14 19:03:55 -0400
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2008-09-14 19:03:55 -0400
commitfe35c44cd34ceb2a2f02b27f56bf1607557bb89a (patch)
parent7b9035e69d65f463da21a82d5f35deebaf1986ac (diff)
Crud update form
10 files changed, 122 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/lib/basis.urs b/lib/basis.urs
index ed217e3a..7fd5dc52 100644
--- a/lib/basis.urs
+++ b/lib/basis.urs
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ con lformTag = fn ty :: Type => fn inner :: {Unit} => fn attrs :: {Type} =>
ctx ::: {Unit} -> [LForm] ~ ctx
-> nm :: Name -> unit
-> tag attrs ([LForm] ++ ctx) inner [] [nm = ty]
-val textbox : lformTag string [] []
+val textbox : lformTag string [] [Value = string]
val password : lformTag string [] []
val ltextarea : lformTag string [] []
diff --git a/lib/top.ur b/lib/top.ur
index 15f2a732..990a18fa 100644
--- a/lib/top.ur
+++ b/lib/top.ur
@@ -103,3 +103,9 @@ fun queryX (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (ctx ::: {Unit}) (q : sql_que
query q
(fn fs acc => return <xml>{acc}{f fs}</xml>)
+fun oneOrNoRows (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (q : sql_query tables exps) =
+ [tables ~ exps] =>
+ query q
+ (fn fs _ => return (Some fs))
+ None
diff --git a/lib/top.urs b/lib/top.urs
index 17ce5c28..add94578 100644
--- a/lib/top.urs
+++ b/lib/top.urs
@@ -66,3 +66,8 @@ val queryX : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> ctx ::: {Unit}
-> ($(exps ++ fold (fn nm (fields :: {Type}) acc => [nm] ~ acc => [nm = $fields] ++ acc) [] tables)
-> xml ctx [] [])
-> transaction (xml ctx [] [])
+val oneOrNoRows : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> sql_query tables exps
+ -> tables ~ exps
+ -> transaction
+ (option $(exps ++ fold (fn nm (fields :: {Type}) acc => [nm] ~ acc => [nm = $fields] ++ acc) [] tables))
diff --git a/src/elab_env.sml b/src/elab_env.sml
index 3f32ed21..4ff026f1 100644
--- a/src/elab_env.sml
+++ b/src/elab_env.sml
@@ -795,7 +795,10 @@ fun sgiBinds env (sgi, loc) =
| SgiCon (x, n, k, c) => pushCNamedAs env x n k (SOME c)
| SgiDatatype (x, n, xs, xncs) =>
- val env = pushCNamedAs env x n (KType, loc) NONE
+ val k = (KType, loc)
+ val k' = foldr (fn (_, k') => (KArrow (k, k'), loc)) k xs
+ val env = pushCNamedAs env x n k' NONE
foldl (fn ((x', n', to), env) =>
@@ -813,7 +816,10 @@ fun sgiBinds env (sgi, loc) =
| SgiDatatypeImp (x, n, m1, ms, x', xs, xncs) =>
- val env = pushCNamedAs env x n (KType, loc) (SOME (CModProj (m1, ms, x'), loc))
+ val k = (KType, loc)
+ val k' = foldr (fn (_, k') => (KArrow (k, k'), loc)) k xs
+ val env = pushCNamedAs env x n k' (SOME (CModProj (m1, ms, x'), loc))
foldl (fn ((x', n', to), env) =>
@@ -880,10 +886,24 @@ fun projectCon env {sgn, str, field} =
SgnConst sgis =>
(case sgnSeek (fn SgiConAbs (x, _, k) => if x = field then SOME (k, NONE) else NONE
| SgiCon (x, _, k, c) => if x = field then SOME (k, SOME c) else NONE
- | SgiDatatype (x, _, _, _) => if x = field then SOME ((KType, #2 sgn), NONE) else NONE
- | SgiDatatypeImp (x, _, m1, ms, x', _, _) =>
+ | SgiDatatype (x, _, xs, _) =>
+ if x = field then
+ let
+ val k = (KType, #2 sgn)
+ val k' = foldl (fn (_, k') => (KArrow (k, k'), #2 sgn)) k xs
+ in
+ SOME (k', NONE)
+ end
+ else
+ | SgiDatatypeImp (x, _, m1, ms, x', xs, _) =>
if x = field then
- SOME ((KType, #2 sgn), SOME (CModProj (m1, ms, x'), #2 sgn))
+ let
+ val k = (KType, #2 sgn)
+ val k' = foldl (fn (_, k') => (KArrow (k, k'), #2 sgn)) k xs
+ in
+ SOME (k', SOME (CModProj (m1, ms, x'), #2 sgn))
+ end
| SgiClassAbs (x, _) => if x = field then
@@ -1032,8 +1052,7 @@ fun declBinds env (d, loc) =
(KArrow (k, kb), loc)))
((CNamed n, loc), k) xs
- val t' = foldr (fn (x, t) => (TCFun (Implicit, x, k, t), loc)) t xs
