/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Alexey Yakovenko Original SuperEQ code (C) Naoki Shibata This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "paramlist.hpp" #include "Equ.h" int _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow; int _Unwind_RaiseException; int _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData; int _Unwind_Resume; int _Unwind_DeleteException; int _Unwind_GetTextRelBase; int _Unwind_SetIP; int _Unwind_GetDataRelBase; int _Unwind_GetRegionStart; int _Unwind_SetGR; int _Unwind_GetIPInfo; #ifdef USE_OOURA extern "C" void rdft(int, int, REAL *, int *, REAL *); void rfft(int n,int isign,REAL *x) { static int ipsize = 0,wsize=0; static int *ip = NULL; static REAL *w = NULL; int newipsize,newwsize; if (n == 0) { free(ip); ip = NULL; ipsize = 0; free(w); w = NULL; wsize = 0; return; } n = 1 << n; newipsize = 2+sqrt(n/2); if (newipsize > ipsize) { ipsize = newipsize; ip = (int *)realloc(ip,sizeof(int)*ipsize); ip[0] = 0; } newwsize = n/2; if (newwsize > wsize) { wsize = newwsize; w = (REAL *)realloc(w,sizeof(REAL)*wsize); } rdft(n,isign,x,ip,w); } #elif defined(USE_FFMPEG) || defined(USE_SHIBATCH) extern "C" void rfft(int n,int isign,REAL *x); #endif #if defined(USE_SHIBATCH) extern "C" { #include "SIMDBase.h" } #endif #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #define DITHERLEN 65536 #define M 15 static REAL fact[M+1]; static REAL aa = 96; static REAL iza = 0; #define NBANDS 17 static REAL bands[] = { 65.406392,92.498606,130.81278,184.99721,261.62557,369.99442,523.25113, 739.9884 ,1046.5023,1479.9768,2093.0045,2959.9536,4186.0091,5919.9072, 8372.0181,11839.814,16744.036 }; static REAL alpha(REAL a) { if (a <= 21) return 0; if (a <= 50) return 0.5842*pow(a-21,0.4)+0.07886*(a-21); return 0.1102*(a-8.7); } static REAL izero(REAL x) { REAL ret = 1; int m; for(m=1;m<=M;m++) { REAL t; t = pow(x/2,m)/fact[m]; ret += t*t; } return ret; } void *equ_malloc (int size) { #ifdef USE_SHIBATCH return SIMDBase_alignedMalloc (size); #else return malloc (size); #endif } void equ_free (void *mem) { #ifdef USE_SHIBATCH SIMDBase_alignedFree (mem); #else free (mem); #endif } extern "C" void equ_init(SuperEqState *state, int wb, int channels) { int i,j; if (state->lires1 != NULL) free(state->lires1); if (state->lires2 != NULL) free(state->lires2); if (state->irest != NULL) free(state->irest); if (state->fsamples != NULL) free(state->fsamples); if (state->finbuf != NULL) free(state->finbuf); if (state->outbuf != NULL) free(state->outbuf); if (state->ditherbuf != NULL) free(state->ditherbuf); memset (state, 0, sizeof (SuperEqState)); state->channels = channels; state->enable = 1; state->winlen = (1 << (wb-1))-1; state->winlenbit = wb; state->tabsize = 1 << wb; state->fft_bits = wb; state->lires1 = (REAL *)equ_malloc(sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize * state->channels); state->lires2 = (REAL *)equ_malloc(sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize * state->channels); state->irest = (REAL *)equ_malloc(sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize); state->fsamples = (REAL *)equ_malloc(sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize); state->finbuf = (REAL *)equ_malloc(state->winlen*state->channels*sizeof(REAL)); state->outbuf = (REAL *)equ_malloc(state->tabsize*state->channels*sizeof(REAL)); state->ditherbuf = (REAL *)equ_malloc(sizeof(REAL)*DITHERLEN); memset (state->lires1, 0, sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize * state->channels); memset (state->lires2, 0, sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize * state->channels); memset (state->irest, 0, sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize); memset (state->fsamples, 0, sizeof(REAL)*state->tabsize); memset (state->finbuf, 0, state->winlen*state->channels*sizeof(REAL)); memset (state->outbuf, 0, state->tabsize*state->channels*sizeof(REAL)); memset (state->ditherbuf, 0, sizeof(REAL)*DITHERLEN); state->lires = state->lires1; state->cur_ires = 1; state->chg_ires = 1; for(i=0;iditherbuf[i] = (float(rand())/RAND_MAX-0.5); if (fact[0] < 1) { for(i=0;i<=M;i++) { fact[i] = 1; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) fact[i] *= j; } iza = izero(alpha(aa)); } } // -(N-1)/2 <= n <= (N-1)/2 static REAL win(REAL n,int N) { return izero(alpha(aa)*sqrt(1-4*n*n/((N-1)*(N-1))))/iza; } static REAL sinc(REAL x) { return x == 0 ? 1 : sin(x)/x; } static REAL hn_lpf(int n,REAL f,REAL fs) { REAL t = 1/fs; REAL omega = 2*PI*f; return 2*f*t*sinc(n*omega*t); } static REAL hn_imp(int n) { return n == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0; } static REAL hn(int n,paramlist ¶m2,REAL fs) { paramlistelm *e; REAL ret,lhn; lhn = hn_lpf(n,param2.elm->upper,fs); ret = param2.elm->gain*lhn; for(e=param2.elm->next;e->next != NULL && e->upper < fs/2;e = e->next) { REAL lhn2 = hn_lpf(n,e->upper,fs); ret += e->gain*(lhn2-lhn); lhn = lhn2; } ret += e->gain*(hn_imp(n)-lhn); return ret; } void process_param(REAL *bc,paramlist *param,paramlist ¶m2,REAL fs,int ch) { paramlistelm **pp,*p,*e,*e2; int i; delete param2.elm; param2.elm = NULL; for(i=0,pp=¶m2.elm;i<=NBANDS;i++,pp = &(*pp)->next) { (*pp) = new paramlistelm; (*pp)->lower = i == 0 ? 0 : bands[i-1]; (*pp)->upper = i == NBANDS-1 ? fs : bands[i ]; (*pp)->gain = bc[i]; } for(e = param->elm;e != NULL;e = e->next) { if (e->lower >= e->upper) continue; for(p=param2.elm;p != NULL;p = p->next) if (p->upper > e->lower) break; while(p != NULL && p->lower < e->upper) { if (e->lower <= p->lower && p->upper <= e->upper) { p->gain *= pow(10,e->gain/20); p = p->next; continue; } if (p->lower < e->lower && e->upper < p->upper) { e2 = new paramlistelm; e2->lower = e->upper; e2->upper = p->upper; e2->gain = p->gain; e2->next = p->next; p->next = e2; e2 = new paramlistelm; e2->lower = e->lower; e2->upper = e->upper; e2->gain = p->gain * pow(10,e->gain/20); e2->next = p->next; p->next = e2; p->upper = e->lower; p = p->next->next->next; continue; } if (p->lower < e->lower) { e2 = new paramlistelm; e2->lower = e->lower; e2->upper = p->upper; e2->gain = p->gain * pow(10,e->gain/20); e2->next = p->next; p->next = e2; p->upper = e->lower; p = p->next->next; continue; } if (e->upper < p->upper) { e2 = new paramlistelm; e2->lower = e->upper; e2->upper = p->upper; e2->gain = p->gain; e2->next = p->next; p->next = e2; p->upper = e->upper; p->gain = p->gain * pow(10,e->gain/20); p = p->next->next; continue; } abort(); } } } extern "C" void equ_makeTable(SuperEqState *state, REAL *lbc,void *_param,REAL fs) { paramlist *param = (paramlist *)_param; int i,cires = state->cur_ires; REAL *nires; if (fs <= 0) return; paramlist param2; for (int ch = 0; ch < state->channels; ch++) { process_param(lbc,param,param2,fs,ch); for(i=0;iwinlen;i++) state->irest[i] = hn(i-state->winlen/2,param2,fs)*win(i-state->winlen/2,state->winlen); for(;itabsize;i++) state->irest[i] = 0; rfft(state->fft_bits,1,state->irest); nires = cires == 1 ? state->lires2 : state->lires1; nires += ch * state->tabsize; for(i=0;itabsize;i++) nires[i] = state->irest[i]; } state->chg_ires = cires == 1 ? 