static bool curses_initialized = false; static void endwin_void() { if (curses_initialized) { endwin(); curses_initialized = false; } } class renderer_curses : public renderer { std::map,int> color_pairs; // Map from DF color to ncurses color static int ncurses_map_color(int color) { if (color < 0) abort(); switch (color) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 4; case 2: return 2; case 3: return 6; case 4: return 1; case 5: return 5; case 6: return 3; case 7: return 7; default: return ncurses_map_color(color - 7); } } // Look up, or create, a curses color pair int lookup_pair(pair color) { map,int>::iterator it = color_pairs.find(color); if (it != color_pairs.end()) return it->second; // We don't already have it. Make sure it's in range. if (color.first < 0 || color.first > 7 || color.second < 0 || color.second > 7) return 0; // We don't already have it. Generate a new pair if possible. if (color_pairs.size() < COLOR_PAIRS - 1) { const short pair = color_pairs.size() + 1; init_pair(pair, ncurses_map_color(color.first), ncurses_map_color(color.second)); color_pairs[color] = pair; return pair; } // We don't have it, and there's no space for more. Find the closest equivalent. int score = 999, pair = 0; int rfg = color.first % 16, rbg = color.second % 16; for (auto it = color_pairs.cbegin(); it != color_pairs.cend(); ++it) { int fg = it->first.first; int bg = it->first.second; int candidate = it->second; int candidate_score = 0; // Lower is better. if (rbg != bg) { if (rbg == 0 || rbg == 15) candidate_score += 3; // We would like to keep the background black/white. if ((rbg == 7 || rbg == 8)) { if (bg == 7 || bg == 8) candidate_score += 1; // Well, it's still grey. else candidate_score += 2; } } if (rfg != fg) { if (rfg == 0 || rfg == 15) candidate_score += 5; // Keep the foreground black/white if at all possible. if (rfg == 7 || rfg == 8) { if (fg == 7 || fg == 8) candidate_score += 1; // Still grey. Meh. else candidate_score += 3; } } if (candidate_score < score) { score = candidate_score; pair = candidate; } } color_pairs[color] = pair; return pair; } public: void update_tile(int x, int y) { const int ch = gps.screen[x*gps.dimy*4 + y*4 + 0]; const int fg = gps.screen[x*gps.dimy*4 + y*4 + 1]; const int bg = gps.screen[x*gps.dimy*4 + y*4 + 2]; const int bold = gps.screen[x*gps.dimy*4 + y*4 + 3]; const int pair = lookup_pair(make_pair(fg,bg)); if (ch == 219 && !bold) { // It's █, which is used for borders and digging designations. // A_REVERSE space looks better if it isn't completely tall. // Which is most of the time, for me at least. // █ <-- Do you see gaps? // █ // The color can't be bold. wattrset(*stdscr_p, COLOR_PAIR(pair) | A_REVERSE); mvwaddstr(*stdscr_p, y, x, " "); } else { wattrset(*stdscr_p, COLOR_PAIR(pair) | (bold ? A_BOLD : 0)); wchar_t chs[2] = {charmap[ch],0}; mvwaddwstr(*stdscr_p, y, x, chs); } } void update_all() { for (int x = 0; x < init.display.grid_x; x++) for (int y = 0; y < init.display.grid_y; y++) update_tile(x, y); } void render() { refresh(); } void resize(int w, int h) { if (enabler.overridden_grid_sizes.size() == 0) gps_allocate(w, h); erase(); // Force a full display cycle gps.force_full_display_count = 1; enabler.flag |= ENABLERFLAG_RENDER; } void grid_resize(int w, int h) { gps_allocate(w, h); } renderer_curses() { init_curses(); } bool get_mouse_coords(int &x, int &y) { return false; } }; // Reads from getch, collapsing utf-8 encoding to the actual unicode // character. Ncurses symbols (left arrow, etc.) are returned as // positive values, unicode as negative. Error returns 0. static int getch_utf8() { int byte = wgetch(*stdscr_p); if (byte == ERR) return 0; if (byte > 0xff) return byte; int len = decode_utf8_predict_length(byte); if (!len) return 0; string input(len,0); input[0] = byte; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) input[i] = wgetch(*stdscr_p); return -decode_utf8(input); } void enablerst::eventLoop_ncurses() { int x, y, oldx = 0, oldy = 0; renderer_curses *renderer = static_cast(this->renderer); while (loopvar) { // Check for terminal resize getmaxyx(*stdscr_p, y, x); if (y != oldy || x != oldx) { pause_async_loop(); renderer->resize(x, y); unpause_async_loop(); oldx = x; oldy = y; } // Deal with input Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks(); // Read keyboard input, if any, and transform to artificial SDL // events for enabler_input. int key; bool paused_loop = false; while ((key = getch_utf8())) { if (!paused_loop) { pause_async_loop(); paused_loop = true; } bool esc = false; if (key == KEY_MOUSE) { MEVENT ev; if (getmouse(&ev) == OK) { // TODO: Deal with curses mouse input. And turn it on above. } } else if (key == -27) { // esc int second = getch_utf8(); if (second) { // That was an escape