/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include "threading.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "common.h" #include "streamer.h" #include "messagepump.h" #include "conf.h" #include "plugins.h" #include "optmath.h" #include "volume.h" #include "vfs.h" #include "premix.h" #include "src.h" //#define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } #define trace(fmt,...) //#define WRITE_DUMP 1 #if WRITE_DUMP FILE *out; #endif static intptr_t streamer_tid; static ddb_src_t *src; static int conf_replaygain_mode = 0; static int conf_replaygain_scale = 1; static int streaming_terminate; // buffer up to 3 seconds at 44100Hz stereo #define STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE 0x80000 // slightly more than 3 seconds of 44100 stereo #define STREAM_BUFFER_MASK 0x7ffff static int streambuffer_fill; static int streambuffer_pos; static int bytes_until_next_song = 0; static char streambuffer[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; static uintptr_t mutex; static uintptr_t decodemutex; static int nextsong = -1; static int nextsong_pstate = -1; static int badsong = -1; static float seekpos = -1; static float playpos = 0; // play position of current song static int avg_bitrate = -1; // avg bitrate of current song static int last_bitrate = -1; // last bitrate of current song static playlist_t *streamer_playlist; static playItem_t *playing_track; static playItem_t *streaming_track; static playItem_t *playlist_track; static DB_fileinfo_t *fileinfo; static int streamer_buffering; // to allow interruption of stall file requests static DB_FILE *streamer_file; void streamer_lock (void) { mutex_lock (mutex); } void streamer_unlock (void) { mutex_unlock (mutex); } void adjust_waveformat (ddb_waveformat_t *fmt) { if (!fmt->is_multichannel) { if (fmt->channels == 1) { fmt->channelmask = DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT; } else if (fmt->channelmask == 2) { fmt->channelmask = DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT; } } } static void streamer_abort_files (void) { if (fileinfo && fileinfo->file) { trace ("\033[0;31maborting current song: %s (fileinfo %p, file %p)\033[37;0m\n", streaming_track ? streaming_track->fname : NULL, fileinfo, fileinfo ? fileinfo->file : NULL); deadbeef->fabort (fileinfo->file); trace ("\033[0;31maborting current song done\033[37;0m\n"); } mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (streamer_file) { trace ("\033[0;31maborting streamer_file\033[37;0m\n"); deadbeef->fabort (streamer_file); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } void streamer_start_playback (playItem_t *from, playItem_t *it) { if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } // free old copy of playing if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } playlist_track = it; // assign new playing_track = it; if (playing_track) { pl_item_ref (playing_track); playing_track->played = 1; playing_track->started_timestamp = time (NULL); trace ("sending songstarted to plugins [2] current playtrack: %s\n", playing_track->fname); plug_trigger_event (DB_EV_SONGSTARTED, 0); trace ("from=%p (%s), to=%p (%s) [2]\n", from, from ? from->fname : "null", it, it ? it->fname : "null"); plug_trigger_event_trackchange (from, it); } if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (it) { pl_item_unref (it); } } playItem_t * streamer_get_streaming_track (void) { if (streaming_track) { pl_item_ref (streaming_track); } return streaming_track; } playItem_t * streamer_get_playing_track (void) { playItem_t *it = playing_track;// ? playing_track : playlist_track; if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } return it; } int str_get_idx_of (playItem_t *it) { plt_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } playItem_t *c = streamer_playlist->head[PL_MAIN]; int idx = 0; while (c && c != it) { c = c->next[PL_MAIN]; idx++; } if (!c) { plt_unlock (); return -1; } plt_unlock (); return idx; } playItem_t * str_get_for_idx (int idx) { plt_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } playItem_t *it = streamer_playlist->head[PL_MAIN]; while (idx--) { if (!it) { plt_unlock (); return NULL; } it = it->next[PL_MAIN]; } if (it) { pl_item_ref (it); } plt_unlock (); return it; } int streamer_move_to_nextsong (int reason) { trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong (%d)\n", reason); pl_global_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } while (pl_playqueue_getcount ()) { trace ("pl_playqueue_getnext\n"); playItem_t *it = pl_playqueue_getnext (); if (it) { pl_playqueue_pop (); int r = str_get_idx_of (it); if (r >= 0) { pl_item_unref (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } else { trace ("%s not found in current streaming playlist\n", it->fname); // find playlist playlist_t *old = streamer_playlist; streamer_playlist = plt_get_list (); int i = 0; while (streamer_playlist) { trace ("searching for %s in playlist %d\n", it->fname, i); int r = str_get_idx_of (it); if (r >= 0) { trace ("%s found in playlist %d\n", it->fname, i); pl_item_unref (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 3); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } i++; streamer_playlist = streamer_playlist->next; } trace ("%s not found in any playlists\n", it->fname); streamer_playlist = old; pl_item_unref (it); } } } playItem_t *curr = playlist_track; if (reason == 1) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); // check if prev song is in this playlist if (-1 == str_get_idx_of (curr)) { curr = NULL; } } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; if (!plt->head[PL_MAIN]) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } int pl_order = conf_get_int ("playback.order", 0); int pl_loop_mode = conf_get_int ("playback.loop", 0); if (reason == 0 && pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_SINGLE) { // song finished, loop mode is "loop 1 track" int r = str_get_idx_of (playing_track); if (r == -1) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); } else { streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); } pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE) { // shuffle if (!curr) { // find minimal notplayed playItem_t *pmin = NULL; // notplayed minimum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i->played) { continue; } if (!pmin || i->shufflerating < pmin->shufflerating) { pmin = i; } } playItem_t *it = pmin; if (!it) { // all songs played, reshuffle and try again if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { // loop plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &it, NULL); } } if (!it) { pl_global_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } else { trace ("pl_next_song: reason=%d, loop=%d\n", reason, pl_loop_mode); // find minimal notplayed above current int rating = curr->shufflerating; playItem_t *pmin = NULL; // notplayed minimum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i->played || i->shufflerating < rating) { continue; } if (!pmin || i->shufflerating < pmin->shufflerating) { pmin = i; } } playItem_t *it = pmin; if (!it) { // all songs played, reshuffle and try again if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL || reason == 1) { // loop trace ("all songs played! reshuffle\n"); plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &it, NULL); } } if (!it) { playItem_t *temp; plt_reshuffle (streamer_playlist, &temp, NULL); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_LINEAR) { // linear playItem_t *it = NULL; if (curr) { it = curr->next[PL_MAIN]; } if (!it) { trace ("streamer_move_nextsong: was last track\n"); if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { it = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; } else { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } } if (!it) { pl_global_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); pl_global_unlock (); return 0; } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM) { // random int res = streamer_move_to_randomsong (); if (res == -1) { trace ("streamer_move_to_randomsong error\n"); pl_global_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); return -1; } } pl_global_unlock (); return -1; } int streamer_move_to_prevsong (void) { plt_lock (); if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); // check if prev song is in this playlist if (-1 == str_get_idx_of (playlist_track)) { playlist_track = NULL; } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; pl_playqueue_clear (); if (!plt->head[PL_MAIN]) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); plt_unlock (); return 0; } int pl_order = conf_get_int ("playback.order", 0); int pl_loop_mode = conf_get_int ("playback.loop", 0); if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_SHUFFLE) { // shuffle if (!playlist_track) { plt_unlock (); return streamer_move_to_nextsong (1); } else { playlist_track->played = 0; // find already played song with maximum shuffle rating below prev song int rating = playlist_track->shufflerating; playItem_t *pmax = NULL; // played maximum playItem_t *amax = NULL; // absolute maximum for (playItem_t *i = plt->head[PL_MAIN]; i; i = i->next[PL_MAIN]) { if (i != playlist_track && i->played && (!amax || i->shufflerating > amax->shufflerating)) { amax = i; } if (i == playlist_track || i->shufflerating > rating || !i->played) { continue; } if (!pmax || i->shufflerating > pmax->shufflerating) { pmax = i; } } playItem_t *it = pmax; if (!it) { // that means 1st in playlist, take amax if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { if (!amax) { pl_reshuffle (NULL, &amax); } it = amax; } } if (!it) { plt_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); plt_unlock (); return 0; } } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_LINEAR) { // linear