/* Shellexec plugin for DeaDBeeF Copyright (C) 2010 Viktor Semykin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Configuration scheme: shellexec.NN shcmd:title:name:flags @shcmd is the command executed by the shell formating directives are allowed, see format_shell_command function @title is the title of command displayed in UI @name used for referencing command, for example in hotkeys configuration @flags comma-separated of command flags, allowed flags are: single - command allowed only for single track local - command allowed only for local files remote - command allowed only for non-local files disabled - ignore command */ #include #include #include #include "../../deadbeef.h" #define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } //#define trace(fmt,...) static DB_misc_t plugin; static DB_functions_t *deadbeef; //Probably it's reasonable to move these flags to parent struct enum { SHX_ACTION_LOCAL_ONLY = 1 << 0, SHX_ACTION_REMOTE_ONLY = 1 << 1 }; typedef struct Shx_action_s { DB_plugin_action_t parent; const char *shcommand; uint32_t shx_flags; } Shx_action_t; static Shx_action_t *actions; DB_plugin_t * shellexec_load (DB_functions_t *api) { deadbeef = api; return DB_PLUGIN (&plugin); } static char* trim (char* s) { char *h, *t; for (h = s; *h == ' ' || *h == '\t'; h++); for (t = s + strlen (s)-1; *t == ' ' || *t == '\t'; t--); *(t+1) = 0; return h; } static int shell_quote (const char *source, char *dest) { const char *sp; char *dp; for (sp = source, dp = dest; *sp; sp++, dp++) { if (*sp == '\'') { strcpy (dp, "'\\''"); dp += 3; } else *dp = *sp; } *dp = 0; } /* format_shell_command function Similarly to db_format_title formats track's string and quotes all fields to make them safe for shell %a, %t, %b, %B, %C, %n, %N, %y, %g, %c, %r are handled. Use double-% to skip field. Example: Format string: echo %a - %t %%a - %%t Output: echo 'Blind Faith' - 'Can'\''t Find My Way Home' %a - %t */ static char* format_shell_command (DB_playItem_t *it, const char *format) { char *p; const char *trailing = format; const char *field; char *res, *res_p; res = res_p = malloc (65536); //FIXME: possible heap corruption for (;;) { p = strchr (trailing, '%'); if (!p) break; switch (*(p+1)) { case 'a': field = "artist"; break; case 't': field = "title"; break; case 'b': field = "album"; break; case 'B': field = "band"; break; case 'C': field = "composer"; break; case 'n': field = "track"; break; case 'N': field = "numtracks"; break; case 'y': field = "year"; break; case 'g': field = "genre"; break; case 'c': field = "comment"; break; case 'r': field = "copyright"; break; case 'f': break; default: field = NULL; } if (field == NULL) { int l = ((*(p+1) == '%') ? 1 : 0); trace ("field is null; p: %s; p+1: %s; l: %d; trailing: %s; res_p: %s\n", p, p+1, l, trailing, res_p); strncpy (res_p, trailing, p-trailing+l); res_p += (p-trailing+l); trailing = p+l+1; trace ("res: %s; trailing: %s\n", res, res_p, trailing); continue; } else { const char *meta; if (*(p+1) == 'f') meta = it->fname; else meta = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, field); char quoted [strlen (meta) * 4 + 1]; //Worst case is when all chars are single quote shell_quote (meta, quoted); strncpy (res_p, trailing, p-trailing); res_p += (p-trailing); *res_p++ = '\''; strcpy (res_p, quoted); res_p += strlen (quoted); *res_p++ = '\''; trailing = p+2; } } strcpy (res_p, trailing); return res; } static int shx_callback (Shx_action_t *action, DB_playItem_t *it) { char *cmd = format_shell_command (it, action->shcommand); printf ("%s\n", cmd); system (cmd); free (cmd); return 0; } static DB_plugin_action_t * shx_get_actions (DB_playItem_t *it) { Shx_action_t *action = actions; for (action = actions; action; action = action->parent.next) { if (((action->shx_flags & SHX_ACTION_LOCAL_ONLY) && !deadbeef->is_local_file (it->fname)) || ((action->shx_flags & SHX_ACTION_REMOTE_ONLY) && deadbeef->is_local_file (it->fname))) action->parent.flags |= DB_ACTION_DISABLED; else action->parent.flags &= ~DB_ACTION_DISABLED; } return actions; } static int shx_start () { actions = NULL; Shx_action_t *prev = NULL; DB_conf_item_t *item = deadbeef->conf_find ("shellexec.", NULL); while (item) { size_t l = strlen (item->value) + 1; char tmp[l]; char *tmpptr; strcpy (tmp, item->value); trace ("Shellexec: %s\n", tmp); const char *command; const char *title; const char *name; const char *flags; char *semicolon; int idx = 0; tmpptr = tmp; do { semicolon = strchr (tmpptr, ':'); if (semicolon) *semicolon = 0; trace ("Shellexec: idx: %d, tmp: %s\n", idx, tmpptr); switch (idx) { case 0: command = trim (tmpptr); break; case 1: title = trim (tmpptr); break; case 2: name = trim (tmpptr); break; case 3: flags = trim (tmpptr); break; } if (semicolon) tmpptr = semicolon + 1; idx++; } while (semicolon); if (idx < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Shellexec: need at least command and title (%s)\n", item->value); continue; } if (idx > 4) { fprintf (stderr, "Shellexec: too many parameters in configuration line (%s)\n", item->value); continue; } if (strstr (flags, "disabled")) continue; Shx_action_t *action = calloc (sizeof (Shx_action_t), 1); action->parent.title = strdup (title); action->parent.name = strdup (name); action->shcommand = strdup (command); action->parent.callback = shx_callback; action->parent.flags = DB_ACTION_SINGLE_TRACK; action->parent.next = NULL; action->shx_flags = 0; if (strstr (flags, "local")) action->shx_flags |= SHX_ACTION_LOCAL_ONLY; if (strstr (flags, "remote")) action->shx_flags |= SHX_ACTION_REMOTE_ONLY; if (0 == strstr (flags, "single")) action->parent.flags |= DB_ACTION_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_TRACKS; if (prev) prev->parent.next = action; prev = action; if (!actions) actions = action; item = deadbeef->conf_find ("shellexec.", item); } return 0; } // define plugin interface static DB_misc_t plugin = { .plugin.api_vmajor = DB_API_VERSION_MAJOR, .plugin.api_vminor = DB_API_VERSION_MINOR, .plugin.type = DB_PLUGIN_MISC, .plugin.id = "shellexec", .plugin.name = "Shell commands", .plugin.descr = "Executes configurable shell commands for tracks", .plugin.author = "Viktor Semykin", .plugin.email = "thesame.ml@gmail.com", .plugin.website = "http://deadbeef.sf.net", .plugin.start = shx_start, .plugin.get_actions = shx_get_actions };