Developers ========== Making a release ---------------- 1. Bump the version within the `AC_INIT` macro call in ``. 2. Update the build system by running: `./`. 3. Build the trivial packages: This all depends on a `gh-pages` branch: git branch gh-pages origin/gh-pages First build the distribution: ./configure make distcheck On any system you can build the tarball, Homebrew package, and tag: ./maint/release build tarball rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release build homebrew rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release build tag rcm-*.tar.gz You need mdocml to tranform the manpages into HTML: ./maint/release build man_html rcm-*.tar.gz Once built, you can push it live: ./maint/release push tarball rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release push homebrew rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release push tag rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release push man_html rcm-*.tar.gz And once pushed, you should clean up ./maint/release clean tarball rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release clean homebrew rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release clean tag rcm-*.tar.gz ./maint/release clean man_html rcm-*.tar.gz 4. Contact package maintainers: | OS | Name | Email | PGP keyid | | -------- | -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------ | | Alpine | Hiroshi Kajisha | | ? | | Arch | Max Falk | | 0x9cbdc83ba3753845 | | Debian | Eric Collins | | 0x7BEB44E2771AB877 | | Fedora | Carl van Tonder | | 0xa478c47bcb683786 | | Gentoo | Florian Tham | | 0x7286dc0e62941423 | | Korora | Carl van Tonder | | 0xb55275fbcbe8383c | | Homebrew | Mike Burns | | 0x3E6761F72846B014 | | MacPorts | Aljaž Srebrnič | | 0xe140e1eea54ee677 | | OpenBSD | Mike Burns | | 0x3E6761F72846B014 | | openSUSE | Andrei Dziahel | | 0x58BA3FA4A49D76C2 | | Ubuntu | Martin Frost | | 0x4609D1E5ECA538E6 | | Void | maxice8 | | 0xffaeeb9ca1c95204 |