Reporting Bugs And Requesting Features
Developer Information


tag loading/recoding policy


APE support status


a lot of people are asking me about whether deadbeef is going to support APE (Monkey's Audio Codec) format.

indeed, support is already in plugins branch, and everyone brave enough can try it. it's not fully finished yet, but working.

unique feature of deadbeef is that it supports BOTH ape decoders available for linux: libmac (unofficial port of official sdk with crappy license), and libdemac (unofficial decoder licensed under GPL, developed by rockbox people)

here's some interesting info:

mac decoder takes extra 10 megabytes of memory for itself (that's approximately same size, as taken by whole deadbeef player with all plugins except mac decoder!)

mac decoder may take up to 5 seconds to seek or start playback

libdemac takes almost no memory for itself, i would say i take around 250K for streaming (which is gonna be shared with other decoders btw)

libdemac is approximately 2 times slower, than libmac

worst case i've seen until now was 40% cpu time on libdemac, while 20% cpu time on libmac (3GHz Xeon CPU, same .ape file with extreme compression)

that's it for now!

happy listening

One more Gentoo Ebuild


Anton Novikov sent another ebuild for GIT version of DeaDBeeF

as always, check download section

Gentoo ebuild


proDOOMman sent nice ebuild for gentoo linux

check download section

Slackware Packages


happy user provided packages for Slackware 12.1 and 12.2

check download section

release 0.1.1 is out!



volume control now works on dB scale
fixed bug in ogg vorbis decoder that was skipping songs
flac decoder can now ignore corrupted files to some extent
added shuffle playback mode
removed some of the unused code from build scripts
player no longer hangs if song change happened near the end of current song
playlist redraw fixed for pause/unpause
speed optimizations on playlist drawing
changed scrollwheel step to 2 rows
changed playlist drawing from cairo to gdk, to improve speed and use proper fonts
fixed server part to be started earlier, to prevent multiple instances bug
fixed several things preventing player to work on ppc64 architecture
fixed id3v2 unsynchronized frames reading
implemented basic session management, window size/position, volume, playmode are remembered across sessions

download now!

Arch Linux PKGBUILD is available

yaourt -S deadbeef

GIT repository

i pushed my git repository to on Thu Aug 20 2009

git version has several bugfixes/improvements over alpha release, so feel free to use it.

git clone git://

Alpha released

first alpha release 0.1.0 just appened on Wed Aug 19 21:59:27 CEST 2009!

there was a report from a happy user that deadbeef won't compile with gtk<=2.16.

fix is very easy, and will be available in next release, and in git head when i have time to prepare and push it

thanks for understanding and happy hacking!


DeaDBeeF (as in 0xDEADBEEF) is an audio player for GNU/Linux systems with X11.

Current alpha version features:


    Copyright (C) 2009  Alexey Yakovenko

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


browse all files

source code for version 0.1.1 deadbeef-0.1.1.tar.gz

Arch Linux PKGBUILD: here

unsupported debian packages for version 0.1.1 from sceptic:

i386, x86_64

unsupported slackware packages for version 0.1.1 from

i386 slackware 12.1, i386 slackware 12.2

unsupported gentoo ebuild for version 0.1.1 from proDOOMman:


unsupported live gentoo ebuild from Anton Novikov:


note: i have nothing to do with these packages, nor can i test them. use at your own risk

contact me only if you built from official source package.

Reporting Bugs And Requesting Features

i don't want to receive bug reports or feature requests yet. but if you really feel like it - send me an email, or come to one of our irc/jabber chats.

Developer Information

if you want to contribute a patch, simply clone git repository, make new feature or fix a bug, and send me a link so that i can merge it.

see project site for details.


official IRC channel is: #deadbeefplayer @ freenode

official jabber conference for russian speaking users is here:

email: Alexey Yakovenko

keep in mind there's no stable release yet.


main window, version 0.1.0

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