Q: I have PulseAudio, and I have playback problems (noise, distortion, wrong speed, no sound, etc) A: Disable PulseAudio -- Q: I don't get it. Yes, indeed I have PulseAudio, but in Deadbeef I select ALSA output, and I get playback problems. A: PulseAudio tricks applications by providing ALSA-plugin that routes sound from application to PulseAudio via ALSA API. -- Q: Is it planned to support PulseAudio natively? A: No one works on that right now. You can write the output plugin yourself. Send me the patch, I'll include it in the next release. -- Q: I don't like your tone. A: GTFO! -- Q: Is it planned to support multiple playlists and EQ? A: Yes -- Q: Is it planned to make Windows and/or OSX ports? A: No -- Q: Playlist, settings, etc are not saved if I kill X session, shut down or restart computer, etc A: That is not fixed yet. But it is work in progress. Please don't bother me with that unless you have a patch that fixes it. -- Q: Deadbeef takes too much CPU% when playing mp3/ogg/flac. A: Try to reduce SRC quality in preferences window A: Try to check "Use software ALSA resampling" box A: See the PulseAudio questions above -- Q: Deadbeef takes too much CPU% when playing APE files. A: That's normal. Consider switching to wavpack or flac. -- Q: I have 50 ideas about what features must be added to the player!!!111oneone. Can i become idea-generator of the project, so that I tell, and developers do what I ask for? A: No