/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../gettext.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "interface.h" #include "support.h" #include "search.h" #include "ddblistview.h" #include "plcommon.h" #include "../../deadbeef.h" #include "mainplaylist.h" #include "gtkui.h" #include "wingeom.h" #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) extern DB_functions_t *deadbeef; // defined in gtkui.c //#define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } #define trace(fmt,...) extern GtkWidget *searchwin; extern GtkWidget *mainwin; static gboolean unlock_search_columns_cb (void *ctx) { ddb_listview_lock_columns (DDB_LISTVIEW (lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchlist")), 0); return FALSE; } void search_start (void) { ddb_listview_lock_columns (DDB_LISTVIEW (lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchlist")), 1); wingeom_restore (searchwin, "searchwin", -1, -1, 450, 150, 0); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchentry")), ""); gtk_widget_grab_focus (lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchentry")); gtk_widget_show (searchwin); gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (searchwin)); g_idle_add (unlock_search_columns_cb, NULL); search_refresh (); main_refresh (); } void search_destroy (void) { gtk_widget_destroy (searchwin); searchwin = NULL; } void search_process (const char *text) { ddb_playlist_t *plt = deadbeef->plt_get_curr (); deadbeef->plt_search_process (plt, text); deadbeef->plt_unref (plt); int row = deadbeef->pl_get_cursor (PL_SEARCH); if (row >= deadbeef->pl_getcount (PL_SEARCH)) { deadbeef->pl_set_cursor (PL_SEARCH, deadbeef->pl_getcount (PL_SEARCH) - 1); } } void on_searchentry_changed (GtkEditable *editable, gpointer user_data) { search_refresh (); main_refresh (); } void search_refresh (void) { if (searchwin && gtk_widget_get_visible (searchwin)) { GtkEntry *entry = GTK_ENTRY (lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchentry")); const gchar *text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry); search_process (text); GtkWidget *pl = lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchlist"); ddb_listview_refresh (DDB_LISTVIEW (pl), DDB_REFRESH_VSCROLL | DDB_REFRESH_LIST | DDB_LIST_CHANGED); } } void search_redraw (void) { if (searchwin && gtk_widget_get_visible (searchwin)) { GtkWidget *pl = lookup_widget (searchwin, "searchlist"); ddb_listview_refresh (DDB_LISTVIEW (pl), DDB_REFRESH_VSCROLL | DDB_REFRESH_LIST | DDB_LIST_CHANGED); } } ///////// searchwin header handlers gboolean on_searchheader_button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user_data) { return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchheader_button_release_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer user_data) { return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchheader_configure_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer user_data) { return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchheader_expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data) { return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchheader_motion_notify_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer user_data) { return FALSE; } ///////// searchwin playlist navigation and rendering void on_searchentry_activate (GtkEntry *entry, gpointer user_data) { if (deadbeef->pl_getcount (PL_SEARCH) > 0) { int row = deadbeef->pl_get_cursor (PL_SEARCH); DB_playItem_t *it = deadbeef->pl_get_for_idx_and_iter (max (row, 0), PL_SEARCH); if (it) { deadbeef->sendmessage (DB_EV_PLAY_NUM, 0, deadbeef->pl_get_idx_of (it), 0); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); } } } gboolean on_searchwin_key_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data) { // that's for when user attempts to navigate list while entry has focus if (event->keyval == GDK_Escape) { gtk_widget_hide (searchwin); return TRUE; } else if (event->keyval == GDK_Return) { on_searchentry_activate (NULL, 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchwin_configure_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer user_data) { wingeom_save (widget, "searchwin"); return FALSE; } gboolean on_searchwin_window_state_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventWindowState *event, gpointer user_data) { wingeom_save_max (event, widget, "searchwin"); return FALSE; } static int search_get_count (void) { return deadbeef->pl_getcount (PL_SEARCH); } static int search_get_sel_count (void) { int cnt = 0; DB_playItem_t *it = deadbeef->pl_get_first (PL_SEARCH); while (it) { if (deadbeef->pl_is_selected (it)) { cnt++; } DB_playItem_t *next = deadbeef->pl_get_next (it, PL_SEARCH); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); it = next; } return cnt; } static int search_get_cursor (void) { return deadbeef->pl_get_cursor (PL_SEARCH); } static void search_set_cursor (int cursor) { return deadbeef->pl_set_cursor (PL_SEARCH, cursor); } static DdbListviewIter search_head (void) { return (DdbListviewIter)deadbeef->pl_get_first (PL_SEARCH); } static DdbListviewIter search_tail (void) { return (DdbListviewIter)deadbeef->pl_get_last(PL_SEARCH); } static DdbListviewIter search_next (DdbListviewIter it) { return (DdbListviewIter)deadbeef->pl_get_next(it, PL_SEARCH); } static DdbListviewIter search_prev (DdbListviewIter it) { return (DdbListviewIter)deadbeef->pl_get_prev(it, PL_SEARCH); } static DdbListviewIter search_get_for_idx (int idx) { return deadbeef->pl_get_for_idx_and_iter (idx, PL_SEARCH); } int search_get_idx (DdbListviewIter it) { DB_playItem_t *c = deadbeef->pl_get_first (PL_SEARCH); int idx = 0; while (c && c != it) { DB_playItem_t *next = deadbeef->pl_get_next (c, PL_SEARCH); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (c); c = next; idx++; } if (!c) { return -1; } deadbeef->pl_item_unref (c); return idx; } int search_is_selected (DdbListviewIter it) { return deadbeef->pl_is_selected ((DB_playItem_t *)it); } void search_select (DdbListviewIter it, int sel) { deadbeef->pl_set_selected ((DB_playItem_t *)it, sel); deadbeef->sendmessage (DB_EV_SELCHANGED, 0, deadbeef->plt_get_curr_idx (), PL_SEARCH); } int search_get_group (DdbListviewIter it, char *str, int size) { return -1; } void search_col_sort (int col, int sort_order, void *user_data) { col_info_t *c = (col_info_t*)user_data; ddb_playlist_t *plt = deadbeef->plt_get_curr (); deadbeef->plt_sort (plt, PL_SEARCH, c->id, c->format, sort_order-1); deadbeef->plt_unref (plt); } static int lock_column_config = 0; void search_columns_changed (DdbListview *listview) { if (!lock_column_config) { rewrite_column_config (listview, "search"); } } void search_column_size_changed (DdbListview *listview, int col) { const char *title; int width; int align_right; col_info_t *inf; int minheight; int res = ddb_listview_column_get_info (listview, col, &title, &width, &align_right, &minheight, (void **)&inf); if (res == -1) { return; } } void search_col_free_user_data (void *data) { if (data) { col_info_t *inf = data; if (inf->format) { free (inf->format); } free (data); } } void search_handle_doubleclick (DdbListview *listview, DdbListviewIter iter, int idx) { deadbeef->sendmessage (DB_EV_PLAY_NUM, 0, deadbeef->pl_get_idx_of ((DB_playItem_t *)iter), 0); } void search_selection_changed (DdbListview *ps, DdbListviewIter it, int idx) { deadbeef->sendmessage (DB_EV_SELCHANGED, (uintptr_t)ps, -1, -1); } void search_delete_selected (void) { deadbeef->pl_delete_selected (); main_refresh (); search_refresh (); } void search_header_context_menu (DdbListview *ps, int column) { GtkWidget *menu = create_headermenu (0); set_last_playlist_cm (ps); // playlist ptr for context menu set_active_column_cm (column); gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, ps, 3, gtk_get_current_event_time()); } DdbListviewBinding search_binding = { // rows .count = search_get_count, .sel_count = search_get_sel_count, .cursor = search_get_cursor, .set_cursor = search_set_cursor, .head = search_head, .tail = search_tail, .next = search_next, .prev = search_prev, .get_for_idx = search_get_for_idx, .get_idx = search_get_idx, .is_selected = search_is_selected, .select = search_select, .get_group = search_get_group, .drag_n_drop = NULL, .external_drag_n_drop = NULL, .draw_column_data = draw_column_data, .draw_group_title = NULL, // columns .col_sort = search_col_sort, .columns_changed = search_columns_changed, .column_size_changed = search_column_size_changed, .col_free_user_data = search_col_free_user_data, // callbacks .handle_doubleclick = search_handle_doubleclick, .selection_changed = search_selection_changed, .header_context_menu = search_header_context_menu, .list_context_menu = list_context_menu, .delete_selected = search_delete_selected, .modification_idx = gtkui_get_curr_playlist_mod, }; void search_playlist_init (GtkWidget *widget) { DdbListview *listview = DDB_LISTVIEW(widget); g_signal_connect ((gpointer)listview->list, "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK (on_searchwin_key_press_event), listview); search_binding.ref = (void (*) (DdbListviewIter))deadbeef->pl_item_ref; search_binding.unref = (void (*) (DdbListviewIter))deadbeef->pl_item_unref; search_binding.is_selected = (int (*) (DdbListviewIter))deadbeef->pl_is_selected; ddb_listview_set_binding (listview, &search_binding); lock_column_config = 1; // create default set of columns DB_conf_item_t *col = deadbeef->conf_find ("search.column.", NULL); if (!col) { add_column_helper (listview, _("Artist / Album"), 150, -1, "%a - %b", 0); add_column_helper (listview, _("Track No"), 50, -1, "%n", 1); add_column_helper (listview, _("Title"), 150, -1, "%t", 0); add_column_helper (listview, _("Duration"), 50, -1, "%l", 0); } else { while (col) { append_column_from_textdef (listview, col->value); col = deadbeef->conf_find ("search.column.", col); } } lock_column_config = 0; }