/* This file is part of Deadbeef Player source code http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net streamer implementation Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Alexey Yakovenko This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Alexey Yakovenko waker@users.sourceforge.net */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include #include "threading.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "common.h" #include "streamer.h" #include "messagepump.h" #include "conf.h" #include "plugins.h" #include "optmath.h" #include "volume.h" #include "vfs.h" #include "premix.h" #include "ringbuf.h" #include "replaygain.h" #include "fft.h" #include "handler.h" //#define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } #define trace(fmt,...) //#define WRITE_DUMP 1 //#define DETECT_PL_LOCK_RC 1 #if WRITE_DUMP FILE *out; #endif #define MAX_PLAYLIST_DOWNLOAD_SIZE 25000 static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size); static int streamer_set_output_format (void); static intptr_t streamer_tid; static ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp_chain; static float dsp_ratio = 1; static DB_dsp_t *eqplug; static ddb_dsp_context_t *eq; static int dsp_on = 0; static int autoconv_8_to_16 = 1; static int streaming_terminate; // buffer up to 3 seconds at 44100Hz stereo #define STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE 0x80000 // slightly more than 3 seconds of 44100 stereo // how much bigger should read-buffer be to allow upsampling. // e.g. 8000Hz -> 192000Hz upsampling requires 24x buffer size, // so if we originally request 4096 bytes blocks - // that will require 24x buffer size, which is 98304 bytes buffer #define MAX_DSP_RATIO 24 #define MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 #define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 16384 #define READBUFFER_SIZE (MAX_BLOCK_SIZE * MAX_DSP_RATIO) static char readbuffer[READBUFFER_SIZE]; static ringbuf_t streamer_ringbuf; static char streambuffer[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int bytes_until_next_song = 0; static uintptr_t mutex; static uintptr_t decodemutex; static uintptr_t audio_mem_mutex; static int nextsong = -1; static int nextsong_pstate = -1; static int badsong = -1; static float seekpos = -1; static float playpos = 0; // play position of current song static int avg_bitrate = -1; // avg bitrate of current song static int last_bitrate = -1; // last bitrate of current song static playlist_t *streamer_playlist; static playItem_t *playing_track; static float playtime; // total playtime of playing track static time_t started_timestamp; // result of calling time(NULL) static playItem_t *streaming_track; static playItem_t *playlist_track; static ddb_waveformat_t output_format; // format that was requested after DSP static ddb_waveformat_t orig_output_format; // format that was requested before DSP static int formatchanged; static DB_fileinfo_t *fileinfo; static DB_fileinfo_t *new_fileinfo; static int streamer_buffering; // to allow interruption of stall file requests static DB_FILE *streamer_file; // for vis plugins static float freq_data[DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES]; static float audio_data[DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES]; // message queue static struct handler_s *handler; #if DETECT_PL_LOCK_RC volatile pthread_t streamer_lock_tid = 0; #endif void streamer_lock (void) { #if DETECT_PL_LOCK_RC extern pthread_t pl_lock_tid; assert (pl_lock_tid != pthread_self()); // not permitted to lock streamer from inside of pl_lock #endif mutex_lock (mutex); #if DETECT_PL_LOCK_RC streamer_lock_tid = pthread_self(); #endif } void streamer_unlock (void) { #if DETECT_PL_LOCK_RC streamer_lock_tid = 0; #endif mutex_unlock (mutex); } static void streamer_abort_files (void) { trace ("\033[0;33mstreamer_abort_files\033[37;0m\n"); mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo && fileinfo->file) { deadbeef->fabort (fileinfo->file); } if (new_fileinfo && new_fileinfo->file) { deadbeef->fabort (new_fileinfo->file); } if (streamer_file) { deadbeef->fabort (streamer_file); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } void streamer_set_replaygain (playItem_t *it) { // setup replaygain pl_lock (); const char *gain; gain = pl_find_meta (it, ":REPLAYGAIN_ALBUMGAIN"); float albumgain = gain ? atof (gain) : 1000; float albumpeak = pl_get_item_replaygain (it, DDB_REPLAYGAIN_ALBUMPEAK); gain = pl_find_meta (it, ":REPLAYGAIN_TRACKGAIN"); float trackgain = gain ? atof (gain) : 1000; float trackpeak = pl_get_item_replaygain (it, DDB_REPLAYGAIN_TRACKPEAK); pl_unlock (); replaygain_set_values (albumgain, albumpeak, trackgain, trackpeak); } static void send_songstarted (playItem_t *trk) { ddb_event_track_t *pev = (ddb_event_track_t *)messagepump_event_alloc (DB_EV_SONGSTARTED); pev->track = DB_PLAYITEM (trk); pl_item_ref (trk); pev->playtime = 0; pev->started_timestamp = time(NULL); messagepump_push_event ((ddb_event_t*)pev, 0, 0); } static void send_songfinished (playItem_t *trk) { ddb_event_track_t *pev = (ddb_event_track_t *)messagepump_event_alloc (DB_EV_SONGFINISHED); pev->track = DB_PLAYITEM (trk); pl_item_ref (trk); pev->playtime = playtime; pev->started_timestamp = started_timestamp; messagepump_push_event ((ddb_event_t*)pev, 0, 0); } static void send_trackchanged (playItem_t *from, playItem_t *to) { ddb_event_trackchange_t *event = (ddb_event_trackchange_t *)messagepump_event_alloc (DB_EV_SONGCHANGED); event->playtime = playtime; event->started_timestamp = started_timestamp; if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_ref (to); } event->from = (DB_playItem_t *)from; event->to = (DB_playItem_t *)to; messagepump_push_event ((ddb_event_t *)event, 0, 0); } void streamer_start_playback (playItem_t *from, playItem_t *it) { if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } // free old copy of playing if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } pl_lock (); playlist_track = it; pl_unlock (); // assign new playing_track = it; if (playing_track) { pl_item_ref (playing_track); playing_track->played = 1; trace ("from=%p (%s), to=%p (%s) [2]\n", from, from ? pl_find_meta (from, ":URI") : "null", it, it ? pl_find_meta (it, ":URI") : "null"); send_trackchanged (from, it); started_timestamp = time (NULL); } if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (it) { pl_item_unref (it); } trace ("streamer_start_playback %s\n", playing_track ? pl_find_meta (playing_track, ":URI") : "null"); } playItem_t * streamer_get_streaming_track (void) { if (streaming_track) { pl_item_ref (streaming_track); } return streaming_track; } playItem_t * streamer_get_playing_track (void) { playItem_t *it = playing_track;// ? playing_track : playlist_track; if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } return it; } int str_get_idx_of (playItem_t *it) { pl_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); } playItem_t *c = streamer_playlist->head[PL_MAIN]; int idx = 0; while (c && c != it) { c = c->next[PL_MAIN]; idx++; } if (!c) { pl_unlock (); return -1; } pl_unlock (); return idx; } playItem_t * str_get_for_idx (int idx) { pl_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); } playItem_t *it = streamer_playlist->head[PL_MAIN]; while (idx--) { if (!it) { pl_unlock (); return NULL; } it = it->next[PL_MAIN]; } if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } pl_unlock (); return it; } static void send_trackinfochanged (playItem_t *track) { ddb_event_track_t *ev = (ddb_event_track_t *)messagepump_event_alloc (DB_EV_TRACKINFOCHANGED); ev->track = DB_PLAYITEM (track); if (track) { pl_item_ref (track); } messagepump_push_event ((ddb_event_t*)ev, 0, 0); } int streamer_move_to_nextsong (int reason) { trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong (%d)\n", reason); pl_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); } while (pl_playqueue_getcount ()) { trace ("pl_playqueue_getnext\n"); playItem_t *it = pl_playqueue_getnext (); if (it) { pl_playqueue_pop (); int r = str_get_idx_of (it); if (r >= 0) { pl_item_unref (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } else { trace ("%s not found in current streaming playlist\n", pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); playlist_t *p = pl_get_playlist (it); if (p) { if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = p; int r = str_get_idx_of (it); if (r >= 0) { pl_item_unref (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 3); return 0; } } trace ("%s not found in any playlists\n", pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); pl_item_unref (it); } } } playItem_t *curr = playlist_track; if (reason == 1) { if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); // check if prev song is in this playlist if (-1 == str_get_idx_of (curr)) { curr = NULL; } } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; if (!plt->head[PL_MAIN]) { pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return 0; } int pl_order = pl_get_order (); int pl_loop_mode = conf_get_int ("playback.loop", 0); if (reason == 0 && pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_SINGLE) { // song finished, loop mode is "loop 1 track" int r = str_get_idx_of (playing_track); pl_unlock (); if (r == -1) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); } else { streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); } return 0; } if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_TRACKS || pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS) { // shuffle if (!curr || pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_TRACKS) { // find minimal notplayed playItem_t *pmin = NULL; // notplayed minimum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i->played) { continue; } if (!pmin || i->shufflerating < pmin->shufflerating) { pmin = i; } } playItem_t *it = pmin; if (!it) { // all songs played, reshuffle and try again if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { // loop plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &it, NULL); } } if (!it) { streamer_buffering = 0; send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); playItem_t *temp; plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &temp, NULL); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, -2); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } else { trace ("pl_next_song: reason=%d, loop=%d\n", reason, pl_loop_mode); // find minimal notplayed above current int rating = curr->shufflerating; playItem_t *pmin = NULL; // notplayed minimum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i->played || i->shufflerating < rating) { continue; } if (!pmin || i->shufflerating < pmin->shufflerating) { pmin = i; } } playItem_t *it = pmin; if (!it) { // all songs played, reshuffle and try again if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL || reason == 1) { // loop trace ("all songs played! reshuffle\n"); plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &it, NULL); } } if (!it) { streamer_buffering = 0; send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); playItem_t *temp; plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &temp, NULL); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, -2); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_LINEAR) { // linear playItem_t *it = NULL; if (!curr) { int cur = plt_get_cursor (streamer_playlist, PL_MAIN); if (cur != -1) { curr = plt_get_item_for_idx (streamer_playlist, cur, PL_MAIN); pl_item_unref (curr); } } if (curr) { it = curr->next[PL_MAIN]; } else { it = streamer_playlist->head[PL_MAIN]; } if (!it) { trace ("streamer_move_nextsong: was last track\n"); if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { it = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; } else { streamer_buffering = 0; send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); badsong = -1; pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, -2); return 0; } } if (!it) { pl_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM) { // random pl_unlock (); int res = streamer_move_to_randomsong (); if (res == -1) { trace ("streamer_move_to_randomsong error\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return -1; } return 0; } pl_unlock (); return -1; } int streamer_move_to_prevsong (void) { pl_lock (); if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); // check if prev song is in this playlist if (-1 == str_get_idx_of (playlist_track)) { playlist_track = NULL; } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; pl_playqueue_clear (); if (!plt->head[PL_MAIN]) { pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return 0; } int pl_order = conf_get_int ("playback.order", 0); int pl_loop_mode = conf_get_int ("playback.loop", 0); if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_TRACKS || pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS) { // shuffle if (!playlist_track) { pl_unlock (); return streamer_move_to_nextsong (1); } else { playlist_track->played = 0; // find already played song with maximum shuffle rating below prev song int rating = playlist_track->shufflerating; playItem_t *pmax = NULL; // played maximum playItem_t *amax = NULL; // absolute maximum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i != playlist_track && i->played && (!amax || i->shufflerating > amax->shufflerating)) { amax = i; } if (i == playlist_track || i->shufflerating > rating || !i->played) { continue; } if (!pmax || i->shufflerating > pmax->shufflerating) { pmax = i; } } if (pmax && pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS) { while (pmax && pmax->next[PL_MAIN] && pmax->next[PL_MAIN]->played && pmax->shufflerating == pmax->next[PL_MAIN]->shufflerating) { pmax = pmax->next[PL_MAIN]; } } playItem_t *it = pmax; if (!it) { // that means 1st in playlist, take amax if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { if (!amax) { plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, NULL, &amax); } it = amax; } } if (!it) { pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_LINEAR) { // linear playItem_t *it = NULL; if (!playlist_track) { int cur = plt_get_cursor (streamer_playlist, PL_MAIN); if (cur != -1) { playlist_track = plt_get_item_for_idx (streamer_playlist, cur, PL_MAIN); pl_item_unref (playlist_track); } } if (playlist_track) { it = playlist_track->prev[PL_MAIN]; } if (!it) { if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { it = plt->tail[PL_MAIN]; } } if (!it) { pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); pl_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM) { // random pl_unlock (); int res = streamer_move_to_randomsong (); if (res == -1) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); trace ("streamer_move_to_randomsong error\n"); return -1; } return 0; } pl_unlock (); return -1; } int streamer_move_to_randomsong (void) { if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; int cnt = plt->count[PL_MAIN]; if (!cnt) { trace ("empty playlist\n"); return -1; } int curr = str_get_idx_of (playing_track); int r = rand () / (float)RAND_MAX * cnt; if (r == curr) { r++; if (r >= cnt) { r = 0; } } if (pl_get_order () == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS) { plt_init_shuffle_albums (plt, r); } streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } // playlist must call that whenever item was removed void streamer_song_removed_notify (playItem_t *it) { if (!mutex) { return; // streamer is not running } if (it == playlist_track) { playlist_track = playlist_track->prev[PL_MAIN]; } } // that must be called after last sample from str_playing_song was done reading static int streamer_set_current (playItem_t *it) { trace ("streamer_set_current %s\n", playing_track ? pl_find_meta (playing_track, ":URI") : "null"); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int err = 0; int do_songstarted = 0; playItem_t *from, *to; // need to add refs here, because streamer_start_playback can destroy items from = playing_track; to = it; if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_ref (to); } trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_set_current from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", from, it); if (!playing_track || output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { streamer_buffering = 1; trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_start_playback[1] from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", from, it); do_songstarted = 1; streamer_start_playback (from, it); bytes_until_next_song = -1; } trace ("streamer_set_current %p, buns=%d\n", it, bytes_until_next_song); mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (!it) { goto success; } if (to) { trace ("draw before init: %p->%p, playing_track=%p, playlist_track=%p\n", from, to, playing_track, playlist_track); send_trackinfochanged (to); } if (from) { send_trackinfochanged (from); } char decoder_id[100] = ""; char filetype[100] = ""; pl_lock (); const char *dec = pl_find_meta (it, ":DECODER"); if (dec) { strncpy (decoder_id, dec, sizeof (decoder_id)); } const char *ft = pl_find_meta (it, ":FILETYPE"); if (ft) { strncpy (filetype, ft, sizeof (filetype)); } pl_unlock (); if (!decoder_id[0] && (!strcmp (filetype, "content") || !filetype[0])) { // try to get content-type mutex_lock (decodemutex); trace ("\033[0;34mopening file %s\033[37;0m\n", pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); pl_lock (); DB_FILE *fp = streamer_file = vfs_fopen (pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); pl_unlock (); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); const char *plug = NULL; trace ("\033[0;34mgetting content-type\033[37;0m\n"); if (!fp) { err = -1; goto error; } const char *ct = vfs_get_content_type (fp); if (!ct) { vfs_fclose (fp); fp = NULL; streamer_file = NULL; err = -1; goto error; } trace ("got content-type: %s\n", ct); if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/mpeg")) { plug = "stdmpg"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "application/ogg") || !strcmp (ct, "audio/ogg")) { plug = "stdogg"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/aacp")) { plug = "aac"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/aac")) { plug = "aac"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/wma")) { plug = "ffmpeg"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/x-mpegurl") || !strncmp (ct, "text/html", 9) || !strncmp (ct, "audio/x-scpls", 13)) { // download playlist into temp file char *buf = NULL; int fd = -1; FILE *out = NULL; int size = vfs_fgetlength (fp); if (size <= 0) { size = MAX_PLAYLIST_DOWNLOAD_SIZE; } buf = malloc (size); if (!buf) { trace ("failed to alloc %d bytes for playlist buffer\n"); goto m3u_error; } trace ("reading %d bytes\n", size); int rd = vfs_fread (buf, 1, size, fp); if (rd <= 0) { trace ("failed to download %d bytes (got %d bytes)\n", size, rd); goto m3u_error; } char tempfile[1000]; const char *tmpdir = getenv ("TMPDIR"); if (!tmpdir) { tmpdir = "/tmp"; } snprintf (tempfile, sizeof (tempfile), "%s/ddbm3uXXXXXX", tmpdir); fd = mkstemp (tempfile); if (fd == -1) { trace ("failed to open temp file %s\n", tempfile); goto m3u_error; } trace ("writing to %s\n", tempfile); out = fdopen (fd, "w+b"); if (!out) { trace ("fdopen failed for %s\n", tempfile); goto m3u_error; } int rw = fwrite (buf, 1, rd, out); if (rw != rd) { trace ("failed to write %d bytes into file %s\n", size, tempfile); goto m3u_error; } fclose (out); fd = -1; out = NULL; trace ("loading playlist from %s\n", tempfile); // load playlist playlist_t *plt = plt_alloc ("temp"); DB_playlist_t **plug = plug_get_playlist_list (); int p, e; DB_playItem_t *m3u = NULL; for (p = 0; plug[p]; p++) { if (plug[p]->load) { m3u = plug[p]->load ((ddb_playlist_t *)plt, NULL, tempfile, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (m3u) { break; } } } if (!m3u) { trace ("failed to load playlist from %s using any of the installed playlist plugins\n", tempfile); plt_free (plt); goto m3u_error; } // for every playlist uri: override stream uri with the one from playlist, and try to play it playItem_t *i = (playItem_t *)m3u; pl_item_ref (i); int res = -1; while (i) { pl_lock (); pl_replace_meta (it, "!URI", pl_find_meta_raw (i, ":URI")); pl_unlock (); res = streamer_set_current (it); if (!res) { pl_item_unref (i); break; } playItem_t *next = pl_get_next (i, PL_MAIN); pl_item_unref (i); i = next; } pl_item_unref ((playItem_t*)m3u); plt_free (plt); if (res == 0) { // succeeded -- playing now if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_unref (to); } return res; } unlink (tempfile); m3u_error: err = -1; if (buf) { free (buf); } if (out) { fclose (out); } else if (fd != -1) { close (fd); } goto error; } mutex_lock (decodemutex); streamer_file = NULL; vfs_fclose (fp); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (plug) { DB_decoder_t **decoders = plug_get_decoder_list (); // match by decoder for (int i = 0; decoders[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp (decoders[i]->plugin.id, plug)) { pl_replace_meta (it, "!DECODER", decoders[i]->plugin.id); strncpy (decoder_id, decoders[i]->plugin.id, sizeof (decoder_id)); trace ("\033[0;34mfound plugin %s\033[37;0m\n", plug); break; } } } else { trace ("\033[0;34mclosed file %s (bad or interrupted)\033[37;0m\n", pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); } } playlist_track = it; if (decoder_id[0]) { DB_decoder_t *dec = NULL; dec = plug_get_decoder_for_id (decoder_id); if (!dec) { // find new decoder by file extension pl_lock (); const char *fname = pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"); const char *ext = strrchr (fname, '.'); if (ext) { ext++; DB_decoder_t **decs = plug_get_decoder_list (); for (int i = 0; decs[i]; i++) { const char **exts = decs[i]->exts; if (exts) { for (int j = 0; exts[j]; j++) { if (!strcasecmp (exts[j], ext)) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer: %s : changed decoder plugin to %s\n", fname, decs[i]->plugin.id); pl_replace_meta (it, "!DECODER", decs[i]->plugin.id); pl_replace_meta (it, "!FILETYPE", ext); dec = decs[i]; break; } } } } } pl_unlock (); } if (dec) { trace ("\033[0;33minit decoder for %s (%s)\033[37;0m\n", pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"), decoder_id); mutex_lock (decodemutex); new_fileinfo = dec->open (0); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (new_fileinfo && dec->init (new_fileinfo, DB_PLAYITEM (it)) != 0) { trace ("\033[0;31mfailed to init decoder\033[37;0m\n"); mutex_lock (decodemutex); dec->free (new_fileinfo); new_fileinfo = NULL; mutex_unlock (decodemutex); // goto error; } } if (!dec || !new_fileinfo) { it->played = 1; trace ("decoder->init returned %p\n", new_fileinfo); streamer_buffering = 0; if (playlist_track == it) { trace ("redraw track %d; playing_track=%p; playlist_track=%p\n", to, playing_track, playlist_track); send_trackinfochanged (to); } err = -1; goto error; } else { mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); } streaming_track = it; if (streaming_track) { pl_item_ref (streaming_track); streamer_set_replaygain (streaming_track); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); trace ("bps=%d, channels=%d, samplerate=%d\n", new_fileinfo->fmt.bps, new_fileinfo->fmt.channels, new_fileinfo->fmt.samplerate); } } else { trace ("no decoder in playitem!