playItem_t *it = NULL; if (playlist_track) { it = playlist_track->prev[PL_MAIN]; } if (!it) { if (pl_loop_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOP_ALL) { it = plt->tail[PL_MAIN]; } } if (!it) { plt_unlock (); return -1; } int r = str_get_idx_of (it); streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); plt_unlock (); return 0; } else if (pl_order == PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM) { // random int res = streamer_move_to_randomsong (); if (res == -1) { plt_unlock (); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); trace ("streamer_move_to_randomsong error\n"); return -1; } } plt_unlock (); return -1; } int streamer_move_to_randomsong (void) { if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } playlist_t *plt = streamer_playlist; int cnt = plt->count[PL_MAIN]; if (!cnt) { trace ("empty playlist\n"); return -1; } int curr = str_get_idx_of (playing_track); int r = rand () / (float)RAND_MAX * cnt; if (r == curr) { r++; if (r >= cnt) { r = 0; } } streamer_set_nextsong (r, 1); return 0; } // playlist must call that whenever item was removed void streamer_song_removed_notify (playItem_t *it) { if (!mutex) { return; // streamer is not running } streamer_lock (); if (it == playlist_track) { playlist_track = playlist_track->next[PL_MAIN]; // queue new next song for streaming if (bytes_until_next_song > 0) { streambuffer_fill = bytes_until_next_song; streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); } } streamer_unlock (); } // that must be called after last sample from str_playing_song was done reading static int streamer_set_current (playItem_t *it) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int err = 0; playItem_t *from, *to; // need to add refs here, because streamer_start_playback can destroy items from = playing_track; to = it; if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_ref (to); } trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_set_current from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", from, it); if (!playing_track || output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { trace ("buffering = on\n"); streamer_buffering = 1; trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_start_playback[1] from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", from, it); streamer_start_playback (from, it); bytes_until_next_song = -1; } // code below breaks seekbar drawing during transition between tracks trace ("streamer_set_current %p, buns=%d\n", it, bytes_until_next_song); mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (!it) { goto success; } if (to) { trace ("draw before init: %p->%p, playing_track=%p, playlist_track=%p\n", from, to, playing_track, playlist_track); plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (to); } if (from) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (from); } if (!it->decoder_id && it->filetype && !strcmp (it->filetype, "content")) { // try to get content-type mutex_lock (decodemutex); trace ("\033[0;34mopening file %s\033[37;0m\n", it->fname); DB_FILE *fp = streamer_file = vfs_fopen (it->fname); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); const char *plug = NULL; if (fp) { const char *ct = vfs_get_content_type (fp); if (ct) { trace ("got content-type: %s\n", ct); if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/mpeg")) { plug = "stdmpg"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "application/ogg")) { plug = "stdogg"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/aacp")) { plug = "aac"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/aac")) { plug = "aac"; } else if (!strcmp (ct, "audio/wma")) { plug = "ffmpeg"; } } mutex_lock (decodemutex); streamer_file = NULL; vfs_fclose (fp); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } if (plug) { DB_decoder_t **decoders = plug_get_decoder_list (); // match by decoder for (int i = 0; decoders[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp (decoders[i]->plugin.id, plug)) { it->decoder_id = decoders[i]->plugin.id; it->filetype = decoders[i]->filetypes[0]; trace ("\033[0;34mfound plugin %s\033[37;0m\n", plug); } } } else { trace ("\033[0;34mclosed file %s (bad or interrupted)\033[37;0m\n", it->fname); } } if (it->decoder_id) { DB_decoder_t *dec = NULL; dec = plug_get_decoder_for_id (it->decoder_id); if (dec) { trace ("\033[0;33minit decoder for %s\033[37;0m\n", it->fname); fileinfo = dec->open (0); if (fileinfo && dec->init (fileinfo, DB_PLAYITEM (it)) != 0) { trace ("\033[0;31mfailed to init decoder\033[37;0m\n") dec->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } adjust_waveformat (&fileinfo->fmt); } if (!dec || !fileinfo) { it->played = 1; trace ("decoder->init returned %p\n", fileinfo); streamer_buffering = 0; if (playlist_track == it) { trace ("redraw track %d; playing_track=%p; playlist_track=%p\n", to, playing_track, playlist_track); plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (to); } err = -1; goto error; } else { mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); } streaming_track = it; pl_item_ref (streaming_track); mutex_unlock (decodemutex); trace ("bps=%d, channels=%d, samplerate=%d\n", fileinfo->fmt.bps, fileinfo->fmt.channels, fileinfo->fmt.samplerate); } // FIXME: that might break streaming at boundaries between 2 different samplerates // streamer_reset (0); // reset SRC } else { trace ("no decoder in playitem!\n"); it->played = 1; streamer_buffering = 0; if (playlist_track == it) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (to); } if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_unref (to); } return -1; } success: plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (to); trace ("\033[0;32mstr: %p (%s), ply: %p (%s)\033[37;0m\n", streaming_track, streaming_track ? streaming_track->fname : "null", playing_track, playing_track ? playing_track->fname : "null"); error: if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } if (to) { pl_item_unref (to); } return err; } float streamer_get_playpos (void) { float seek = seekpos; if (seek >= 0) { return seek; } return playpos; } void streamer_set_bitrate (int bitrate) { if (bytes_until_next_song <= 0) { // prevent next track from resetting current playback bitrate last_bitrate = bitrate; } } int streamer_get_apx_bitrate (void) { return avg_bitrate; } void streamer_set_nextsong (int song, int pstate) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); trace ("streamer_set_nextsong %d %d\n", song, pstate); streamer_lock (); streamer_abort_files (); nextsong = song; nextsong_pstate = pstate; if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { if (pstate == 1) { // means user initiated this streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } // no sense to wait until end of previous song, reset buffer bytes_until_next_song = 0; playpos = 0; seekpos = -1; } streamer_unlock (); } void streamer_set_seek (float pos) { seekpos = pos; } static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size); static void streamer_start_new_song (void) { trace ("nextsong=%d\n", nextsong); streamer_lock (); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int sng = nextsong; int initsng = nextsong; int pstate = nextsong_pstate; nextsong = -1; ddb_src_reset (src, 0); streamer_unlock (); if (badsong == sng) { trace ("looped to bad file. stopping...\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); badsong = -1; return; } playItem_t *try = str_get_for_idx (sng); if (!try) { // track is not in playlist trace ("track #%d is not in playlist; stopping playback\n", sng); output->stop (); mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); plug_trigger_event_trackchange (NULL, NULL); return; } int ret = streamer_set_current (try); if (ret < 0) { trace ("\033[0;31mfailed to play track %s, skipping (current=%p/%p)...\033[37;0m\n", try->fname, streaming_track, playlist_track); pl_item_unref (try); try = NULL; // remember bad song number in case of looping if (badsong == -1) { badsong = sng; } trace ("\033[0;34mbadsong=%d\033[37;0m\n", badsong); // try jump to next song if (nextsong == -1) { streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong switched to track %d\n", nextsong); usleep (50000); } else { trace ("nextsong changed from %d to %d by another thread, reinit\n", initsng, nextsong); badsong = -1; } return; } pl_item_unref (try); try = NULL; badsong = -1; trace ("pstate = %d\n", pstate); trace ("playback state = %d\n", output->state ()); if (pstate == 0) { output->stop (); } else if (pstate == 1 || pstate == 3) { last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; if (output->state () != OUTPUT_STATE_PLAYING) { streamer_reset (1); if (fileinfo) { plug_get_output ()->setformat (&fileinfo->fmt); adjust_waveformat (&plug_get_output ()->fmt); } if (output->play () < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback; output plugin doesn't work\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); } } } else if (pstate == 2) { if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; streamer_reset (1); if (fileinfo) { plug_get_output ()->setformat (&fileinfo->fmt); adjust_waveformat (&plug_get_output ()->fmt); } if (output->play () < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback; output plugin doesn't work\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); return; } } output->pause (); } } void streamer_thread (void *ctx) { #ifdef __linux__ prctl (PR_SET_NAME, "deadbeef-stream", 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif ddb_src_reset (src, 0); while (!streaming_terminate) { struct timeval tm1; DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); gettimeofday (&tm1, NULL); if (nextsong >= 0) { // start streaming next song trace ("\033[0;34mnextsong=%d\033[37;0m\n", nextsong); streamer_start_new_song (); // it's totally possible that song was switched // while streamer_set_current was running, // so we need to restart here continue; } else if (nextsong == -2 && (nextsong_pstate==0 || bytes_until_next_song == 0)) { streamer_lock (); playItem_t *from = playing_track; bytes_until_next_song = -1; trace ("nextsong=-2\n"); nextsong = -1; output->stop (); if (playing_track) { trace ("sending songfinished to plugins [1]\n"); plug_trigger_event (DB_EV_SONGFINISHED, 0); } if (from) { pl_item_ref (from); } streamer_set_current (NULL); if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } plug_trigger_event_trackchange (from, NULL); if (from) { pl_item_unref (from); } streamer_unlock (); continue; } else if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_STOPPED) { usleep (50000); continue; } if (bytes_until_next_song == 0) { streamer_lock (); if (!streaming_track) { // means last song was deleted during final drain nextsong = -1; output->stop (); streamer_set_current (NULL); streamer_unlock (); continue; } trace ("bytes_until_next_song=0, starting playback of new song\n"); //playItem_t *from = playing_track; //playItem_t *to = streaming_track; trace ("sending songchanged\n"); bytes_until_next_song = -1; // plugin will get pointer to str_playing_song if (playing_track) { trace ("sending songfinished to plugins [2]\n"); plug_trigger_event (DB_EV_SONGFINISHED, 0); } // copy streaming into playing trace ("\033[0;35mstreamer_start_playback[2] from %p to %p\033[37;0m\n", playing_track, streaming_track); streamer_start_playback (playing_track, streaming_track); last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; playlist_track = playing_track; playpos = 0; seekpos = -1; // try to switch samplerate to the closest supported by output plugin if (conf_get_int ("playback.dynsamplerate", 0)) { // don't switch if unchanged ddb_waveformat_t prevfmt; memcpy (&prevfmt, &output->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t)); if (memcmp (&output->fmt, &fileinfo->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { output->setformat (&fileinfo->fmt); adjust_waveformat (&output->fmt); // check if the format actually changed if (memcmp (&output->fmt, &prevfmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { // restart streaming of current track trace ("streamer: output samplerate changed from %d to %d; restarting track\n", prevfmt.samplerate, output->fmt.samplerate); mutex_lock (decodemutex); fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; DB_decoder_t *dec = NULL; dec = plug_get_decoder_for_id (streaming_track->decoder_id); if (dec) { fileinfo = dec->open (0); if (fileinfo && dec->init (fileinfo, DB_PLAYITEM (streaming_track)) < 0) { dec->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } adjust_waveformat (&fileinfo->fmt); } if (!dec || !fileinfo) { // FIXME: handle error } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); bytes_until_next_song = -1; streamer_buffering = 1; streamer_reset (1); } } // output plugin may stop playback before switching samplerate if (output->state () != OUTPUT_STATE_PLAYING) { if (fileinfo) { plug_get_output ()->setformat (&fileinfo->fmt); adjust_waveformat (&plug_get_output ()->fmt); } if (output->play () < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "streamer: failed to start playback after samplerate change; output plugin doesn't work\n"); streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 0); streamer_unlock (); continue; } } } streamer_unlock (); } int seek = seekpos; if (seek >= 0) { playpos = seek; seekpos = -1; trace ("seeking to %f\n", seek); float pos = seek; if (playing_track != streaming_track) { trace ("streamer already switched to next track\n"); // restart playing from new position mutex_lock (decodemutex); if(fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } streaming_track = playing_track; if (streaming_track) { pl_item_ref (streaming_track); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); bytes_until_next_song = -1; streamer_buffering = 1; if (streaming_track) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } mutex_lock (decodemutex); DB_decoder_t *dec = NULL; dec = plug_get_decoder_for_id (streaming_track->decoder_id); if (dec) { fileinfo = dec->open (0); if (fileinfo && dec->init (fileinfo, DB_PLAYITEM (streaming_track)) != 0) { dec->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } adjust_waveformat (&fileinfo->fmt); } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); if (!dec || !fileinfo) { if (streaming_track) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } trace ("failed to restart prev track on seek, trying to jump to next track\n"); streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); trace ("streamer_move_to_nextsong switched to track %d\n", nextsong); usleep (50000); continue; } } bytes_until_next_song = -1; streamer_buffering = 1; if (streaming_track) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } if (fileinfo && playing_track && playing_track->_duration > 0) { streamer_lock (); streamer_reset (1); #if 0 streambuffer_fill = 0; streambuffer_pos = 0; src_remaining = 0; #endif if (fileinfo->plugin->seek (fileinfo, pos) >= 0) { playpos = fileinfo->readpos; } last_bitrate = -1; avg_bitrate = -1; streamer_unlock(); } } // read ahead at 2x speed of output samplerate, in 4k blocks int rate = output->fmt.samplerate; if (!rate) { trace ("str: got 0 output samplerate\n"); usleep(20000); continue; } int channels = output->fmt.channels; int bytes_in_one_second = rate * (output->fmt.bps>>3) * channels; const int blocksize = 4096; int alloc_time = 1000 / (bytes_in_one_second * output->fmt.channels / blocksize); streamer_lock (); if (streambuffer_fill < (STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE-blocksize)) { int sz = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - streambuffer_fill; int minsize = blocksize; // speed up buffering when empty if (streambuffer_fill < 16384) { minsize *= 4; alloc_time *= 4; } sz = min (minsize, sz); assert ((sz&3) == 0); char buf[sz]; streamer_unlock (); // ensure that size is possible with current format int samplesize = output->fmt.channels * (output->fmt.bps>>3); if (sz % samplesize) { sz -= (sz % samplesize); } int bytesread = streamer_read_async (buf,sz); streamer_lock (); memcpy (streambuffer+streambuffer_fill, buf, sz); if (bytesread > 0) { streambuffer_fill += bytesread; } // if (streamer_buffering) trace ("fill: %d, read: %d, size=%d, blocksize=%d\n", streambuffer_fill, bytesread, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, blocksize); } streamer_unlock (); if ((streambuffer_fill > 128000 && streamer_buffering) || !streaming_track) { streamer_buffering = 0; if (streaming_track) { plug_trigger_event_trackinfochanged (streaming_track); } } struct timeval tm2; gettimeofday (&tm2, NULL); int ms = (tm2.tv_sec*1000+tm2.tv_usec/1000) - (tm1.tv_sec*1000+tm1.tv_usec/1000); alloc_time -= ms; if (!streamer_buffering && alloc_time > 0) { usleep (alloc_time * 1000); // usleep (1000); } // trace ("fill: %d/%d\n", streambuffer_fill, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); } // stop streaming song mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (fileinfo) { fileinfo->plugin->free (fileinfo); fileinfo = NULL; } if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } mutex_unlock (decodemutex); } int streamer_init (void) { #if WRITE_DUMP out = fopen ("out.raw", "w+b"); #endif mutex = mutex_create (); decodemutex = mutex_create (); src = ddb_src_init (); if (!src) { return -1; } conf_replaygain_mode = conf_get_int ("replaygain_mode", 0); conf_replaygain_scale = conf_get_int ("replaygain_scale", 1); streamer_tid = thread_start (streamer_thread, NULL); return 0; } void streamer_free (void) { #if WRITE_DUMP fclose (out); #endif streamer_abort_files (); streaming_terminate = 1; thread_join (streamer_tid); mutex_free (decodemutex); if (streaming_track) { pl_item_unref (streaming_track); streaming_track = NULL; } if (playing_track) { pl_item_unref (playing_track); playing_track = NULL; } if (playlist_track) { playlist_track = NULL; } decodemutex = 0; mutex_free (mutex); mutex = 0; if (src) { ddb_src_free (src); src = NULL; } } void streamer_reset (int full) { // must be called when current song changes by external reasons if (!mutex) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: someone called streamer_reset after exit\n"); return; // failsafe, in case someone calls streamer reset after deinit } ddb_src_lock (src); if (full) { streamer_lock (); streambuffer_pos = 0; streambuffer_fill = 0; streamer_unlock (); } ddb_src_reset (src, 1); // reset dsp DB_dsp_t **dsp = deadbeef->plug_get_dsp_list (); //int srate = output->fmt.samplerate; for (int i = 0; dsp[i]; i++) { if (dsp[i]->enabled ()) { dsp[i]->reset (); } } ddb_src_unlock (src); } int replaygain = 1; int replaygain_scale = 1; static void apply_replay_gain_int16 (playItem_t *it, char *bytes, int size) { if (!replaygain || !conf_replaygain_mode) { return; } int vol = 1000; if (conf_replaygain_mode == 1) { if (it->replaygain_track_gain == 0) { return; } vol = db_to_amp (streaming_track->replaygain_track_gain) * 1000; if (conf_replaygain_scale && replaygain_scale) { if (vol * streaming_track->replaygain_track_peak > 1000) { vol = 1000 / streaming_track->replaygain_track_peak; } } } else if (conf_replaygain_mode == 2) { if (it->replaygain_album_gain == 0) { return; } vol = db_to_amp (streaming_track->replaygain_album_gain) * 1000; if (conf_replaygain_scale && replaygain_scale) { if (vol * streaming_track->replaygain_album_peak > 1000) { vol = 1000 / streaming_track->replaygain_album_peak; } } } int16_t *s = (int16_t*)bytes; for (int j = 0; j < size/2; j++) { int32_t sample = ((int32_t)(*s)) * vol / 1000; if (sample > 0x7fff) { sample = 0x7fff; } else if (sample < -0x8000) { sample = -0x8000; } *s = (int16_t)sample; s++; } } static void apply_replay_gain_float32 (playItem_t *it, char *bytes, int size) { if (!replaygain || !conf_replaygain_mode) { return; } float vol = 1.f; if (conf_replaygain_mode == 1) { if (it->replaygain_track_gain == 0) { return; } vol = db_to_amp (it->replaygain_track_gain); if (conf_replaygain_scale && replaygain_scale) { if (vol * it->replaygain_track_peak > 1.f) { vol = 1.f / it->replaygain_track_peak; } } } else if (conf_replaygain_mode == 2) { if (it->replaygain_album_gain == 0) { return; } vol = db_to_amp (it->replaygain_album_gain); if (conf_replaygain_scale && replaygain_scale) { if (vol * it->replaygain_album_peak > 1.f) { vol = 1.f / it->replaygain_album_peak; } } } float *s = (float*)bytes; for (int j = 0; j < size/4; j++) { float sample = ((float)*s) * vol; if (sample > 1.f) { sample = 1.f; } else if (sample < -1.f) { sample = -1.f; } *s = sample; s++; } } static void mono_int16_to_stereo_int16 (int16_t *in, int16_t *out, int nsamples) { while (nsamples > 0) { int16_t sample = *in++; *out++ = sample; *out++ = sample; nsamples--; } } // decodes data and converts to current output format // returns number of bytes been read static int streamer_read_async (char *bytes, int size) { DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); int initsize = size; for (;;) { int bytesread = 0; mutex_lock (decodemutex); if (!fileinfo) { // means there's nothing left to stream, so just do nothing mutex_unlock (decodemutex); break; } if (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate != -1) { DB_dsp_t **dsp = deadbeef->plug_get_dsp_list (); if (!memcmp (&fileinfo->fmt, &output->fmt, sizeof (ddb_waveformat_t))) { bytesread = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, bytes, size); } else { if (output->fmt.samplerate != fileinfo->fmt.samplerate) { // convert to float, prepare for DSP int outputsamplesize = (output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels; int inputsamplesize = (fileinfo->fmt.bps>>3)*fileinfo->fmt.channels; float ratio = output->fmt.samplerate/(float)fileinfo->fmt.samplerate; #define SRC_NUM_SAMPLES 1024 char outbuf[SRC_NUM_SAMPLES * output->fmt.channels * sizeof (float)]; char *src_data = NULL; int src_data_size = 0; bytesread = 0; ddb_waveformat_t srcfmt; memcpy (&srcfmt, &output->fmt, sizeof (srcfmt)); srcfmt.bps = 32; srcfmt.is_float = 1; int inputsize = (ftoi (SRC_NUM_SAMPLES * ratio) + 100) * inputsamplesize; char input[inputsize]; char tempbuf[inputsize/inputsamplesize * sizeof (float) * output->fmt.channels]; while (1) { int converted_bytes = 0; // drain src int n = sizeof (outbuf); int remaining = (size - bytesread) / (output->fmt.bps >> 3) * 4; if (n > remaining) { n = remaining; } converted_bytes = ddb_src_process (src, src_data, src_data_size/(sizeof(float)*output->fmt.channels), outbuf, n, ratio, srcfmt.channels); src_data = NULL; src_data_size = 0; if (converted_bytes > 0) { bytesread += pcm_convert (&srcfmt, outbuf, &output->fmt, bytes + bytesread, converted_bytes); assert (bytesread <= size); if (bytesread == size) { break; } continue; } // read more samples for src inputsize = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, input, (ftoi (SRC_NUM_SAMPLES * ratio) + 100) * inputsamplesize); if (!inputsize && !converted_bytes) { break; // eof } // convert to float int tempsize = pcm_convert (&fileinfo->fmt, input, &srcfmt, tempbuf, inputsize); assert (tempsize <= sizeof (tempbuf)); src_data = tempbuf; src_data_size = tempsize; } } else { int outputsamplesize = (output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels; int inputsamplesize = (fileinfo->fmt.bps>>3)*fileinfo->fmt.channels; int inputsize = size/outputsamplesize*inputsamplesize; char input[inputsize]; inputsize = fileinfo->plugin->read (fileinfo, input, inputsize); bytesread = pcm_convert (&fileinfo->fmt, input, &output->fmt, bytes, inputsize); } } #if WRITE_DUMP if (bytesread) { fwrite (bytes, 1, bytesread, out); } #endif if (output->fmt.bps == 16) { apply_replay_gain_int16 (streaming_track, bytes, bytesread); } else if (output->fmt.bps == 32 && output->fmt.is_float) { apply_replay_gain_float32 (streaming_track, bytes, bytesread); } #if 0 int nchannels = fileinfo->fmt.channels; if (nchannels > 2) { nchannels = 2; } int samplerate = fileinfo->fmt.samplerate; if (fileinfo->fmt.samplerate == output->fmt.samplerate) { // samplerate match if (nchannels == 2) { bytesread = fileinfo->plugin->read_int16 (fileinfo, bytes, size); apply_replay_gain_int16 (streaming_track, bytes, bytesread); } else { uint8_t buffer[size>>1]; bytesread = fileinfo->plugin->read_int16 (fileinfo, buffer, size>>1); apply_replay_gain_int16 (streaming_track, buffer, bytesread); mono_int16_to_stereo_int16 ((int16_t*)buffer, (int16_t*)bytes, size>>2); bytesread *= 2; } } else if (src_is_valid_ratio (output->fmt.samplerate/(double)samplerate)) { bytesread = streamer_decode_src_libsamplerate (bytes, size); } else { fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid ratio! %d / %d (this indicates decoder or streamer bug)\n", output->fmt.samplerate, samplerate); fprintf (stderr, "error: file: %s\n", streaming_track ? streaming_track->fname : "(null)"); // immediately start streaming next track bytes_until_next_song = -1; } #endif } #if 0 if (bytesread > 0) { // apply dsp DB_dsp_t **dsp = deadbeef->plug_get_dsp_list (); int srate = output->fmt.samplerate; for (int i = 0; dsp[i]; i++) { if (dsp[i]->enabled ()) { dsp[i]->process (bytes, bytesread/4, &output->fmt); } } } #endif mutex_unlock (decodemutex); bytes += bytesread; size -= bytesread; if (size == 0) { return initsize; } else { // that means EOF trace ("streamer: EOF! buns: %d\n", bytes_until_next_song); // in case of decoder error, or EOF while buffering - switch to next song instantly if (bytesread < 0 || (bytes_until_next_song < 0 && streamer_is_buffering() && bytesread == 0) || bytes_until_next_song < 0) { trace ("finished streaming song, queueing next\n"); bytes_until_next_song = streambuffer_fill; if (conf_get_int ("playlist.stop_after_current", 0)) { streamer_set_nextsong (-2, 1); } else { streamer_move_to_nextsong (0); } } break; } } return initsize - size; } int streamer_read (char *bytes, int size) { #if 0 struct timeval tm1; gettimeofday (&tm1, NULL); #endif if (!playing_track) { return -1; } DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); streamer_lock (); int sz = min (size, streambuffer_fill); if (sz) { memcpy (bytes, streambuffer, sz); memmove (streambuffer, streambuffer+sz, streambuffer_fill-sz); streambuffer_fill -= sz; playpos += (float)sz/output->fmt.samplerate/((output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels); playing_track->playtime += (float)sz/output->fmt.samplerate/((output->fmt.bps>>3)*output->fmt.channels); if (playlist_track) { playing_track->filetype = playlist_track->filetype; } if (playlist_track) { playlist_track->playtime = playing_track->playtime; } if (bytes_until_next_song > 0) { bytes_until_next_song -= sz; if (bytes_until_next_song < 0) { bytes_until_next_song = 0; } } } streamer_unlock (); // approximate bitrate if (last_bitrate != -1) { if (avg_bitrate == -1) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } else { if (avg_bitrate < last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate += 5; if (avg_bitrate > last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } } else if (avg_bitrate > last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate -= 5; if (avg_bitrate < last_bitrate) { avg_bitrate = last_bitrate; } } } // printf ("apx bitrate: %d (last %d)\n", avg_bitrate, last_bitrate); } else { avg_bitrate = -1; } #if 0 struct timeval tm2; gettimeofday (&tm2, NULL); int ms = (tm2.tv_sec*1000+tm2.tv_usec/1000) - (tm1.tv_sec*1000+tm1.tv_usec/1000); printf ("streamer_read took %d ms\n", ms); #endif return sz; } int streamer_get_fill (void) { return streambuffer_fill; } int streamer_ok_to_read (int len) { if (len >= 0 && (bytes_until_next_song > 0 || streambuffer_fill >= (len*2))) { return 1; } else { return 1-streamer_buffering; } return 0; } int streamer_is_buffering (void) { if (streambuffer_fill < 16384) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void streamer_configchanged (void) { conf_replaygain_mode = conf_get_int ("replaygain_mode", 0); conf_replaygain_scale = conf_get_int ("replaygain_scale", 1); ddb_src_confchanged (src); } void streamer_play_current_track (void) { playlist_t *plt = plt_get_curr_ptr (); DB_output_t *output = plug_get_output (); if (output->state () == OUTPUT_STATE_PAUSED && playing_track) { // unpause currently paused track output->unpause (); plug_trigger_event_paused (0); } else if (plt->current_row[PL_MAIN] != -1) { // play currently selected track in current playlist output->stop (); // get next song in queue int idx = -1; playItem_t *next = pl_playqueue_getnext (); if (next) { idx = str_get_idx_of (next); pl_playqueue_pop (); pl_item_unref (next); } else { idx = plt->current_row[PL_MAIN]; } streamer_set_nextsong (idx, 1); streamer_playlist = plt; } else { // restart currently playing track output->stop (); streamer_set_nextsong (0, 1); } } struct DB_fileinfo_s * streamer_get_current_fileinfo (void) { return fileinfo; } void streamer_set_current_playlist (int plt) { streamer_playlist = plt_get (plt); } int streamer_get_current_playlist (void) { if (!streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = plt_get_curr_ptr (); } return plt_get_idx_of (streamer_playlist); } void streamer_notify_playlist_deleted (playlist_t *plt) { if (plt == streamer_playlist) { streamer_playlist = NULL; } }