- val env = pushCNamedAs env x n kb (SOME t')
+ val env = pushCNamedAs env x n kb (SOME t)
val env = pushDatatype env n xs xncs
foldl (fn ((x', n', to), env) =>
diff --git a/src/elaborate.sml b/src/elaborate.sml
index 70404cf1..7702e0ff 100644
--- a/src/elaborate.sml
+++ b/src/elaborate.sml
@@ -1321,7 +1321,9 @@ fun exhaustive (env, denv, t, ps) =
| SOME (_, cons) => dtype cons
| L'.CError => (true, gs)
- | _ => raise Fail "isTotal: Not a datatype"
+ | c =>
+ (prefaces "Not a datatype" [("c", p_con env (c, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))];
+ raise Fail "isTotal: Not a datatype")
| Record _ => (List.all (fn c2 => coverageImp (c, c2)) (enumerateCases t), [])
diff --git a/src/mono_reduce.sml b/src/mono_reduce.sml
index c7b727ee..e288e34e 100644
--- a/src/mono_reduce.sml
+++ b/src/mono_reduce.sml
@@ -111,6 +111,21 @@ val swapExpVars =
bind = fn (lower, U.Exp.RelE _) => lower+1
| (lower, _) => lower}
+val swapExpVarsPat =
+ U.Exp.mapB {typ = fn t => t,
+ exp = fn (lower, len) => fn e =>
+ case e of
+ ERel xn =>
+ if xn = lower then
+ ERel (lower + 1)
+ else if xn >= lower + 1 andalso xn < lower + 1 + len then
+ ERel (xn - 1)
+ else
+ e
+ | _ => e,
+ bind = fn ((lower, len), U.Exp.RelE _) => (lower+1, len)
+ | (st, _) => st}
datatype result = Yes of E.env | No | Maybe
fun match (env, p : pat, e : exp) =
@@ -272,15 +287,29 @@ fun exp env e =
#1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e2) e1)))
- | ECase (disc, pes, _) =>
+ | ECase (e', pes, {disc, result}) =>
+ fun push () =
+ case result of
+ (TFun (dom, result), loc) =>
+ if List.all (fn (_, (EAbs _, _)) => true | _ => false) pes then
+ EAbs ("_", dom, result,
+ (ECase (liftExpInExp 0 e',
+ map (fn (p, (EAbs (_, _, _, e), _)) =>
+ (p, swapExpVarsPat (0, patBinds p) e)
+ | _ => raise Fail "MonoReduce ECase") pes,
+ {disc = disc, result = result}), loc))
+ else
+ e
+ | _ => e
fun search pes =
case pes of
- [] => e
+ [] => push ()
| (p, body) :: pes =>
- case match (env, p, disc) of
+ case match (env, p, e') of
No => search pes
- | Maybe => e
+ | Maybe => push ()
| Yes env => #1 (reduceExp env body)
search pes
diff --git a/src/urweb.grm b/src/urweb.grm
index d3e7fe5b..8219c35b 100644
--- a/src/urweb.grm
+++ b/src/urweb.grm
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ fun entable t =
datatype select_item =
Field of con * con
| Exp of con * exp
+ | Fields of con * con
datatype select =
@@ -77,6 +78,22 @@ fun amend_select loc (si, (tabs, exps)) =
(tabs, exps)
+ | Fields (tx, fs) =>
+ let
+ val (tabs, found) = ListUtil.foldlMap (fn ((tx', c'), found) =>
+ if eqTnames (tx, tx') then
+ ((tx', (CConcat (fs, c'), loc)), true)
+ else
+ ((tx', c'), found))
+ false tabs
+ in
+ if found then
+ ()
+ else
+ ErrorMsg.errorAt loc "Select of field from unbound table";
+ (tabs, exps)
+ end
| Exp (c, e) => (tabs, (c, e) :: exps)
fun amend_group loc (gi, tabs) =
@@ -1041,6 +1058,7 @@ fident : CSYMBOL (CName CSYMBOL, s (CSYMBOLleft, CSYMBOLr
seli : tident DOT fident (Field (tident, fident))
| sqlexp AS fident (Exp (fident, sqlexp))
+ | tident DOT LBRACE LBRACE cexp RBRACE RBRACE (Fields (tident, cexp))
selis : seli ([seli])
| seli COMMA selis (seli :: selis)
diff --git a/tests/crud.ur b/tests/crud.ur
index 0a7efeec..66a685bf 100644
--- a/tests/crud.ur
+++ b/tests/crud.ur
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ con colMeta = fn t_formT :: (Type * Type) => {
Nam : string,
Show : t_formT.1 -> xbody,
Widget : nm :: Name -> xml form [] [nm = t_formT.2],
+ WidgetPopulated : nm :: Name -> t_formT.1 -> xml form [] [nm = t_formT.2],
Parse : t_formT.2 -> t_formT.1,
Inject : sql_injectable t_formT.1
@@ -36,6 +37,29 @@ fun create (inputs : $(mapT2T sndTT M.cols)) =
Inserted with ID {txt _ id}.
+fun save (id : int) _ =
+ return <html><body>
+ Under Construction
+ </body></html>
+fun update (id : int) =
+ fso <- oneOrNoRows (SELECT tab.{{mapT2T fstTT M.cols}} FROM tab WHERE tab.Id = {id});
+ case fso : (Basis.option {Tab : $(mapT2T fstTT M.cols)}) of
+ None => return <html><body>Not found!</body></html>
+ | Some fs => return <html><body><lform>
+ {foldT2R2 [fstTT] [colMeta] [fn cols :: {(Type * Type)} => xml form [] (mapT2T sndTT cols)]
+ (fn (nm :: Name) (t :: (Type * Type)) (rest :: {(Type * Type)}) =>
+ [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ fn (v : t.1) (col : colMeta t) (acc : xml form [] (mapT2T sndTT rest)) => <lform>
+ <li> {cdata col.Nam}: {col.WidgetPopulated [nm] v}</li>
+ {useMore acc}
+ </lform>)
+ <lform></lform>
+ [M.cols] fs.Tab M.cols}
+ <submit action={save id}/>
+ </lform></body></html>
fun delete (id : int) =
() <- dml (DELETE FROM tab WHERE Id = {id});
return <html><body>
@@ -60,7 +84,7 @@ fun main () : transaction page =
<td>{col.Show v}</td>
[M.cols] (fs.T -- #Id) M.cols}
- <td><a link={confirm fs.T.Id}>[Delete]</a></td>
+ <td><a link={update fs.T.Id}>[Update]</a> <a link={confirm fs.T.Id}>[Delete]</a></td>
return <html><head>
diff --git a/tests/crud.urs b/tests/crud.urs
index d445ed6e..3056392c 100644
--- a/tests/crud.urs
+++ b/tests/crud.urs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ con colMeta = fn t_formT :: (Type * Type) => {
Nam : string,
Show : t_formT.1 -> xbody,
Widget : nm :: Name -> xml form [] [nm = t_formT.2],
+ WidgetPopulated : nm :: Name -> t_formT.1 -> xml form [] [nm = t_formT.2],
Parse : t_formT.2 -> t_formT.1,
Inject : sql_injectable t_formT.1
diff --git a/tests/crud1.ur b/tests/crud1.ur
index fa539dd3..fb2e4854 100644
--- a/tests/crud1.ur
+++ b/tests/crud1.ur
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open Crud.Make(struct
Nam = "A",
Show = txt _,
Widget = fn nm :: Name => <lform><textbox{nm}/></lform>,
+ WidgetPopulated = fn (nm :: Name) n => <lform><textbox{nm} value={show _ n}/></lform>,
Parse = readError _,
Inject = sql_int
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ open Crud.Make(struct
Nam = "B",
Show = txt _,
Widget = fn nm :: Name => <lform><textbox{nm}/></lform>,
+ WidgetPopulated = fn (nm :: Name) s => <lform><textbox{nm} value={s}/></lform>,
Parse = readError _,
Inject = sql_string
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ open Crud.Make(struct
Nam = "C",
Show = txt _,
Widget = fn nm :: Name => <lform><textbox{nm}/></lform>,
+ WidgetPopulated = fn (nm :: Name) n => <lform><textbox{nm} value={show _ n}/></lform>,
Parse = readError _,
Inject = sql_float
@@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ open Crud.Make(struct
Nam = "D",
Show = txt _,
Widget = fn nm :: Name => <lform><textbox{nm}/></lform>,
+ WidgetPopulated = fn (nm :: Name) b => <lform><textbox{nm} value={show _ b}/></lform>,
Parse = readError _,
Inject = sql_bool