\n"); it->played = 1; streamer_buffering = 0; if (playlist_track == it) { send_trackinfochanged (to); } if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_unref (to); } return -1; } success: mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } if (new_fileinfo) { fileinfo = new_fileinfo; new_fileinfo = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (do_songstarted && playing_track) { trace ("songstarted %s\n", playing_track ? pl_find_meta (playing_track, ":URI") : "null"); playtime = 0; send_songstarted (playing_track); } send_trackinfochanged (to); trace ("\033[0;32mstr: %p (%s), ply: %p (%s)\033[37;0m\n", streaming_track, streaming_track ? pl_find_meta (streaming_track, ":URI") : "null", playing_track, playing_track ? pl_find_meta (playing_track, ":URI") : "null"); error: if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_unref (to); } return err; } float streamer_get_playpos (void) { float seek = seekpos; if (seek >= 0) { return seek; } return playpos; } void streamer_set_bitrate (int bitrate) { if (bytes_until_next_song <= 0) { // prevent next track from resetting current playback bitrate last_bitrate = bitrate; } } int streamer_get_apx_bitrate (void) { return avg_bitrate; } void streamer_set_nextsong (int song, int pstate) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); trace ("streamer_set_nextsong %d %d\n", song, pstate); streamer_abort_files (); streamer_lock (); nextsong = song; nextsong_pstate = pstate; if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { if (pstate == 1) { // means user initiated this pl_lock (); if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); pl_unlock (); } // no sense to wait until end of previous song, reset buffer bytes_until_next_song = 0; playpos = 0; seekpos = -1; } streamer_unlock (); } void streamer_set_generic_output_format (void) { output_format.bps = 16; output_format.is_float = 0; output_format.channels = 2; output_format.samplerate = 44100; output_format.channelmask = 3; streamer_set_output_format (); } void streamer_set_seek (float pos) { seekpos = pos; } static void streamer_start_new_song (void) { trace ("nextsong=%d (badsong=%d)\n", nextsong, badsong); streamer_lock (); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int sng = nextsong; int initsng = nextsong; int pstate = nextsong_pstate; nextsong = -1; streamer_unlock (); if (badsong == sng) { trace ("looped to bad file. stopping...\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, -2); badsong = -1; return; } playItem_t *try = str_get_for_idx (sng); if (!try) { // track is not in playlist trace ("track #%d is not in playlist; stopping playback\n", sng); output->stop (); mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); send_trackchanged (NULL, NULL); return; } int ret = streamer_set_current (try); if (ret < 0) { trace ("\033[0;31mfailed to play track %s, skipping (current=%p/%p)...\033[37;0m\n", pl_find_meta (try, ":URI"), streaming_track, playlist_track); pl_item_unref (try); try = NULL; // remember bad song number in case of looping if (badsong == -1) { badsong = sng; } trace ("\033[0;34mbadsong=%d\033[37;0m\n", badsong); // try jump to next song if (nextsong == -1) { streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong switched to track %d\n", nextsong); usleep (50000); } else { trace ("nextsong changed from %d to %d by another thread, reinit\n", initsng, nextsong); badsong = -1; } return; } pl_item_unref (try); try = NULL; badsong = -1; trace ("pstate = %d\n", pstate); trace ("playback state = %d\n", output->state ()); if (pstate == 0) { output->stop (); } else if (pstate == 1 || pstate == 3) { last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; if (output->state () != OUTPUT_STATE_PLAYING) { streamer_reset (1); if (fileinfo && memcmp (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { memcpy (&output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); memcpy (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); // fprintf (stderr, "streamer_set_output_format %dbit %s %dch %dHz channelmask=%X\n", output_format.bps, output_format.is_float ? "float" : "int", output_format.channels, output_format.samplerate, output_format.channelmask); streamer_set_output_format (); } if (0 != output->play ()) { // give a chance to DSP plugins to convert format to something // supported streamer_set_generic_output_format (); if (0 != output->play ()) { memset (&orig_output_format, 0, sizeof (orig_output_format)); fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback (start track)\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); } } } } else if (pstate == 2) { if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; streamer_reset (1); if (fileinfo && memcmp (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { memcpy (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); formatchanged = 1; } // we need to start playback before we can pause it if (0 != output->play ()) { memset (&orig_output_format, 0, sizeof (orig_output_format)); fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback (start track)\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); } } output->pause (); } } void streamer_next (int bytesread) { streamer_lock (); bytes_until_next_song = streamer_ringbuf.remaining + bytesread; streamer_unlock (); if (conf_get_int ("playlist.stop_after_current", 0)) { streamer_buffering = 0; streamer_set_nextsong (-2, -2); if (conf_get_int ("playlist.stop_after_current_reset", 0)) { conf_set_int ("playlist.stop_after_current", 0); deadbeef->sendmessage (DB_EV_CONFIGCHANGED, 0, 0, 0); } } else { streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); } } void streamer_thread (void *ctx) { #ifdef __linux__ prctl (PR_SET_NAME, "deadbeef-stream", 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif while (!streaming_terminate) { struct timeval tm1; DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); gettimeofday (&tm1, NULL); if (nextsong >= 0) { // start streaming next song trace ("\033[0;34mnextsong=%d\033[37;0m\n", nextsong); if (playing_track) { trace ("sending songfinished to plugins [3]\n"); send_songfinished (playing_track); } streamer_start_new_song (); // it's totally possible that song was switched // while streamer_set_current was running, // so we need to restart here continue; } else if (nextsong == -2 && (nextsong_pstate==0 || bytes_until_next_song == 0)) { streamer_lock (); playItem_t *from = playing_track; bytes_until_next_song = -1; trace ("nextsong=-2\n"); nextsong = -1; if (playing_track) { trace ("sending songfinished to plugins [1]\n"); send_songfinished (playing_track); } if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } streamer_set_current (NULL); if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } send_trackchanged (from, NULL); if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } streamer_unlock (); output->stop (); continue; } else if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { usleep (50000); continue; } if (bytes_until_next_song == 0) { streamer_lock (); if (!streaming_track) { // means last song was deleted during final drain nextsong = -1; output->stop (); streamer_set_current (NULL); streamer_unlock (); continue; } trace ("bytes_until_next_song=0, starting playback of new song\n"); //playItem_t *from = playing_track; //playItem_t *to = streaming_track; trace ("sending songchanged\n"); bytes_until_next_song = -1; // plugin will get pointer to str_playing_song if (playing_track) { trace ("sending songfinished to plugins [2]\n"); send_songfinished (playing_track); } // copy streaming into playing trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_start_playback[2] from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", playing_track, streaming_track); streamer_start_playback (playing_track, streaming_track); trace ("songstarted %s\n", playing_track ? pl_find_meta (playing_track, ":URI") : "null"); playtime = 0; send_songstarted (playing_track); last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; playlist_track = playing_track; playpos = 0; seekpos = -1; // don't switch if unchanged ddb_waveformat_t prevfmt; memcpy (&prevfmt, &output->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); if (memcmp (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { memcpy (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); memcpy (&output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); formatchanged = 1; } streamer_unlock (); } int seek = seekpos; if (seek >= 0) { playpos = seek; seekpos = -1; trace ("seeking to %f\n", seek); float pos = seek; if (playing_track != streaming_track) { trace ("streamer already switched to next track\n"); // restart playing from new position mutex_lock (decodemutex); if(fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } streaming_track = playing_track; if (streaming_track) { pl_item_ref (streaming_track); streamer_set_replaygain (streaming_track); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); bytes_until_next_song = -1; streamer_buffering = 1; if (streaming_track) { send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } mutex_lock (decodemutex); DB_decoder_t *dec = NULL; pl_lock (); const char *decoder_id = pl_find_meta (streaming_track, ":DECODER"); dec = plug_get_decoder_for_id (decoder_id); pl_unlock (); if (dec) { fileinfo = dec->open (0); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo && dec->init (fileinfo, DB_PLAYITEM (streaming_track)) != 0) { mutex_lock (decodemutex); dec->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } } else { mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } if (!dec || !fileinfo) { if (streaming_track) { send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } trace ("failed to restart prev track on seek, trying to jump to next track\n"); streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong switched to track %d\n", nextsong); usleep (50000); continue; } } bytes_until_next_song = -1; streamer_buffering = 1; if (streaming_track) { send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } float dur = pl_get_item_duration (playing_track); if (fileinfo && playing_track && dur > 0) { if (pos >= dur) { output->stop (); streamer_move_to_nextsong (1); continue; } streamer_lock (); streamer_reset (1); if (fileinfo->plugin->seek (fileinfo, pos) >= 0) { playpos = fileinfo->readpos; } last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; streamer_unlock(); } ddb_event_playpos_t *ev = (ddb_event_playpos_t *)messagepump_event_alloc (DB_EV_SEEKED); ev->track = DB_PLAYITEM (playing_track); if (playing_track) { pl_item_ref (playing_track); } ev->playpos = playpos; messagepump_push_event ((ddb_event_t*)ev, 0, 0); } // read ahead at 2x speed of output samplerate, in 4k blocks int rate = output->fmt.samplerate; if (!rate) { trace ("str: got 0 output samplerate\n"); usleep(20000); continue; } int channels = output->fmt.channels; int bytes_in_one_second = rate * (output->fmt.bps>>3) * channels; const int blocksize = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE; int alloc_time = 1000 * blocksize / bytes_in_one_second; alloc_time /= 1.2; int skip = 0; if (bytes_until_next_song >= 0) { // check if streaming format differs from output if (memcmp(&fileinfo->fmt, &orig_output_format, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { skip = 1; streamer_buffering = 0; } } streamer_lock (); if (!formatchanged && !skip && streamer_ringbuf.remaining < (STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE-blocksize * MAX_DSP_RATIO)) { int sz = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - streamer_ringbuf.remaining; int minsize = blocksize; // speed up buffering when empty if (streamer_ringbuf.remaining < MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { minsize *= 4; alloc_time *= 4; } sz = min (minsize, sz); assert ((sz&3) == 0); // buffer must be larger enough to accomodate resamplers/pitchers/... // FIXME: bounds checking streamer_unlock (); // ensure that size is possible with current format int samplesize = output->fmt.channels * (output->fmt.bps>>3); if (sz % samplesize) { sz -= (sz % samplesize); } int bytesread = 0; do { int prev_buns = bytes_until_next_song; int nb = streamer_read_async (readbuffer+bytesread,sz-bytesread); if (nb <= 0) { break; } bytesread += nb; struct timeval tm2; gettimeofday (&tm2, NULL); int ms = (tm2.tv_sec*1000+tm2.tv_usec/1000) - (tm1.tv_sec*1000+tm1.tv_usec/1000); if (ms >= alloc_time) { break; } if (prev_buns != bytes_until_next_song) { break; } } while (bytesread < sz-100); streamer_lock (); if (bytesread > 0) { ringbuf_write (&streamer_ringbuf, readbuffer, bytesread); } //trace ("fill: %d, read: %d, size=%d, blocksize=%d\n", streamer_ringbuf.remaining, bytesread, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, blocksize); } streamer_unlock (); if ((streamer_ringbuf.remaining > 128000 && streamer_buffering) || !streaming_track) { streamer_buffering = 0; if (streaming_track) { send_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } } struct timeval tm2; gettimeofday (&tm2, NULL); int ms = (tm2.tv_sec*1000+tm2.tv_usec/1000) - (tm1.tv_sec*1000+tm1.tv_usec/1000); //trace ("slept %dms (alloc=%dms, bytespersec=%d, chan=%d, blocksize=%d), fill: %d/%d (cursor=%d)\n", alloc_time-ms, alloc_time, bytes_in_one_second, output->fmt.channels, blocksize, streamer_ringbuf.remaining, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, streamer_ringbuf.cursor); alloc_time -= ms; if (!streamer_buffering && alloc_time > 0) { usleep (alloc_time * 1000); } } // stop streaming song mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } void streamer_dsp_chain_free (ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp_chain) { while (dsp_chain) { ddb_dsp_context_t *next = dsp_chain->next; dsp_chain->plugin->close (dsp_chain); dsp_chain = next; } } ddb_dsp_context_t * streamer_dsp_chain_load (const char *fname) { int err = 1; FILE *fp = fopen (fname, "rt"); if (!fp) { return NULL; } char temp[100]; ddb_dsp_context_t *chain = NULL; ddb_dsp_context_t *tail = NULL; for (;;) { // plugin enabled { int enabled = 0; int err = fscanf (fp, "%100s %d {\n", temp, &enabled); if (err == EOF) { break; } else if (2 != err) { fprintf (stderr, "error plugin name\n"); goto error; } DB_dsp_t *plug = (DB_dsp_t *)deadbeef->plug_get_for_id (temp); if (!plug) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: plugin %s not found. preset will not be loaded\n", temp); goto error; } ddb_dsp_context_t *ctx = plug->open (); if (!ctx) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: failed to open ctxance of plugin %s\n", temp); goto error; } if (tail) { tail->next = ctx; tail = ctx; } else { tail = chain = ctx; } int n = 0; for (;;) { char value[1000]; if (!fgets (temp, sizeof (temp), fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: unexpected eof while reading plugin params\n"); goto error; } if (!strcmp (temp, "}\n")) { break; } else if (1 != sscanf (temp, "\t%1000[^\n]\n", value)) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: error loading param %d\n", n); goto error; } if (plug->num_params) { plug->set_param (ctx, n, value); } n++; } ctx->enabled = enabled; } err = 0; error: if (err) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: error loading %s\n", fname); } if (fp) { fclose (fp); } if (err && chain) { streamer_dsp_chain_free (chain); chain = NULL; } return chain; } int streamer_dsp_chain_save_internal (const char *fname, ddb_dsp_context_t *chain) { char tempfile[PATH_MAX]; snprintf (tempfile, sizeof (tempfile), "%s.tmp", fname); FILE *fp = fopen (tempfile, "w+t"); if (!fp) { return -1; } ddb_dsp_context_t *ctx = chain; while (ctx) { if (fprintf (fp, "%s %d {\n", ctx->plugin->plugin.id, (int)ctx->enabled) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "write to %s failed (%s)\n", tempfile, strerror (errno)); goto error; } if (ctx->plugin->num_params) { int n = ctx->plugin->num_params (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { char v[1000]; ctx->plugin->get_param (ctx, i, v, sizeof (v)); if (fprintf (fp, "\t%s\n", v) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "write to %s failed (%s)\n", tempfile, strerror (errno)); goto error; } } } if (fprintf (fp, "}\n") < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "write to %s failed (%s)\n", tempfile, strerror (errno)); goto error; } ctx = ctx->next; } fclose (fp); if (rename (tempfile, fname) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "dspconfig rename %s -> %s failed: %s\n", tempfile, fname, strerror (errno)); return -1; } return 0; error: fclose (fp); return -1; } int streamer_dsp_chain_save (void) { char fname[PATH_MAX]; snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/dspconfig", plug_get_config_dir ()); return streamer_dsp_chain_save_internal (fname, dsp_chain); } void streamer_dsp_postinit (void) { // note about EQ hack: // we 1st check if there's an EQ in dsp chain, and just use it // if not -- we add our own // eq plug if (eqplug) { ddb_dsp_context_t *p; for (p = dsp_chain; p; p = p->next) { if (!strcmp (p->plugin->plugin.id, "supereq")) { break; } } if (p) { eq = p; } else { eq = eqplug->open (); eq->enabled = 0; eq->next = dsp_chain; dsp_chain = eq; } } ddb_dsp_context_t *ctx = dsp_chain; while (ctx) { if (ctx->enabled) { break; } ctx = ctx->next; } if (!ctx && fileinfo) { if (memcmp (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { memcpy (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); memcpy (&output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); formatchanged = 1; } dsp_on = 0; } else if (ctx) { dsp_on = 1; // set some very generic format, this will allow playback of weird // formats after fixing them with dsp plugins streamer_set_generic_output_format (); } else if (!ctx) { dsp_on = 0; } } void streamer_dsp_refresh (void) { mutex_lock (decodemutex); streamer_dsp_postinit (); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } void streamer_dsp_init (void) { // load dsp chain from file char fname[PATH_MAX]; snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/dspconfig", plug_get_config_dir ()); dsp_chain = streamer_dsp_chain_load (fname); if (!dsp_chain) { // first run, let's add resampler DB_dsp_t *src = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id ("SRC"); if (src) { ddb_dsp_context_t *inst = src->open (); inst->enabled = 1; src->set_param (inst, 0, "48000"); // samplerate src->set_param (inst, 1, "2"); // quality=SINC_FASTEST src->set_param (inst, 2, "1"); // auto inst->next = dsp_chain; dsp_chain = inst; } } eqplug = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id ("supereq"); streamer_dsp_postinit (); // load legacy eq settings from pre-0.5 if (eq && eqplug && conf_find ("eq.", NULL)) { eq->enabled = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("eq.enable", 0); char s[50]; // 0.4.4 was writing buggy settings, need to multiply by 2 to compensate conf_get_str ("eq.preamp", "0", s, sizeof (s)); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%f", atof(s)*2); eqplug->set_param (eq, 0, s); for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { char key[100]; snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "eq.band%d", i); conf_get_str (key, "0", s, sizeof (s)); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%f", atof(s)*2); eqplug->set_param (eq, 1+i, s); } // delete obsolete settings conf_remove_items ("eq."); } } int streamer_init (void) { streaming_terminate = 0; handler = handler_alloc (100); #if WRITE_DUMP out = fopen ("out.raw", "w+b"); #endif mutex = mutex_create (); decodemutex = mutex_create (); audio_mem_mutex = mutex_create (); ringbuf_init (&streamer_ringbuf, streambuffer, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); pl_set_order (conf_get_int ("playback.order", 0)); streamer_dsp_init (); replaygain_set (conf_get_int ("replaygain_mode", 0), conf_get_int ("replaygain_scale", 1), conf_get_float ("replaygain_preamp", 0), conf_get_float ("global_preamp", 0)); streamer_tid = thread_start (streamer_thread, NULL); return 0; } void streamer_free (void) { #if WRITE_DUMP fclose (out); #endif streamer_abort_files (); streaming_terminate = 1; thread_join (streamer_tid); mutex_free (decodemutex); if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } if (playlist_track) { playlist_track = NULL; } if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); streamer_playlist = NULL; } decodemutex = 0; mutex_free (mutex); mutex = 0; mutex_free (audio_mem_mutex); audio_mem_mutex = 0; streamer_dsp_chain_save(); streamer_dsp_chain_free (dsp_chain); dsp_chain = NULL; eqplug = NULL; eq = NULL; if (handler) { handler_free (handler); handler = NULL; } } void streamer_reset (int full) { // must be called when current song changes by external reasons if (!mutex) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: someone called streamer_reset after exit\n"); return; // failsafe, in case someone calls streamer reset after deinit } if (full) { streamer_lock (); streamer_ringbuf.remaining = 0; streamer_unlock (); } // reset dsp ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp = dsp_chain; while (dsp) { if (dsp->plugin->reset) { dsp->plugin->reset (dsp); } dsp = dsp->next; } } static int streamer_set_output_format (void) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int playing = (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_PLAYING); // fprintf (stderr, "streamer_set_output_format %dbit %s %dch %dHz channelmask=%X, bufferfill: %d\n", output_format.bps, output_format.is_float ? "float" : "int", output_format.channels, output_format.samplerate, output_format.channelmask, streamer_ringbuf.remaining); ddb_waveformat_t fmt; memcpy (&fmt, &output_format, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); if (autoconv_8_to_16) { if (fmt.bps == 8) { fmt.bps = 16; } } output->setformat (&fmt); streamer_buffering = 1; if (playing && output->state () != OUTPUT_STATE_PLAYING) { if (0 != output->play ()) { memset (&output_format, 0, sizeof (output_format)); fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback (streamer_read format change)\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); return -1; } } return 0; } // decodes data and converts to current output format // returns number of bytes been read static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int initsize = size; int