/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "threading.h" #include "codec.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "common.h" #include "streamer.h" #include "playback.h" #include "messagepump.h" #include "messages.h" #include "conf.h" #include "plugins.h" #include "optmath.h" static int streamer_tid; static SRC_STATE *src; static SRC_DATA srcdata; static int codecleft; static char g_readbuffer[200000]; // hack! static float g_fbuffer[200000]; // hack! static float g_srcbuffer[200000]; // hack! static int streaming_terminate; #define STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE 200000 static int streambuffer_fill; static int bytes_until_next_song = 0; static char streambuffer[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; static uintptr_t mutex; static int nextsong = -1; static int nextsong_pstate = -1; static int badsong = -1; static float seekpos = -1; static float playpos = 0; // play position of current song float streamer_get_playpos (void) { return playpos; } void streamer_set_nextsong (int song, int pstate) { nextsong = song; nextsong_pstate = pstate; if (p_isstopped ()) { // no sense to wait until end of previous song, reset buffer bytes_until_next_song = 0; } } void streamer_set_seek (float pos) { seekpos = pos; } static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size); void streamer_thread (uintptr_t ctx) { prctl (PR_SET_NAME, "deadbeef-stream", 0, 0, 0, 0); codecleft = 0; while (!streaming_terminate) { if (nextsong >= 0 && bytes_until_next_song == 0) { int sng = nextsong; int pstate = nextsong_pstate; nextsong = -1; codec_lock (); codecleft = 0; codec_unlock (); if (badsong == sng) { //printf ("looped to bad file. stopping...\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); badsong = -1; continue; } int ret = pl_set_current (pl_get_for_idx (sng)); if (ret < 0) { //printf ("bad file in playlist, skipping...\n"); // remember bad song number in case of looping if (badsong == -1) { badsong = sng; } // try jump to next song pl_nextsong (0); usleep (50000); continue; } badsong = -1; playpos = 0; if (pstate == 0) { p_stop (); } else if (pstate == 1) { p_play (); } else if (pstate == 2) { p_pause (); } } else if (nextsong == -2) { nextsong = -1; p_stop (); messagepump_push (M_SONGCHANGED, 0, pl_get_idx_of (playlist_current_ptr), -1); pl_set_current (NULL); continue; } else if (p_isstopped ()) { usleep (50000); continue; } if (seekpos >= 0) { float pos = seekpos; seekpos = -1; if (playlist_current.decoder && playlist_current.decoder->seek (pos) >= 0) { streamer_lock (); playpos = playlist_current.decoder->info.readpos; streambuffer_fill = 0; streamer_unlock (); codec_lock (); codecleft = 0; codec_unlock (); } } streamer_lock (); if (streambuffer_fill < STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE && bytes_until_next_song == 0) { int sz = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - streambuffer_fill; int minsize = 4096; if (streambuffer_fill < 16384) { minsize = 16384; } sz = min (minsize, sz); assert ((sz&3) == 0); int bytesread = streamer_read_async (&streambuffer[streambuffer_fill], sz); //printf ("req=%d, got=%d\n", sz, bytesread); streambuffer_fill += bytesread; } streamer_unlock (); usleep (1000); //printf ("fill: %d \r", streambuffer_fill); } if (src) { src_delete (src); src = NULL; } } int streamer_init (void) { mutex = mutex_create (); // src = src_new (SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY, 2, NULL); // src = src_new (SRC_LINEAR, 2, NULL); src = src_new (conf_src_quality, 2, NULL); if (!src) { return -1; } streamer_tid = thread_start (streamer_thread, 0); return 0; } void streamer_free (void) { streaming_terminate = 1; thread_join (streamer_tid); mutex_free (mutex); } void streamer_reset (int full) { // must be called when current song changes by external reasons codecleft = 0; if (full) { streambuffer_fill = 0; } src_reset (src); } // returns number of bytes been read static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size) { int initsize = size; for (;;) { int bytesread = 0; codec_lock (); DB_decoder_t *decoder = playlist_current.decoder; if (!decoder) { codec_unlock (); break; } if (decoder->info.samplerate != -1) { int nchannels = decoder->info.channels; int samplerate = decoder->info.samplerate; // read and do SRC if (decoder->info.samplerate == p_get_rate ()) { int i; if (decoder->info.channels == 2) { bytesread = decoder->read_int16 (bytes, size); codec_unlock (); } else { bytesread = decoder->read_int16 (g_readbuffer, size/2); codec_unlock (); for (i = 0; i < size/4; i++) { int16_t sample = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(((int16_t*)g_readbuffer)[i]))); ((int16_t*)bytes)[i*2+0] = sample; ((int16_t*)bytes)[i*2+1] = sample; } bytesread *= 2; } } else { int nsamples = size/4; // convert to codec samplerate nsamples = nsamples * samplerate / p_get_rate () * 2; if (!src_is_valid_ratio ((double)p_get_rate ()/samplerate)) { printf ("invalid ratio! %d / %d = %f", p_get_rate (), samplerate, (float)p_get_rate ()/samplerate); } assert (src_is_valid_ratio ((double)p_get_rate ()/samplerate)); // read data at source samplerate (with some room for SRC) int nbytes = (nsamples - codecleft) * 2 * nchannels; int samplesize = 2; if (nbytes < 0) { nbytes = 0; } else { // if (nbytes & 3) { // printf ("FATAL: nbytes=%d, nsamples=%d, codecleft=%d, nchannels=%d, ratio=%f\n", nbytes, nsamples, codecleft, nchannels, (float)p_get_rate ()/samplerate); // assert ((nbytes & 3) == 0); // } if (!decoder->read_float32) { bytesread = decoder->read_int16 (g_readbuffer, nbytes); } else { samplesize = 4; } } codec_unlock (); // recalculate nsamples according to how many bytes we've got int i; if (!decoder->read_float32) { nsamples = bytesread / (samplesize * nchannels) + codecleft; // convert to float float *fbuffer = g_fbuffer + codecleft*2; if (nchannels == 2) { for (i = 0; i < (nsamples - codecleft) * 2; i++) { fbuffer[i] = ((int16_t *)g_readbuffer)[i]/32767.f; } } else if (nchannels == 1) { // convert mono to stereo for (i = 0; i < (nsamples - codecleft); i++) { fbuffer[i*2+0] = ((int16_t *)g_readbuffer)[i]/32767.f; fbuffer[i*2+1] = fbuffer[i*2+0]; } } } else { float *fbuffer = g_fbuffer + codecleft*2; if (nchannels == 1) { codec_lock (); bytesread = decoder->read_float32 (g_readbuffer, nbytes*2); codec_unlock (); nsamples = bytesread / (samplesize * nchannels) + codecleft; for (i = 0; i < (nsamples - codecleft); i++) { fbuffer[i*2+0] = ((float *)g_readbuffer)[i]; fbuffer[i*2+1] = fbuffer[i*2+0]; } } else { codec_lock (); bytesread = decoder->read_float32 ((char *)fbuffer, nbytes*2); codec_unlock (); nsamples = bytesread / (samplesize * nchannels) + codecleft; } } //codec_lock (); // convert samplerate srcdata.data_in = g_fbuffer; srcdata.data_out = g_srcbuffer; srcdata.input_frames = nsamples; srcdata.output_frames = size/4; srcdata.src_ratio = (double)p_get_rate ()/samplerate; srcdata.end_of_input = 0; // src_set_ratio (src, srcdata.src_ratio); src_process (src, &srcdata); //codec_unlock (); // convert back to s16 format nbytes = size; int genbytes = srcdata.output_frames_gen * 4; bytesread = min(size, genbytes); for (i = 0; i < bytesread/2; i++) { float sample = g_srcbuffer[i]; if (sample > 1) { sample = 1; } if (sample < -1) { sample = -1; } ((int16_t*)bytes)[i] = (int16_t)ftoi (sample*32767.f); } // calculate how many unused input samples left codecleft = nsamples - srcdata.input_frames_used; // copy spare samples for next update memmove (g_fbuffer, &g_fbuffer[srcdata.input_frames_used*2], codecleft * 8); } } else { codec_unlock (); } bytes += bytesread; size -= bytesread; if (size == 0) { return initsize; } else { // that means EOF if (bytes_until_next_song == 0) { bytes_until_next_song = streambuffer_fill; pl_nextsong (0); } break; } } return initsize - size; } void streamer_lock (void) { mutex_lock (mutex); } void streamer_unlock (void) { mutex_unlock (mutex); } int streamer_read (char *bytes, int size) { streamer_lock (); int sz = min (size, streambuffer_fill); if (sz) { memcpy (bytes, streambuffer, sz); if (sz < streambuffer_fill) { // shift buffer memmove (streambuffer, &streambuffer[sz], streambuffer_fill-sz); } streambuffer_fill -= sz; playpos += (float)sz/p_get_rate ()/4.f; playlist_current.playtime += (float)sz/p_get_rate ()/4.f; if (playlist_current_ptr) { playlist_current_ptr->playtime = playlist_current.playtime; } bytes_until_next_song -= sz; if (bytes_until_next_song < 0) { bytes_until_next_song = 0; } } streamer_unlock (); return sz; } int streamer_get_fill (void) { return streambuffer_fill; } int streamer_ok_to_read (int len) { if (bytes_until_next_song > 0) { return 1; } return streambuffer_fill >= (len*2); } int streamer_is_buffering (void) { if (streambuffer_fill < 16384) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }