* All future changelogs are now maintained in the appdata file * Fri Aug 12 2016 1.3.1 - Fix build error on 32bit - Fix installing appdata file - Change line endings to unix for data files - Add Simplified Chinese translation * Thu Aug 11 2016 1.3.0 - Add more information to general panel - Redesign and fix destination combobox - Fix building with modern GCC - Fix starting minimized - Fix various compile warnings - Clean up build system - Translate desktop and appdata file - Update translations * Wed Jun 11 2014 1.2 - A basic RSS reader which uses libmrss. - Fix some 32bit platforms reporting 0 connected peers and unknown ETA. - Resolve some GTK deprecations. - Fix a crash in port test callback. - Fix decimal marker in status bar version. - Support for GeoIPCity.dat. - Fix a crash when removing lots of columns (something changed in GTK). - Optional and non-default support for validating SSL certs. - Remove all GTK2 support. - Allow alt-speed limits to override global speed limits in the statusbar display. * Sun Jun 9 2013 1.1.1 - fix file lists relying on being sorted (sometimes they are not) to fix the tree being messed up with duplicate directories. - fix using markup in comment. - translations updated from launchpad. (NEW: Latvian, Sinhalese) * Wed Sep 5 2012 1.1 - new Transmission display style - handle downloading metadata state better, don't make incorrect completion notifications - win32: build reverted to GTK2 because of empty progress bar in GTK3 - use g_idle_add instead of gdk_thread_enter/leave for reverse DNS - fix compilation error for debian - issue 210: fix crash when encountering empty benc dict in .torrent - fix concurrency issue when populating large files model and changing - translation updates from launchpad * Fri Jun 29 2012 1.0.2 - win32: update to gtk3 (also fixes blank tray icon) - win32: GeoIP support - fix minimise to tray - fix units in status icon text - truncate magnet links in add dialog - ctrl+k to focus on search entry like firefox - only use libappindicator if using unity - use gtk_box_new instead of gtk_{h,v}box_new (deprecated) on gtk3 - Swedish translation - translation updates from launchpad - fix 'make test' due to file missing in POTFILES.in - update free space (session) after delete - URL links in comment field - reorder buttons for actions and directories * Tue Jan 31 2012 1.0.1 - Fix a crash when toggling turtle mode or setting remote preferences. - Update Russian translation. * Sun Jan 15 2011 1.0 - Show files in a tree. - Consistency/code share in files tree view and add dialog tree view. - A lot of optimisation for building either files tree view. - Optimise changes to the torrent tree view (suspend sorting during). - Remember last add destination. - Fix a bug causing scrolled window position to be lost during maximise from system tray. - Experimental GTK3 support (--enable-gtk3). - Expand/collapse all, selection based changes for add dialog tree view. - Counts for filters. - Some update efficiency improvements. - Put general panel in a scrolled window. - Reorganise/cleanup local preferences dialog. - Keyboard accelerators. - Use IEC standard for expressing base2 units - KiB not KB etc. - Configurable timeout/retries. - Add the "turtle" mode icon, which enables alternative speed limits. - Remote preferences for configuring a time range for alternative speed limits. - Lithuanian translation contributed. - French translation contributed. - Updates for translations from launchpad.net. - Priority torrent right click menu. * Sun Dec 11 2011 0.8 - Define labels for directories. - Use labels in filters. - Use labels in destination combo box (add/move). - Shorten filters relative to the default download directory. - Fix a crash when filtering with selections in the torrent treeview. - Speed up filtering. - Allow remote preferences variables to be used in actions. - Update filters if torrent is moved. - Add a man page. - Rename "remote commands" feature to "actions". - Notifications without a system tray icon. - libappindicator support for Ubuntu. - Status info in status icon for consistency with libappindicator icon. - Builds/runs on GTK3 (without graph/libunique for now). - Remember last move destination. - Use Win32 mailslots as alternative to libunique. - Working debian packaging. - Handle URLs/files in first instance. - Last scrape time trackers column. * Tue Oct 11 2011 0.7 - Remote exec. - Win32 Support. - Connect button menus for profiles. - Fix a memory leak on disconnect. - Use icon for wanted/unwanted files. - Handle URLs and non-existing files in file handler. - IPv6 GeoIP support. - Upload files on app open. - Display public/private tracker status. - Show file icons based on MIME types. - Shortern tracker filters. - Hide state selector if no error torrents. - Fix warning caused by zero length files in torrents. - Bencoder crash fix. - Detect and drop requests from previous connections. - Toolbar tooltips. - Spanish translation. * Sat Aug 27 2011 0.6 - Profiles support. - New JSON based configuration backend. - Support new Transmission torrent status values. - Populate destination combo in move dialog. - Ukranian translation from ROR191. - Lots of new columns and info. - More options in view menu. - Supports for queues. - Improved status bar and add a free space indicator. - Persist/restore filter selection, + notebook/selector visibility. - Reuse http clients and keep sessions open. - Start in tray argument (-m --minimized) - Fix timezone display issue. - Fix bencoder parser bug (parsing empty lists). - Make columns fully shrinkable. - Many other fixes/improvements. * Fri May 6 2011 - 0.5.1 - Use libproxy pkg-config CFLAGS in build, for older versions. - Fix updates inside the GtkNotebook. - Fix crash reported by atommixz. * Fri Apr 22 2011 - 0.5 - Fix a few of small memory leaks. - Sync single torrent when file/trackers are changed. - Update efficiency improvement. - Customisable columns, new optional columns. * Tue Apr 12 2011 - 0.4 - Torrent add dialog. - Support for active only updates. - Other update performance improvements. - Pause/Resume all. - Polish and Russian translation. - Torrent added date/time column. - Fix gconf ints defaulting to one in prefs dialog. - Fix crash disconnecting with graph disabled. - Fix crash disabling tracker/dir filters while disconnected. * Sat Mar 11 2011 - 0.3 - Case insensitive text filtering. - Speed graph. - i18n support (currently German and Korean). - Use table layout instead of fixed for general panel. - libproxy support. - Fix torrent bandwidth priority setting. - Better suspending of tracker/files update until ack. - Put versions in some spec/configure deps. - Include libcurl.m4. - Better (easier) FreeBSD compilation. - Remove 5px window border (much better on some dark themes). - Fix hardcoded path to Transmission icon in about dialog. - Fix a leak from gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows(). - TRG_NOUNIQUE env variable to start multiple instances. * Mon Feb 21 2011 - 0.2.1 - Fix crash in update-blocklist/port-test callbacks. - Menu bar mnemonics. * Sat Feb 19 2011 - 0.2 - SSL support. - Statistics dialog. - Fix for setting low priority files. - Port testing. - Blocklist settings and updates. - Torrent reannounce. - Tracker add/edit/delete. * Mon Feb 07 2011 - 0.1.1 - Fix some major first release bugs. * Sun Jan 30 2011 - 0.1.0 - Hello world.