/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #ifdef TINYWV #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "../../deadbeef.h" #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) #define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } //#define trace(fmt,...) static DB_decoder_t plugin; static DB_functions_t *deadbeef; typedef struct { DB_fileinfo_t info; DB_FILE *file; #ifndef TINYWV DB_FILE *c_file; #endif WavpackContext *ctx; int startsample; int endsample; } wvctx_t; #ifdef TINYWV int32_t wv_read_stream(void *buf, int32_t sz, void *file_handle) { return deadbeef->fread (buf, 1, sz, (DB_FILE *)file_handle); } #else int32_t wv_read_bytes(void *id, void *data, int32_t bcount) { // trace ("wv_read_bytes\n"); return deadbeef->fread (data, 1, bcount, id); } uint32_t wv_get_pos(void *id) { // trace ("wv_get_pos\n"); return deadbeef->ftell (id); } int wv_set_pos_abs(void *id, uint32_t pos) { // trace ("wv_set_pos_abs\n"); return deadbeef->fseek (id, pos, SEEK_SET); } int wv_set_pos_rel(void *id, int32_t delta, int mode) { // trace ("wv_set_pos_rel\n"); return deadbeef->fseek (id, delta, SEEK_CUR); } int wv_push_back_byte(void *id, int c) { // trace ("wv_push_back_byte\n"); deadbeef->fseek (id, -1, SEEK_CUR); return deadbeef->ftell (id); } uint32_t wv_get_length(void *id) { // trace ("wv_get_length\n"); size_t pos = deadbeef->ftell (id); deadbeef->fseek (id, 0, SEEK_END); size_t sz = deadbeef->ftell (id); deadbeef->fseek (id, pos, SEEK_SET); return sz; } int wv_can_seek(void *id) { // trace ("wv_can_seek\n"); return 1; } int32_t wv_write_bytes (void *id, void *data, int32_t bcount) { return 0; } static WavpackStreamReader wsr = { .read_bytes = wv_read_bytes, .get_pos = wv_get_pos, .set_pos_abs = wv_set_pos_abs, .set_pos_rel = wv_set_pos_rel, .push_back_byte = wv_push_back_byte, .get_length = wv_get_length, .can_seek = wv_can_seek, .write_bytes = wv_write_bytes }; #endif static DB_fileinfo_t * wv_open (uint32_t hints) { DB_fileinfo_t *_info = malloc (sizeof (wvctx_t)); memset (_info, 0, sizeof (wvctx_t)); return _info; } static int wv_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) { wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info; info->file = deadbeef->fopen (it->fname); if (!info->file) { return -1; } #ifndef TINYWV char *c_fname = alloca (strlen (it->fname) + 2); if (c_fname) { strcpy (c_fname, it->fname); strcat (c_fname, "c"); info->c_file = deadbeef->fopen (c_fname); } else { fprintf (stderr, "wavpack warning: failed to alloc memory for correction file name\n"); } #endif char error[80]; #ifdef TINYWV info->ctx = WavpackOpenFileInput (wv_read_stream, info->file, error); #else info->ctx = WavpackOpenFileInputEx (&wsr, info->file, info->c_file, error, OPEN_NORMALIZE, 0); #endif if (!info->ctx) { fprintf (stderr, "wavpack error: %s\n", error); return -1; } _info->plugin = &plugin; _info->fmt.bps = WavpackGetBytesPerSample (info->ctx) * 8; _info->fmt.channels = WavpackGetNumChannels (info->ctx); _info->fmt.samplerate = WavpackGetSampleRate (info->ctx); _info->fmt.is_float = (WavpackGetMode (info->ctx) & MODE_FLOAT) ? 1 : 0; _info->fmt.channelmask = WavpackGetChannelMask (info->ctx); _info->readpos = 0; if (it->endsample > 0) { info->startsample = it->startsample; info->endsample = it->endsample; if (plugin.seek_sample (_info, 0) < 0) { return -1; } } else { info->startsample = 0; info->endsample = WavpackGetNumSamples (info->ctx)-1; } return 0; } static void wv_free (DB_fileinfo_t *_info) { if (_info) { wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info; if (info->file) { deadbeef->fclose (info->file); info->file = NULL; } #ifndef TINYWV if (info->c_file) { deadbeef->fclose (info->c_file); info->c_file = NULL; } #endif if (info->ctx) { WavpackCloseFile (info->ctx); info->ctx = NULL; } free (_info); } } static int wv_read (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, char *bytes, int size) { wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info; int initsize = size; int currentsample = WavpackGetSampleIndex (info->ctx); int samplesize = _info->fmt.channels * _info->fmt.bps / 8; if (size / samplesize + currentsample > info->endsample) { size = (info->endsample - currentsample + 1) * samplesize; trace ("wv: size truncated to %d bytes, cursample=%d, endsample=%d\n", size, currentsample, info->endsample); if (size <= 0) { return 0; } } int n; if (WavpackGetMode (info->ctx) & MODE_FLOAT) { _info->fmt.is_float = 1; } if (_info->fmt.is_float || _info->fmt.bps == 32) { n = WavpackUnpackSamples (info->ctx, (int32_t *)bytes, size / samplesize); size -= n * samplesize; } else { int32_t buffer[size/(_info->fmt.bps / 8)]; n = WavpackUnpackSamples (info->ctx, (int32_t *)buffer, size / samplesize); size -= n * samplesize; n *= _info->fmt.channels; // convert from int32 to input (what???) int32_t *p = buffer; if (_info->fmt.bps == 16) { while (n > 0) { *((int16_t *)bytes) = (int16_t)(*p); bytes += sizeof (int16_t); p++; n--; } } else if (_info->fmt.bps == 8) { while (n > 0) { *bytes++ = (char)(*p); p++; n--; } } else if (_info->fmt.bps == 24) { while (n > 0) { *bytes++ = (*p)&0xff; *bytes++ = ((*p)&0xff00)>>8; *bytes++ = ((*p)&0xff0000)>>16; p++; n--; } } } _info->readpos = (float)(WavpackGetSampleIndex (info->ctx)-info->startsample)/WavpackGetSampleRate (info->ctx); #ifndef TINYWV deadbeef->streamer_set_bitrate (WavpackGetInstantBitrate (info->ctx) / 1000); #endif return initsize-size; } static int wv_seek_sample (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, int sample) { #ifndef TINYWV wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info; WavpackSeekSample (info->ctx, sample + info->startsample); _info->readpos = (float)(WavpackGetSampleIndex (info->ctx) - info->startsample) / WavpackGetSampleRate (info->ctx); #endif return 0; } static int wv_seek (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, float sec) { wvctx_t *info = (wvctx_t *)_info; return wv_seek_sample (_info, sec * WavpackGetSampleRate (info->ctx)); } static DB_playItem_t * wv_insert (DB_playItem_t *after, const char *fname) { DB_FILE *fp = deadbeef->fopen (fname); if (!fp) { return NULL; } char error[80]; #ifdef TINYWV WavpackContext *ctx = WavpackOpenFileInput (wv_read_stream, fp, error); #else WavpackContext *ctx = WavpackOpenFileInputEx (&wsr, fp, NULL, error, 0, 0); #endif if (!ctx) { fprintf (stderr, "wavpack error: %s\n", error); deadbeef->fclose (fp); return NULL; } int totalsamples = WavpackGetNumSamples (ctx); int samplerate = WavpackGetSampleRate (ctx); float duration = (float)totalsamples / samplerate; DB_playItem_t *it = deadbeef->pl_item_alloc (); it->decoder_id = deadbeef->plug_get_decoder_id (plugin.plugin.id); it->fname = strdup (fname); it->filetype = "wv"; deadbeef->pl_set_item_duration (it, duration); trace ("wv: totalsamples=%d, samplerate=%d, duration=%f\n", totalsamples, samplerate, duration); #if 0 int num = WavpackGetNumTagItems (ctx); trace ("num tag items: %d\n", num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { char str[1024]; WavpackGetTagItemIndexed (ctx, i, str, sizeof (str)); trace ("tag item: %s\n", str); } #endif int apeerr = deadbeef->junk_apev2_read (it, fp); if (!apeerr) { trace ("wv: ape tag found\n"); } int v1err = deadbeef->junk_id3v1_read (it, fp); if (!v1err) { trace ("wv: id3v1 tag found\n"); } deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, "title", NULL); // embedded cue const char *cuesheet = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, "cuesheet"); if (cuesheet) { trace ("found cuesheet: %s\n", cuesheet); DB_playItem_t *last = deadbeef->pl_insert_cue_from_buffer (after, it, cuesheet, strlen (cuesheet), totalsamples, samplerate); if (last) { deadbeef->fclose (fp); WavpackCloseFile (ctx); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (last); return last; } } // cue file on disc DB_playItem_t *cue_after = deadbeef->pl_insert_cue (after, it, totalsamples, samplerate); if (cue_after) { deadbeef->fclose (fp); WavpackCloseFile (ctx); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (cue_after); return cue_after; } after = deadbeef->pl_insert_item (after, it); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); deadbeef->fclose (fp); WavpackCloseFile (ctx); return after; } int wv_read_metadata (DB_playItem_t *it) { DB_FILE *fp = deadbeef->fopen (it->fname); if (!fp) { return -1; } int apeerr = deadbeef->junk_apev2_read (it, fp); if (!apeerr) { trace ("wv: ape tag found\n"); } int v1err = deadbeef->junk_id3v1_read (it, fp); if (!v1err) { trace ("wv: id3v1 tag found\n"); } deadbeef->fclose (fp); return 0; } int wv_write_metadata (DB_playItem_t *it) { int strip_apev2 = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("wv.strip_apev2", 0); int strip_id3v1 = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("wv.strip_id3v1", 0); int write_apev2 = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("wv.write_apev2", 1); int write_id3v1 = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("wv.write_id3v1", 0); uint32_t junk_flags = 0; if (strip_id3v1) { junk_flags |= JUNK_STRIP_ID3V1; } if (strip_apev2) { junk_flags |= JUNK_STRIP_APEV2; } if (write_id3v1) { junk_flags |= JUNK_WRITE_ID3V1; } if (write_apev2) { junk_flags |= JUNK_WRITE_APEV2; } return deadbeef->junk_rewrite_tags (it, junk_flags, 0, NULL); } static const char *exts[] = { "wv", NULL }; static const char *filetypes[] = { "wv", NULL }; // define plugin interface static DB_decoder_t plugin = { DB_PLUGIN_SET_API_VERSION .plugin.version_major = 1, .plugin.version_minor = 0, .plugin.type = DB_PLUGIN_DECODER, .plugin.id = "wv", .plugin.name = "WavPack decoder", .plugin.descr = "WavPack (.wv, .iso.wv) player using libwavpack", .plugin.author = "Alexey Yakovenko", .plugin.email = "waker@users.sourceforge.net", .plugin.website = "http://deadbeef.sf.net", .open = wv_open, .init = wv_init, .free = wv_free, .read = wv_read, .seek = wv_seek, .seek_sample = wv_seek_sample, .insert = wv_insert, .read_metadata = wv_read_metadata, .write_metadata = wv_write_metadata, .exts = exts, .filetypes = filetypes }; DB_plugin_t * wavpack_load (DB_functions_t *api) { deadbeef = api; return DB_PLUGIN (&plugin); }