package Apbuild::Utils; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use base qw(Exporter); use IO::Handle; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX; use Cwd qw(abs_path); our @EXPORT = qw(debug error checkCommand empty homeDir searchLib searchStaticLib soname run parseDataFile writeDataFile); our $debugOpened = 0; ## # debug(message) # # If the environment variable $APBUILD_DEBUG is set to 1, # then print a debugging message to /dev/tty (not stdout or stderr). sub debug { return if (empty($ENV{APBUILD_DEBUG}) || !$ENV{APBUILD_DEBUG}); if (!$debugOpened) { if (open DEBUG, '>/dev/tty') { $debugOpened = 1; } else { return; } } my @args = split /\n/, "@_"; foreach (@args) { $_ = '# ' . $_; $_ .= "\n"; } print DEBUG "\033[1;33m"; print DEBUG join '', @args; print DEBUG "\033[0m"; DEBUG->flush; } ## # error(message) # # Print an error message to stderr. It will be displayed in red. sub error { print STDERR "\033[1;31m"; print STDERR $_[0]; print STDERR "\033[0m"; STDERR->flush; } ## # checkCommand(file) # file: an command's filename. # Returns: the full path to $file, or undef if $file is not a valid command. # # Checks whether $file is an executable which is in $PATH or the working directory. # # Example: # checkCommand('gcc'); # Returns "/usr/bin/gcc" sub checkCommand { my ($file, $file2) = split / /, $_[0]; $file = $file2 if ($file =~ /ccache/); return abs_path($file) if (-x $file); foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $ENV{PATH}) { if (-x "$dir/$file") { return "$dir/$file"; } } return undef; } ## # empty(str) # # Checks whether $str is undefined or empty. sub empty { return !defined($_[0]) || $_[0] eq ''; } ## # homeDir() # # Returns the user's home folder. sub homeDir { if (!$ENV{HOME}) { my $user = getpwuid(POSIX::getuid()); $ENV{HOME} = (getpwnam($user))[7]; } return $ENV{HOME}; } ## # searchLib(basename, [extra_paths]) # basename: the base name of the library. # extra_paths: a reference to an array, which contains extra folders in which to look for the library. # Returns: the absolute path to the library, or undef if not found. # # Get the absolute path of a (static or shared) library. # # Example: # searchLib(""); # Returns "/usr/lib/" sub searchLib { my ($basename, $extra_paths) = @_; if ($extra_paths) { foreach my $path (reverse(@{$extra_paths})) { return "$path/$basename" if (-f "$path/$basename"); } } foreach my $path ('/usr/local/lib', '/lib', '/usr/lib') { return "$path/$basename" if (-f "$path/$basename"); } return undef; } ## # soname(lib) # lib: a filename to a shared library. # Returns: the soname. # # Get the soname of the specified shared library by reading # the SONAME section of the shared library file. sub soname { my ($lib) = @_; my ($r, $w); if (open2($r, $w, 'objdump', '-p', $lib)) { close $w; my @lines = <$r>; close $r; my ($soname) = grep {/SONAME/} @lines; $soname =~ s/.*?SONAME[ \t]+//; $soname =~ s/\n//gs; return $soname; } else { my ($soname) = $lib =~ /.*\/lib(.+)\.so/; return $soname; } } ## # run(args...) # Returns: the command's exit code. # # Run a command with system(). sub run { # split the first item in @_ into "words". The `printf ...` # takes care of respecting ' and " quotes so we don't split a # quoted string that contains whitespace. If $cmd itself # contains \n, this will still go wrong. my $cmd = shift @_; my @words = `printf '%s\n' $cmd`; chomp @words; my $status = system(@words, @_); return 127 if ($status == -1); return $status / 256 if ($status != 0); return 0; } sub parseDataFile { my ($file, $r_hash) = @_; %{$r_hash} = (); return if (!open FILE, "< $file"); foreach () { next if (/^#/); s/[\r\n]//g; next if (length($_) == 0); my ($key, $value) = split / /, $_, 2; $r_hash->{$key} = $value; } close FILE; } sub writeDataFile { my ($file, $r_hash) = @_; return if (!open FILE, "> $file"); foreach my $key (sort(keys %{$r_hash})) { print FILE "$key $r_hash->{$key}\n"; } close FILE; } 1;