/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __DDBLISTVIEW_H #define __DDBLISTVIEW_H #include #include #include // drag and drop targets enum { TARGET_URILIST, TARGET_SAMEWIDGET, }; G_BEGIN_DECLS #define DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW (ddb_listview_get_type ()) #define DDB_LISTVIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW, DdbListview)) #define DDB_LISTVIEW_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((obj), DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW, DdbListviewClass)) #define DDB_IS_LISTVIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW)) #define DDB_IS_LISTVIEW_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((obj), DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW)) #define DDB_LISTVIEW_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), DDB_TYPE_LISTVIEW, DdbListviewClass)) typedef struct _DdbListview DdbListview; typedef struct _DdbListviewClass DdbListviewClass; typedef void * DdbListviewIter; //typedef void * DdbListviewColIter; typedef struct { // rows int (*count) (void); int (*sel_count) (void); int (*cursor) (void); void (*set_cursor) (int cursor); DdbListviewIter (*head) (void); DdbListviewIter (*tail) (void); DdbListviewIter (*next) (DdbListviewIter); DdbListviewIter (*prev) (DdbListviewIter); DdbListviewIter (*get_for_idx) (int idx); int (*get_idx) (DdbListviewIter); void (*ref) (DdbListviewIter); void (*unref) (DdbListviewIter); void (*select) (DdbListviewIter, int sel); int (*is_selected) (DdbListviewIter); int (*get_group) (DdbListviewIter it, char *str, int size); // drag-n-drop void (*drag_n_drop) (DdbListviewIter before, uint32_t *indices, int length); void (*external_drag_n_drop) (DdbListviewIter before, char *mem, int length); // callbacks void (*draw_group_title) (DdbListview *listview, GdkDrawable *drawable, DdbListviewIter iter, int x, int y, int width, int height); void (*draw_column_data) (DdbListview *listview, GdkDrawable *drawable, DdbListviewIter iter, DdbListviewIter group_iter, int column, int group_y, int x, int y, int width, int height); void (*list_context_menu) (DdbListview *listview, DdbListviewIter iter, int idx); void (*header_context_menu) (DdbListview *listview, int col); void (*handle_doubleclick) (DdbListview *listview, DdbListviewIter iter, int idx); void (*selection_changed) (DdbListviewIter it, int idx); void (*delete_selected) (void); void (*columns_changed) (DdbListview *listview); void (*column_size_changed) (DdbListview *listview, int col); void (*col_sort) (int col, int sort_order, void *user_data); void (*col_free_user_data) (void *user_data); void (*vscroll_changed) (int pos); } DdbListviewBinding; struct _DdbListviewColumn; struct _DdbListviewGroup; struct _DdbListview { GtkTable parent; // interaction with client DdbListviewBinding *binding; // cached gtk/gdk object pointers GtkWidget *list; GtkWidget *header; GtkWidget *scrollbar; GtkWidget *hscrollbar; int totalwidth; // width of listview, including invisible (scrollable) part GdkPixmap *backbuf; GdkPixmap *backbuf_header; const char *title; // unique id, used for config writing, etc int lastpos[2]; // last mouse position (for list widget) // current state int scrollpos; int hscrollpos; double clicktime; // for doubleclick detection // int nvisiblerows; // int nvisiblefullrows; int rowheight; int col_movepos; int drag_motion_y; // scrolling int scroll_mode; // 0=select, 1=dragndrop int scroll_pointer_y; float scroll_direction; int scroll_active; struct timeval tm_prevscroll; float scroll_sleep_time; // selection int areaselect; int areaselect_x; int areaselect_y; int areaselect_dx; int areaselect_dy; int dragwait; int shift_sel_anchor; // header int header_dragging; int header_sizing; int header_dragpt[2]; float last_header_motion_ev; //is it subject to remove? int prev_header_x; int header_prepare; struct _DdbListviewColumn *columns; struct _DdbListviewGroup *groups; int fullheight; int block_redraw_on_scroll; int grouptitle_height; }; struct _DdbListviewClass { GtkTableClass parent_class; }; GtkType ddb_listview_get_type(void); GtkWidget * ddb_listview_new(); void ddb_listview_set_binding (DdbListview *listview, DdbListviewBinding *binding); void ddb_listview_draw_row (DdbListview *listview, int idx, DdbListviewIter iter); int ddb_listview_get_vscroll_pos (DdbListview *listview); int ddb_listview_get_hscroll_pos (DdbListview *listview); DdbListviewIter ddb_listview_get_iter_from_coord (DdbListview *listview, int x, int y); int ddb_listview_handle_keypress (DdbListview *ps, int keyval, int state); void ddb_listview_set_cursor (DdbListview *pl, int cursor); void ddb_listview_scroll_to (DdbListview *listview, int rowpos); void ddb_listview_set_vscroll (DdbListview *listview, gboolean scroll); int ddb_listview_is_scrolling (DdbListview *listview); int ddb_listview_column_get_count (DdbListview *listview); void ddb_listview_column_append (DdbListview *listview, const char *title, int width, int align_right, int minheight, void *user_data); void ddb_listview_column_insert (DdbListview *listview, int before, const char *title, int width, int align_right, int minheight, void *user_data); void ddb_listview_column_remove (DdbListview *listview, int idx); int ddb_listview_column_get_info (DdbListview *listview, int col, const char **title, int *width, int *align_right, int *minheight, void **user_data); int ddb_listview_column_set_info (DdbListview *listview, int col, const char *title, int width, int align_right, int minheight, void *user_data); void ddb_listview_build_groups (DdbListview *listview); enum { DDB_REFRESH_COLUMNS = 1, DDB_REFRESH_HSCROLL = 2, DDB_REFRESH_VSCROLL = 4, DDB_REFRESH_LIST = 8, DDB_EXPOSE_COLUMNS = 16, DDB_EXPOSE_LIST = 32, }; void ddb_listview_refresh (DdbListview *listview, uint32_t flags); G_END_DECLS #endif // __DDBLISTVIEW_H