2 : 1; } extern "C" void equ_quit(SuperEqState *state) { equ_free(state->lires1); equ_free(state->lires2); equ_free(state->irest); equ_free(state->fsamples); equ_free(state->finbuf); equ_free(state->outbuf); equ_free(state->ditherbuf); state->lires1 = NULL; state->lires2 = NULL; state->irest = NULL; state->fsamples = NULL; state->finbuf = NULL; state->outbuf = NULL; rfft(0,0,NULL); } extern "C" void equ_clearbuf(SuperEqState *state) { int i; state->nbufsamples = 0; for(i=0;itabsize*state->channels;i++) state->outbuf[i] = 0; } extern "C" int equ_modifySamples_float (SuperEqState *state, char *buf,int nsamples,int nch) { int i,p,ch; REAL *ires; float amax = 1.0f; float amin = -1.0f; static float hm1 = 0, hm2 = 0; if (state->chg_ires) { state->cur_ires = state->chg_ires; state->lires = state->cur_ires == 1 ? state->lires1 : state->lires2; state->chg_ires = 0; } p = 0; while(state->nbufsamples+nsamples >= state->winlen) { for(i=0;i<(state->winlen-state->nbufsamples)*nch;i++) { state->finbuf[state->nbufsamples*nch+i] = ((float *)buf)[i+p*nch]; float s = state->outbuf[state->nbufsamples*nch+i]; //if (dither) s += ditherbuf[(ditherptr++) & (DITHERLEN-1)]; if (s < amin) s = amin; if (amax < s) s = amax; ((float *)buf)[i+p*nch] = s; } for(i=state->winlen*nch;itabsize*nch;i++) state->outbuf[i-state->winlen*nch] = state->outbuf[i]; p += state->winlen-state->nbufsamples; nsamples -= state->winlen-state->nbufsamples; state->nbufsamples = 0; for(ch=0;chlires + ch * state->tabsize; for(i=0;iwinlen;i++) state->fsamples[i] = state->finbuf[nch*i+ch]; for(i=state->winlen;itabsize;i++) state->fsamples[i] = 0; if (state->enable) { rfft(state->fft_bits,1,state->fsamples); state->fsamples[0] = ires[0]*state->fsamples[0]; state->fsamples[1] = ires[1]*state->fsamples[1]; for(i=1;itabsize/2;i++) { REAL re,im; re = ires[i*2 ]*state->fsamples[i*2] - ires[i*2+1]*state->fsamples[i*2+1]; im = ires[i*2+1]*state->fsamples[i*2] + ires[i*2 ]*state->fsamples[i*2+1]; state->fsamples[i*2 ] = re; state->fsamples[i*2+1] = im; } rfft(state->fft_bits,-1,state->fsamples); } else { for(i=state->winlen-1+state->winlen/2;i>=state->winlen/2;i--) state->fsamples[i] = state->fsamples[i-state->winlen/2]*state->tabsize/2; for(;i>=0;i--) state->fsamples[i] = 0; } for(i=0;iwinlen;i++) state->outbuf[i*nch+ch] += state->fsamples[i]/state->tabsize*2; for(i=state->winlen;itabsize;i++) state->outbuf[i*nch+ch] = state->fsamples[i]/state->tabsize*2; } } for(i=0;ifinbuf[state->nbufsamples*nch+i] = ((float *)buf)[i+p*nch]; float s = state->outbuf[state->nbufsamples*nch+i]; if (state->dither) { float u; s -= hm1; u = s; // s += ditherbuf[(ditherptr++) & (DITHERLEN-1)]; if (s < amin) s = amin; if (amax < s) s = amax; hm1 = s - u; ((float *)buf)[i+p*nch] = s; } else { if (s < amin) s = amin; if (amax < s) s = amax; ((float *)buf)[i+p*nch] = s; } } p += nsamples; state->nbufsamples += nsamples; return p; } extern "C" void *paramlist_alloc (void) { return (void *)(new paramlist); } extern "C" void paramlist_free (void *pl) { delete ((paramlist *)pl); }