sequence esc = true; key = second; } } add_input_ncurses(key, now, esc); } if (paused_loop) unpause_async_loop(); // Run the common logic do_frame(); } } //// libncursesw stub //// extern "C" { static void *handle; WINDOW **stdscr_p; int COLOR_PAIRS; static int (*_erase)(void); static int (*_wmove)(WINDOW *w, int y, int x); static int (*_waddnstr)(WINDOW *w, const char *s, int n); static int (*_nodelay)(WINDOW *w, bool b); static int (*_refresh)(void); static int (*_wgetch)(WINDOW *w); static int (*_endwin)(void); static WINDOW *(*_initscr)(void); static int (*_raw)(void); static int (*_keypad)(WINDOW *w, bool b); static int (*_noecho)(void); static int (*_set_escdelay)(int delay); static int (*_curs_set)(int s); static int (*_start_color)(void); static int (*_init_pair)(short p, short fg, short bg); static int (*_getmouse)(MEVENT *m); static int (*_waddnwstr)(WINDOW *w, const wchar_t *s, int i); static void *dlsym_orexit(const char *symbol, bool actually_exit = true) { void *sym = dlsym(handle, symbol); if (!sym) { printf("Symbol not found: %s\n", symbol); if (actually_exit) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return sym; } int erase(void) { return _erase(); } int wmove(WINDOW *w, int y, int x) { return _wmove(w, y, x); } int waddnstr(WINDOW *w, const char *s, int n) { return _waddnstr(w, s, n); } int nodelay(WINDOW *w, bool b) { return _nodelay(w, b); } int refresh(void) { return _refresh(); } int wgetch(WINDOW *w) { return _wgetch(w); } int endwin(void) { return _endwin(); } WINDOW *initscr(void) { return _initscr(); } int raw(void) { return _raw(); } int keypad(WINDOW *w, bool b) { return _keypad(w, b); } int noecho(void) { return _noecho(); } int set_escdelay(int delay) { if (_set_escdelay) return _set_escdelay(delay); else return 0; } int curs_set(int s) { return _curs_set(s); } int start_color(void) { return _start_color(); } int init_pair(short p, short fg, short bg) { return _init_pair(p, fg, bg); } int getmouse(MEVENT *m) { return _getmouse(m); } int waddnwstr(WINDOW *w, const wchar_t *s, int n) { return _waddnwstr(w, s, n); } void init_curses() { static bool stub_initialized = false; // Initialize the stub if (!stub_initialized) { stub_initialized = true; // We prefer libncursesw, but we'll accept libncurses if we have to handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; puts("Didn't find any flavor of libncursesw, attempting libncurses"); sleep(5); handle = dlopen("libncurses.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("libncurses.5.4.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libncurses.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; handle = dlopen("/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) goto opened; opened: if (!handle) { puts("Unable to open any flavor of libncurses!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Okay, look up our symbols int *pairs = (int*)dlsym_orexit("COLOR_PAIRS"); COLOR_PAIRS = *pairs; stdscr_p = (WINDOW**)dlsym_orexit("stdscr"); _erase = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("erase"); _wmove = (int (*)(WINDOW *w, int y, int x))dlsym_orexit("wmove"); _waddnstr = (int (*)(WINDOW *w, const char *s, int n))dlsym_orexit("waddnstr"); _nodelay = (int (*)(WINDOW *w, bool b))dlsym_orexit("nodelay"); _refresh = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("refresh"); _wgetch = (int (*)(WINDOW *w))dlsym_orexit("wgetch"); _endwin = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("endwin"); _initscr = (WINDOW *(*)(void))dlsym_orexit("initscr"); _raw = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("raw"); _keypad = (int (*)(WINDOW *w, bool b))dlsym_orexit("keypad"); _noecho = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("noecho"); _set_escdelay = (int (*)(int delay))dlsym_orexit("set_escdelay", false); _curs_set = (int (*)(int s))dlsym_orexit("curs_set"); _start_color = (int (*)(void))dlsym_orexit("start_color"); _init_pair = (int (*)(short p, short fg, short bg))dlsym_orexit("init_pair"); _getmouse = (int (*)(MEVENT *m))dlsym_orexit("getmouse"); _waddnwstr = (int (*)(WINDOW *w, const wchar_t *s, int i))dlsym_orexit("waddnwstr"); } // Initialize curses if (!curses_initialized) { curses_initialized = true; WINDOW *new_window = initscr(); if (!new_window) { puts("unable to create ncurses window - initscr failed!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // in some versions of curses, initscr does not update stdscr! if (!*stdscr_p) *stdscr_p = new_window; raw(); noecho(); keypad(*stdscr_p, true); nodelay(*stdscr_p, true); set_escdelay(25); // Possible bug curs_set(0); mmask_t dummy; // mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, &dummy); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); atexit(endwin_void); } } };