Developers ========== GNU autoconf & automake ----------------------- This project uses GNU autoconf and automake for installation and building. To regenerate everything from first principles (`` and `**/`), run these commands: aclocal && \ automake --add-missing --copy && \ autoconf Debian ------ First, everything must be set up just right: mkdir -p ~/debian/rcm && \ cp -a rcm ~/debian/rcm/rcm-0.0.2 && \ cd ~/debian/rcm && \ rm -f rcm_0.0.2.orig.tar.gz && \ rm -f rcm-0.0.2/tags && \ tar --exclude=*swp --exclude-backups --exclude-vcs --exclude=debian -zcf rcm_0.0.2.orig.tar.gz rcm-0.0.2 Given that, now you can generate the Debian package: cd ~/debian/rcm/rcm-0.0.2 && \ debuild -us -uc