bytesread = 0; mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (!fileinfo) { // means there's nothing left to stream, so just do nothing mutex_unlock (decodemutex); return 0; } int is_eof = 0; if (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate != -1) { int outputsamplesize = output->fmt.channels * output->fmt.bps / 8; int inputsamplesize = fileinfo->fmt.channels * fileinfo->fmt.bps / 8; ddb_waveformat_t dspfmt; memcpy (&dspfmt, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); dspfmt.bps = 32; dspfmt.is_float = 1; int can_bypass = 0; if (dsp_on) { // check if DSP can be passed through ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp = dsp_chain; while (dsp) { if (dsp->enabled) { if (dsp->plugin->plugin.api_vminor >= 1) { if (dsp->plugin->can_bypass && !dsp->plugin->can_bypass (dsp, &dspfmt)) { break; } } else { break; } } dsp = dsp->next; } if (!dsp) { can_bypass = 1; } } if (!memcmp (&fileinfo->fmt, &output->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)) && (!dsp_on || can_bypass)) { // pass through from input to output bytesread = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, bytes, size); if (bytesread != size) { is_eof = 1; } } else if (dsp_on) { // convert to float, pass through streamer DSP chain int dspsamplesize = fileinfo->fmt.channels * sizeof (float); int dsp_num_frames = size / (output->fmt.channels * output->fmt.bps / 8); char outbuf[dsp_num_frames * dspsamplesize]; int inputsize = dsp_num_frames * inputsamplesize; char input[inputsize]; // decode pcm int nb = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, input, inputsize); if (nb != inputsize) { is_eof = 1; } inputsize = nb; if (inputsize > 0) { // make *MAX_DSP_RATIO sized buffer for float data char tempbuf[inputsize/inputsamplesize * dspsamplesize * MAX_DSP_RATIO]; // convert to float int tempsize = pcm_convert (&fileinfo->fmt, input, &dspfmt, tempbuf, inputsize); int nframes = inputsize / inputsamplesize; ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp = dsp_chain; float ratio = 1.f; int maxframes = sizeof (tempbuf) / dspsamplesize; while (dsp) { if (dsp->enabled) { float r = 1; nframes = dsp->plugin->process (dsp, (float *)tempbuf, nframes, maxframes, &dspfmt, &r); ratio *= r; } dsp = dsp->next; } dsp_ratio = ratio; ddb_waveformat_t outfmt; // preserve sampleformat, but take channels, samplerate outfmt.bps = fileinfo->fmt.bps; outfmt.is_float = fileinfo->fmt.is_float; // channelmask from dsp chain outfmt.channels = dspfmt.channels; outfmt.samplerate = dspfmt.samplerate; outfmt.channelmask = dspfmt.channelmask; outfmt.is_bigendian = fileinfo->fmt.is_bigendian; if (memcmp (&output_format, &outfmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)) && bytes_until_next_song <= 0) { memcpy (&output_format, &outfmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); streamer_set_output_format (); } //printf ("convert from %dbit %s %dch %dHz channelmask=%X to %dbit %s %dch %dHz channelmask=%X\n", dspfmt.bps, dspfmt.is_float ? "float" : "int", dspfmt.channels, dspfmt.samplerate, dspfmt.channelmask, output->fmt.bps, output->fmt.is_float ? "float" : "int", output->fmt.channels, output->fmt.samplerate, output->fmt.channelmask); int n = pcm_convert (&dspfmt, tempbuf, &output->fmt, bytes, nframes * dspfmt.channels * sizeof (float)); bytesread = n; } } else { #ifdef ANDROID if (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate != output->fmt.samplerate) { if ((fileinfo->fmt.samplerate / output->fmt.samplerate) == 2 && (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate % output->fmt.samplerate) == 0) { size <<= 1; } else if ((fileinfo->fmt.samplerate / output->fmt.samplerate) == 4 && (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate % output->fmt.samplerate) == 0) { size <<= 2; } } #endif // convert from input fmt to output fmt int inputsize = size/outputsamplesize*inputsamplesize; char input[inputsize]; int nb = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, input, inputsize); if (nb != inputsize) { bytesread = nb; is_eof = 1; } inputsize = nb; bytesread = pcm_convert (&fileinfo->fmt, input, &output->fmt, bytes, inputsize); #ifdef ANDROID // downsample if (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate != output->fmt.samplerate) { if ((fileinfo->fmt.samplerate / output->fmt.samplerate) == 2 && (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate % output->fmt.samplerate) == 0) { // 2x downsample int nframes = bytesread / (output->fmt.bps >> 3) / output->fmt.channels; int16_t *in = (int16_t *)bytes; int16_t *out = in; for (int f = 0; f < nframes/2; f++) { for (int c = 0; c < output->fmt.channels; c++) { out[f*output->fmt.channels+c] = (in[f*2*output->fmt.channels+c] + in[(f*2+1)*output->fmt.channels+c]) >> 1; } } bytesread >>= 1; } else if ((fileinfo->fmt.samplerate / output->fmt.samplerate) == 4 && (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate % output->fmt.samplerate) == 0) { // 4x downsample int nframes = bytesread / (output->fmt.bps >> 3) / output->fmt.channels; assert (bytesread % ((output->fmt.bps >> 3) * output->fmt.channels) == 0); int16_t *in = (int16_t *)bytes; for (int f = 0; f < nframes/4; f++) { for (int c = 0; c < output->fmt.channels; c++) { in[f*output->fmt.channels+c] = (in[f*4*output->fmt.channels+c] + in[(f*4+1)*output->fmt.channels+c] + in[(f*4+2)*output->fmt.channels+c] + in[(f*4+3)*output->fmt.channels+c]) >> 2; } } bytesread >>= 2; } } #endif } #if WRITE_DUMP if (bytesread) { fwrite (bytes, 1, bytesread, out); } #endif replaygain_apply (&output->fmt, streaming_track, bytes, bytesread); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (!is_eof) { return bytesread; } else { // that means EOF // trace ("streamer: EOF! buns: %d, bytesread: %d, buffering: %d, bufferfill: %d\n", bytes_until_next_song, bytesread, streamer_buffering, streamer_ringbuf.remaining); // in case of decoder error, or EOF while buffering - switch to next song instantly if (bytesread < 0 || (bytes_until_next_song >= 0 && streamer_buffering && bytesread == 0) || bytes_until_next_song < 0) { trace ("finished streaming song, queueing next (%d %d %d %d)\n", bytesread, bytes_until_next_song, streamer_buffering, nextsong_pstate); streamer_next (bytesread); } } return bytesread; } int streamer_read (char *bytes, int size) { #if 0 struct timeval tm1; gettimeofday (&tm1, NULL); #endif if (!playing_track) { return -1; } DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); if (formatchanged && bytes_until_next_song <= 0) { streamer_set_output_format (); formatchanged = 0; } streamer_lock (); int sz = min (size, streamer_ringbuf.remaining); if (sz) { ringbuf_read (&streamer_ringbuf, bytes, sz); playpos += (float)sz/output->fmt.samplerate/((output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels) * dsp_ratio; playtime += (float)sz/output->fmt.samplerate/((output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels); if (bytes_until_next_song > 0) { bytes_until_next_song -= sz; if (bytes_until_next_song < 0) { bytes_until_next_song = 0; } } } streamer_unlock (); // approximate bitrate if (last_bitrate != -1) { if (avg_bitrate == -1) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } else { if (avg_bitrate < last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate += 5; if (avg_bitrate > last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } } else if (avg_bitrate > last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate -= 5; if (avg_bitrate < last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } } } // printf ("apx bitrate: %d (last %d)\n", avg_bitrate, last_bitrate); } else { avg_bitrate = -1; } #if 0 struct timeval tm2; gettimeofday (&tm2, NULL); int ms = (tm2.tv_sec*1000+tm2.tv_usec/1000) - (tm1.tv_sec*1000+tm1.tv_usec/1000); printf ("streamer_read took %d ms\n", ms); #endif mutex_lock (audio_mem_mutex); int in_frame_size = (output->fmt.bps >> 3) * output->fmt.channels; int in_frames = sz / in_frame_size; ddb_waveformat_t out_fmt = { .bps = 32, .channels = 1, .samplerate = output->fmt.samplerate, .channelmask = DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT, .is_float = 1, .is_bigendian = 0 }; if (in_frames < DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES) { memmove (audio_data, audio_data + in_frames, (DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES-in_frames)*sizeof (float)); pcm_convert (&output->fmt, bytes, &out_fmt, (char *)(audio_data + DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES - in_frames), sz); } else { pcm_convert (&output->fmt, bytes + sz - DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES * in_frame_size, &out_fmt, (char *)audio_data, DDB_AUDIO_MEMORY_FRAMES * in_frame_size); } calc_freq (audio_data, freq_data); mutex_unlock (audio_mem_mutex); if (!output->has_volume) { int mult = 1-audio_is_mute (); char *stream = bytes; int bytesread = sz; if (output->fmt.bps == 16) { mult *= 1000; int16_t ivolume = volume_get_amp () * mult; for (int i = 0; i < bytesread/2; i++) { int16_t sample = *((int16_t*)stream); *((int16_t*)stream) = (int16_t)(((int32_t)sample) * ivolume / 1000); stream += 2; } } else if (output->fmt.bps == 8) { mult *= 255; int16_t ivolume = volume_get_amp () * mult; for (int i = 0; i < bytesread; i++) { *stream = (int8_t)(((int32_t)(*stream)) * ivolume / 1000); stream++; } } else if (output->fmt.bps == 24) { mult *= 1000; int16_t ivolume = volume_get_amp () * mult; for (int i = 0; i < bytesread/3; i++) { int32_t sample = ((unsigned char)stream[0]) | ((unsigned char)stream[1]<<8) | (stream[2]<<16); int32_t newsample = (int64_t)sample * ivolume / 1000; stream[0] = (newsample&0x0000ff); stream[1] = (newsample&0x00ff00)>>8; stream[2] = (newsample&0xff0000)>>16; stream += 3; } } else if (output->fmt.bps == 32 && !output->fmt.is_float) { mult *= 1000; int16_t ivolume = volume_get_amp () * mult; for (int i = 0; i < bytesread/4; i++) { int32_t sample = *((int32_t*)stream); int32_t newsample = (int64_t)sample * ivolume / 1000; *((int32_t*)stream) = newsample; stream += 4; } } else if (output->fmt.bps == 32 && output->fmt.is_float) { float fvolume = volume_get_amp () * (1-audio_is_mute ()); for (int i = 0; i < bytesread/4; i++) { *((float*)stream) = (*((float*)stream)) * fvolume; stream += 4; } } } return sz; } int streamer_get_fill (void) { return streamer_ringbuf.remaining; } int streamer_ok_to_read (int len) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); if (formatchanged && bytes_until_next_song <= 0) { streamer_set_output_format (); formatchanged = 0; } if (len >= 0 && (bytes_until_next_song > 0 || streamer_ringbuf.remaining >= (len*2))) { return 1; } else { return 1-streamer_buffering; } return 0; } void streamer_configchanged (void) { replaygain_set (conf_get_int ("replaygain_mode", 0), conf_get_int ("replaygain_scale", 1), conf_get_float ("replaygain_preamp", 0), conf_get_float ("global_preamp", 0)); pl_set_order (conf_get_int ("playback.order", 0)); if (playing_track) { playing_track->played = 1; } int conf_autoconv_8_to_16 = conf_get_int ("streamer.8_to_16", 1); if (conf_autoconv_8_to_16 != autoconv_8_to_16) { autoconv_8_to_16 = conf_autoconv_8_to_16; formatchanged = 1; streamer_reset (1); } } void streamer_play_current_track (void) { playlist_t *plt = plt_get_curr (); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_PAUSED && playing_track) { // unpause currently paused track output->unpause (); messagepump_push (DB_EV_PAUSED, 0, 0, 0); } else if (plt->current_row[PL_MAIN] != -1) { // play currently selected track in current playlist output->stop (); // get next song in queue int idx = -1; playItem_t *next = pl_playqueue_getnext (); if (next) { idx = str_get_idx_of (next); pl_playqueue_pop (); pl_item_unref (next); } else { idx = plt->current_row[PL_MAIN]; } streamer_set_nextsong (idx, 1); pl_lock (); if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt; pl_unlock (); return; } else { output->stop (); streamer_move_to_nextsong (1); } if (plt) { plt_unref (plt); } } struct DB_fileinfo_s * streamer_get_current_fileinfo (void) { return fileinfo; } void streamer_set_current_playlist (int plt) { pl_lock (); if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt_get_for_idx (plt); pl_unlock (); } int streamer_get_current_playlist (void) { pl_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr (); } int idx = plt_get_idx_of (streamer_playlist); pl_unlock (); return idx; } void streamer_notify_playlist_deleted (playlist_t *plt) { // this is only called from playlist code, no lock required if (plt == streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); streamer_playlist = NULL; } } ddb_dsp_context_t * streamer_get_dsp_chain (void) { return dsp_chain; } static ddb_dsp_context_t * dsp_clone (ddb_dsp_context_t *from) { ddb_dsp_context_t *dsp = from->plugin->open (); char param[2000]; if (from->plugin->num_params) { int n = from->plugin->num_params (); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { from->plugin->get_param (from, i, param, sizeof (param)); dsp->plugin->set_param (dsp, i, param); } } dsp->enabled = from->enabled; return dsp; } void streamer_set_dsp_chain (ddb_dsp_context_t *chain) { mutex_lock (decodemutex); streamer_dsp_chain_free (dsp_chain); dsp_chain = NULL; eq = NULL; ddb_dsp_context_t *tail = NULL; while (chain) { ddb_dsp_context_t *new = dsp_clone (chain); if (tail) { tail->next = new; tail = new; } else { dsp_chain = tail = new; } chain = chain->next; } streamer_dsp_postinit (); if (fileinfo) { memcpy (&orig_output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); memcpy (&output_format, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); formatchanged = 1; } streamer_dsp_chain_save(); streamer_reset (1); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); if (playing_track && output->state () != OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { streamer_set_seek (playpos); } messagepump_push (DB_EV_DSPCHAINCHANGED, 0, 0, 0); } void streamer_get_output_format (ddb_waveformat_t *fmt) { memcpy (fmt, &output_format, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); } void streamer_notify_order_changed (int prev_order, int new_order) { if (prev_order != PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS && new_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE_ALBUMS) { streamer_lock (); playItem_t *curr = playing_track; if (curr) { pl_lock (); const char *alb = pl_find_meta_raw (curr, "album"); const char *art = pl_find_meta_raw (curr, "artist"); playItem_t *next = curr->prev[PL_MAIN]; while (next) { if (alb == pl_find_meta_raw (next, "album") && art == pl_find_meta_raw (next, "artist")) { next->played = 1; next = next->prev[PL_MAIN]; } else { break; } } pl_unlock (); } streamer_unlock (); } } void audio_get_waveform_data (int type, float *data) { if (!audio_mem_mutex) { return; } mutex_lock (audio_mem_mutex); memcpy (data, type == DDB_AUDIO_WAVEFORM ? audio_data : freq_data, sizeof (audio_data)); mutex_unlock (audio_mem_mutex); } void streamer_set_streamer_playlist (playlist_t *plt) { if (streamer_playlist) { plt_unref (streamer_playlist); } streamer_playlist = plt; if (streamer_playlist) { plt_ref (streamer_playlist); } } struct handler_s * streamer_get_handler (void) { return handler; }